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Tales That Witness Madness (1973)
Tales That Witness Madness (1973)
1973 | Classics, Comedy, Horror
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Enjoyably (and appropriately) bonkers portmanteau horror movie based around the experiences of asylum patients. An imaginary friend turns out to be real, an antique bike turns out to be cursed, man falls in love with a tree stump, etc, etc. Kim Novak came out of retirement to play a slightly vacant literary agent who ends up eating her own daughter's flesh at a cannibal luau.

Not up to the standard of any of the Amicus portmanteaus, mainly because of a sub-par script - the twists to the various tales are either screamingly obvious, completely baffling or non-existent - but it's sort of campy fun anyway, with an interesting cast and reasonably good direction. Not remotely scary, though. The fact that much of it is totally ridiculous (the so-called Hawaiians look eastern European, and that's before we even get to the stuffed tiger or Michael Jayston going to bed wth a log) somehow doesn't detract from the entertainment value. Would have been nice to see more of Donald Pleasance, but you can't have everything.
If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
If I Stay (If I Stay, #1)
Gayle Forman | 2009 | Fiction & Poetry
7.9 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

This book has been on my shelf for awhile. I've also been wanting to read it since I first got it, but due to other commitments, I had never got around to it until now. This turned out to be a really touching book.

I think the title suits the book really well. Mia is trying to decide if she should live or just give in to death. She thinks about what her life was like before and what would happen if she decided to stay and live.

The cover is a little bit boring, I think. There's just not really anything going on. I don't know what I'd like to see on the cover, but this cover is too plain.

I did enjoy the world building very much. It made me wonder what happens when we're barely hanging on to life. Forman did a great job of making this sort of limbo, so to speak, feel like that's exactly what happens when someone's life is hanging by a thread. I, personally, felt as if Mia didn't really do too much grieving for her family. However, maybe this was just due to shock or because she was a sort of a ghostly like presence during the majority of the book.

The pacing was a bit hit and miss. I found some of the memories Mia had to be a bit boring thus slowing down the pacing a bit. I realize the memories were crucial to the book though, but I just felt that maybe they could've been written in a more interesting way if possible. The pacing doesn't stay slow all the time though, and a lot of the time, it does stay at a decent pace.

The plot of someone stuck outside their body while they are in a coma has been done many times before. Saying that, Gayle Forman did an excellent job of making it interesting for her book. Her lyrical writing helps the plot a lot and makes for an interesting read.

I thought the characters were very well written and well developed. I felt like Mia was a very down to Earth girl. Her emotions felt very real, and I sympathized with her. I did like Kim although I felt that she was a bit too disrespectful towards her mother. Kim was a great friend to Mia. This is made very obvious in the book. I felt bad for Kim when she finally saw Mia laid up in the hospital bed. Adam seemed like a really sweet boyfriend, and it was obvious how deeply he cared for Mia. He was willing to do whatever it took to visit Mia in the hospital, even if it meant going to jail.

The dialogue flows freely and smoothly, never disjointed. For the most part, the dialogue fits in with a young adult novel. This book is a tiny bit gory at the beginning of the book so be warned about that. There are a few swear words within the book.

Overall, If I Stay is an emotionally charged and intriguing read. The plot is interesting, the world building is fantastic, and the characters are lively!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 15+ who are after an emotionally captivating read.

<b>I'd give If I Stay by Gayle Forman a 3.75 out of 5.</b>

(I won a copy of this book from a giveaway. I was not required to write a review).
Parasite (2019)
Parasite (2019)
2019 | Drama
The script - epic. (0 more)
Rather out of character twist at the end. But minor. (0 more)
It’s so metaphorical.
Everyone said “Go see Parasite”. Everyone said “The one rule about Parasite is that you don’t talk about Parasite”. So I went to see Parasite. So this is a review about Parasite without talking about Parasite.

Kim Ki-Woo (Woo-sik Choi) is a student living with his family in poverty in a sub-basement room, sponging off internet signals and scrounging a living, of sorts, by assembling pizza boxes. Opportunity presents itself when his best friend, the slightly older Min (Seo-joon Park), goes abroad to study. For Min is an English tutor to the up-market Park family’s school-age daughter Da-hye (Ji-so Jung). Not wanting his fellow ‘frat-boys’ to move in on future romance – he’s lined up Ki-Woo as his replacement.

