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Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Extraction
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Extraction
2021 | Action, Shooter
The latest game in the immensely popular Rainbow Six series has arrived with Rainbow Six: Extraction.

The series features intense squad-based action as players form teams to infiltrate, extract, eliminate, and survive various missions.

Using stealth, tech, weapons, and patience; players have to find the best way to enter a location, avoid or eliminate enemies, and complete objectives while working as a cohesive unit.

This time around the enemy is a parasitic alien race and players must form three-person squads or venture through the locales solo or with a single partner.

Players will select an operative; each with a primary and secondary weapon and two tactical devices such as grenades, mines, revive shots, armor, and drones. As time goes on and players level up; new technology can be researched and used as having the right loadout is essential. Players will also have unique skilsl ranging from gun emplacements, medical, cloaking, and more which can be used in a limited situation and must be replenished as the missions unfolds.

Missions are set in three zones such as New York, San Francisco, Alaska, and more become available as players reach a certain level and naturally they become progressively harder and more intense.

Each zone has random missions and when players select a locale, difficulty level, and their operative; they will encounter missions ranging from elimination, extraction, scanning, and targeting specific strategic locales.

The enemy is very cunning and ruthless and can cloak, shape-shift, and explode amongst their myriad of hostile actions, and players must attack, evade, and work with one another to complete the missions and survive. At the end of a level; players can opt to enter an airlock and move to the next segment or return to an exfiltration zone to end the mission.

This is where the real tactics of the game come into play as health is limited as can be ammunition so players who encounter a difficult mission where they sustain damage or lose a player have to make a hard choice. Players do not die in the game as they are enveloped with a stasis foam should they sustain enough damage.

As such the remaining team must decide to carry the downed player to an Extraction Pod or leave them behind so they can carry on or they can flee to safety. This is not always an easy decision as seeing your team decimated and barely making it to safety with only a small amount of health makes even the most determined player think twice about venturing back in.

Should a player be lost; their experience is deducted from the player and will remain deducted until the character is rescued on a future mission. Seeing your roster of skilled Operatives reduced to a couple of unproven newbies is very humbling and thankfully the maps are very detailed and engaging as players will get very used to playing in the locales frequently before new areas are made available to them.

The action of the game is intense as players can use stealth or run and gun depending on the mission and the variety of enemies and missions is good.

I do wish the Quick Play would allow players to select the skill level they would like to play in and that there was a server list to select from; that being said; at $39.99 and available on Game Pass; Rainbow Six Extraction is a great deal as the cross-play enabled game ensures plenty of players to venture into danger with but like the best games of the series; having the right group of players is essential as I have lost many players due to wild cards not following mission objectives.

Intense, engaging, and deeply entertaining; Rainbow Six Extraction delivers even if it does differ from what fans have come to expect.

4 stars out of 5
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty: Ghosts
Call of Duty: Ghosts is the latest installment in the commonly popular series and the first design with the next generation of consoles in mind. The 10th main game in the series is brought to life by series creator Infinity Ward with assistance from Raven and Neversoft, was written by Academy award-winning writer-director Stephen Gaghan who lists “Traffic” and “Syrianna” among his many credits.


Starting a whole new story arc, the game is set in the near future when a group of militants from the Latin American-based power conglomerate called the Federation, launch a surprise attack on a space station and unleash a devastating attack upon cities of the American Southwest that utterly destroys many of them in the process. The game jumps forward in time and follows the exploits of two brothers named Logan and David who nearly escaped the destruction of San Diego and 10 years later find the remaining American forces fighting a war against the ever-expanding Federation forces. When a rescue mission goes awry, Logan and David find themselves recruited by their father Elias into an elite Ghost Squad unit who soon discover that members of their unit are being hunted down by a former member named Rorke who was assumed killed on a mission many years earlier. The fact that Rorke may also be behind the attack on the United States as well as a big cog in the Federation’s plans springs the team into action with the fate of the United States hanging in the balance.


Players will play as various characters and assume control of everything from remote operated weaponry, Apache helicopters, tanks, and even a German shepherd named Riley who is a very welcome addition to the series. The heavily modified engine produces some amazing graphics in the game especially during some of the more scenic locales ranging from underwater missions to snow-covered landscapes as well as desolate cities such as Vegas and San Diego. Playing on the PC, did require a bit of patience at launch as the graphics did not seem up to par with what we’ve come to expect from the series much less a next-generation tweaking of the engine. Thankfully the game was soon patched and the graphics stepped up considerably although in multiplayer there were some frustrating moments where the mouse was not recognized and I had to do a series of workarounds until a patch resolved the issue. I still have occasional issues with the system wanting to reset the graphics down to the base level even though my card is more than capable of running the high-level graphics setting. This is a very minor annoyance though as I am able to customize the controls and settings anyway that I like and the gameplay is absolutely phenomenal as the developers clearly put an emphasis on a higher frame rate and smoother gameplay experience.


