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Paulo Coelho | 2018 | Biography, Travel
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
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Hippie is the autobiography by Paulo Coelho, told in third person. This is a story about people that travel the world, wear funny clothes and flowers in their hairs, and believe in peace, love and freedom.

I have read many of Coelho’s books, even since I was a teenage girl. And all of them share something in common – the path of finding yourself. After reading Hippie, I believe that this is the the best one that covers this subject quite perfectly.

‘’He was a human being, with all the fragility that entails, he didn’t understand everything that happened in his life, but he truly wished to believe he was travelling in search of the light.’’

The book is a story of two people, Paulo and Karla. Paulo, a Brazilian guy, searching for freedom and travels. Karla, a lady born and living in Amsterdam, wanting to find herself so badly in the world. When she hears that a hippie bus is going all the way to Nepal, she is willing to go if she meets her ideal companion.

‘’She wished they could see her for her beauty, but all anyone ever saw was the hurricane, and they never sought shelter from it. They preferred to flee to safer ground.’’

Their adventure begins in such an adorable way, only hippies can relate to. Their search for what they want and need feeds with every stop and every destination. A beautiful story about friendship, love and travel.

I actually wished that they had spoken more about the travels and less about some individual stories that didn’t quite correlate to the plot. I also wished that they actually reached out the final destination the way they are supposed to (this was not a spoiler).

‘’Our travels teach us everything we need to know for the rest of our lives, as long as there’s no need to explain this to our parents.’’

Even though a sad end, it is a realistic story about a way of life before, where people loved to be free, and were free to find love, in a world of peace, love, marijuana and travels. A place where no one cares what you look like.

Right now, hippies are a normal thing, people that we all secretly enjoy reading about, and listening to their stories, but in the past, these people fought so hard to change the system of how people’s minds worked, the system people were stuck in, to make people realise that they have the freedom to believe in anything they think is right, to do anything that makes them happy, to be happy, and share this with the world. To live in a world full of happiness, love, peace, to travel and see places, discover places and people, see new cultures, explore people’s minds and customs.

‘’The sun had come out, as though to say that finally the Renaissance was making a return, to change everyone’s habits and customs – and one day very soon, people would no longer depend on the opinions of others but rather on their own ways of seeing life.’’

The one thing that I couldn’t enjoy was the constant religion mentioning in this book. All religions were mentioned, and with such intensity, that peace and love and freedom and the hippie meaning started to be in relation to religion, which is something I personally don’t want to put together. I am aware that lots of hippies believe in God in their own way, but I also think that love and peace should gather them together as a group, not religion. And this point was clearly states a lot of times throughout the book. Not enjoyable, at least for me.

For all of you out there, the hippies, the ordinary people that love travelling, love, life, happiness, music – this is a book for you. Another amazing Paulo Coelho novel, full of wisdom and quotes to underline.
Contains spoilers, click to show
My Heart Belongs in the Superstition Mountains: Carmela’s Quandry by Susan Page Davis is the second book in the My Heart Belongs series. Carmela's Quandry is a Christian Western with a touch of romance. It is set in 1866 in the Arizona Territory. The story has lots of detail which allows for the reader to feel that they are there in the middle of the story. A wonderful story that allows the reader to see the inner beauty in people.

Carmela lost her parents on the trail to California at a young age and since that point her uncle has been exploiting her for years. At first Carmela was cared for by friends until her uncle could arrive. Her parents owed money that Carmela's uncle was now responsible for paying. Since the uncle didn't have the money he guilted and punished Carmela by forcing her to tell a fake story that the uncle invented. The story is that she has been a victim of an Indian attack, later the uncle forces her to tour the country telling the story he invented. He even drew tattoos on her face because that mimicked what tribes often did to captives. Carmela is now twenty and is almost of age to be able to break away from her Uncle and stop speaking to crowds of people and telling them something that are lies.

Freeman McKay is a lawman who is transporting a dangerous prisoner by stage. He is riding along with a prisoner he is transporting when the stagecoach they are on is robbed. The bad guys leave Carmela and Freeland handcuffed together in the desert and ride off with their loot. Freeman is unconscious from the attack. Several hours go by and Carmela is brought water by a mysterious Indian warrior. That water saved their lives. Freeman and Carmela have to make their way to Prescott so that she can settle and be safe. Carmela and Freeman develop a relationship of trust. Carmela tells Freeman of the secret that she has been forced by her uncle to lie to crowds of people for money.

