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    Will Eno

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    "Is the search for the Self for total nobodies? Watch closely as Peter Gnit, a funny-enough but...

The Lives Of Others (2007)
The Lives Of Others (2007)
2007 | International, Drama
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Do I get pretentious? Because this is foreign. {laughs] I love that German film from a few years ago that won the Oscar, The Lives of Others. Such a great movie. I’ve seen it a bunch, and I own it. I love, love, love that movie, and I found that it was just intensely riveting and scary and beautiful and so well crafted, so well plotted as a movie. And such a sad comment on a time in a certain country, but also a really beautiful comment on people being altered and finding their humanity again. I thought that movie was really special."


Toni Collette recommended Olive, Again in Books (curated)

Olive, Again
Olive, Again
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"I can tell you a recent book I read that I was incredibly moved by: I read Olive Kitteridge when I was making United States of Tara, and it was my introduction to Elizabeth Strout's writing, who I think is so incredibly talented," the Unbelievable actress told "She knows and understands humanity on a level that very few people can express. So I was given an advanced copy of the sequel, Olive, Again—and man, I couldn't put it down! It moved me to tears. I laughed out loud, and I just love everything that Elizabeth Strout writes"
