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Friday the 13th (1980)
Friday the 13th (1980)
1980 | Horror
Friday the 13th is great to look back on. It's full to the brim of cheesy over-the-top acting, weirdly boring sections and dodgy dialogue, but knowing how the horror and in particular slasher genre developed in the decades following, it's an easy film to love.

Following hot on the heels of Halloween, Friday the 13th is the slasher genre stripped down to it's bare bones - a group of horny teenagers isolated from the rest of the world, a relentless killer hunting them down one by one, until we're left with a lone final girl.
Tropes that have since become iconic, much like the setting of Camp Crystal Lake.
The summer camp setting has been aped and parodied for years following the films release back in 1980.

The practical effects used by the now legendary Tom Savini are still great. They may be showing their age, but I would take it over sub standard CGI any day. Throw in a frantic and memorable musical score courtesy of Harry Manfredini, a gleefully sinister performance from Betsy Palmer as Pamela Voorhees, and one of the greatest "Gotcha!" endings in horror cinema, and you have a title that's deserving of the love it gets.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Friday the 13th Part III (1982) in Movies

Mar 13, 2020 (Updated Mar 13, 2020)  
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
1982 | Horror
Sleepaway Camp 1982: 3D Jason
So this one is my favorite out of all them, its goes 3, 1, 4, 7, than who knows after that. The kills are fantastic, this movie is the first time you see Jason wearing the Hockey Mask. Plus its in 3D, yes thats right, 3D. Plus my second charcter Shelby. Thats right, he's my second favorite charcter, besides Jason. The loveable Shelby, fell so bad for him. Most to all of the deaths realie on the 3D espect, which is cool.

The plot: The third installment in the "Friday the 13th" series picks up on the day after the carnage with homicidal maniac Jason Voorhees (Richard Brooker) stealing some clothes and killing a local store owner. Meanwhile, Chris (Dana Kimmell) and her sometimes boyfriend, Rick (Paul Kratka), are hosting a group of teenage friends at Chris' lake house. Despite a run-in with a local biker gang, they enjoy an amiable weekend together -- that is, until Jason begins knocking off kids and bikers alike.

Part 3- takes place right after part 2, it even begins showing the ending of part II, which again is good. Plus that theme song, for this movie is epic, like a cool disco theme song.

Happy Friday The 13th Everybody.
Friday the 13th (2009)
Friday the 13th (2009)
2009 | Horror
6.6 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
This "remake" of the cult classic 80s slasher is actually one of those modern horror soft reboots, that could be considered a sequel, in this case, following on directly from the original, but ignoring any of the original follow ups.
It's probably not accurately, a re-tread of the first four films, all rolled into a slick looking update.
That's precisely what the main positive is. Friday the 13th looks great. It has good production values, largely practical effects when it comes to the nasty stuff, and even boasts a few striking images here and there.

The main man himself, Jason Voorhees, is portrayed here as a kind of hunter, merely protecting his territory, and this time around, he's an absolute beast, he's brutal, he runs, and he is genuinely quote terrifying at times. The film cycles through both his original potato sack look, and his more well know hockey mask look, and actor Derek Mears successfully plays him off as an imposing threat.
The rest of the cast is where Friday the 13th really suffers. With the exception of Jared Padalecki, Danielle Panabaker, and Arlen Escarpeta, none of the human characters are remotely likable. I get that the writers were probably going for the whole rooting-for-them-to-die-horribly schtick, but honestly, these characters are so exhausting, non-funny, and irritating that it genuinely makes the bulk of the movie unenjoyable.
There's zero character development, and an unnecessary opening narrative (that lasts 25 minutes) about a separate group of equally unlikable douche bags makes the plot an absolute drag.

I did like the opening scene, that re-tells the climax of the original film in a stylish black and white sequence with the odd flash if colour, and a lot of the Jason action and kills are ridiculous and exciting, and that makes Friday the 13th just about watchable as a dumb-but-entertaining popcorn horror.

Here's hoping the whole rights issue gets sorted soon so someone can try again!

Kevin Phillipson (9967 KP) rated Space: 1999 in TV

Sep 15, 2019 (Updated Sep 15, 2019)  
Space: 1999
Space: 1999
1975 | Sci-Fi
Martin Landau (3 more)
Barbara Bain
Eagle spacecrafrt
Moonbase alpha
So part of my childhood growing up in the 70s that I still remember this classic sci fi and according to the show the moon left eatrth orbit 13th September 1999 which would make it 20 years ago on Friday just been the effects are abit outdated by today's standards but that's part of its charm. Top notch acting from both Martin Landau and Barbara bain as the leads. And been remade on audio recently by big finish productions which I'm going to listening too in the future
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981)
1981 | Horror
7.1 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After the runaway success of the first Friday the 13th a mere year earlier, Part 2 is the first of many sequels spaffed out in a short space of time. The sequels are mostly ok, certainly watchable, with only a couple that I would say step into crappy territory.
Part 2 is one of the half decent ones, and for better or worse, I actually quietly love it.
Not too dissimilar to its predecessor, it's overflowing with over acting. This time around, the dialogue is pretty much balls awful and cheesy, but it's not enough to stop me from enjoying what is a damn fun horror sequel.
It set the stage for what slasher follow ups would become known for - more gore, more victims, more nudity, more silliness. It's just the way these things go and Friday the 13th Part 2 arguably introduced these sequel tropes to the world.