Ki-woo knows he’s lucked in when he visits the swanky Park residence and manages to pull the wool over the eyes of Da-hye’s not too bright mother Yeon-kyo (Yeo-jeong Jo). But the influence of the family’s “lucky rock” doesn’t stop there. Ki-woo sees an opportunity to get jobs for his sister Kim (So-dam Park), his father Ki-taek (Kang-ho Song) and his mother Chung-sook (Hye-jin Jang). And gradually the poor Kim family start to encroach on the rich Park family’s lives.

You might think that’s the story. It’s not. Just when you think you know where the film is going – a gentle comic tale with farcical elements – the movie takes a sudden left turn into The Twilight Zone.

To say more, if you’ve not seen the film, would be cruelty beyond measure. It’s a truly astonishing script, by writer/director Bong Joon Ho, and my nomination for the Oscar for best original screenplay.

It’s the details that get to you. This will be a superb film to watch multiple times. There are fabulous details scattered throughout. You know how the more expensive the car the more “solid” the clunk is as you shut the door? Listen to the sound effect when the Park front door shuts! Look what happens to the “one of a kind” lucky rock!

As for one of my favourite films from last year – “The Farewell” – you very quickly get to accept and embrace the subtitles. YOU MUST NOT LET THIS PUT YOU OFF. This is a masterpiece of cinema, well-deserving of its multiple Oscar nominations and its Cannes Palme d’Or award. At 132 minutes, it’s not a short film, but seldom have two hours flown by faster. It’s totally gripping. At times hysterically funny; at times shocking. A class struggle movie of a calibre that Ken Loach would never have imagined!

Gripes? I had just one. An action near the end of the movie seems bizarrely out of character and was a “WTF” moment that I didn’t think the film needed. However, it did set up a wonderful story-telling finale that I will think about for many months.

It provoked that seldom found reaction in the cinema when the end-titles ran. A hubbub of chatter and appreciation.

It comes with a highly recommended from me.

For the full graphical review, check out

Beth Ditto recommended First Take by Roberta Flack in Music (curated)

First Take by Roberta Flack
First Take by Roberta Flack
1969 | Rock
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Roberta Flack speaks to me in that same way that Melanie speaks to me. She's such a beautiful songwriter and composer and pianist and I don't think she gets enough credit either. She's such a beautiful songwriter and she's, to me, up there with Joni Mitchell. She covers 'Hey, That's No Way To Say Goodbye' by Leonard Cohen so beautifully. And that piano part, I think it's a minor key, it's a small part that's been sampled by Lil' Kim and I think Notorious BIG. It's so subtle and I don't think you would notice it unless you loved that record. It's so good. It's also so curated perfectly from start to end. I am no spring chicken and making the new album, it was my first record where the Spotify playlist was what mattered the most, and it's really difficult because that beauty in curating the song-list and what comes where, really thinking about it, and the titles of the tracks, that mood, is gone. It's all gone. No one cares about albums anymore. The labels want you to put the songs that they've chosen to be singles first and before you would never put the single first. Ever. First Take is very visual. I can see it in my head."


Amy Adams recommended Vertigo (1958) in Movies (curated)

Vertigo (1958)
Vertigo (1958)
1958 | Drama, Mystery

"I love Alfred Hitchcock, but that was the first one that I saw. I saw it in humanities class in high school. We broke it down and had to write all these articles about it, and it stayed with me for a lot of reasons? in exploring all of the imagery that Alfred Hitchcock uses, and just the tone of the film. I always was a Jimmy Stewart fan — my fiancé is kind of very Jimmy Stewart. [laughs] He’s like the every man. I really loved him. And then of course the Hitchcock blonde; a lot of it had to do with the females in the films, so it’s no surprise that I became an actress. I was obsessed with Kim Novak; I would pull my hair back and try to tweeze my eyebrows so I could be a Hitchcock blonde. I loved it. And that was the first time I’d ever explored film intellectually, in that class, because before then I was, you know, I just went to the movies — things would move me and I wasn’t sure why. To get to sit down with my teacher and break a film down intellectually was a discovery for me. It’s still one of my favorites. It speaks to me very strongly."

A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003)
2003 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: A Tale of Two Sisters starts with Soo-mi Bae in a hospital with a doctor trying to convince her to tell her story. We flashback to when sisters Soo-mi Bae (Lim) and Soo-yeon Bae (Moon) move to the country home owned by their father Moo-hyeon Bae (Kim) and their new stepmother Eun-joo Heo (Yum).

The two sisters don’t like their new stepmother and to make matters worse the two discover that they are being haunted by a spirit, but is the spirit guiding them to uncover a truth or does it have another motive?

