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Peppermint (2018)
Peppermint (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Thriller
Jennifer Garner (1 more)
The action scenes and Gunplay
The story overall is pretty lackluster and by the numbers (1 more)
The last 30 minutes are unnecessary should have ended right after the cartel base operation Siege sequence
Female Punisher the movie
Overall I didn't hate this movie like most people have I thought it was decent and went out to do what advertised to do which is be an action movie with a Strong badass female lead
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
The Fate of the Furious (2017)
2017 | Action
Somebody please tell me, at what point did a movie series about illegal street racing become a large, dumb, action blockbuster?

Because that's what this film is.

Don't get me wrong - I enjoy large, dumb, action block-busters!

Known in the UK as simply Fast and Furious 8, this one sees Dim - for reasons - turning against his former crew, leading to multiple car chases, explosions, fights, gunplay, muscle flexing and good cop/bad cop buddy buddy repartee between several of its core cast - the latter most noticeably between The Rock and Jason Statham, who now have their own spin-off movie - finally culminating in a long (20 minutes?) set piece across the frozen ice as they try to stop a stolen nuclear submarine from escaping to sea.
    Max Payne Mobile

    Max Payne Mobile

    Games and Entertainment

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    Max Payne, the award-winning title is now available for iOS. A fugitive undercover cop framed for...


David McK (3219 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider in Video Games

Dec 14, 2019  
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
Shadow Of The Tomb Raider
2018 | Action/Adventure
The third - and final? - entry in EA's reboot of the Tomb Raider series (after both the simply named 'Tomb Raider' and 'Rise of the Tomb Raider'), a series that completely ignores all previous Tomb Raider games ever released since 1996(!).

This time, Lara is out to save the world from an apocalyptic Mayan threat that she has unleashed by accident: a task that seemingly involves lots of sneaking around (far more that I remember in the previous entries) punctuated by occasional bursts of gunplay. And very few Tombs that need raiding.

Personally, I find it somewhat ironic that the series as a whole seems to be trying to ape the (IMO, better) 'Uncharted' series, with added quicktime events, as that - Uncharted - series itself is obviously heavily inspired by the earlier Tomb Raider games, which themselves had faced criticism of being 'Indiana Jane'! It's almost as if we've come full circle here ...

David McK (3219 KP) rated True Lies (1994) in Movies

Mar 29, 2020 (Updated Apr 10, 2022)  
True Lies (1994)
True Lies (1994)
1994 | Action, Comedy, Mystery
The early to mid 90s were a great time for action movies.

Cliffhanger. Speed. And this.

Starring a pre-Governator Arnold Schwarzenneger, Jamie Lee Curtis, and a pre-TVs-Faith-from-Buffy Eliza Dushku, this basically posits the question "What if James Bond was a family man? And what if his wife doesn't know he's a spy?"

When he then discovers that said wife is - he thinks - having an affair (but is in reality falling victim to a scam artist), he then decides to 'give her a bit of excitement', which leads to her getting caught up in his 'real' job and finding out more about his life!

With a rarely-looking-hotter Tia Carrere, those tango scenes (and *that* striptease) alongside plenty of stunts and gunplay (and the Harrier jump jets) - and, of course, the one-liners! - this is a pretty enjoyable big budget action movie

(Edit: I've just discovered it's directed by a pre-Titanic James Cameron, which helps!)

Nicholas Atkinson (0 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Red Dead Redemption 2 in Video Games

Jun 18, 2019  
Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2
2018 | Action/Adventure
Well first it's a next gen rockstar game so the graphics are on point and look amazing. The gameplay itself is pretty fluid and gunplay is really fun. Missions are fairly unique. (0 more)
The controls can get buggy from time to time and make your horse act weird or make it hard to run and jump on your horse. (1 more)
Sometimes i had to restart a at a checkpoint because it wouldn't progress on the story. The first chapter is horrid and takes 10 years to finish.
Pretty good but lacking
All in all it was a decent game but I wish they would have cut down the hand holding they do in the first chapter to like the first mission and let you do what you want from the start. It was the same way when online multiplayer dropped they made you do what they wanted you to do for like the first 2 hours. With that being said I loved the graphics, the missions were fun, being in the wild west lifestyle was fun, I would definitely recommend giving it a play.

