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The House of Ashes
The House of Ashes
Stuart Neville | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am ashamed to say that I haven't read anything by Stuart Neville for years ... I have no excuse other than I must have had my head stuck in the sand or developed short-term amnesia because I forgot how much I enjoyed reading his words.

This is a sad and tragic story told from the perspective of two women, Sara and Mary, and from two timelines, the present and sixty years ago, with all 'action' taking place on an isolated farm in Northern Ireland.

This is not a story full of joy or happiness but rather there is an overwhelming sense of darkness and sadness with a foreboding undertone from start to finish that is intense and certainly keeps you on edge. Having said that, it is also a story of strength, survival and hope amidst a backdrop of abuse, control and gaslighting.

I admit this isn't a story for everyone and I can't say I enjoyed it given the nature of its content, however, it was an excellent read that had me hooked and took me through so many emotions that many books don't do nowadays that I can only recommend it to others who enjoy dark, psychological thrillers with a little of the supernatural thrown in to enhance the overall feel of the book.

Thank you to Bonnier Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

ClareR (5667 KP) rated Wandering Souls in Books

Mar 25, 2023  
Wandering Souls
Wandering Souls
Cecile Pin | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Since reading Wandering Souls on The Pigeonhole, it has made it on to the Women’s Prize long list. And well-deserved it is too.

This is the story of a family who make it by boat to Hong Kong from Vietnam. At least Anh and her two brothers do. Their parents and younger siblings come after them and drown.

This is Anh’s story, and how she copes on their journey from Vietnam to Hong Kong, and then on to London where they settle permanently. It’s a story of loss, life-long trauma and the struggle to find security and happiness. It brought home the continuing issues of refugees - particularly those who take the dangerous route of the sea. It always makes me think of these lines from Warsan Shire’s “Home”:
“You have to understand that no one puts children in a boat
Unless the water is safer than the land”
Anh and her family want a better life than that of poverty, war and political oppression.

This is a dark story and the experiences have such a huge effect on every aspect of Anh and her brothers lives, and you can still see this in the interactions that Anh has with her own children.

It’s a wonderful book, and well worth reading. I’ve learnt so much about the Vietnamese people who resettled in the UK and their journeys here.

I wouldn’t be at all disappointed to see this make the short list.
Perfected (Perfected, #1)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic read. Well written witha great plot and characters. I was engrossed from start to finish. Perfected is about human pets, first we meet number eight, a young female that has been genetically bred at a "kennel." These pets are bred to be the perfect companion for any family that can afford the hefty cost of one. Once eight gets bought, her masters decide to call her Ella. She’s been taught from birth not to read and write, how to sit quietly, how to pay attention when one of her masters speak, to be a living doll for their daughters, basically to do whatever her masters wish. Ella believed that pets were important, but little did she know that once at her new home of a distinguished congressman that she truly was little more than an actual pet. Ella's role in her new master’s home is starting to feel really wrong. The little touches of the congressman’s hand on her cheek and shoulder is starting to give her the worst feeling. The one feeling that does make her heart swell is her friendship with congressman’s son, Penn. He makes her skin tingle, her pulse kicks up in happiness, but it’s a short lived feeling as Ella realizes everything with her situation. In order to truly feel, she must first be free. I really enjoyed this read, I can't wait to read the next book. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley.

Sam (74 KP) rated Attachments in Books

Mar 27, 2019  
Rainbow Rowell | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
7.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
I’ve wanted to read Attachments for the past few years, but I’ve always managed to find a book I wanted to read more, and it got forgotten about until I was looking to see what books I wanted for Christmas. I’m so glad I did finally get around to reading it.

Attachments follows the life of Lincoln, a man who works in IT at a newspaper office in 1999. Lincoln is a loner who works night shifts mainly monitoring ‘WebFence’, checking that employees emails aren’t inappropriate. This is where he discovers Beth and Jennifer – two best friends whose emails are constantly being flagged up. Lincoln finds himself reading these emails and falling for one of them.