A Tale of Two Sisters really makes you wonder what is going on because once the big reveal happens you are left wondering what just happened. Everything is very well created with the suspense building up through the early part of the film and returning to the high level by the end of the film. This story does need a re-watch because you will want to check out everything that is finally reveal.

Actor Review

Kap-su Kim: Moo-hyeon Bae is the father of the family who does seem to end up becoming pretty much a background character to the three female characters. I feel this character falls to the background too much to get a high enough rating.

Jung-ah Yum: Eun-joo Heo is the stepmother of the family who doesn’t seem to like the two girls, she has a past that is hidden but once it gets discovered we see hat she is capable off. I think she makes for a very good menacing performance throughout while looking very normal to her husband.

Su-Jeong Lim: Soo-mi Bae is the eldest of the sisters who always protects her younger sister from the new stepmother, she learns more about the stepmother’s past but has past that ends up helping with the final reveal. This is a good performance showing the fear and the caring side being used throughout.

Geun-young Moon: Soo-Yeon Bae is the younger sister who always looks at her big sister for protection, constantly following her around the house, we learn about why she is being haunted and needing help as the film unfolds. This is good performance that ends up have a big secret.

Support Cast: A Tale of Two Sisters really doesn’t have much of a supporting cast but the very few we have all do what they need to do.

Director Review: Jee-woon Kim – Jee-woon gives us a very good horror that will keep you guessing until the very end where you will be left wonder what did happen.

Horror: A Tale of Two Sisters has real horror moments when they happen that will shock you.

Mystery: A Tale of Two Sisters creates a mystery about what is happening and what is the secret behind the stepmother.

Thriller: A Tale of Two Sisters keeps you guessing to what will happen by the end of the film.

Settings: A Tale of Two Sisters keeps all the action of the film in an isolated country house which adds to the horror because the girls have no where to go or no one to see.
Special Effects: A Tale of Two Sisters uses the effects for the haunting which are the only need for them.

Suggestion: A Tale of Two Sisters is one for the horror fans to try which is don’t go and watch remake first. (Horror Fans Try)

Best Part: Girl at the end of the bed nightmare.

Worst Part: You will need to double check the twist.

Scariest Scene: Girl at the end of the bed.

Believability: No

Chances of Tears: No

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No

Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 1 Hour 55 Minutes

Tagline: Every family has its dark secrets.

Overall: Horror film that is filled with suspense filled scares but a final twist that makes you wonder what really happened.
Black Magic Sanction (The Hollows, #8)
Black Magic Sanction (The Hollows, #8)
Kim Harrison | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was like one long game of fight-or-flight, mixed in with multiple escape plans when Rachel could not avoid getting caught. Being Rachel Morgan must be quite exhausting. Being eight books in now, I have been able to come up with many reasons why I enjoy reading this series so much. For starters, I love how Kim Harrison plays off of Clint Eastwood films for her book titles. I also love how each race of supernatural beings are so creatively developed to be both unique and intriguing, right down to the intimate biological makeup. I especially love how Rachel operates "by the seat of her pants" so to speak. Her instincts are nearly always spot on, and she's got reflexes that put a cat's to shame. Even though her deceased father inadvertedly put her in this position of power, able to change the course of history on her version of Earth, she still strives to be "normal" and refuses to be anyone's puppet.
This book was all about crossing moral lines for the right reasons and how far Rachel is willing to cross them to protect those she loves and be free herself. The plot was exciting and fast-paced almost from cover to cover, except for a sad note that had me shedding a few tears - even though the series has given the reader fair warning of what would eventually happen - as well as a hot-and-heavy interlude - because it wouldn't be a Rachel Morgan book without it. I love the mental, unvoiced quips that Rachel dreams up to convey her thoughts, which are so much more entertaining than just base cussing. Case in point: "Are frogs coming from the sun in shapeships, too?" How can a person not laugh at that? Jenks' frequent quips about Tinkerbell can be quite hilarious, too. The ending to the book holds quite a bit of promise for the next one, Pale Demon, especially in regards to Rachel's relationship with the elf, Trent. Speaking of relationships, I am rather intrigued by Al's obsession with Rachel, especially after he changed his appearance with his gargoyle Treble. While I admit my interest may be heavy on the icky, one must admit the potential for certain interludes is strong and highly possible, given what Rachel is becoming. Plus, Al makes no secret of his interest in Rachel, trying three times to convince her to move in the ever-after, though I have my suspicions that his interest is more than just physical. The close look that the reader got of the Coven of Moral and Ethical Standards shows some interesting possibilities given that Pierce is a past member of it. Oh the havoc that Rachel can cause will keep me interested in this series for as long as Kim Harrison keeps writing it!

