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The Bad Batch (2016)
The Bad Batch (2016)
2016 | Drama
Being in the wasteland is just as boring as this movie
I thought with a cast like Keanu, Jim Carey, and Jason Momoa this might have been a decent movie. I was so wrong. The movie started out so gruesome that I thought we were going to get a mad max type of movie. I slowly went down hill from there.

This movie is about a girl that joins the bad batch, a group of people that are sentenced to Texas. Ouch, talk about the perfect prison. This new wasteland, as far as I can tell is divided into 2 groups. Cannibals and Stoners. With the only plot being get a little girl back to here father there was not much else going on.

It seems like the whole movie was just setting up these 2 worlds that really didn't make much sense. Although The Comfort was definitely a better place to live, they really didn't say how they pick the people that can stay there. They are boarded up by shipping containers which leads me to believe they want to keep bad people out, but then again they are all "bad". So maybe the really bad. They just seemed to not care who came and went.

I think the only good thing in the movie was Jim Carrey. Funny enough he didn't even have a spoken line, I didn't even recognize him.

Eating people and getting high could not save this move. Like I always say, I don't want to hold anyone back from seeing a movie because of me. If you like it let me know why. And as always enjoy the show.

Sarah (7798 KP) created a post

Feb 21, 2019  
Last night I went to watch a stage version of The Full Monty at Manchester’s Opera House. The film is fantastic, so I was interested to see how well they pulled the stage version off.

The play was great, and such a lot of fun. It was really funny although maybe a little too foul mouthed in parts (I’m sure people from Sheffield don’t swear that much!), but highly entertaining. They used all of the songs and scenes from the original film, and some extra backing music that fit in with the rest. The plot was identical to the film so they haven’t really changed much, and the set design was quite good. They’ve pulled off a steel works well, however the only issue is that because of the steel works design, there wasn’t a lot of moveable set pieces and while they tried their best, some of the switches to none steel works scenes didn’t work as well. Cast wise, this is the first play I’ve seen where I actually recognised the majority of the main actors. Admittedly they weren’t Hollywood stars, but in the UK at least they’re fairly recognisable faces if you’ve ever seen soaps or sitcoms - Gary Lucy (Hollyoaks, Footballers Wives) , James Redmond (Hollyoaks), Louis Emerick (Brookside), Andrew Dunn (Dinnerladies) and Kai Owen (Torchwood) made it all the more enjoyable to watch. They all performed well too, although my only criticism is that there were some very dodgy Yorkshire accents from some. Maybe not something everyone would notice.

In all though this is hilarious and highly entertaining play, and a really fun night out. Definitely worth seeing if you liked the film 9/10

Andy K (10821 KP) Feb 23, 2019

Wish I could see this!

Isn't It Romantic (2019)
Isn't It Romantic (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Romance
A slightly self-aware rom-com (yet still a rom-com)
Isn't it Romantic is a self-aware pseudo re-telling of the Bridget Jones' Diary plot. Perennial walkover Natalie (Rebel Wilson) fawns over hunky douche-bag men, while missing the decent, down-to-earth man who clearly has feelings for her. Told from an early age by her mum (a brief, wasted appearance by Jennifer Saunders) that she isn't good enough for fairy tale romance and she shouldn't expect it, Natalie is a huge critic of Rom-Coms and hates their cheesy plots. A bump on the head sees her waking up in a fantasy version of New York where men fall at her feet and she has the apartment of her dreams and a new gay best friend. Finding herself in the plot of her own rom-com, she ends up dating the aforementioned hunky douche-bag while the decent, down-to-earth guy dates a swimwear model.
Some laugh-out-loud moments from here on, as her annoyance at the ridiculous cheesy world she's found herself in. Something similar to Disney Channel's Teen Beach Movie (which I don't mind admitting I love!), but with more adult themes.
But in the end the film lets itself down by falling into the trap of the typical rom-com plot. It nearly saves itself and serves as a good, feminist message but then lets itself down in the dying minutes by reverting to type.
A good funny rom-com but not necessarily the anti-rom-com it bills itself as. Watched with my wife and 11-year-old daughter, it is mostly fine for that age.
The Small Chandelier
The Small Chandelier
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have a question do you ever think that maybe you can go into the spiritual world? Well, I cannot answer it for sure but you can experience it a bit in the book called “The Small Chandelier.”