KalJ95 (25 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Doom Eternal in Video Games

May 6, 2020  
Doom Eternal
Doom Eternal
2019 | Action, Horror
Fast, free flowing combat is adrenaline pumping. (2 more)
One of the best FPS' of all time.
The sheer variety of Demons, Guns and Arenas is staggering.
Multiplayer is a bit...meh. (1 more)
Frequent crashes.
First person shooters have lost their touch. For a long time, the market has been utterly saturated with same annual game, like Call of Duty and Battlefield, and they play the same every time. Go back to the rise in the FPS genre, you'll see the likes of Wolfenstein 3D and DOOM revolutionise the genre forever. At the time, they were fast, weighty and satisfying to control. Fast forward to 2016, DOOM returns and ignites a brutal and bloody comeback for the FPS genre. A combination of fast paced gunplay, a killer soundtrack and over the top gore made this the best FPS to date.

Until now.

DOOM Eternal is the best FPS ever made. There, I said it. Eternal is blistering, adrenaline fuelled slingshot into your bloodstream, cranking the notches consistently to eleven, and it never let's up.

The core of Eternal is in its gameplay. The best way to describe the gunplay is a juggling of instruments that make up an orchestra, whilst you're conductor...and you're running mercilessly for your life and ammo. Its massively overwhelming to begin with, and you'll die often, but once you gather the rhythm of the dance of the Doom Slayer, it's a sight of awe, followed by psychotic grin on your face. Following in the footsteps and benchmarks that DOOM 2016 cemented, Eternal improves upon everything. The gunplay is meaty and brass, the platforming is fluid and easy to pick up, the demons and monsters all provide a challenge from the explosive beginning, to the equally as explosive finale, and when all of this is accompanied by the killer soundtrack cheering you on, Eternal is bulletproof.

Whilst DOOM 2016 feels dark in colour and tone, Eternal embraces the ridiculous and runs with it. Levels burst with bright and bonkers imagination, the effect of that first chainsaw kill where ammo flies out like confetti, and the endless ways to glory kill never gets tiresome. Add in the arsenal the Doom Slayer carries with him, it becomes a game of what gun is best for each demon. Although, the Double Barrel Shotgun is just magnificent to shoot with.

When it comes to DOOM, the narrative takes the backseat over its core idea of free movement to kill, and that's the only criticism I can give this franchise. Eternal does provide a planet hopping path of destruction through the Slayer's history, but you never feel invested in the narrative as much as you want to kill everything you see. I didn't need to know anything at all from the Slayers past, the mystery serves the narrative more not knowing. Also, I must note the amount of times my Playstation 4 has crashed due to DOOM Eternal. It really brings you out of the experience when you're almost finished on level, only to start again level all over again. I think this is however a minor fault in an otherwise superb game, and problems like this will hopefully be fixed in further patches.

I can't recommend DOOM Eternal enough. If video games were made singularly for fun, you have found the answer. I can't wait to see what id Software and Bethesda do next with this franchise.
John Wick (2014)
John Wick (2014)
2014 | Action, Thriller
Keanu Reeves (4 more)
The established hitman universe
Incredible gunplay
Solid fight choreography
Decipherable cinematography during action
That poor dog (0 more)
Best Action Movie Post-Matrix
The problem with many modern action movies lies in the bullshit concept known as "shaky-cam." Perhaps well meant at first, in order to make audiences "feel" the impact of punches and gunshots, it is now so overused that you can't even tell what's going on or who is hitting who in many action movies. Enter John Wick: not a single use of "shaky-cam." Not one. All camera shots during action sequences are stable and staged at angles that allow the audience to see exactly what is going on. I used to think Jason Bourne was the best action series post-Matrix, but John Wick and its sequel changed that as fast the titular character can shoot another goon in the head. The fight choreography is sublime, the script is simple but tight, and Keanu Reeves is slicker than ever. John Wick is the best action movie since The Matrix, and it just so happens to star the same bad-ass guy we've been dreaming of being since 1999. Now I have to go review John Wick: Chapter 2!
    Tomb Raider I

    Tomb Raider I


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    LARA’S BACK FOR MORE CLASSIC ACTION! We’re going back to where it all began for one of the...