I liked that Carmela was able to find true happiness. The story is captivating. It's a story of faith and the healing virtue of friendship and love.
Wonder Woman: Warbringer
Wonder Woman: Warbringer
Leigh Bardugo | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leigh Bardugo takes the fierce heroine you know and love - and makes her human. Warbringer is an origin story, taking Diana back to her roots and showing readers the less sure side of the Amazonian Princess. Yes, Diana is strong, loyal, honest and hard-working but she is also prideful, ambitious and unsure. She hasn't yet made a name for herself in the world of man and isn't sure what she is capable of.

This story focuses on the relationship between Diana and Alia, a New Yorker who finds herself on the island of Themiscyra, rather than the romance most readers have come to expect. Sorry Steve, but this story is all about girl power and friendship. The two girls learn from each other and what it means to have a sister.

<i>“Sister in battle,” murmured Diana, “I am shield and blade to you.”
“And friend.”
“And always your friend.”</i>

I really enjoyed the characters in this book and the diversity that Leigh effortlessly brought to the story. Each character is able to shine without seeming like they were only an addition to hit some invisible quotient. Alia and her brother Jason are New Yorkers, but they're also Greek and African American. Jason's best friend, Theo is Brazilian and a total technogeek. Nim is self-described as Indian, fat and gay, and while none of those things define her or are the most important aspects of her (obviously that award goes to her killer fashion sense) they are very important additions. The characters represent our diverse world today and give each one of us someone or something to relate to.

I have always loved Wonder Woman, so as long as Leigh Bardugo's story felt like the character I've grown to know and love - I was going to be happy, but she managed to raise the bar. She brought me a tale of the Diana that I didn't even know that I wanted, her true origin story and took her readers on a journey with Diana as she learned what it meant to be a true hero, an Amazon.

This book isn't just for fans of superheroes, but those looking for a tale of friendship, maybe a little betrayal and some pure gold lines coming from the Amazonian <s>Princess</s> Queen of comebacks.
Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)
Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)
Cassandra Clare | 2013 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (26 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clockwork Princess is the stunning conclusion to Cassandra Clare’s the Infernal Devices trilogy. The pacing of the third book is much brisker than its predecessor and immediately drags you into the plot. There are also significantly more scenes with action in them, which help to break up the scenes that steadily move the story along. As with the previous books, the story is very character-driven and continues to bring further depth to each character’s personality.

Will continues to be my favourite focus of any scene with his witty comments and sense of humour. It was nice to see him play off his sister at times, because normally only Tessa can manage Will. Although they have been apart for many years they still have a wonderfully authentic relationship, like how easily she is able to get under his skin. Will and Jem’s parabatai relationship, as it was in the previous books, is so real that you can easily imagine the love they have for one another, the pain each feels when the other is hurt, and how they would do anything for each other.

It was nice to see the continued development of characters that we’ve grown to love, as well as the new faces that have joined the familiar at the Institute. The number of important characters does not ever feel overwhelming or confusing, as each has been given the time to become established and grow in the world that Cassandra Clare has created. I love each and every one of the characters because they are not only true but integral to the story as a whole.

Despite having read this entire series before and knowing what will happen – it is still so brilliantly written that it elicits myriad emotions throughout. Each character feels real and their lives affect your own. A tear slips down my face as one character experiences unbearable pain, while another comes at the thought of losing a character I’ve grown to love so much. A grin overtakes my face in light of the overwhelmingly happy news. The books that I have grown to love are the ones that speak to you, change you, and will forever stay with you.

Clockwork Princess is quite possibly the best series finale that I have read and certainly the best final book in a trilogy. Despite the book causing me to cry, multiple times, I never felt dissatisfied with the conclusion. The story comes to a climactic end, then Cassandra Clare takes the final chapter to pull everything together and the prologue to make me cry again. I loved re-reading this series so much and hope that you are inspired to read it as well.

Darren (1599 KP) rated Allied (2016) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
Allied (2016)
Allied (2016)
2016 | Drama, Romance, War
Story: Allied starts as Canadian Intelligence Officer Max Vatan (Pitt) lands in Morocco to work with French Resistance Fighter Marianna Beausejour (Cotillard) as they pretend to be married as they complete their mission. The two fall in love for real and return to London to get married against the his superior Frank Heslop (Harris) opinion.

After a year of marriage Heslop comes to Max believing Marianna is indeed a spy, this leaves Max questioning, which side of the story to believe and what is the truth.


