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The Testament of Gideon Mack
The Testament of Gideon Mack
James Robertson | 2007 | Fiction & Poetry
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Complex, interesting characters (2 more)
Thought provoking
Extremely well written
A Preacher’s Son
Contains spoilers, click to show
Gideon Mack is a preachers son who doesn’t believe in God, but decides to become a minister anyway.
 His lack of belief can be easily explained by his narrow minded, strict, sad and unloving upbringing. The reason why he decides to become a minister anyway hints at his dark humour, which you see here and there throughout the book.

He marries a woman that he is not in love with, simply because he can’t have the woman he actually wants (that woman marries his best friend).

He comes across as a man who doesn’t actually know what he wants, will accept second best or will settle for what he thinks is ok...and then spend his life living in regret and unhappiness. Causing confusion and unhappiness to others in the process.

Where he didn’t believe in God at all...he does end up believing completely in the Devil. He falls into a treacherous river and is found 3 days later. He should be dead...but he isn’t. Depending on whether you believe in the supernatural or not, he was either fished out the first day by a smuggler or he was saved by the Devil and he bonded so well with the Devil he then spends a great deal of time and effort to be able to spend the rest of his life with him.

In order to leave with a clean slate he tells everyone what happened to him, including his sins...committing adultery with the very woman he is still in love with. He only confesses to this happening once, while helping him pack up his late wife’s clothes she takes pity on him and they sleep together. In actual fact, that summer they had a full blown affair as confirmed by the woman in question. Why lie? Perhaps he simply couldn’t see her as an adulterous woman as she is the epitome of perfection in his eyes, or it again displays his unique ability to lie to himself.

This book is a very detailed account of how a person can live a lie, how they can convince themselves completely into believing a lie, and then finally freeing themselves to believing what they genuinely believe is true...even though it could be complete codswallop. Who knows?

Darren (1599 KP) rated 1941 (1979) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
1941 (1979)
1941 (1979)
1979 | Action, Comedy
Story: 1941 starts in the aftermath of Pearl Harbour, The Japanese are searching for Hollywood for their latest attack, while the army are planning to create a defence on the Californian coastline, Sgt Frank Tree (Aykroyd) leads his men in preparations while pilot Captain Wild Bill Kelso (Belushi) travels the country to support his troops.

The preparations bring us comical happenings which lead to what is going on between the Americans and the impending Japanese.


Thoughts on 1941


Characters – We have so many characters in this film it is hard to pick out the main ones, we will though, Sgt Frank Tree tries to keep peace between his soldiers and not letting them fight with the locals. Ward Douglas is the man that sees it has an honour to host the army for prime location for defence. Captain Wild Bill Kelso is a pilot that enjoys a drink, he heads across country to join the battle. Where we have too many characters it is hard to see which one we are meant to be follow the most.

Performances – The performances are affected by the mass cast because no one gets to show their best skills, we have the comical actors that want to joke, only for them to miss, then the serious actors not hitting their moments either.

Story – The story follows the Americans as they plan for a potential next attack on America from the Japanese in the aftermath of the Pearl Harbour attack. The problem I see with this story, it showing us how we make light of a devastating moment in history with the Pearl Harbour attack and shows how America did panic but didn’t seem to take the events serious, well that is what the film gives us.

Action/Comedy/War – The action plays into the comedy which gets basic laughs but most of the laughs seem to have dated badly and even just give us toilet humour, all with the backdrop of World War II.

Settings – The film puts us in LA for the events of the film which shows how Hollywoodland would react to the impending war.

Scene of the Movie – Plane sex.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Too many characters.

Final Thoughts – This is one of the biggest misses of Spielberg’s career, it has too many characters and doesn’t manage to balance out the comedy and action well enough.


Overall: Disappointing throughout.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Emma in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Alexander McCall Smith | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Six bestselling authors have taken on the task of writing modern retellings of the complete works of Jane Austen. Alexander McCall Smith has successfully taken on the challenge of bringing <i>Emma</i> into the 21st century. Although the settings and characters remain the same the contemporary clothing, vehicles and ideas are something that the reader can relate to.

As fans of Jane Austen will already know, <i>Emma</i> is about rich, single Emma Woodhouse who, despite the disapproval of her good friend George Knightley, enjoys interfering in the lives of others, particularly where romance is concerned. Her meddling backfires when her plan to match her friend Harriet Smith with the boring Philip Elton has disastrous consequences.