We some our see what our world could become and that there a mission for Peace on Earth. It starts once Jenny gets bitten by a snake? We go adventure with Joseph and then things start to get more exciting as he starts to investigate and find out if his wife was bitten by a snake.

Mary tells the tale and the story quite well. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. It funny a little bit but it shows what could happen to our world if it not already happening now. We may be experiencing some of what been going on in this book. With some of the events that we had this year and last year with ellipses and the leaders around the world. Peace on Earth could be in the works here on earth.

Please do know that this is a work of fiction so please know that I have not really an idea that it really happening in our real world. It could be just coincidence that what is mentioned in this book that the author is using it for some of her plots.

Other than that the author plot is done well and grabs your attention. I have read a few other books by her and they are just as good. I would suggest picking up one of her books and reading it.
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Not bad, but nothing special
The first Ant-Man film was a pleasant surprise and much better than expected, but it was still lacking in some of the magic of the other Marvel films. Sadly Ant-Man and The Wasp suffers even more than the first.

I love Paul Rudd and I think he's the best thing about this film by far, his Scott Lang is nothing other than lovable. The second best things about this film are Michael Douglas who is surprisingly funny and of course Michael Pena, but sadly the rest of the cast fall flat. The bad guys aren't particularly threatening and the whole film lacks any real threat, tension or suspense. I'm also not a big fan of Hope. I have nothing against Evangeline Lilly but I find Hope a little dull and irritating and not endearing in the slightest.

The effects in this are good but after the first film there's nothing particularly remarkable. The plot just seems a bit generic and boring, and the film drags and it isn't even on for 2 hours. I just found the whole thing a bit meh, it's entertaining enough with just enough humour and nods to the other Marvel characters but it's nothing special. What I liked the most was the toy-like end credits sequence. Oh and the post credits scene is totally not worth it. This isn't a bad Marvel film, and certainly isn't anywhere near the likes of Iron Man 3, but it's just a good/average film lacking anything memorable. And that's not good enough when it has to follow something like Infinity War.
Under the Radar
Under the Radar
Lillian Francis | 2019 | History & Politics, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Under the Radar by Lillian Francis
Under the Radar is a wonderful story about two opposites - An American playboy and a Welsh innocent. They are opposite in other ways too, but that just makes them fit together perfectly. Zachary has been 'expelled' from the US Air Force after an indiscretion, and his punishment is to become a Submariner. A harsh punishment indeed for someone who loves the sky. Gethin is from a farm in Wales, and happy to be on the submarine. These two shouldn't really fit, but they do.

I loved how this story came about. There is an incredible amount of research that has gone into it, and the descriptions are compelling. I literally found myself having to straighten my shoulders after hunching them over as I was reading! This is a slow-burn romance, with some funny parts in there as Gethin's innocence stops him from reading Zachary's overtures.

This was exceptionally written, with no editing or grammatical errors that I noticed. The characters are all magnificent, especially the supporting cast. I'm so glad I got one of the 'bad guys' right, but I won't say who or when. Everything about this book ticked my boxes - from the descriptions of war-time rations, to how some of them spoke Polari (LOVED that inclusion!). I really hope this isn't the last we see of Zachary and Gethin. I'm sure they could have some amazing adventures together.

Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Strong, but likable female lead, Great action, Funny moments, 90's references (0 more)
The beginning is a little slow (0 more)
I'm a fan of the Marvel films (I've never read any of the comics), but I have felt that of late, they have been a bit formulaic. Although 'Captain Marvel' does deliver on some of those things that you expect from a Marvel film, it gives the viewer something different.

Captain Marvel portrayed a strong, but also likable woman and I really liked the empowering message this film sends across.

I really enjoyed the twists and unexpected turns this film has. Captain Marvel's origin story wasn't told in a linear way and I think that this made a refreshing change from how Marvel uses an entire film to explore this. We were drip fed some of the details within the action itself, which left you trying to work everything out for yourself.

There are some great action sequences in this and generally, this was very exciting. I loved the interactions between Captain Marvel, Nick Fury and particularly, the cat!