Thoughts on Allied


Characters – Max Vatan is Canadian intelligence working in Africa, highly skilled he can blend into his environment, but he does fall in love with his undercover wife. When he gets informed she could well be a spy, his life is turned upside down with doubts about what is the truth. Marianna is the French resistance fighter working with the Canadian Max as his fake wife, but she also falls in love with Max and returns to start a family with him. We don’t learn too much apart from that she is a loving wife and mother though.

Performances – Brad Pitt is good for the opening mission, you believe his every decision, but when he becomes the family man, he just doesn’t reach the levels you know he can. Marion Cotillard is good without being her breath-taking best in this role.

Story – The story here follows love and spies during World War II, we see how two people from different sides of the war fall in love and they must decide which side of the war they are supporting. This film doesn’t become as intense as it could be because seeing it from both sides could have heighted the experience and by the end it just doesn’t feel like it reaches the levels it should.

Action/Romance/War – The action during the film is tame with very little being used or looking overly real. The romance doesn’t feel whirlwind like you think it should be either, but the war side comes off strong as we see how the tension between the sides cause most of the issues in the lives.

Settings – The settings look authentic for the time, which does work well for the film.

Scene of the Movie – The truth.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Just fizzles out in the second half of the film.

Final Thoughts – This is a war romance film that just never reaches the levels it should do, it just seems to go on and becomes one of the average films that you forget by the end.


Overall: Average and disappointing.
Summers at Castle Auburn
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
With all of the series that I constantly fight to keep up with, this was a nice change with an all-in-one plot. The story is told entirely from Coriel Halsing's point of view, so the reader only gets to know things when she learns of them. Sometimes first person P.O.V. is limiting and somewhat claustrophobic, but in this case it simplified the story line and helped me to better get inside the mind of Coriel.
I grew to love Coriel as her story progressed and she matured into a strong, independent young woman. I love that she is not just a pretty face, but possesses both intelligence and wit. In many ways, this book is her coming-of-age story with a fantasy background that could have easily been traded for some other setting without compromising the character of Coriel Halsing.
I also love that Coriel is not the center of royal attention - like her sister, Elisandra - and the "handsome prince" is neither meant for her nor remotely appealing to me, the reader. It was quite entertaining for me to be constantly guessing as to whom Coriel would eventually wind up with. When the man was finally revealed, I was very happy with the results, though I would have enjoyed a bit more wooing on his part.
All of the different characters are well-developed and unique, from the narcissistic handsome prince Bryan, to the always-composed Elisandra, to the many aliora that populate the book. The aliora are quite fascinating, comparable to fairies or elves in description, but still unique to Sharon Shinn's design. In many ways, the aliora act as catalysts for political intrigue within Castle Auburn, as well as Coriel's personal development and maturation.
As an adult fairy-tale, this book can easily appeal to both teens and adults, as the romance is tastefully done and the risque topics, such as slavery, suicide, and illigitimacy, are handled with care and respect. Personally, I loved this book as much as I have loved everything else I have read from Sharon Shinn.
Seasons of an Amish Garden
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
If you’ve followed my blog for sometime now, you’ll know that one of my favorite genres, outside of thriller novels, is Amish fiction. And, in that Amish Fiction, I have 5 top favorite authors. One of those is, without a doubt, Amy Clipston. I fell in love with her writing style and books way back when I read a book she did that wasn’t Amish fiction. Every time I pick up a novel by her, she sweeps me off my feet and puts me in the heart of the book, as she did with this new one.

This is a collection of four novellas. These novellas feature the characters from her novella in An Amish Love collection. Each story here brings us a different season, in which the garden that is planted will grow. Each story, each season, brings something new to the book, taking the reader on a whirl wind ride of love, hope, fun, and memories.

The characters that Clipston brings us back to, all feel like coming home to family. They are chiseled perfectly, their emotions radiating right off the pages. My personal favorite from this collection is Home By Summer, which is following Clara Hertzler and Jerry Petersheim. I loved the message woven into this particular story. Understanding, hope, and most of all, renewed faith in the Lord above. I felt so refreshed after reading their story!

Anything less than 4 stars for this captivating read, would be injustice. The pages of this book will pull you in, have you up late into the night, making new friends, and enjoying time with old friends. If you are looking for a book that will refresh your mind, your soul, and take you through the seasons of life, then grab a copy now. You will not be sorry, and if you’re new to Amy Clipston’s work, you’ll be a new fan, instantly! Amy Clipston, hats off to you, once again, for another collection of heartwarming stories that I won’t soon forget!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Booklook Blogger Program and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Memory House
The Memory House
Rachel Hauck | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
characters (1 more)
plot line
Timeless and Gripping!
When I pick up a Rachel Hauck novel, I don’t have to wonder if I’ll like it, or if it will be one that I will put down and walk away from. Because, when I read a novel by this phenomenally fantastic author, I will love it and I will most certainly not walk away from the novel. In fact, I always read a Hauck novel in less than 48 hours.

