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Willy's Wonderland (2021)
Willy's Wonderland (2021)
2021 | Horror, Thriller
6.7 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I can safely say that I got exactly what I expected from Willy's Wonderland, a schlocky as hell B-Movie horror that manifests Nicolas Cage going toe-to-toe with a host of murderous animatronic mascots, set to a music score of synth heavy electronica/children's party jingles. Is it silly and dumb? Yes. Does it have annoying and unlikable teenage human characters who are there just to die horribly? Also yes. Is it entertaining as fuck? Most definitely.

Cage's silent protagonist feels like the role that his career has been leading up to all these years. He has his very own corner of the zeitgeist at this point, and is just running with it, happily poking fun at himself whilst managing to be undeniably badass, whether it be the Mad Max-esque opening, tearing the robots to shreds with his bare hands, or him furiously dancing whilst playing pinball. Whenever he's on screen, he steals all the focus, without uttering a word. It's so ridiculous and enjoyable, that it renders the half-baked plot a moot point.
The animatronics themselves look pretty decent for the most part, and there's some solid gore here and there. It's the kind of gore that will make you burst out laughing, but in a good way.

Willy's Wonderland is far from a perfect experience, but it is what it is, and never tries to be anything more, and therefore succeeds in what it's trying to achieve.
ABEL 3: Shattered (Phoenix Club, #3)
ABEL 3: Shattered (Phoenix Club, #3)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars.

So I finished this a little before midnight last night. Once again I was caught up in the emotions of Abel and Devlin and really felt their pain. It seemed so cruel that the actions of one man could ruin their entire relationship.

In relation to Kaplan, I'll admit that I softened towards him just not enough for me to enjoy reading the various sex scenes between him and Abel (In fact, I skipped some altogether). It just seemed wrong to me. But he's a nicer guy than I first thought. And I'm intrigued by the thought of something happening (again) between him and Max.

As for Cole and Gabe it always seemed kinda obvious that they would get together properly instead of just hooking up every now and then. They're good for each other.

Back to Abel and Devlin. I'm glad that they finally ended up talking to each other, without someone running off in despair, and got everything out in the open. As everyone kept pointing out throughout: they are great for each other and so in love

And I must confess that, although I could barely see through my tears, I really liked the ending. It was different but so good. I was waiting for an unhappy, throw my kindle at the wall, ending but it all turned around so quickly and nicely and I was wearing a big smile by the end.
Richard D. James Album by Aphex Twin
Richard D. James Album by Aphex Twin
1996 | Electronic, Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I've been a fan of his since the start, when I heard ‘Didgeridoo'... At our age it was an interesting time, because it was the start of dance culture as we know it, but also I was young enough when I first heard it that I didn't differentiate between hearing a Mary Chain song or hearing an Orb song or a KLF song or a Loop song. I guess of all the bands or musicians that I heard around that first wave of electronic music, I think Richard James is the guy that's continued and kept a high standard and evolved what he did. I mean, that Richard D James record, if you went and listened to half of the brand new IDM vomit they'd be shitty copies of that. What makes his music is so special is that as well as being amazing at concocting interesting sounds and rhythms, he's also musically always doing something brilliant. The piano songs on the Drukqs album are unbelievable. Talking about that, it's completely irrelevant to this, but the most annoyed I've ever got at a music review is the review of Drukqs in Uncut where the journalist said there's no point in making solo piano music because you'd never do anything as good as Satie or Chopin. Well let's just fucking go home then! But anyway. To be able to marry the playfulness with the beauty and the melancholic element, that's just incredible."

Beneath the Stars ( Sugarlake book 1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
109 of 230
Beneath the Stars ( Sugarlake book 1)
By Emily McIntire

I was eleven when I met Chase Adams. I loved him before I knew what lovin' was.
I pulled, he pushed.
I gave, he took.
I loved... I lost.
Now he's back. All grown up and sexy as sin.
But things changed while he was gone.
So, he can show those dimples and flex those muscles all he wants.
It won't change a thing.
Chase Adams is nothin' but a lost memory. I'll do everything I can to keep him that way.