Alexander McCall Smith’s version of <i>Emma</i> has more focus on the life of Mr. Woodhouse, Emma’s father, than the original did. He gives an account of Henry Woodhouse’s history and over emphasizes his anxieties about health and safety. Mr. Woodhouse’s concerns are constantly cropping up throughout the novel adding a little humour to the story.

One concern about this modern adaptation is that the writing style was overly formal. If it were not for the references to the current clothing fashions, motorcars and women attending university, the book could have been set during Jane Austen’s lifetime. Take, for example, the character Anne Taylor. Mr. Woodhouse hires Miss Taylor as a governess for his motherless daughters. Miss Taylor’s approach to the girls and her prim and proper use of language made her seem antiquated. She would not have looked out of place amongst other well-known governesses or nannies such as <i>Mary Poppins</i> or <i>Nurse Matilda</i>.

Occasionally it felt that Alexander McCall Smith was mocking the modern world, for example the activities of the younger generation or the way people speak. Whilst this may appeal to older readers who may disapprove of the recent developments and changes in the Western world; it alienates the teenagers and young adults who have grown up with modern technology.

There is no doubt that Alexander McCall Smith has done an excellent job at retelling such a famous novel, however to be a complete modern retelling I think everything needs to be brought into the 21st century. This would include all the characters and the style of language it is written in.
13 Days of Midnight
13 Days of Midnight
Leo Hunt | 2015 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Thirteen Days of Midnight</i> is the slightly lighthearted, young adult novel by Leo Hunt set in contemporary Northeast England. Luke Manchett is an average sixteen-year-old boy who mostly cares about his reputation as a member of the school rugby team, and attracting the attention of his crush, Holiday Simmon. However, his life drastically changes on discovering that his absent, psychic exorcist, of a father has died.

Luke is not affected by the actual death, as he barely knew his father; it is the things he inherits as the only named beneficiary of his father’s will that twist his life upside down. It turns out that Horatio Manchett was not a television phony but actually a powerful necromancer. The biggest shock of all is that Luke is now the owner of a collection of eight sinister ghosts who want him dead. With Halloween fast approaching, when the souls’ powers will be at their strongest, Luke with the help of mysterious school friend, Elza Moss, and an ancient book they cannot read, must find a way to release the ghosts without causing harm to anyone else.

<i>Thirteen Days of Midnight </i>is not scary in the way some readers may expect paranormal novels to be. Although it contains ghosts and death threats it is not written in a way meant to terrify, rather to entertain. Luke and Elza’s lack of knowledge and experience with a large number of spirits helps the reader relate to the story, as it is with great doubt that any other teenager would have known exactly what to do. Luke’s dog, Ham, also adds a bit of humour to the book.

There were a few typical aspects to the story, which made it less original. A paranormal novel based at Halloween seems a fairly obvious choice of setting, and popular boy developing a friendship (and possibly more) with an unpopular girl seems rather mainstream in regards to current young adult books.

Some paranormal/horror novels can be a bit over the top and occasionally confusing, therefore it was a surprise to discover how good Thirteen Days of Midnight is. The main characters are likable, the narrative flows well and it is overall entertaining to read. It is definitely a recommendable book.
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

What if scientists have been wrong about the way the human body works? What if there are thousands of tiny creatures controlling each and every organ, making sure everything in the body is in working order? This is the idea that Mark Murphy has based his books upon. These creatures are called min and not only do they help the body to function; they have their own lives to deal with as well.

<i>Minology II: The Disquisitive Saga of Filbert Monkston</i> is the second of the <i>Minology stories</i>. Filbert is a seventeen-year-old min who has grown up in the Gutlands as part of the Kushnick tribe. However he is beginning to question their religion. Why do they have these beliefs? Why do they sacrifice food? An argument with his father sparks off a series of events that cause trouble for many min.

After storming off, Filbert and his friend Gordon come into contact with a strange group of travellers. Not realizing how dangerous they are, Filbert and Gordon get drawn into a trap. Baron Floppy, Filbert’s father, on the other hand, regrets the outburst at his son and is extremely worried when he never returns home. Along with a search party he goes out to find his son. As the story leads up to reuniting the father and son an old mystery is uncovered and finally solved after many years of it being left unanswered.

