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I read A Note of Madness a little while ago and absolutely loved it. Flynn is a great character, and the story of his struggles with mental health is just fantastic. There can never be too much awareness, especially in boys/men.

This book was even more... emotional for me. I don't want to go into too much detail, but Flynn really reminds me of my boyfriend. The ending of this novel - while fantastic and honest - was not very comforting at all.

Jennah and Flynn started dating after the first book, and so in this book we alternate between the two narratives. Hearing Jennah's thoughts on what's happening with Flynn was amazing. I related to a lot of it.

In case you haven't heard about A Note of Madness, it's about Flynn Laukonen, a young uni student in London. He struggles with mental health problems and is misdiagnosed at first, but eventually correctly diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He suffers from extreme manic episodes, followed by severe depression. Fitting his music - especially competitions - around these episodes is quite a feat.

As I mentioned earlier, the ending is great. It was extremely bittersweet. I think it's good to be honest about things like this, though, and not just throw together a stereotypical happy ending.

In this book, Flynn goes through a few treatment methods. Following attempted suicide (which may be hard for some people to read about, so be warned) he is sectioned and sent to a residential unit for a month. He also has some issues involving his medication and the side effects they cause.

The most noteworthy thing about Jennah's take on Flynn's illness is her admitting that Flynn can be horrible and can hurt her sometimes, and it's okay to recognise that. Just because he is ill does not mean he is excused for harmful and mean behaviour. This is so important for anyone to realise when dealing with a loved one with any kind of mental health problems.

A really good book, realistic and reassuring but really quite emotional. 4 stars.

Merissa (11805 KP) rated Bear Creek Christmas (Holiday Mates #1) in Books

Dec 3, 2021 (Updated Jul 9, 2023)  
Bear Creek Christmas (Holiday Mates #1)
Bear Creek Christmas (Holiday Mates #1)
Alexander Elliott | 2021 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
BEAR CREEK CHRISTMAS is the first book in a new series, Holiday Mates. If you are looking for a slightly humorous, warm and fuzzy, low-angst bear shifter book, then you've come to the right place.

Levi has left his ex-boyfriend and family behind as he moves to Bear Creek to start again. His boyfriend was only interested in Levi's looks, and Levi wants to be more than just eye candy on someone's arm. Knox is the local bear shifter handyman who has just about given up on meeting his mate. When Knox first scents Levi, his bear roars to the front, determined to claim his mate. This scares Levi back and he has to seek the advice of a good friend before he decides what to do next.

If you like books where the main characters fall for each other, instead of insta-lust, then this is just the thing. Levi wants to take it slow, and Knox will fight his bear to give Levi that time. Knox worships Levi and will do all he can to give him what he needs, even if it's not what Knox wants.

The ex turning up wasn't a surprise, him dropping out of the story the way he did, was. I kept expecting him to return and cause more trouble, but then, that may be against the warm and fuzzy Christmas story we've got going on.

One thing to be warned about - there are comments about a lot of exclamation marks! 😉 Personally, I didn't notice that many and so didn't affect my enjoyment of the story. If you read this book with the expectation of a gentle, holiday-themed, slow-burn love story then you won't be disappointed. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 2, 2021
The Raven Boys
The Raven Boys
Maggie Stiefvater | 2012 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.8 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't really like <i>The Raven Boys</i>. I don't really see the "why" in the hype, and I feel completely indifferent towards everything Maggie Stiefvater offered in this first book of the series.

Or maybe, just maybe, like some books, Stiefvater just had the unfortunate timing to be listened to when I'm not exactly in the mood to read.

It's also when I pull off a really cheap Sophia move. Behold – the list of whatnots about <i>The Raven Boys</i>, or just a summary of my thoughts in the process of listening to Will Patton reading this.
  <li>Blue has always been warned that if she kiss her true love, she'll cause her true love to die. Sadistic as it is, I like that concept. I <em>really</em> like that concept.</li>
  <li>It's official: I like it when audiobooks have music.</li>
  <li>What kind of name is Blue? I'm a little perplexed, but since it's unique, I'll let it go.</li>
  <li>Gansey seemed far too absorbed in the ley line for a good part of the book – he's as bad as David, I'll tell you that right now (just without the whole metaphors thing).</li>
  <li>In sync with number four, I don't get the entire point of <em>why</em> they're looking for this watchamawho of a Welsh King. I mean, I probably do, but...</li>
  <li>Cringe-worthy as it sounded, I secretly liked that whole, "I... I'm... I'm very young." part.</li>
  <li>Why are The Raven Boys called "The Raven Boys?" I'm not sure I caught that. Do they have an obsession with ravens? Is it really because of that pet raven Ronan has (I assume)? Who's willing to tell me this?</li>
  <li>I don't really understand that cliffhanger. I know <em>who</em> Stiefvater is talking about, but I don't <em>understand</em>.</li>
<b>Fun fact:</b> Will Patton reads the audiobooks for the entire series (from what I've seen). YAY! That doesn't mean I like him, but it's consistency. I applaud consistency.