Fans of the series will know what to expect as there are a lot of familiar touches such is the wave-based attacks, stealth missions, and at the gun battles that are signature of the series. Early in the game, many moments seem to have been almost carbon copies of earlier games but thankfully the game finds stride roughly at the midway point and presses the accelerator all the way to the boards for one nonstop thrill ride which includes an epic finale and some shocking moments along the way not the least of which are the bonus scenes during the credits.


While I was able to complete the solo campaign in just under five hours I did find myself really caught up in the story and the characters which is something that I had not experienced in Black Ops 2 as a largely completed the solo play portion of that game out of obligation rather than compulsion. Absolutely love the space fight sequences as the Zero G combat was great and I would absolutely love to see an entire game set in this environment. I also loved taking control of the tank and running over opponents while unleashing furious amounts of firepower upon all those that crossed my path.


Now multi-play is the bread-and-butter of series and Ghosts definitely has a lot to offer in this category. From the co-op missions to the alien infested “Extinction” mode for up to four players battle against hordes of aliens for survival the game truly has something for everyone. Fans will be happy to know that in addition to the standard Death Match, Team Death Match, Kill Confirmed, and Domination modes there are five other modes which include Infected, Blitz, Search and Rescue, Search and Destroy, and Cranked as well as the standard and Hardcore modes of play.


Customization has long been a big part of the series and this timeout players can play is either a male or female character and have the option to customize the look of their player and online matches down to the type of headgear and uniform that they wear. As with previous games in the series, players are awarded points for kills, assists, and other challenges and actions during gameplay which allow them to rank up and obtain new weaponry, perks, and kill streak rewards. While I did find the customization menus took a little bit to get used to after being so familiar with the ones in the previous games, I soon was up and running and found plenty of options to my liking and I continue to experiment with various configurations to date.


The online maps are fantastic and full of detail however some of them appear to not have the same graphical wow as others because most of them absolutely blow you away and are filled with all sorts of nice touches such as dust and particle effects which have caused players with itchy trigger fingers to jump at shadows and shooter the paper flowing in the wind. The biggest complaint many people have with the maps is that they are extremely large in size and would be better suited for larger teams rather than the current number that is limited for online play. I specifically enjoy one in the snow as well as one set in a devastated city complete with leaning and partially destroyed buildings which allow endless opportunity to get the drop on your opponent especially from many floors up.


While I had some initial frustrations with the game, they quickly vanished and the more time I spent with it the more I was drawn into the characters and storyline as well as the multi-play versatility of the game. Well if used frustrations remain I have no doubt they will be patched eventually, and while I would’ve liked a slightly longer story mode what was presented was absolutely epic and delivered one of the best call of duty experiences to date.


I highly recommend the game and encourage people to focus on the many things that the game and gets right instead of lamenting about things that you wish they were included or what you feel was done wrong because it is a phenomenal ride that is not to be missed.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Sharp Objects in TV

Oct 4, 2018 (Updated Oct 4, 2018)  
Sharp Objects
Sharp Objects
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Decent cast (0 more)
Boring and drawn out (1 more)
Terrible ending
Overrated and Slow
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was looking forward to Sharp Objects when it premiered earlier this year. I love a whodunit thriller and am a fan of Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn's other adapted novel. I also read a bunch of glowing reviews before I dove into this series that promised an engaging, gripping story, which just made me more excited to get through the show.

Unfortunately, gripping isn't the word I would choose to describe this show. Engaging maybe, in that even though none of the characters that you are following are very likable, you do have a morbid curiosity to see what is going to happen to them. To be honest though, this series is only 8 episodes long and it was a slog to try and get through. Each episode drags something awful, to the point that 3 episodes in, I was ready to give up on this series. Then my girlfriend reminded me that it is only a limited series and will be worth sticking with to find out who the killer is in the end. Well, she was wrong about that last part, but we'll get back to that later.

I am not a huge Amy Adams fan, I feel that other than Arrival, she pretty much does the exact same thing in any role she is in. In this, she actually puts in a decent performance, it's more the way that her character is written that I take issue with. Camille is a whiney, dour character that is a drag to watch and none of the characters around her are any better. Her mother is a bitter, nasty old cow and her younger sister is an arrogant, immature little shit.

I haven't read the book, so I don't know if the pacing issues that the show has are inherent to the source material or the fault of the filmmakers. Either way, they are present and they are a detriment to this show. Every episode ends on an ambiguously exciting moment in order to keep you watching, then when the following episode picks up, it doesn't address whatever mad shit it just dropped on you at the end of the previous episode, to the point that I was left wondering a few times if I had actually missed out an episode in-between. Then it just drones on for another dull hour before dropping another inexplicable, shocking moment and it rinses and repeats this process throughout the entire series.


