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Revenge isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, that’s what Livark is learning. Blackmailed she turns thief for a wizard and lands herself in a plot that threatens the existence of the known world.

Livark is a gambler basically a grifter. She is the main character and her story is told in 1st person pov. There are other povs involved that are third person? Which include but are not limited to Casuel a wizard that is so easy to hate. That sorry sycophant. And Planir the Black Archmage.
You also meet Shiv another wizard that partners with Livark (blackmails really) he is also the first character that I had ever read that was openly gay. Or how did he put it. “Doesn’t cross the dance floor to find his partner.” Maybe not a direct quote but close. Also, Darni and Rashad warriors as well as a few other characters. If you want excitement danger and magic, this is a book for you. Edited: It is also very violent, blunt, and graphic in its content.
Music From Another World
Music From Another World
Robin Talley | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, LGBTQ+, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Music From Another World is a powerful and emotional read, about fighting for freedom and acceptance and the amazing feeling when you finally find a crowd where you can really fit in!


It’s summer 1977 and closeted lesbian Tammy Larson can’t be herself anywhere. Not at her strict Christian high school. Not at her conservative Orange County church. And certainly not at home, where her ultra religious aunt relentlessly organizes anti gay political campaigns. Tammy’s only outlet is writing secret letters in her diary to gay civil rights activist Harvey Milk… until she has a real-life pen pal who changes everything.

Sharon Hawkins will bond with Tammy over punk music and carefully shared secrets, and soon their letters become the one place she can be honest. The rest of her life in San Francisco is full of lies. The kind she tells for others - like helping her gay brother hide the truth from their mom. But as anti gay fervor in America reaches a frightening new pitch, Sharon and Tammy must rely on their long-distance friendship to discover their deeply personal truths. What they’ll stand for…and who they’ll rise against.

<b><i>My Thoughts: </i></b>

From the very first moment I read the synopsis, I knew I needed to read this book. It seemed filled with 1970's spirit, the movement to be brave and honest. The discussions in this book are through the form of letters or diary entries, which I really enjoyed. This writing style helped me get through the book extremely quickly. 

We get to meet the two girls, Tammy and Sharon, both very different, but both struggling with the same issues of being contained in a world where they cannot be themselves. And even though this particular book is about the LGBTQ+ community, I believe this issue also applies to anything else in life, where people feel like they cannot be who they really are. Sometimes it is religion, other times it is political opinions, it could even be different hobbies where the person feels needs to contain in themselves because of the fear they might be frowned upon or laughed at.

<b><i>It is amazing to see how the world has progressed over the years, where people start feeling like they can finally express who they really are. It is not yet ideal, but I have a good feeling we are getting there. There is also the very powerful force of the internet, the advantage people didn't have before, to find people across the globe that share the same beliefs and interests. </i></b>

Music From Another World really moved me, and it brought up various emotions. It talks about the struggles and the reprimands, but it also talks about real happiness and laughter. The amazing feeling when you finally find a crowd that accepts you and where you truly belong. I believe this is the first book with a plot that made me feel so happy, so sad and so angry at the same time. 

Thank you to NetGalley and the HQ Team, for sending me an ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Headshot (Model Love)
Headshot (Model Love)
JP Sayle | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kit runs Garfield House which is a refuge for boys/young men that have been exiled by so-called friends and family for being gay!

The previous landlord has passed away and Kit is having to deal with his pompous nephew who is against everything Garfield house stands for. Kit then has the rug pulled from underneath him when said nephew decides to put the building on the market he's now got to find a way to keep the boys he's taken in safe and secure as he promised he would.

This is a beautifully written story. You get to see both sides of the story from each character's point of view and I think it's fantastic. Having an understanding of what both men are thinking and feeling makes you involved in the story and their growing relationship.

There is a lot of passion in this book especially when Kit and Jack admit their feelings for each other but it's not done in a tasteless way.

This book is part of a series but can also be read as a stand-alone, I personally am interested in reading about the other characters and finding out their stories. I am definitely hooked!

I rate this book 5/5 and recommend you read it.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

Erika (17788 KP) rated Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness in TV

Mar 29, 2020 (Updated Mar 29, 2020)  
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness
Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness
2020 | Crime, Documentary
What the f--- did I just watch? All of these people were cuckoo-cuckoo for coco puffs.
This documentary features some of the strangest flipping people I've ever watched, all big cat enthusiast. I love cats, so I was most interested in them. I could not handle if there was anything mean done to them, and was thinking, well, your ass should be mauled at this point.
There was a strange sex cult big cat place, a sanctuary, and a rural, hick, white trash zoo. The craziest person was Joe Exotic, a gay, mullet-haired, polygamous, obsessed with big cats and killing the lady of the big cat sanctuary. Did the big cat sanctuary lady kill her husband? Was there really a murder for hire plot?
The one negative is the organization of the docu-series. It didn't make sense to me, and could have been better.
Anyway, if you want to see an interesting cross-section of America, and love cats and true crime documentaries, this is the show for you. Crime docs are one of the only things Netflix does right.
Dinner At The Happy Skeleton
Dinner At The Happy Skeleton
Chris Chalmers | 2017 | LGBTQ+
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
For more reviews please visit

When I was approached by the author, I was a little bit unsure, how I am going to react to this book. Before this book, I haven’t read other books about gay guys, but because I like to read different types of books (you will not know whether you like it until you try it), I decided to give this book a go, and I had very educational experience with this novel.

The blurb above described this novel very very accurately. The main character in this novel is Dan, and the whole book was told from Dan’s perspective. I really liked Dan’s personality in this book, I think he is very believable, funny, nice person, and I would like to have a friend like Dan.

