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CJ (8 KP) rated The Meg (2018) in Movies

Aug 26, 2018 (Updated Aug 26, 2018)  
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Giant shark vs. Jason Statham and co. What’s not to like?! (0 more)
Maybe not enough of the giant shark. (0 more)
Big shark. Big screen. Big fun.
If you’re up for a corny creature feature, look not further than The Meg. I saw it on both of the biggest screens around (IMAX and XD) and it was a fun ride both times. I found it slightly better than the average creature feature (the reasoning for the Meg’s continued survival being somewhat more plausible than average), it’s still too corny for many. But if you’re idea of fun is to watch a CGI shark try to eat people for a couple hours, this is worth looking into. Highly recommended you try to watch this on the biggest screen to get that underwater feel.

KyleQ (267 KP) rated Halloween Kills (2021) in Movies

Jan 16, 2022 (Updated Apr 2, 2023)  
Halloween Kills (2021)
Halloween Kills (2021)
2021 | Horror
Unfortunately awful.
Following the successful 2018 reboot, Halloween Kills picks up with Laurie (Jamie Lee Curtis) being rushed to the hospital as Michal Myers is found alive within the wreckage of her burnt-down house.

Halloween Kills has very little plot, characters are quickly introduced just to suffer random brutal deaths.
Jamie Lee Curtis is barely in this movie, being confined to a hospital bed.
The choreography for the various kills is bad, in one scene Michael kicks a door to deflect a gun, making a woman shoot herself. Our frightening slasher is fighting like Jason Statham now.

There are zero surprises. Anthony Michael Hall plays Tommy Doyle, the boy from the original movie. But the character has been ruined. He's an angry hick, inciting a riot to kill the wrong man.

Halloween Kills is a brainless sequel, save yourself and skip it.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated The Meg (2018) in Movies

May 14, 2019 (Updated Jun 8, 2019)  
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
A fun but flawed monster movie, that (thankfully) never takes itself seriously.
The Meg is silly. Very very silly.
It's verging on so silly that at some point, you just accept what's happening and go along with the ride.
Jason Statham absolutely carries this film. As per usual, he is extremely likable, and carries a terrible script to satisfying degree.
The rest of the human cast are mostly dull , even the usually loveable Rainn Wilson seems like he's phoning it in at times.

The jump scares are predictable, resulting in a tame experience (unless you happen to have a fear of sharks of course), and the CGI is very questionable at times.

The main saving grace for The Meg is that it knows what it is, and never takes itself seriously, at times, even pointing out convenient plot points and making light of them, and it just about gets away with it. Just.

Best line - "That fossil ate my friend!"
The Expendables 3 (2014)
The Expendables 3 (2014)
2014 | Action
Mumble Mumble Mumble Part 3
PG-13, PG-13, PG-13!!!!!! Why 😓 , why couldnt this one be rating R like the other ones, i just dont understand.

The Plot: Mercenary leader Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Jason Statham) and the rest of the Expendables team reunite when Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) hires them for a seemingly easy job. But things go terribly wrong, compelling the mercenaries to seek revenge for a comrade's murder. With the odds against them, Barney and his team are hell-bent on payback and cut a path of destruction through opposing forces, only to encounter an unexpected threat: six pounds of weapons-grade plutonium.

So which 80's star is in this one? Kellan Lutz, who? Ohh he played Emmett Cullen in the Twight Franchise. Glen Powell, who? Ohh, Im not sure who this is.

Anyways its a good movie, good action, good comedy and over a good time.
Parker (2013)
Parker (2013)
2013 | Mystery
So I, being the girl that I am, wasn’t exactly keyed up to go and see a “shoot-em up” style action flick — you know, the kind that Jason Statham excels at? My boyfriend, however, is like most red-blooded men and found this movie right up his alley. Perhaps it was due to the fact I “owed” him from cashing in my chick-flick points and making him watch “the Painted Veil” with me the other day; perhaps it was because my choice of Redbox rentals had been rather lackluster in comparison. Either way, he was looking forward the the prospect of this movie review far more than I.

“Parker” starts off in Ohio where Jason Statham’s character (Parker) is working a job with four other men. The job seems to go off without a hitch until the end when Parker discovers an innocent man died in the process, thus starting “beef” between he and one of his partners. The apparent boss of the crooks then asks Parker to join them in another job, requiring him to give up his share of the loot to contribute to the upcoming job. Parker politely declines and, of course, this doesn’t sit too well with the crooks. As predicted, they then turn on him and Parker is left for dead on the side of the road.

As we know, Jason Statham’s characters are indestructible. I mean, this was covered in both “Crank” movies so the audience should be well-versed in how this goes down, right? Of course, Parker survives and thus starts on a path of revenge. Mob bosses are involved, hits are put out, etc. Regardless, his journey takes him to Palm Springs where the four crooks who betrayed him are preparing for their next big job.