I never expected this novel to be very deep, after all, it’s about a man who stalks the emails of two women. However, it goes into the issues both Beth and Jennifer have in their lives such as their relationships and happiness.

Lincoln is such a lovable character. He’s nerdy, rubbish at making friends and still lives with his mum.

I was shocked when I saw that the Goodreads rating for this one is only 3.9 because I actually preferred it to any of her other books I’ve read. I don’t know whether it’s because I’ve only ever read her YA before but I just thought this was so much better. In some places, it did feel a little bit slow, but it soon picked up again. It’s definitely better than Rainbow Rowell’s YA novels.
The Thirteenth Earl
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a delightful read. After being stuck in contemporary romance limbo, it was refreshing to return to a good historical romance especially since there are so many historical romances pumped out. This one had me from page one, especially since it dealt with a lot of topics not typically seen in this genre. The first is the mental deterioration of people as they age and the other two are spiritualism and ghosts. All of these very much existed during this time, but are generally misunderstood or considered taboo. It was interesting to read the author’s take on them in her story.

Overall, the plot is very simple. I felt that the “twist” or surprise wasn’t surprising at all and could be seen from the moment the villain was introduced. Despite that, it was still a delight to read. Thax is among my favorite historical heroes for multiple reasons. He could be dense and rash but his love for the heroine felt genuine and could be seen in his actions towards her. The female characters in this story were equally as enjoyable. They were strong and intelligent without losing a shred of their femininity. I appreciated their resourcefulness.

The Thirteenth Earl is an uncomplicated love story about two people trying to muddle through the drama in their life and end up finding happiness in each other. If you are searching for a heartwarming romance, filled with realistic and likable characters, this novel may be your next rainy day read.
I could not put this book down. From the first chapter, I was hooked. So many secrets surround Honus and Yim, and, as the reader, I wanted so much to figure out each and every one right along with the protagonists. However, I felt like nothing ever happened.

First off, the world seemed like such a cold, dark place. Everywhere Honus and Yim traveled, there was nothing but suffering and strife. I felt as if the entire world was just this bleak place with no hope of any kind. Even when the two protagonists reached a town filled with priests and merchant, I felt the utter lack of happiness. It was actually pretty depressing to read, especially when every person the two ran across was down on their luck in some way.

I was also frustrated with the secret keeping. I wanted so much to scream their secrets at each other that it was one of the things that drove me to keep reading. However, whenever any secrets were revealed, it was so anticlimactic that I was just happy it was finally out.

The more I read the novel, the more I couldn't wait for Honus and Yim to reach their destination. When they did, the suffering still continued. Then the novel ended so suddenly that I immediately bought the second one to see what happened.

If you are looking for any romance, look somewhere else. If you want some action, you won't find it hear. However, if you want a dark novel riddled with secrets and unknown futures, Morgan Howell delivers.
House of Thieves
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
How far would you go to save the life of a loved one? That’s the question that architect John Cross is forced to ask himself after being confronted with evidence of his son’s gambling problem and subsequent debt. The amount is more than his son, or he himself, could ever hope to repay. To keep his son from being killed by the gang holding the debt, John uses his specialized knowledge of local buildings to help the gang plan burglaries, with the understanding that with each job, some of the debt will be forgiven.

I admit that I was expecting a little more of a mystery element after reading the blurb, but even without the mystery this book takes you on an enjoyable trip to the past. The story takes place in New York, 1886, and is rich with descriptions of society life, rat baiting, etiquette, gambling dens, and almost anything else you might want to know about the time period. I did like the way that almost every member of John’s family, without his knowledge, flaunted tradition and expectations to pursue happiness in their own way, even though to be found out would have meant their ruin and social outcast. It was hard not to root for them even when you knew they were doing wrong.

If you are a fan of historical fiction (or if you enjoyed the movie Gangs of New York), then I highly recommend this one.

Note: I was provided with a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.