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The Batman (2022)
The Batman (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Crime
Visual effects (2 more)
Maybe a little too long? (0 more)
I was hesitant at first with this being the first reboot with Robert Pattinson as Batman. But I was pleasantly surprised, he played a darker and more brooding version of Batman than previous actors. While I loved the Christopher Nolan trilogy, this may be up there with them.
Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman was a good interpretation and as independent as you would want her to be. Also I knew that Colin Farrell was playing Penguin, but if I hadn’t have already known, I definitely wouldn’t have guessed!
The Riddler was much more insane than I could ever have imagined, and I think Paul Dano played him perfectly. I enjoyed watching his riddles unfold and him thinking his relationship with Batman was so much more than it was.
I loved how they changed well know places in Liverpool into the backdrop of Gotham, and once they were done with the editing if you weren’t as familiar with them you probably would have thought they were made for Gotham.
The only thing that stopped me from giving this 10/10 was the length of the film, it was extremely long but it did keep my attention for the entirety. I will definitely be recommending this to anyone!
Scouse Gothic: The Pool of Life and Death
Scouse Gothic: The Pool of Life and Death
Ian McKinney | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
107 of 230
The Pool of Life …… and Death ( Scouse Gothic book 1)
By Ian McKinney

Melville wakes with a pounding headache – there had been too many hangovers recently, but this one felt different. What had he been drinking last night? Then he remembered – it was blood.
Enter the bizarre world of Scouse Gothic where a reluctant vampire mourns a lost love and his past lives, where a retired ‘hit man’ plans one more killing and dreams of food, and a mother sets out to avenge her son’s murder, and, meanwhile, a grieving husband is visited by an angry angel.
Set in present day Liverpool, vampires and mortals co-exist, unaware of each others’ secrets and that their past and present are inextricably linked.
But as their lives converge, who will be expected to atone for past sins?

This was a different unique take on vampire and their rivals! 3 vampire lives somehow become entangled with humans including a hitman and a mentally I’ll grieving mother. In a short space in time we see how all these lives collide. It was certainly different and I’m not exactly sure what I feel about it. 3.5 stars maybe instead of 3 or 4!

"I’d heard ‘Starman’ on the radio before going to school, and as most lads are, I was interested in football and outer space. Something about his voice and the opening line, just that thing he’d tapped into, and it was me he was suggesting to look out the window. It’s hard to comprehend the impact he had when he came out. I turned 13 in the May of ’72 and it was such a special time and gave my life magical class. I grew up in Norris Green, skint, and what he did was give the gift of inspiration. He changed the world in loads of ways and was probably the last great special person to do that. It was head and shoulders above anything else. To come out looking like that he could have had the biggest backlash. If you ever want to see star quality watch that Top Of The Pops clip, which is what gave me the idea that you need stage presence – you don’t just need it on stage, you need it in life. I missed those years of myself, in how naïve I was, and how un-laddy I was. I was into footy and stuff, but through the Bunnymen I found my own confidence. I was thinking of getting some bangles – thank God I didn’t. The thing about Bowie is that no-one else could have pulled it off. He was hardly ever on telly, and he never went on and mimed. It was just everything about it. People who missed it must’ve been stupid. I remember after Top Of The Pops going to school and asked my mates if they’d seen it and they said, “yeah – the fucking queer.” I didn’t even see that. I didn’t see it as a sexual thing, I wouldn’t have minded if I had have done. It made some sense because I was probably more androgynous than him through my teenage years – girls would ask me if I was a boy or a girl. I’d always tell them they could put their hands down me kecks and find out. When Bowie shaved his eyebrows off I knew something was up. That’s how you can pinpoint when Ziggy ends. His hair started to change and that’s when he stopped being so from-outer-space. I’m very exact on it, because it almost broke my heart. Without Bowie, obviously I’d have been centre-forward for Liverpool. It wouldn’t have been a bad career playing for Liverpool. I was a goal-hanging bastard. Fantastic shot, but I didn’t particularly like going into the 50-50s, the life-threateners. And my eyesight went to shite when I was 13."