Now, you’re probably wondering where Jennifer Lopez is in all of this (yes, JLo has a part in this movie – I know, I feel your pain too). Given that her last decent flick was “the Cell” and “Selena,” I wasn’t expecting too much from her character. As Parker is making his way down to Palm Springs, the movie then focuses on JLo’s character, a depressed and rather broken divorcee living with her mother and desperate for a commission from her job as a real-estate agent. Cue in Parker, dressed as a wealthy Texan, and looking to buy a home in Palm Springs. Of course we see JLo checking him out and basically throwing herself at him because, well, that’s what all us desperate women do, right? We throw ourselves at rich men when times are hard without taking much else into consideration (like, say the cop – who comes across as a decent guy – who wants nothing else but to date her. But hey, he’s not Jason Statham, right? Pfft!). Regardless, JLo finds a way to weasel herself into helping Parker’s character and thwarting the four thieves who betrayed Parker. Luckily for all of us, JLo advances are shut down and we don’t have to fall witness to another “Gigli”.

Is the movie some amazing cinematic masterpiece? Absolutely not. Are Parker’s flashbacks cheesy and annoying? Of course. But we are talking about an action flick and one that doesn’t disappoint in lots of blood, gun fights, knifing action, and Jason Statham being an overall badass.

Will your girlfriend love this movie? Probably not. Will you, you red-blooded hunk of testosterone, love this movie? Probably. It is, after all, geared towards your sex. And, just in case the blood and fights don’t do it for you, there are more than enough exposed breasts throughout the film keep your interest piqued.

So if you’re looking for a good revenge-style action flick, this one is decent enough. It won’t win any awards, but it won’t leave your poor girlfriend screaming for the hills either. JLo’s performance, however, that’s just inexcusible….
Killer Elite (2011)
Killer Elite (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
6.5 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It’s your friendly neighborhood freelance photographer and fellow movie junkie with my take on of the VERY late summer movie release “Killer Elite” starring Jason Statham, Robert DeNiro, Clive Owen, Yvonne Strahovski, and Dominic Purcell.

First off, I’m just going to say that the cast alone warrents giving this movie a look. If you know at least one name on this list, you also know it’s worth watching once.

“Killer Elite” stars Jason Statham (The Transporter Trilogy) as Danny Bryce. A retired speical forces soldier who is lured out of retirement when is mentor Hunter (Robert DeNiro) is held hostage by a mysterious Middle-Eastern sheik. With the help of his former comrade Davies (Dominic Purcell Of Blade:Trinity And TV’s Prison Break), Bryce must complete the task of killing three assassins who are reponsible for the deaths of all but one of the sheik’s sons. Which also means going up against retired SAS comando Spike (Clive Owen Of Sin City, Children Of Men, And The Bourne Identity).

Despite less-than-stellar buzz, when I saw this line-up amongst the cast, I knew the movie had to have some potential and for me it did NOT disappoint. Honestly, I don’t get the beef some critics have with the movie. “Killer Elite” is a an action movie. Typically, action movies concentrate on a basic plotline or little to no plot. Action movies are all about ACTION coupled with good actors/actresses. Killer Elite is not just an action movie … it’s a GREAT ACTION MOVIE.

(Sidenote: The 1975 film of the same title, starring Robert DuVall and James Cann has a similar story line, but the movies are based on entirely different events. Both movies are worth checking out though).

“Killer Elite” is based on a book entitled The FeatherMen written by Sir Ranulph Fiennes, which he claimed to be based on true events to much controversy. It follows the assassinations of members of the British Special Air Services, by a hit squad known as The Clinic. The FeatherMen was a group of retired/vigilante special forces members who went head to head with the hitmen of The Clinic to protect members of the regiment.

Look, if you like action movies, this is one for the books. Even the flashbacks with Statham and his love interest are good. There’s even a litle bit of comic relief provided courtesy of Dominic Purcell who looks alot like Lemmy from Motorhead in this movie, just 30 years younger. There is NOT a dull moment int the movie. Pay the cash. Whether it’s in theaters or DVD or other digital medium. An excellent movie for a Friday night!
The Expendables 2 (2012)
The Expendables 2 (2012)
2012 | Action
7.5 (16 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Mumble Mumble Mumble Part 2
This one, this one to me is the best one out of all three of them. It has more action, more comedy, more one-liners and more mumbling is that a good thing probley not because you cant understand one who that their saying.

The Plot: Mercenary leader Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone), Lee Christmas (Jason Statham) and the rest of the Expendables team reunite when Mr. Church (Bruce Willis) hires them for a seemingly easy job. But things go terribly wrong, compelling the mercenaries to seek revenge for a comrade's murder. With the odds against them, Barney and his team are hell-bent on payback and cut a path of destruction through opposing forces, only to encounter an unexpected threat: six pounds of weapons-grade plutonium.