Growing up, there were only two women I ever loved.
Neither one of them ever really loved me back.
Until her. Alina. My Goldi.
She was everything that's good. I was the bad.
She was the brightest goddamn star. I was the black hole shredding her to pieces.
I loved her wrong, losing her to my demons.
But now I'm back. A better man.
I'll do everything I can to make her remember us, even if all she wants is to forget.

I’m not usually a big romance fan I like some but it’s not my go to, but this was so good I really enjoyed it the start was a bit ropey but I really couldn’t put it down once it got going.
It was a lighthearted read with a happy ending!
The Suicide Squad (2021)
The Suicide Squad (2021)
2021 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Much like the recent Justice League redo we have Suicide Squad... sorry, The Suicide Squad.

The bad guys (and gals) club together to protect America... and by default, the world.

So it's not really a sequel, it's not really a reboot, but it's sort of a rebooted sequel while being a standalone film in the same universe. I've got no idea, but what we've got doesn't really bring out the same character dynamics as we've had previously.

Harley, Flag, Boomerang and Waller make repeat visits to the franchise. Harley and Boomerang are their usual, slightly off the wall, selves to bring the outlandish humour element. But Flag and Waller aren't anywhere near the versions they were in their last outing. Flag isn't sceptical, and that could be acceptance after the previous missions, but he's less of a leader and altogether more... bland. Waller on the other hand is still a hardass, but on a much different level. Before, she was sinister evil with a smidge of understated terrifying. Now... she's just shouty. It didn't make for a good viewing experience.

The dynamic change also left me cold. Harley and Boomerang have great chemistry together, what they did to her and Flag though, that was an odd mood. At least last time he was firm and decisive, now we're getting lingering camera shots that feel like they have romantic undertones. They also took Harley out of a lot of group activity, for a storyline that could easily have been summed up in another way.

Supporting the old familiars are a lot of new faces. In fact, there are over a dozen new named characters in The Suicide Squad.

Idris Elba is obviously a big pull in the advertising of this. Bloodsport isn't a character I know well, but it's handy that there are several, almost identical, characters they could swap in for Deadshot in case they want to bring Will Smith back later. But whether or not the comic book characters are the same, the story on the screen comes across almost identical.

And then there's Peacemaker, played by John Cena... another highly trained marksman. But this one with a penchant for tighty-whities. With this and F9, I'm not sure I have enough words. This is the last in a string of roles for him that I really haven't enjoyed. I'm even more distressed now that I know there's an 8 episode Peacemaker series coming in 2022. Heavy "do not want" vibes.

I couldn't go through this review without talking about King Shark... that would be criminal. Sylvester Stallone did this perfectly. Nanaue has humour, vulnerability, anger, wonder... and that was all conveyed with animation and a minimal script. I will not apologise for saying he was the best thing about the whole movie.

The rest of the characters are a steep learning curve. There was a lot of opportunity, but some rash decisions meant there was also a lot of wasted IP.

Our bad guys were a little all over the place. Front and centre we had Peter Capaldi as Thinker. He's not exactly a force to be reckoned with though, and honestly, I kind of expected more considering his prominence in the trailer. Starro was more of a challenger as a baddie, but they did ignore a lot of his abilities and left him as more of a novelty... and those armpits... *shudder*

Effects were as you'd expect for a DC film, not bad, but nothing that blows your mind. Animating a giant starfish is never going to look all that believable though, so there's a certain amount of leeway you need to give them for that.

The vibrant colours felt very on brand for James Gunn, and almost made this a bit of a companion piece to Birds of Prey... but those flowers... Yes, Harley has her hallucinatory moments, those flowers felt entirely pointless and out of place.

While The Suicide Squad was watchable, I really didn't find it to be the redemption that a lot of people are praising it to be. In fact, it felt like a solid step back for some characters and an excessive waste of others. Had they made the entire movie from King Shark's point of view then this obviously would have been a 5 star film, but as it was I didn't like the tone it had, and a lot of the action felt way too lighthearted for me. This wasn't an improvement on the previous iteration.

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Merissa (11950 KP) rated Influenced in Books

Apr 11, 2022 (Updated Jun 26, 2023)  
Felice Stevens | 2022 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
INFLUENCED is a standalone novel (so far but more are to come) about Bryce, or BB, and Matty. Two people from two very different worlds who find themselves in the same place at the same time.