This also applies to the last episode, which ends with such a nonsensical, out-of-nowhere twist that is never justified or explained. It is a classic example of having a twist, simply for the sake of ending on a twist. A good twist ending makes a reveal that causes everything that the viewer has seen so far click into place, it explains everything at once and that is why endings to stories like Fight Club, Mr Robot and The Sixth Sense are so satisfying. This makes the viewer want to go back and re-watch the film or series again with the new knowledge of what is going to happen in their mind in order to see it from a different perspective and spot the hints that point towards the big reveal. A bad twist ending drops a bomb abruptly and offers no explanation to the bombshell and leaves the viewer baffled and annoyed.

That is what happens with Sharp Objects' ending. There is absolutely no precedent to Amma being the killer. When Adora got arrested, it was underwhelming but there was at least some precedent for Adora to be the killer based on her other messed up behaviour, which provided some explanation, but Amma makes literally no sense. They could honestly have picked any other character on the show to be the killer and it would have made more sense. There is a weird post credits scene that I feel that was put in as a half-arsed explanation for the nonsensical twist, but it really doesn't help matters any. Again, I haven't read the book so I don't know if the ending plays out the same way as the source material, or if it makes any more sense in the book, but in the show it is a mess.

Overall this is a slow burn that isn't even worth the slog of getting through thanks to a hugely disappointing payoff. The ending is the main reason that this only gets a 5. One of the most overrated things I've seen this year.
Zombie Army 4: Dead War
Zombie Army 4: Dead War
2020 | Shooter
With the success of the Zombie Army series of DLC as well as the Zombie Army Trilogy game; Rebellion has released the next chapter in the series with Zombie Army 4: Dead War. The game is set at the end of World War 2 where Hitler has unleashed evil Occult powers to create an unstoppable army of the dead.
The game opens with players playing either on their own or in a group of up to four players as the Rebellion is seeing a resurgence of the Zombie forces that have spread over Europe.

This time around players will have many more options at their disposal such as the ability to find Upgrade Kits that will allow them to upgrade their weapons with added power, enhanced magazines, and other features. As before players can use Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Machines Guns, and Pistols. There is a nice variety of weapons and players will want to find and customize ones that best suit their style of play.
Another great new feature is the Heavy Weapons that can be used when a player defeats a Boss Zombie and they include a Heavy Machine Gun, Flamethrower, and Super Saw. There are some others as well such as a Rocket Launcher and Emplacement Machine Guns.
All this is needed as the hordes are endless and they come at players in unending waves as they attempt to complete mission objectives and make it to strategic points on a map.
There are scores of new creatures to battle beyond the traditional hordes and the vast variety and abilities of the enemies makes the game a challenge. This combined with the fact that ammunition, health packs, and explosives are in limited supply, players must find supply chests and recover them from enemies in the form of stomping enemies.
Zombie Army 4 also allows players to customize the look of their characters and enhance their abilities such as Stamina as they would the same way they upgrade weapons.
The various segments are broken down into four-part chapters and the names and visuals that go with them embark memories of the classic Horror Films of the 70s and 80s.

Players will be able to take a break from the action by locating Safe Rooms at the end of each chapter. This haven allows players a safe place to upgrade, heal, reload, and more before taking on the next chapter.

Another nice feature of the game is that players can now do Melee based eliminations of enemies as well as pick a custom option such as a Flaming Axe, Power Punch, etc. to clear the hordes. Should a player fall they are able to be revived by their fellow players or else they have to wait until the next Checkpoint to be revived.

The game has some really impressive graphics and great imagery as locales from Sewers, Docks, Zoos, Bunkers, and more are all depicted in full detail complete with Macabre and Gory Supernatural decor.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War is lots of fun to play and has all of the gory action that fans of the series will love. The addition of all the new enemies, weapons, customizations, and abilities greatly enhances the game as well as the replay value as players can select a skill level that works best for them.

Should players need a break from the traditional game and want to practice using the traps, explosives, and other techniques in the game, there is a Horde Mode where players can simply focus on taking down waves vs doing mission objectives.

While the series began as a DLC; Zombie Army 4: Dead War looks and plays like a completely new game from the ground up. The look and gameplay will be familiar to fans of the series but the multitude of enhancements and new features make this a game that players will want to play.
Some of the lines in the game did get a bit annoying as they repeated themselves often and in the heat of battle hearing the same thing over and over gets old fast. Another issue comes when players play as the same character and you hear the voice of your character saying that their ammo was low even though you just reloaded.

