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Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated a video of Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) in Movies
Jul 6, 2019
Dwayne Johnson (1 more)
Karen Gillan

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Oculus (2014) in Movies
May 8, 2018
Karen gillan (1 more)
Good story
Saw this at the cinema because of karen gillan and i thought it was good movie about brother and sister vs evil mirror. Karen is rather good in the role will watch it again on blu ray.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated The Party's Just Beginning (2018) in Movies
Jun 13, 2020
Watched on Amazon prime I liked this film directed stared and written by Karen Gillan making a movie that's a far cry from both doctor who and marvel movies for a first time director Karen has done great job tackling a tough subject of depression and suicide and no one else could play the main other than Karen so definitely a rewatch

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Selfie - Season 1 in TV
May 29, 2018 (Updated May 29, 2018)

Entertainment Editor (1988 KP) created a video about Selfie - Season 1 in TV
Oct 23, 2017 (Updated Oct 23, 2017)

Dean (6927 KP) rated The Party's Just Beginning (2018) in Movies
Jun 27, 2023
Tough subject
A film written, directed and starring Karen Gillan. Set in Inverness where she was born and raised. Her character is in a downward spiral after her best friend commits suicide.
Quite raw and gritty, definitely not a comedy. It can be quite slow and repetitive for a short film. However Gillian's acting is great and very different from her normal roles. So admire it for that even if it is quite a sad film.
Quite raw and gritty, definitely not a comedy. It can be quite slow and repetitive for a short film. However Gillian's acting is great and very different from her normal roles. So admire it for that even if it is quite a sad film.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Stuber (2019) in Movies
Jul 15, 2019
Dave bautista (3 more)
Kumail nanjiani
Natalie Morales
Karen Gillan
Just seen not the funniest movie I've seen this year but I did find it funny. Basically dave bautista plays the entire movie blind and kumali nanjiani plays his uber driver with disastrous results iko uwais plays the villian in my opinion underused brilliant in the raid movies but here not so much. The rest of the cast we're good even Karen Gillan who's only in the first five minutes of the movie. Would I watch again probably on DVD or blu ray

Dean (6927 KP) rated Oculus (2014) in Movies
Jul 9, 2017
Intriguing story (1 more)
Good editing
A good quirky horror film
A decent horror film that slipped under my radar. Starring Karen Gillan of Dr Who fame. It's good how the film goes from past to present and will keep you guessing what is real or not. Although slightly predictable in the end. Worth checking out.

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Jumanji: The Next Level (2019) in Movies
Jan 9, 2020
Dwayne Johnson (5 more)
Karen Gillan
Jack black
Kevin Hart
Danny devito
Danny Glover
Just watched and honesty I preferred but the first one I know it's basically the same as the first but with added devitu and Glover to the mix but it was still fun movie hope they make another sequel which is probably likely from the ending

Pete (121 KP) rated The Circle (2017) in Movies
Jul 19, 2017
Tom Hanks... need i say more (2 more)
Karen Gillan (hot)
The idea behind the film
How the film was as a whole, could have been alot better (3 more)
Emma Watson
Without ruining it, the finish could have been alot better
The attempt at comedy
Could have been alot better
Maybe this would have been alot better without Emma watson, we will never find out. But in my opinion, it says alot when karen Gillan was by far the better actress and sadly had half the screen time compared with Watson.
As per normal, Hanks was brilliant in his role and what made it even better was you get to see his darker side.
Overall, as a thriller, theres a crushing lack of suspense.
The idea was brilliant, the film was not. I had high hopes when watching but ended somewhat disappointed.
As per normal, Hanks was brilliant in his role and what made it even better was you get to see his darker side.
Overall, as a thriller, theres a crushing lack of suspense.
The idea was brilliant, the film was not. I had high hopes when watching but ended somewhat disappointed.