The whole narrative of this book felt a lot like a diary. I really enjoyed reading not only Dan’s present life events but also, his memories about his ex-boyfriend, who brought Dan a lot of trust issues. As a person, who knows very little about gay people’s lives, I found this book very educational. I learned about gay guys lifestyle, and it was very interesting to have an insight into how they feel. This book for me felt a lot like reading a Chick lit book, but instead of a girl telling a story, it was a guy. (I hope you get what I mean…) The whole story is flowing very evenly, and I was missing the depth in this book, some deep conflict, which Dan could battle. The whole plot of this book has very close resemblance with author’s bio down below, so I strongly believe, that there are some true facts and stories which author shared in this novel, and it just increased my curiosity, of which parts are true, and which ones are fictional.

The writing style of this book is really pleasant and I really enjoyed how Chris Chalmers portrayed all the little details about London, Dan’s personal feelings and interesting experiences. The chapters used in this novel are pretty short, so it was easy to read and it didn’t leave me bored. I would like to throw in a DISCLAIMER, that there is quite a lot of sex scenes/ talks in this book. The ending of this novel left me satisfied, as it is well deserved and rounds up this book really nicely. So, to conclude, it was a very interesting experience for me, where I got to feed my curiosity, and read some pretty interesting stories, which could’ve been based on true facts, and I do recommend to give it a try, you never know, you might enjoy it. &#x1f642;
Was given this book by the author for an honest review.
Bad Feminist
Bad Feminist
Roxane Gay | 2014 | Biography
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A mixed bag of essays
Roxane Gay is a gifted writer no doubt, but like a lot of her more prominent work, there are huge amounts of autobiographical information that didn't seem completely relevant.

Her essays on the intersection of feminism with misogynistic pop culture was incredibly on point, exploring E.L. James' infamous BDSM novel Fifty Shades of Grey, as well as other popular novels such as Twilight. She briefly mentions rape culture and how all of the above feeds into this notion.

Similarly her discussion on how race is portrayed in major Hollywood motion pictures is accurately disturbing - showing how African Americans are used in plots as a way to prop up white protagonists (The Help, Django Unchained).

Some of her other chapters seemed disconnected as if they were put in the book because there was no other place for it. This appears in the chapter on Scrabble. (Playing Scrabble doesn't make you a bad feminist).

There were a lot of haphazard thoughts that didn't quite thread together with the rest of the book ie. abortion rights, and male politicians' views on body autonomy. Gay was pretty adamant on her views on this, which appeared to showcase her opinion that she truly is a feminist.

The underlying message was that you may have flaws by enjoying aspects of pop culture, but as long as you are aware of how important it is that women receive equal rights, you can be any kind of feminist. But the book does feel as if she's trying to prove it to herself and to the world which seems rather unnecessary. We believe you Roxane.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Love, Simon (2018) in Movies

Jun 29, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Love, Simon (2018)
Love, Simon (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Simon Spier keeps a huge secret from his family, his friends, and all of his classmates: he's gay. When that secret is threatened, Simon must face everyone and come to terms with his identity.

I had been looking forward to this one, book adaptation... of course I was going to be... so getting this as our secret screening was fun great. But it really divided the pack and there was much discussion online about it after. But not so much about the film. I'm going to get the grumpy portion of this out of the way first.

I think this is only the second secret screening I've been to. The first one was Molly's Game, which again, was one I'd been looking forward to seeing, and when the card came up at the beginning I think only one person left. It certainly wasn't many. The card comes up for this one... well, it was like a mass exodus. Without the film even rolling I think we lost about half a dozen people. After the first couple of minutes we lost another load. It was that second lot that made me lose faith in humanity a little, because it wasn't more than seconds after Simon says that he's gay that I heard disapproving noises and footsteps trotting out of seats.

Most people online said the same thing about their cinemas. And I know that you don't have to watch every film ever made. But don't just turn your nose up at it because (and here's me being optimistic) it's a young adult film/novel. If you turned your nose up at it because its main character is gay... well... welcome to the real world, they're here, they're queer, and they're here to stay.

I was pleased to see that lots of people gave it a chance, and many seemed to enjoy it. There was a lot of hate for it from others though, and honestly, when you read the comments for it... well, just don't read the comments. For every good there is a bad, but most of the bad either just walked out or don't really give much in the way of a genuine excuse. Several feel like they're being cheated by Cineworld for showing things that aren't blockbusters... people... this isn't how these things work. Trust me, the company comes to the middle man who presents it to the consumer. Business 101. Companies know that you're going to pay to see their big blockbusters and buy their merchandise... why would they give it to you for free? (Yes I know we all have Unlimited cards and essentially get them for free, but you get my meaning.) There's already hype around them, they don't need more. Anyway, away from my rant.

Love, Simon was a wonderful film, and despite what some are saying, (sorry, swerving into rant territory there again) it was laugh out loud funny... and everyone was laughing. Except those people who left without giving it a chance... wow, sorry, I just can't let this go.

If you haven't quite forgotten your teenage years you'll see lots of bits in this that really ring a bell. Those awkward moments, the crushes, the annoying teachers, the pain. If you've experienced any of them then there will be bits that you physically react to. You can feel the emotions that are running around the characters, you know the decisions they're making are good, bad and terrible, and you can almost see the future. As the story unfolds you really do get pulled along with Simon. You feel his pain and you feel his joy.

A genuine smile inducing film. I think you can see my favourite bit in one of the trailers... straight people not having to come out... it honestly cracked me up.

Of course the book is in the TBR, I'll get round to it eventually. But regardless of how it stacks up next to the book is was a wonderful film. You can only hope that it is enlightening to some that watch it, and helpful to others.