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    Oscar the Cat - Virtual Pet

    Oscar the Cat - Virtual Pet

    Games, Entertainment and Stickers

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    He's white, he's fluffy and absolutely adorable! Oscar the Cat - Virtual Pet is a new talking cat...

Justice League International, Vol. 5
Justice League International, Vol. 5
Keith Giffen | 1989 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been enjoying this trip down Memory Lane. The 80s were a fun time, especially the comics! I remember I couldn't get enough "Bwa-hahahaha", i.e. anything JLI, JLA, or JLE-related, in my life! When they brought then-newcomer Adam Hughes on as artist, JLA got turned out up to 11! Unfortunately, this was not that volume; that's the next volume)!

When I think back to this point in the 80s, the fun times, laugh riot that was the JLA brings a great amount of joy to my collective consciousness. I can't even remember anything I didn't like about any of the stories in the run. Then, I started reading Vol. 5..

So, yeah, the characters were still great fun! I miss the fun Wally West/Flash! :( Giffen and DeMatteis continued to churn out some of the funniest JLA stories! The JLEurope ones weren't AS funny as the JLAmerica/JLI stories were, but still fun nonetheless.

Now, the art? OOF! That's a whole other thing! I don't recall disliking it when I first read the issues in the 80s. I can recall meeting Bart Sears at a comic shop signing around the time of the series debut, and I thought he was friendly and likeable.

However, after this re-visit, I am disappointed to say that I found Sears' art to be not as enjoyable. The characters, both male and female, looked distorted and, in some cases, wicked muscular. And the facial expressions? Um, NO! Yeah, the art was enough of a disappointment that I almost gave it 2 Stars.

The saving grace of this TPB was the last story, from JLI Annual #3, "Around the World with the Justice League". Not only was it the first appearance of the island of Kooeykooeykooey, but it also featured some knockout pencils from Mike McKone and even more stellar inks from Bruce D. Patterson! if memory serves, the team of McKone-Patterson continued to do the annuals for the remainder of the JLI/JLA run.

It's not a perfect TPB, but again, the writing was on target, and the art in the last part of the book was pretty solid. Overall, you can read it, but it won't wow ya! Jus' sayin'...
Tell Me It's Real (At First Sight, #1)
Tell Me It's Real (At First Sight, #1)
T.J. Klune | 2013
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog
A Romance Reader's Reviews

Well, right from the start this had me laughing as Paul introduced himself. It was very frank and pretty much laugh-out-loud at times. He doesn't have the best opinion of himself, bless him, but he's so fun. And then he meets eyes with Vince while out at his friends drag queen performance at a bar/club and things go from there. Vince is not backing down about his intentions to date Paul, while Paul cannot believe that this younger, attractive, really nice if slightly dumb man, wants him and fights it tooth and nail.

They have a text conversation about a third of the way through the book that almost had me laughing like an idiot. The text faces that Vince was sending Paul were frigging hilarious. The Sex Face one is going to stick with me for a long time: >_<

And let's not forget Paul's parents. Oh. My. God! They are so funny it's not fair. I almost had tears streaming down my face at one point. They all go to nan's house for a meal and ignoring Johnny Depp, the homophobic parrot, they get into a conversation about how they met and it's stuff like this that has me crying with laughter at times. Vince, bless him. Not the smartest but he's a real sweetheart.
"He was choking to death in a restaurant," Vince explained
"I was not!" I said.
"On like a burrito or something."
"It was spinach."
"Anyway, he would have died had I not done the haemorrhoid manoeuvre."
"Heimlich. It's Heimlich."

There were so many conversations like this, with some crazy stuff being discussed and I LOVED it! They were such a cute couple and they gelled so well. It was so obvious they truly needed each other at the time that they found each other. Paul needed to let himself be loved and Vince needed someone to be there for him after a family issue. It was amazing!

I'm going to be keeping my eye out for other books in this series.
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
A dark, dark twist on the superhero genre.
Before I start, a disclaimer: I drastically misinterpreted the story of this movie from the trailer.

Another disclaimer: I really don't like horror movies!

Yes, this is a horror movie. Not the scariest, I imagine. Having not seen many to compare it to, I can only guess. But it had its jump-scares, and its gory scenes, and a constant, overwhelming tension that made you feel like the next second will contain something that will make you leap from your seat.

The story is an interesting one, that hasn't yet been done to death. What if Superman grew up evil? At no point does this film act like, or compare itself to, a superhero film, but that's the basic premise.

This ticks all the boxes for a standard horror flick - strong, beautiful female, slightly annoying husband punching above his weight, and a creepy-looking kid who you just know is going to be evil.

Some scenes are graphically violent, some were uncomfortably creepy, others were just kinda funny. Fans of horror movies will probably feel a little underwhelmed here, because as much as I was scared out of my mind for most of it, true horror aficionados will likely expect more scares for their money. Similarly, if you enjoy comic book movies, this REALLY isn't the film for you. The premise might have its roots in the superhero genre, but Superman, it isn't!

Unexpected scares aside, it wasn't a bad movie, really. The ending had a nice spin to it that you don't see all that often. There's also footage over the early credits that suggests this film may be the beginning of a larger universe - a concept begun with the MCU and since adopted by a number of studios and franchises. While few have seen even a glimpse of Marvel's success, this has the same amount of potential as Godzilla's Monsterverse, at least.

If you pay for your cinema tickets, save your money for something more worthy. If you have a monthly pass and can see whatever you want, catch this one if you're bored sometime. Failing that, watch it at home so you can leave the lights on and not look like a baby!