Matty - I loved from the beginning. He's solid, down-to-earth whilst still being a dreamer, unafraid to work hard, and so huggable in his vulnerability. Bryce - grew on me... like fungus. I really didn't like him at the beginning. I felt sorry for him, don't get me wrong. No one deserves to be treated the way he was, and it was easy to understand the spiralling. What I didn't like was his attitude when he first arrived at Rolling Meadows. Too selfish and too self-absorbed for me. Now, obviously, I understand he was meant to be this way so you could see the changes happening. All I'm saying is I didn't like him at the beginning!

The character who really stole my heart was Earl! If you can't love a grouchy old grandpa, who can you love? He was fantastic all the way through and how he reacted to the scene in the diner was just perfect.

This is a feel-good story though, with understanding people, together with some not so understanding. It was a delight to read it and watch Bryce change and see the world he had inhabited for what it really was. There are some misunderstandings between our main two but they talk about them and clear the air. I'm also happy Emma and Cole got their HEA and hope to hear more from them in the future.

A great read full of the warm and fuzzies with some steaming hot moments too. I am hoping for at least one more story but there are at least three characters I need to know more from. Who knows how that will happen? However it does, I can't wait to read it.

Highly recommended by me!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Apr 8, 2022
What in God's Name
What in God's Name
Simon Rich | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What in God's Name is a hilarious novel about the would-be-destruction of the earth. God is tired of running Heaven Inc, and wants to open a restaurant, figure out his Rubrics Cube, and play golf instead. The rest of the angels are just as tired as he is. All except two: Craig and Eliza, who actually enjoy working in the Miracles Department. When they find out God is going to destroy the earth, they make a bet: They'll answer one of the "impossible" prayers that God has ignored over the past few months, and if they can do it, God will not destroy the world.

Eliza and Craig have no idea what they've gotten themselves into: Their job is to get two of the most socially awkward humans to kiss... since apparently they already like each other, neither of them is willing to make a move. On top of it all, Craig is pretty sure he's crushing on Eliza

I tore through this whole book in a matter of hours--though it felt like minutes. It's hilarious. I got it back in August and I don't remember why I put off reading it for so long... because it's awesome! The characters are adorable (or in the case of the cantankerous archangel Vince, annoying). The writing is witty and easy to read. I loved every second of it.

With that in mind, I'm a hard person to offend. People who are easily offended by their faith/religion being mocked should not read this book... God is portrayed like a Frat boy, and he lets people into heaven only if they can skip a rock twelve times. Suffice to say it's not exactly orthodox.

But if you're in the mood for a fast, funny, slightly intense read (it gets tense there near the end!) this is for you!

Content: Some language. Ages 17+
Trading Places (1983)
Trading Places (1983)
1983 | Comedy
The casting was done perfectly. (2 more)
The story follows the struggles that were present in the 1980s.
It's so funny, got a bit of classic humour and dark humour that fit in nicely.
Absolute classic
This definitely shows the classic struggle of different races and classes in america in the 1980s. It shows it in such a way that it's almost humourous that it was ACTUALLY like that back then. Eddy Murphy plays Valentine excellently, you really see the deep upset of the racist and prejudices he has always suffered but yet on the outside Valentine takes it in his stride. Winthorpe played by the legendary Dan Aykroyd has the same depths. Deep down you can see he is so intelligent and hard working but on the outside he's so spoilt and feels so entitled. Jamie Lee Curtis another fantastic actress plays Ophelia in such layers, a more complex clever fierce but vulnerable woman inside that you see glimpses of but outside she is rock hard and nothing touches her.
The writing is so well done it flows naturally, it doesn't feel forced at any point. The onscreen chemistry is on point, I feel the relationships between the cast mirrored the characters relationships. Apparently the cast weren't familiar with each others work so the relationships are built both on and off screen successfully.
The shots of the cities they are in were a wonderful way to transition from scene to scene giving the audience glimpses into the world they are about to dive into.
The story stands out to me, theres no way I could confuse this movie with anything else which is what I like to see in every movie I see.
Thoroughly recommend everyone have a watch of this, Eddy Murphy, Dan Aykroyd and Jamie Lee Curtis were completely unknown to me when I first saw it and I have grown to love pretty much everything they are in.