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Kelvin (Tangled Tentacles #5)
Kelvin (Tangled Tentacles #5)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
KELVIN is the final book in the Tangled Tentacles series and brings to a close this amazing series. Kelvin and Magnus (or FBI Guy) finally meet in person and realise they are fated mates. No fuss, no panic, just straight-up acceptance and happiness. I loved that, I really did. They don't allow their new bond to stand in the way of those they are trying to help though. By searching for others, they find Marvin. Be prepared for your heart to melt!

Wow! Just... wow!!! That's how I felt after I'd finished reading this. The overlying arc, the one that I've followed since Alexi, is now finished - in a way I never saw coming and that I love even more for that. All of the mates and their partners feature in this book which also helped with the general feeling of closure. There is also one moment in there that made my eyes leak. It's when Magnus is remembering his sister, with Kelvin by his side in the pool. There were a few scenes or sentences (usually by Marvin) that made me fill up. That scene? Broke me down. So emotional and perfect.

What I can't wait for, though, is the continuation. That epilogue!!! Man, it about killed me. I NEED MORE!!!

This pair of authors are simply outstanding - writing unusual and intricate stories with a skill second to none. I have loved the whole series and HIGHLY RECOMMEND every single one of them. What a way to end this series and to still leave you wanting more!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Phoenix Freed (Phoenix #3)
Phoenix Freed (Phoenix #3)
Elise Faber | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the bittersweet ending to the Phoenix trilogy. We meet Daughtry and Cody as they are sickeningly (according to un-bonded people) in love, together on a soul level that can't be comprehended by someone not yet bonded. It is a time of quiet, but Daughtry can't relax as she feels like there is still something to come.

Something does come... in the shape of her sister, Alex. To begin with, Daughtry can't remember her, but as she gets memory flashbacks, she understands more and wraps Alex into her life. Alex has had it tough, but she is a survivor. She is also a fantastic character! Yes, she gets hurt by comments and/or actions, but she doesn't just fly off the deep end either. She takes a breath and tries to figure out if her hurt feelings were intentional or not. I loved that!

Along with the story continuing for Daughtry and Cody, we also have stories involving the Dalshie, Alex, John, and Tyler.

WOW, just wow! Phoenix Freed is incredibly well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors that could distract me. The story flows, the tension builds, there is happiness, there is sadness, and there is horror where your breath catches in your throat.

Although this is the end of this series, I am seriously hoping for some more in the LexTal Chronicles to go alongside Mason and Gabby's story. I don't think I'm quite ready to leave their world yet! Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
July 5, 2016