The Memory House is a moving and captivating story. It’s chiseled magnificently and really makes the reader feel as if they are the heart of the story. It’s told in trademark Hauck style of dual timelines, but is still absolutely gripping. Each page turn tells more of Beck and Everleigh’s stories, and each turn of the page, opens the readers eyes just a little more.

Having been through hard times in life, I sometimes find myself questioning God, and wondering if anything good will come of my situations. Then, with a little faith and hope, He shows me that nothing is for naught, and everything will be just fine, even if it feels like the end. Beck and Everleigh, both dealt heartache and pain in their lives, blossomed for me and I saw a little bit of myself in each of them.

This story is filled with love, hope, faith, and heartache. This story is filled with beautiful souls, and a plot line that will leave you wanting more from this fantabulous author. From start to finish, you’ll fall more and more in love with these tender characters. You’ll feel the messages surround you, and you’ll hear God whispering throughout.

Don’t waste another minute without grabbing this book. If you’ve never read a Hauck novel before you’ll be a fan for life. If you’re a current fan, you’ll find yourself lost in another amazing novel by Hauck. Definitely worthy of 4 stars, two thumbs and hats off. I can’t wait to share this novel with my friends and family.

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
The Witch of Duva (Grisha Verse, #0.5)
9.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
There will 100% be spoilers in this review, so read at your own caution.

Um. I did not see that ending coming. Not by a long shot.

Okay, Leigh Bardugo is a master wordsmith. This story was so creepy and foreboding, I just can't keep up with her. The writing style was kind of mystical and whimsical, but it a really dark way. I have no idea how she does it, but holy crap, she does it so freaking well!

I love how the ending was such a twist. I thought, in trying to "out-trick" Ms. Bardugo, that it was going to be Nadya who was the monster because that would be something weird, right? WRONG!! Wrong on every thought I had about that.

I did not see that her freaking father would be that weird!! Ugh. That was pretty gruesome to read, to be completely honest. There were only two points in this story that my stomach actually turned: when she got her freaking fingers chopped off and baked into a ginger-child and when her father ate the ginger-child and basically exploded all over the floor. Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

Bardugo loves drawing the attention one way then ripping the carped out from under everyone. Kinda like something Kaz would do. She's a trickster like that.

Again, with this story, Leigh Bardugo is creating a more immersive world that not only draws me in to the story more, but also creates a deeper world for the characters to live in. I could see a little Nina or Alina sitting by the fireplace being told these stories as little girls to keep them from being reckless. I just freaking love this so much.

If you haven't read the rest of her folk-tales, stop reading this review (it's almost over anyway) and go read them right now!!!

Lastly, I just want to say a big thank you to Leigh for writing these folk-tales. I have always loved any kind of folk-tale but coming from a world that I already love and know a lot about, this made me really happy!!
The Legacy of Souls (Seb Thomas #2)
The Legacy of Souls (Seb Thomas #2)
M.S.C. Barnes | 2018 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Legacy of Souls (Seb Thomas #2) by M.S.C. Barnes
The Legacy of Souls is the second book in the Seb Thomas series, and we start off with Seb struggling with his 'job' as Custodian. He doesn't appear to be able to get to grips with what it is he is supposed to be doing, instead he focuses on the bad things he sees. That takes a back seat though when his life is threatened, and those of his friends.

This book is AMAZING! Be prepared for a fast-paced and bumpy ride as Seb tries to figure out just what is going, with only limited information. He acts his age, which is perfect for the story. He isn't this all-round amazing hero with sky-high self confidence. Nope, he's a normal boy with his first love, and overwhelming doubt about his own abilities. And that, my friends, is what makes this such a good read! Be prepared to laugh aloud, and possibly even shed a tear or two (or more in my case) as you get sucked into the story.

I will say here that I got a bit confused at times with the names of the different characters, and what their roles were - the Custodians were easy, but the others got me sometimes. It's not like they walk around with stickers on their foreheads saying what their role is. Seb's group I had no problem with, and I knew most of Aelfric's, but once we got to Henri's and Nicole's, I stopped trying to remember what they did and just concentrated on enjoying the story.

There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted from my reading, and I was thoroughly engrossed from the start to end. Although this book ties up the story, I am really hoping there is more to come. I love this group, this world, and would love to read more. Absolutely and utterly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

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