JT (287 KP) rated The Dictator (2012) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Dictator (2012)
The Dictator (2012)
2012 | Comedy
Sacha Baron Cohen is back doing what he does best, offending everyone and anyone without so much as a care in the world. The Dictator is a much funnier venture than Bruno was (while not quite as shocking) and still provides some hilarious moments.Given the recent run of press that dictators like Saddam Hussein, Colonel Gaddafi and Kim Jong Il have had this provides an untapped platform of Cohen’s ability to step up to.

As fictional dictator Hafez Aladeen he rules over The Republic of Wadiya, and Cohen models the character on all of the above in some way. The film is even dedicated to the memory of Kim Jong Il, and let’s not forget his real life appearance at a US awards ceremony where he spilled the ashes of the Korean dictator all over the red carpet and on entertainment anchor Ryan Seacrest.

It’s not that Aladeen is particularly vicious, despite claiming that he has sent men to execution for the slightest thing, say not making weapons of mass destruction with a pointy top, he’s just a bit of an idiot.

After refusing to sell Wadiyan oil internationally and denying that he has or is in the process of making nuclear weapons Aladeen heads to New York to address the UN Council. While there he’s captured and left to fend for himself on the streets of New York, while one of his lookalikes takes his place in order to sign a document democratizing Wadiya and opening the country’s oil fields for business.

In typical Cohen fashion there are some scenes that might still touch the nerves of a few American civilians. One particular involves Aladeen and his former head of the W.M.D. program, Nadal take a joy flight in a helicopter above the New York Skyline.

While surveying the landscape they talk in Wadiyan about Aladeen’s Porsche 911, well you can pretty much see where it’s going to go from there. It’s one of a few great scenes that you’re either going to wince at or laugh out loud. The film also draws in the acting talents of Ben Kingsley (how or why he agreed is beyond me) as Aladeen’s right hand man who is responsible for the plot to bring him down.

Also along for the ride is Anna Faris, no slouch when it comes to the slapstick comedy field, she’s more than at home here as Aladeen’s love interest. Directed by Larry Charles who was also behind the camera for Borat and Bruno it keeps tradition with juvenile humor and un-politically correct jokes. If you don’t laugh you’ll be asking yourself how the hell has he got away with it….again!?
The Ploughmen
The Ploughmen
Kim Zupan | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Also read my review here:

<b><i>Darling - come alone to the shed.</b></i>

I’ve found it so hard to write a review for this book because it was such a moving, descriptive novel. It was sort of one of those reads that I loved for no particular reason, it was just a gorgeous book at the right time.

This book was by no means an “easy read”, it has some very dark and upsetting subjects running throughout it but it was one of those reads that I fell into so easily and smoothly every time I picked it back up. It was a complete pleasure to read. I gave it only 4 stars because various things in my day-to-day life made my reading of this very choppy, so I think I’d like to read this again in the future in a more relaxed time and maybe this would even get a 5 star rating.

I think this book and its characters are definitely going to stay with me for a while. Valentine was a precious soul, and in his own way, John was too.

Thanks to my quarterly challenge for forcing me into reading this because I don’t think I would have picked it up for years and years otherwise!

Sean Astin recommended L.A. Confidential (1997) in Movies (curated)

L.A. Confidential (1997)
L.A. Confidential (1997)
1997 | Drama, Mystery

"I love L.A. Confidential. If it’s on for even a second, I just watch it to the end. I almost want to call my cable service provider and ask them not to show it any more, because it has overwhelmed my life. It’s because I’m from California, from Los Angeles, because the idea of police corruption, of political ambition, of logic and defying expectations. Really, Bud White is Rudy, in the thug cop questing for detective greatness. [laughs] There’s something about that. Also, the way that it commingles all of the ideas of pornography and politics and financial development and mob power and drugs. You know, I studied history and English at UCLA, and one of the big themes in a bunch of our history classes had to do with, “How is it that Los Angeles and Hollywood and California present themselves to the world as both this destination place of palm trees and glitter and gold and your future, and also corruption and deceit?” There’s this duality to it, and I just think that Curtis Hanson’s way of delivering that… And the performances! I mean, David Strathairn and Russell Crowe and Kim Basinger and Kevin Spacey and James Cromwell… Police corruption, and justice, vigilante justice, and it’s just got everything. It’s just a perfect movie."
