When a Stranger Calls Back (1993)
A young babysitter, all alone in the house with two children asleep above, is bothered by a...

Phantom Boy (2016)
A young boy with a terminal illness discovers he has the ability to astral project himself out of...

The Princess Bride (1987)
Movie Watch
A bedridden young boy is read a story called "The Princess Bride" by his grandfather, which tells...
Action Swashbuckling Romantic comedy Adventure

Sunset Boulevard (1950)
Movie Watch
An aging silent film queen refuses to accept that her stardom has ended. She hires a young...

Siege (1982)
A fascist group who call themselves the New Order want to set some "new rules" in town while the...

The LEGO Ninjango Movie (2017)
Movie Watch
A new animated adventure in Warner Bros. Pictures' LEGO: franchise, "The LEGO NINJAGO Movie' stars...

The Monster Squad (1987)
Movie Watch
A group of young friends obsessed with monsters has to save the world. After finding Van Helsing's...
80's monsters comedy cult classic