And the final question: Should I continue reading the series? (Lupe: NO. READ SILVER SHADOWS FIRST. &gt;_&lt;)

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
National Lampoon&#039;s Animal House (1978)
National Lampoon's Animal House (1978)
1978 | Comedy

"The last film is Animal House. Where I [veer] away from intense dramas. This thing is a perfect comedy, and I saw it right when it came out, as many people of my age did. It’s one of those films — I saw it one weekend; I went back to see it the next weekend and the next weekend. It’s a perfect piece of work and I watch it almost once a year. I’m no expert on it — can’t tell you the cast except for the big names — but it’s one of those things where I don’t even know if it’s any good. All I know is, I laughed in the same places, like Pavlov’s dog. “Hey, I’m a zit!” and the food comes out of [John] Belushi’s mouth — to me that is about the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Until he does this or until he does that. And you know: “A pledge pin on your uniform,” stuff like that. It’s funny down to my DNA. You know how it is with films. You love them so much, you almost adopt them. Like if there’s a song you really like — you almost kinda wrote it yourself. Because now it’s in your bone marrow. Animal House to me is from a much happier time of my life. As an adult I’m over-serious and worried. But as a younger person, that comedy was just so effortlessly immature and funny. The humor is not the highest brow, but it’s done so well. It works on every human cliche, like the drunk wife of the dean and the dean is over-serious… That was a film I watched usually around Christmas time. Somehow, I always find it in December and I watch it and I laugh sometimes, and I find myself crying because I miss Belushi. I think he was a great talent. I’ll watch him eating the food and I laugh so hard, literally, tears will go down my face. I don’t know the guy but I spoke to him once on the phone, briefly, but I just miss the guy. ‘Cause he’s one of my guys, like Bill Murray and Chevy Chase. All those SNL people — that’s my kind of humor. It’s just a perfect low budget comedy. It’s what you do with great acting and great writing. You don’t need a budget. You just need great acting and great writing."

Stephen King&#039;s A Good Marriage (2014)
Stephen King's A Good Marriage (2014)
2014 | Mystery
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
A Stephen King Lifetime movie...
391. A Good Marriage. A Lifetime Entertainment movie written by Stephen King? That is what it feels like. Besides a couple of F bombs, its pretty tame. Stars Joan Allen and Anthony LaPaglia, two great actors, playing perfect married couple Darcy and Bob Anderson. Perfect house, perfect jobs, perfect kids. And then one night Darcy has to go out to the garage to get batteries for the TV remote, because who doesn't keep their back up battery supply in the non-attached garage? As she's reaching for the batteries, something falls and exposes a secret compartment containing a cute little box, their daughter had made Bob when she was a kid, awww, and that box contains the ID's of women murdered by notorious serial killer, Beadie, ohhhh. Once the realization of this sets in, and unknowing just what to do, guess who calls? Anyone? Anyone? Bob hears the panic in her voice tho she tries to say she was just startled, he's like coolio, see ya in a few days, cause he's on a road trip and all. So while Darcy is panicking in the house, guess who comes home early? Anyone? Anyone? And he knows she's been snooping, and as she freaks the hell out, he calmly tells her who he really is, and tells her how things are gonna be... Besides the after school special feel of it, still a decent story, well acted. Inspired by the BTK killings and his imagined family life in the mind of Stephen King, heard BTK's daughter didn't like its implications to much... Filmbufftim on FB