In the end; Zombie Army 4: Dead War is not only an engaging and fun game; it is the best game in the series.
4 stars out of 5

CarolCorps1592 (21 KP) rated the Xbox 360 version of Dragon Age Inquisition in Video Games

Jan 21, 2019  
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dragon Age Inquisition
Dragons for All
I am a huge fan of the Dragon Age games and was so excited to play this one. Even though it had a lot of great aspects, there were a few problems that made it so it is my least favorite of the games. DAI is amazing because it takes the things everyone loved about the first two and expanded on them. The characters and story lines are so spectacular. I loved how they played into the last two games and each of the characters are unique and fun. The romances are fantastic and have you laughing your butt off at times. However, they were a lot more limited this time. While it was more realistic for the romances options to have preferences, it's still kind of disappointing to not be able to romance everyone regardless of race or gender. That also leads to the disappointment in character customization. I love that they added a new race, but felt that they should have added more than that. I also love how the game is more open world, however I wonder if they were quite ready for it. For me there were a lot of areas that took me way too long to get into (not due the area being closed). There were also quite a few bugs throughout the game that made it really hard to play at times. Regardless of any issues, I still love to play the game and can't wait for the next in the series.
Murder Cuts the Mustard
Murder Cuts the Mustard
Jessica Ellicott | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murder Adds Spice to Life
Walmsley Parva is facing yet another murder. It’s now June of 1921, and the body of Hector Lomax has been found in the graveyard. Hector was not a well-liked or respected man in town, and that holds true for Simpkins, Edwina’s elderly gardener. Simpkins was Hector’s brother-in-law, and they shared a house, so naturally, he becomes a suspect in Hector’s death. However, that isn’t the only surprise the day has in store for Simpkins and, by extension, Edwina and Beryl. It quickly becomes clear the pair of friends need to get to the bottom of what is happening for their own sake as well as that of Simpkins. Can they do it?

I love this duo. Edwina and Beryl complement each other perfectly, and with the book’s excellent use of limited third person, we get to know both of them. The growth in them continues here as well. The rest of the cast is just as strong. I did feel the plot got a little sidetracked in the middle, but I was always entertained and the book ramps up again for a logical climax. Since the story is set in 1921, we get an interesting look at the changes that were going on in the larger society at the time. I had never given these changes much thought, but I enjoy seeing how the characters are reacting to them. If you haven’t started this series yet, you really should. If you are already a fan, you’ll love our third visit with Beryl and Edwina.
The Little Dog (A Red Grouse Tale)
The Little Dog (A Red Grouse Tale)
Leslie W.P. Garland | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal, Thriller
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The first of The Red Grouse Tales follows a working week for Bill, a forester who has drawn the short straw of being partnered with Blackman, an unpopular co worker. On the way to their remote work site on the first day they encounter a small white dog sitting at the side of the road. Bill is curious why it is sitting miles from anywhere. Blackman shows a complete disinterest, if not active dislike. As the week wears on Bill comes to ponder on who Blackman is and why he behaves like he does. The final day is one he will never forget.

The tense nervousness Bill feels working with Blackman through the week permeates the page, the writing creating an energy from the silence between the two men and the attempts by Bill to keep away from Blackman as much as he can. As Bill's thoughts turn to the nature of what makes people do bad or evil things the presence of his co-worker becomes almost unbearable. Neither Bill nor the reader can wait for the week to end. The final events of the week make Bill question not only good and evil but if such deeds can provoke divine retribution.

As with the other Red Grouse tales, there is a subtle paranormal thread running through the story, and a great deal of philosophy too. It works almost perfectly as a short story, with its limited week duration and building sense of suspense and drama.

An excellent introduction to the Red Grouse stories, setting up the series quite neatly

JT (287 KP) rated Arctic (2019) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Arctic (2019)
Arctic (2019)
2019 | Adventure, Drama
Survival films have the ability to give us a sense of false hope by dragging us through a gut wrenching narrative that will ultimately end in heartache. Even right up until the final moments we still cling to the hope that a recuse will come.

Arctic takes us to a desolate and frozen landscape where there is no signs of life – that is until we meet Overgård (Mads Mikkelsen) whose plane has crashed in an environment that offers no chance of escape. We don’t know how long he has been there, but can deduce it must be some time given his efficient method for catching and storing fish and that the crashed shell of his plane almost seems homely.

He understands more than enough to survive showcasing map reading and technical skills to battle the elements. Through driving snow he has the determination to manually crank a radio system in the hope of catching a signal. I’m a massive fan of Mikkelsen whose calm facial expressions still give me nightmares after watching the hit series Hannibal in which he was fantastic.

Here those expressions are more pained than sinister as Overgård has to make a decision as to whether to stay put, or make the perilous journey to find rescue. The introduction of a second character makes that decision for him and armed with whatever he can carry and pull on a sled, he sets out into the bleak and unforgiving wilderness. With limited dialogue this minimalist survival thriller will set pulses racing to the end.