Is Bruce and Arnold in this one more yes their are and their say each other's one-liner's to each other. Its really funny.

So which 80's star is in this one? Liam Hemsworth, who? Oh the brother of Chris Hensworth.

Anways its a great time and fun to watch.
Spy (2015)
Spy (2015)
2015 | Action, Comedy
Comedic Gold
From the brilliant Paul Feig, director of the ridiculously funny Bridesmaids and Sandra Bullock’s laugh-a-minute The Heat comes the latest in the secret agent comedy film, Spy. But does this film, fronted by the ever-popular Melissa McCarthy have what it takes to play with the big boys in the genre?

Spy follows the story of McCarthy’s Susan Cooper, a lonely CIA analyst suddenly thrust into the limelight as a secret agent tasked with tracking the whereabouts of a nuclear weapon after the rest of the agency’s operatives have their identities compromised.

After the success of Matthew Vaughn’s Kingsman: The Secret Service, released earlier this year, expectations of another spy comedy hit for 2015 were low to say the least, especially after the critical disaster that was Reese Witherspoon’s cop comedy Hot Pursuit.

However, Feig once again strikes gold with an exciting story, an all-star cast and some breath-taking scenery and action pieces. There’s no wonder he’s been tasked with directing the Ghostbusters reboot.

Jason Statham, Rose Byrne, Miranda Hart and Jude Law take their places in a film that not only has you on the edge of your seat more times than the majority of full-blown action movies, but also will have you laughing your head off.

The gags are relentless and on the whole, very funny with McCarthy continuing to be a dynamic presence like she has shown throughout the majority of her previous work. However, the surprising stand-out is Jason Statham as super spy Rick Ford.

We’ve all seen Statham play the tough action guy and his role in Spy is certainly no different. The difference comes with his ridiculously dry sense of humour – he is genuinely funny with his serious delivery and provides the film with its best moments.

Jude Law’s charismatic agent Fine, oblivious to McCarthy’s affections for him fails to make as much of an impact as Statham’s truly brilliant characterisation.

The film’s biggest weakness is in Miranda Hart however, who channels the same character that anyone familiar with her BBC One show will know all too well. Yes, she’s funny, but only because the script allows her to be – almost masking her well-worn persona somewhat.

Elsewhere, the locations are beautiful. From Paris to Budapest, Spy takes you on a tour of Europe and is unashamed of showing these tourist hot-spots in all their glory. Feig juxtaposes sweeping shots of Paris with intimate scenes in Budapest and the film’s occasional tonal shift also utilises this filming tactic well.

Moreover, the numerous action sequences are excellently choreographed. Feig has a real love for the spy genre and it shows. From the super slow-mo used so the audience knows what is going on, to the Shirley Bassey like theme song, nowhere is untouched in creating a viable spy movie, albeit a funny one.

Overall, so far, every film Paul Feig has touched has turned to gold. The Heat wasn’t as impressive as Bridesmaids but that is simply because of how fantastic the latter is. However, with Spy there is no denying that he is back on solid ground.

Melissa McCarthy is the perfect comedy actress to front a film like this and Jason Statham’s surprising comedic turn is absolutely marvellous. Despite a less than stellar performance from Miranda Hart, Spy is fun from beginning to end with numerous twists and turns along the way.

Settle down for the ride with some popcorn and you’ll have a fantastic time.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated The Meg (2018) in Movies

May 10, 2019  
The Meg (2018)
The Meg (2018)
2018 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Isn’t even entertainingly bad
You know to have low expectations when watching a Jason Statham film, especially one about giant sharks. I had hoped for something similar to Sharknado, a proper cheesy laughingly bad B movie, but sadly The Meg can’t even live up to these very low standards.

For starters, I don’t think this film has any idea what it’s meant to be. Is it serious, is it silly? It ends up being a bizarre mixture of the two which just doesn’t work as both aspects just seem out of place. Whilst I absolutely love the Thai version of Mickey that plays over the end credits, again it kind of seems a bit confused. The script is awful, and the acting for the most part is horrendous. I wanted it to be entertainingly bad, but sadly it was just cringeworthy to the point I was almost embarrassed for them. The only person who comes out of this relatively unscathed is Cliff Curtis as Mac, who is at least pretty funny although sadly underused. Also, what on earth was going on with Jason Statham’s accent? Was it English or American?! And then there’s the plot. It’s very predictable, the first hour is ridiculously dull and then changes into completely farce and unbelievability at the end, with stupid characters doing silly things that just don’t make any sense. Even the CGI was average and nothing exceptional.

I really wanted to like this, at least in a “it’s so bad it’s good” way, but sadly this is just plain old bad.