Of course, this is our first proper introduction to Jason, pre hockey mask, and I've always found Part 2 Jason to be quite intimidating. The hockey mask is undoubtedly iconic, and cemented Jason as a horror icon, but here he dons some dungarees and a potato sack over his face. There's something truly unsettling about a big dude in that get up, chasing people with a massive pick axe.
The closing moments of the movie boasts a memorable 'gotcha' moment once again, whilst showing off the decent make up and effects work, and a returning Harry Manfredini is present once again to provide a jarring music score.

Part 2 is trashy in parts but I can't help but love it. 💀

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Friday the 13th Part III (1982) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
Friday the 13th Part III (1982)
1982 | Horror
Chris and her friends just want to have a good time this weekend, so they're taking a trip to her family's nice, relaxing family cabin in Higgins Haven. Unfortunately for them, Jason survived his encounter with Ginny from the last film. He winds up at a store where he kills a married couple and gets a change of clothes. Higgins Haven just happens to be close by. Chris has more than one reason for going on this trip though. She was attacked a few years ago by a hideously disfigured man and is facing her fears in hopes of moving past it. Could this mysterious man and Jason have something in common?

This is the film that introduced us to the hockey mask and was originally in 3-D. It's a shame that's all it really offers though. Watching the 3-D version now will just leave you with a horrible headache. I actually prefer the film in 2-D. The nudity in the film is also rather light and before you jump on me for saying that, that's one of the main things you look forward to in a Friday the 13th film; Jason Voorhees, inventive kills, T&A, and maybe a few laughs. That's what makes the Friday the 13th films fun. Especially compared to the first two films, sideboob and a brief glimpse in the shower doesn't really cut it. I guess what really ruined it for me was the homages to the first film. By the way, what the hell is up with the ending? And why does Mrs. Voorhees suddenly have her head again? It wasn't a bad idea to do a few throwbacks to the original, but it felt like too much by the end of the film.
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
1984 | Horror
The original and by far the best of the Nightmare series. Wes Craven’s film is like most 80’s movies looking a little dated in 2019 particularly in its special effects but to me still holds up very well as an original and unsettling horror thriller that puts a unique supernatural spin on the well established slasher formula. The film’s ace is in it’s boogeyman Freddy Krueger, coming after the silent killers of ‘Halloween’ and ‘Friday the 13th’ Robert Englund’s iconic Freddy actually had a personality and the sequels realising his popularity put him front and centre with much more screen time and subsequently making him considerably less scary . Craven conjures up some memorable kill scenes here and the concept of being vulnerable somewhere seemingly as safe as in your dreams makes for a great horror movie.
Hell Fest (2018)
Hell Fest (2018)
2018 | Horror
Just ok
While I love horror movies, i'm more of a "creature feature" fan than a "slasher flick" one. That being said this one turned out pretty decent. It brings back to mind some of the slasher films of the eighties. The acting was decent and the effects were ok. The concept was pretty good- some friends go to a horror themed park (like many towns have on Halloween) and a killer is hiding in the midst. If you enjoy movies like "Halloween" or "Friday the 13th" you'll enjoy this one, too. The ending was a little weird, but, as with most of these types of films, left it open for a sequel (and knowing Hollywood, there will probably be one). Overall, this was an entertaining horror film that gives you what you expect. Worth a watch.

Chayu (810 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Nov 26, 2019  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Story (0 more)
Not my Joker, but still a great one
Not my Joker, but still a great one none the less. I am a fan of a Ledger Joker and that story. This movie was more disturbing and scary than the Friday 13th, and there wasn't even any gore or much killing. Music, scenery, scary clown make-up and laughter...all of it made me feel disgusted. City (Gotham) filled with trash, people hating and willing to beat up everyone just for fun, psychological problems of our main character with no one to help him, humiliation. There is so much going on in this movie, and all of it is dark. Worth watching if you need a little darkness in your life.

Chris Sawin (602 KP) rated Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019 (Updated Jun 21, 2019)  
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives (1986)
1986 | Horror
Tommy Jarvis is hellbent on proving that Jason is dead once and for all. That's why he's driving out to where he's buried to know for sure. A fellow inmate from the institution, Allen Hawes, tags along with him and once Tommy sees Jason's dilapidated body, the memories come flooding back to him. His temper gets the best of him as he rips off a piece of the iron fence nearby and stabs Jason repeatedly. Leaving the iron rod in Jason's chest, he turns his back for a moment only to have the rod be struck by lightning. To make things worse, Camp Crystal Lake (now renamed Camp Forest Green) is about to re-open with new counselors ripe for the picking. Now back from the dead and in a zombified state, Jason is back and is more unstoppable than ever.

This film begins the undead Jason trilogy of the Friday the 13th films and to be honest, that's my favorite version of Jason. I'm not sure if others view it as a guilty pleasure, but I enjoy this sequel almost as much as some of the first few sequels. And after the disappointment of the last film in the interesting kills department, we get quite a few this time around. One of the most memorable is Nikki getting her face shoved into the wall of the bathroom in the RV only to see the imprint of her face come through the other side. Sheriff Harris' death is also pretty incredible. Seeing a guy get bent in half in the opposite direction is always a crowd pleaser. Hawes' death has to be the best one though. Jason sticks his hand through Hawes and explodes through his back holding his heart. While there is sex in the film, there's no nudity that I can recall. Normally that would hurt a Friday the 13th film, but the great kills and overall entertaining feel of the entire film really made up for it for me.