As with the first <i>Minology</i> book, this is a lighthearted read containing a lot of humour. Many of the min are not the most intelligent of creatures resulting in rather a lot of misunderstandings which can be particularly amusing. The storyline itself can be quite gripping as the mystery unravels.

Although <i>Minology II</i> does not exactly follow on from the previous novel, it would be handy to read the books in order as the first story provides more information about who the min are and a little about the body they are inhabiting.

Overall, <i>Minology II</i> is a good short read, however could have done with another proof read before publication. It is a shame that the writer cannot tell the difference between the words ‘were’ and ‘where’!
Finding Mr. Wrong
Finding Mr. Wrong
Charlie Cochet | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Finding Mr. Wrong starts off with Matthew having a near-death experience. He is the very successful owner of the family run firm Hart & Home. However, he isn't sure about his cousin, who is coming up with very strange ideas. Following his experience, he speaks to his best friend/PA, Adam, and they decide he is going to find Mr Right. They put down a few things, and then Adam wangles the story out of 'the one that got away'. It is obvious that Matthew has never got over this. Circumstances (and people) conspire, and Matthew and Jax end up meeting again. Jax can't believe his eyes, whilst Matthew is spitting feathers he is so angry. Don't worry, they do work it out... for a while at least.

This story just swept you along, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word. Charlie Cochet is an amazing author, and I have yet to read anything by her that I didn't like. There are a couple of side stories that help to make this the enjoyable read that it is - one is Jax's dad, and the other is Adam. Now, I won't say too much about Jax's dad (Dale), as I feel you should really read it and make up your own mind. As for me, I would say that Jax is a saint, and I honestly don't know if I could have done that. As for Adam, I really REALLY want to know his story. He comes across as very sweet and caring, but he has a history. I know he does. I just don't know what it is just yet. He knew immediately what Rai did for a living, whereas I didn't have a clue! He knows what it's like to be without money too. I really need to know!

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this is one contemporary M/M romance that I have no hesitation in recommending. With humour, grit, action, misunderstandings, and a little twist that I never saw coming at the end, this was absolutely wonderful. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Age Inquisition in Video Games

Jan 28, 2019  
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dragon Age Inquisition
Incredible characters (4 more)
Writing and dialogue well written
Beautiful and varied locations
A great tactical mode
Fun party banter
A couple of glitches (1 more)
I spent too long in the first area
1 of the best games of tnis generation
This is by far my favourite Dragon Age so far. The first game had the amazing story, the 2nd had the fun combat and this i felt combined the 2. The combat is fun and fast paced but a welcome addition was the tactical mode where you can just put a pause on everything and analyse your surroundings, tell companions where to go and what to do and then watch your work unfold.

It has a beautiful score but the environments are breathtaking. Every location felt unique and the size of each was insane. With so much to do and see, you can easily spend over 100 hours in this game. I did. The only problem i had with a location was the Hinterlands. It contains so many fetch quests and grew boring over time but what the game doesnt tell you is this is basically a tutorial location for you to practice. You should leave when you can. You wont regret it. I did keep going back because i am a completionest but thats just me.

The characters are so well written and fun and great partybanter when your out travelling. My favourites by far are sera, iron bull and cassandra and their interations with each other made me laugh. To this day i have played this game 4 times to listen to the various combinations of companions and i have not gotten bored once.

Once i started following the story, i found i was just being pulled in and blown away. There is so much humour and shocks that i would play this for hours and hours each day. There are a few glitches here and there but since i played it they have been fixed but i have to judge this on when i played it. This is a typical bioware game and thats a great thing. You have the usual pick your own path and romance who you want and that is what keeps you invested and makes you fall in love with this world and with these characters.

Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) in Movies

Oct 23, 2019 (Updated Oct 23, 2019)  
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi
Dull Fate
Terminator Dark Fate only isnt the worst film in the Terminator franschise but only because Genisys exists. Dark Fate is basically a reskin of Terminator 2 but minus everything that made that movie one of the greatest films of all time. Dark Fates main problem is its just dull and after the opening nothing intresting, unique, creative or thrilling happenes leaving the movie with almost no redeeming features and nothing that sets it apart from the other terrible sequels. Dark Fate seems to think pure nostalgia alone will make an entertaining movie and while it certainly can do Dark Fate doesnt understand how nostalgia works even coming across like its mocking the very film it ows its existance too. Plot wise its increadibly generic/unintresting, characters are one dimentional/unlikable, acting is stale and lacks drama, dialog is painful and every interaction only serves as exposition explaining every single part of the very basic plot repeatedly just so even the most brain dead of viewer understands whats happened or what is about to happen. Worst of all it doesnt feel like a Terminator film, wheres the grit, the dark atmosphere, the horror, the tension, the realistic humour, the high stakes, the menacing and relentlessly intimidating bad guy, the memorable action set pieces, the complicated story, character depth, quotable dialog and most importantly the soul because this movie has none. Linda Hamilton is back but shes wasted and doesnt even feel like the same person with the film thinking what made her such an iconic character was just her gratuitios swearing. Arnie is great but feels pushed to the side serving to be nothing more than a joke/nostalgia piece. Cgi is bad/texturless and animation is cheap looking, infact there are some cgi moments so bad its almost like they didnt have time to finish them off. Action has a few ok sequences but they lack tension, weight and a high stake plot to fully find them exciting. If you are a Terminator fan to save dissapointment I would just forget everything after T2 exists because this just like the others is souless hollow mess. An utter shambles of a film, I wish I could send myself back to stop the past me from seeing it.
Abominable (2019)
Abominable (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Animation, Comedy
You darted Dave
Abominable movie was one of my most anticipated animated films of the year and while it didn't live up to my own hype me and my nephew had an absolute blast watching it. Being such a humongous Big Hero 6 fan when I first saw the Abominable trailer I couldnt help but get extremely excited as it looked like it was heavily inspired by the baymax adventure it in every way. However while Abominable does share similarities with Big Hero I feel it fails to capture its charm, humour and heart which is a huge shame. Dont get me wrong its tremendous fun, has some truly stunning set pieces and its story always felt interesting its just let down by a pace thats a little to fast, some shortcuts in animation and no down time to let us understand and truly connect with its main characters. Visually colour wise it really is great to look at and animation is good (especially Everest his character design is simply wonderful fluffy and cheeky) its just not quite up there with How to train your dragon standards meaning sometimes I did notice some terrible textures. Messages are also strong as our main character feels alone with no purpose in life struggling with loss and feeling held back by those around her. That is until she learns to gain the confidence to take charge of her life, face her demons, realise her worth, embrace the memories/motivations of her past and become a stronger more appreciative person with drive of her own. Its inspiring stuff especially for kids and it really feels like shes taken this journey changing as a character along the way. Villains here feel refreshing too with one having a sad surprising back story of his own that shows why his heart grew cold and his motives in life become confused and muddled. My nephew loved every minute of it but said he became tired when the villain was on screen because he didn't like him.He also said it was almost as good as Big Hero 6 but not quite as good. I did really enjoy this movie I just wish a bit more time had been put into the animation and to fleshing out the characters because with a bit more heart/soul those set pieces could of really made a much bigger impact emotionally.
Driving Me to You
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This heart-warming story is based around only a few characters but trust me when I say with characters this full of life, you don't need many. Sam has just come back from India after being severely ill but it has changed how she views life and she has a lot of ideas on how to share this with others. Verlaine is down on his luck after being out of work for four months and has applied for his dream job - renovating classic cars. Gemma is struggling to keep the business her late father started afloat and has asked (but paying for) the help of an old friend, Marcus. Marcus is Sam's ex-boyfriend but he has decided that he will have her back, after all, who could resist him? And then you have Paul and Scott, a couple that definitely belong together, that complement each other and work well together. The one you don't hear much of is Jack, Verlaine's flat mate, who seems a bit grumpy but that is understandable as he is worried about where they will live if things don't work out between Verlaine and the boss' sister! So there are the characters, let the story commence.

This story is full of bumps and bends as Sam and Verlaine learn about each other, make friends with each other and the others in the small circle, and let the sparks fly between them. Sam is also trying to find a way of mending her relationship with Gemma, is it really broken beyond repair? The things you find out about Marcus will make your toes curl but I won't say whether that's in a good or bad way.

The thing that I love about Julie Farrell's stories is that although you have the main characters, you also get taken along on the side stories of the other characters. This makes the book simply a delight to read and they are never boring! They are realistic but not depressing. Julie's heroines have backbone, a sense of humour and wit, and yes, slightly kooky in a good way. Her hero's are not perfect, they have their flaws which just makes them more loveable.

If you are looking for a modern romance with a hint of suspense and mystery, then check out this book. I honestly can't see how you would be disappointed.