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Argo (2012)
Argo (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
As a small child, I can remember the Iranian hostage crisis as it dominated the news media for over a year. While I did not understand the political atmosphere behind it, I did understand that a group of our embassy staff were being held prisoner in a foreign land for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Director and star Ben Affleck has brought a new side to the story to light in the form of his new film “Argo”, which is based upon true events which have recently become declassified. The story centers around six workers of the embassy in Tehran, who fled the chaos when a disgruntled mob stormed the embassy walls. At that time it was unheard of for an embassy to be occupied as they host country and internal security were thought to of been more than adequate protection.

However for a country in a state of revolution, much less one that was extremely upset with America’s refusal to return the deposed Shah to face trial, security from the local populace was not available when the unthinkable happened.

After being turned away by the British and New Zealand embassies, the six escapees find refuge in the residence of the Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor (Victor Garber), who refuses to turn them away despite the volatile political situation harboring them would create should they ever be discovered.

On the other side of the world, C.I.A. Director Jack O’Donnell (Bryan Cranston), and his staff are desperately looking for a way to retrieve not only the Americans held hostage but also the six individuals currently being sheltered by the Canadian ambassador.

With few viable options available, save for the longshot of trying to get the refugees to bike through 300 miles of winter and soldier laden roads to the Turkish border, Tony Mendez (Affleck), is brought in to find other options.

One evening, Tony gets the idea to go to Iran posing as a Canadian filmmaker on a location scouting trip for an upcoming film. His plan is to pass the refugees off as part of his crew thanks to newly issued passports from the Canadian government.

In order to add validity to his plan, Tony recruits award-winning makeup artist John Chambers (John Goodman), and producer Lester Siegel (Alan Arkin), to help establish the necessary cover for the operation.

Soon Tony, John, and Lester have obtained a script for science fiction film named “Argo”, and the use the Hollywood trades and publicity machine to establish their back story of their production company and film project.

With time running down, Tony must venture alone to Tehran to meet with and prepare the refugees for extraction as well as firming up their cover with the local Iranian authorities.

What follows is a tense political thriller that is extremely well performed and captivating throughout. What really impressed me about the film was that Affleck expertly paced it and refrain from using such overused stereotypes such as car chases, fight sequences, and love scenes to tell the story.

The cast is exceptionally good all around and the film does a good job capturing the look and the atmosphere of the situation without ever becoming preachy and taking extreme political stances. Instead the focus is on real people caught in an extraordinary situation from which they were unprepared, and the extraordinary measures taken by good people in the United States and Canada who stepped up and did the right thing regardless of the cost to them personally or politically.

“Argo”, was an extremely pleasant surprise in one of the most enjoyable films I have seen this year. While I understand it would not be for everyone, I would not be surprised to see the film get a few Oscar nods come awards season as they would be in my opinion well deserved.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
100% worth the watch
And this movie deserved every point

I loved the first Kingsman, it has brought a new style to the spy gadget movies, most of the characters are amazing, some not so much, but still enjoyable

Right, so, the movie carries on from the first film, I'd say about a year or so has past, Eggsy 'Taron Edgerton' is a full member of 'The Kingsman' and has taken over the roll of his mentor, Harry (Colin Firth), and even taken harry's codename 'Galahad' , he is living with his girlfriend and moving forward with his life, when all of a sudden the Kingsman's headquarters were attack and destroyed.
With the world being held hostage by 'The Golden Circule' led by Poppy (Julian Moore), who is head of a drug cartel, and with a scheme to add poision into all her drugs and will only give the cure to the infected people of the world is if all the worlds leader comply with her demands,

So Eggsy and Merlin (Mark Strong) have to jump the pond to ask for help from there American cusins, 'The Statesmen', who is led by Champ 'Jeff Bridges', there cover is an organisation posing as a Bourbon whiskey distillery in Kentucky, and together they have to try and stop Poppy (Jillian Moore) from completing her evil schemes

I have to say this movie is realllllly good, the fight sequences are amazing, and the music fits the film perfectly, Taron Edgertons screen presents is just top class, and working off Colin Firth and Mark Strong, just an amazing cast, with a sneaky addition to the cast from a well known person ?, which was surprisingly nicely done, there are a few little changes I would have made, but still as a whole still amazing

If you like the Kingsman, you will absolutely love the Kingsman: The Golden Circule, I recommend you looking for the next showing and watching it now......why are you still reading this GO!