Janeeny (200 KP) rated The Awakening in Books

May 9, 2019 (Updated Jun 10, 2019)  
The Awakening
The Awakening
Kate Chopin, Margo Culley | 1994 | Essays
6.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Awakening Is a groundbreaking story about female infidelity in the Victorian Era.
I’ve come to the conclusion that some reviews are best for me to write ‘on reflection’ as my first thought after reading ‘The Awakening’ was ‘meh’, then I put some thought into it.
I can see how when this book was first released it did cause a bit of a furore, and I can even see that possibly even in this day and age if this had been one of the first books I had read on relationships how it would have affected me. However at the tender age of 40, with all that I have read and seen it just doesn’t have the intended impact on me, and that is a shame.
A similar thing happens with music, songs that were released in the sixties and considered ‘groundbreaking’ don’t move me as much as they did people back then because I’ve heard so much music that was ‘inspired by it’ that it doesn’t have the same wow factor as it did when it was first released.
Anyway, back to ‘The Awakening’ I think it really did have a strong ending though, and for that alone it will stick with me for a while.
1917 (2020)
1917 (2020)
2020 | Drama, War
The visuals (1 more)
The representation of the war
The War (0 more)
The War Within The War
1917- is a excellent, phenomenal, epic, fantastic visuals, a remarkable/extraordinary journey that is sad to watch, because it takes place within the war, so people get wounded/injured, people get killed, people go through hell in war just to live to see the next day. People get hungry, tired, dont get to see their family, their have to survive, survival is the only key. And 1917 shows that, 1917 shows the representation of the war, 1917 shows all of that and more. Sam Mendes shows the representation, the struggle, the journey, no man's land and so much more of the war. As to appear as one continuous shot. Which was excellent/phemomenal.

The Plot: During World War I, two British soldiers -- Lance Cpl. Schofield and Lance Cpl. Blake -- receive seemingly impossible orders. In a race against time, they must cross over into enemy territory to deliver a message that could potentially save 1,600 of their fellow comrades -- including Blake's own brother.

A must, a very must watch film. If you havent seen 1917 than go out and see it. Cause this movie will win best picture.

James Koppert (2698 KP) Jan 20, 2020

Loved it

Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
Saw: The Final Chapter (2010)
2010 | Horror
6.1 (14 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The Game Ends
So this is how it ends, all the lead up and ends on a low note, i expected soo much more, and it ends up disappointed, which is sad because i really liked 1-6 alot and i expected to like this alot. In the end, the final chapter wasnt the final chapter cause in 2017 their made anethor one, a sort of reboot/reintroduction to the franchise. Than this year that going to reboot it again. So all in all this wasnt the final chapter. Just the final chapter for 1-6.

The Plot: As a fierce battle rages over Jigsaw's (Tobin Bell) terrible legacy, survivors seek support from a fellow survivor and self-help guru, who has a few dark secrets of his own. Meanwhile, crooked cop Hoffman (Costas Mandylor) seeks revenge against Jigsaw's wife and an author who has his own story.

Also what did the saw franchsie need, it needed 3d, and of course their choice the final chapter to do 3d. I watched it in 2d and what was ment to be 3d parts were bad, because you can tell their were ment to be watching in 3d, but your watching it in 2d.

Anyways a disappointed finale to a overall great franchise.

JT (287 KP) rated Brightburn (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Brightburn (2019)
Brightburn (2019)
2019 | Horror
What if superheroes didn’t arrive on earth with the soul purpose of saving humanity? What if their main intention was to cause pain and suffering? This is the unique premise used in Brightburn to great effect and turns the superhero genre on its head.

Kansas couple Tori (Elizabeth Banks) and Kyle Breyer (David Denman) have been desperately trying to have a child, without success. When a mysterious object lands on their property they discover that all of their prayers have been answered – sound familiar? What begins as the perfect family life starts to unravel in sheer terror as their little bundle of joy turns out to be something far sinister, despite their denial that he might just might be a little misunderstood.

“It’s a boy”
I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one, but I was pleasantly surprised by how well it unfolded. There was a solid amount of tension packed with good levels of gore. The jump scare is a staple part of the horror genre but it can become tiresome if not delivered in the right way. Thankfully in this instance it works and works well.

Post credits deliver more to the story which has the potential to spawn a sequel, although I prefer the idea that this is a one off.
Aliens Abroad (Katherine &quot;Kitty&quot; Katt, #16)
Aliens Abroad (Katherine "Kitty" Katt, #16)
Gini Koch | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have just four words for you: GO READ THIS BOOK.

Katherine Kitty-Katt is a force to reckon with and her determination to save the world is why I enjoyed her character so much. It's a lot like a superhero comic where the character themselves is so invested in their cause that you can't help but be invested in it too. Not to mention, the main character is married woman who makes matrimony sexy - proving that it's not the end of Independence for a woman. If anything, she and Jeff were a power couple and I love how well they worked together while maintaining separate identities.

I’m serious, people. Aliens Abroad brought fresh elements to the science-fiction novel and it drew me in like the gravitational pull of a black hole. It’s the kind of story that left me anxiously chewing the inside of my cheek as my heart raced and I couldn’t (much to my own disdain) read fast enough. From the first page, I was tangled in the story and invested in all the characters. Nothing is more important than that for me, and it’s why I recommend you launch yourself into this book.