I also enjoyed the 90's references, it reminded me of my teenage years ( but it also made me feel a bit old too!).

My only negative observations would be that, although I liked that Captain Marvel's origin story was told in a different way, I found it to be a little confusing at times. I also thought that the first half an hour was a little bit slow.

However, this picked up and ended up being a really enjoyable film. I look forward to seeing 'Captain Marvel' in future Marvel films.
Everything Sucks - Season 1
Everything Sucks - Season 1
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
It's a dramedy that takes place in the 90s. I'm talking so 90's it hurts. Three high school freshmen in Boring, Oregan start off their first year of high school in a big way. Hopefully they wont embarrass themselves.

I absolutely fell in love with this show. First of all, it is funny and feels more like a comedy. Nevertheless, the characters are complex and the situations are interesting and emotional.

The young actors, Peyton Kennedy, Jahi Winston, and Rio Mangini especially, do some great work. I think it's great that they actually look like young high school kids. Nonetheless, the are able to bring the emotion.

The show has themes of relationships, self-discovery, growing up, and how the 90s influenced that. There are some very positive representations of discovering sexuality. Not only as a young adult, but some of the older adults recently out of long term relationships also learn what it is to love and trust again.

Finally, one of the big plot points is the making of a movie in the kids AV club. It's actually really impressive when you see just how intensive a process that was not even 20 years ago.

All in all, the characters are the ones that sell the show. The show often ends on cliff hangers making you wanting to come back. My wife and I watched it through twice in one week. It's only 10 episodes and every single one of them is well worth it.

Also, shout out to the 90s tunes. Most of which are still songs on pretty much any of my playlists.
The Last Black Unicorn
The Last Black Unicorn
Tiffany Haddish | 2018 | Biography
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been wanting to read this book ever since I saw Haddish's interview on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah. This woman is HILARIOUS. Somehow I didn't realize she was in the movie Girls Night until I read about it in her book - I really do need to see that movie. That aside, this book was pretty great. It's written in her speaking style, so it's not technically correct grammar, but it SOUNDS right, which is more important in a memoir, in my opinion. It's supposed to show the author's personality, and this does.

I don't know that I'd put this on quite the same level as Trevor Noah's Born A Crime, or Jenny Lawson's Furiously Happy, but it's not far behind them. Haddish talks about her childhood in the foster system and then raised by her grandmother, her string of no-good boyfriends, and her abusive marriage. She's had a rough life, but somehow she's come out of it with a gift for comedy and a grounded personality.

Her swamp tour with Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith is one of the most hilarious stories in the book, and one of the few that is purely funny. Most of them are underscored with a serious issue that make me feel a little bad for laughing at them, but Haddish laughs at them, so how can you not? It's an interesting conflict that leaves me with slightly mixed feelings about the book.

It's a pretty quick, easy, fun read, and if you like Tiffany Haddish, it definitely shows what she's gone through to get where she is now.

You can find all my reviews at
The Game (Carolina Connections, #4)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Game by Sylvie Stewart

Four Stars

I liked this story a lot. Gavin was too cute with his boyish charm and looks. I thought it was really funny that he was the youngest in his group and that they called him Junior. I admired the way that he putted himself up after drowning in self pity for two years. He was doing everything he could to better himself. He wasn’t big headed or egotistical. He was so patient through it all and I know I wouldn’t have done the same. I would’ve blew up at Emmy for the things she did. Emmy was so hard working and hard so much strength. I didn’t understand how her dad couldn’t be proud of her. It sucks because even in 2017 we still have people like Emmy's dad. They only see people in status and careers. They don’t see that these people work just as hard and most times harder then themselves. Judging them by their background not by their actions. It’s a very sad thing when a daughter can’t be proud to take her man in front of her dad and receive his approval. I did think Emmy tried to hard to please her father. She put so much in getting his smiles and approval that she lacked a life and knowledge of relationships. Through some of the earlier chapters I didn’t really like her. She was so indecisive not really knowing what she wanted but having Gavin along anyway. Je was very mature in handling her doubts and rejections. The author did a really good job on this story and I cant wait to get the next one.