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The Mothers: A Novel
The Mothers: A Novel
Brit Bennett | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Nadia Turner, Aubrey Evans, and Luke Sheppard are young adults living in Oceanside, CA. They are each going through their lives trying to overcome their individual struggles. One summer they are all joined together by unforeseen events and these events will help to mold them into the people they will be for the rest of their lives.

We all have people in our lives who know everything think that is going on in our lives or think they do whether we want them to or not. In this book, a few ladies at Upper Room Church fill this spot. They narrate the scene for most of the chapters in this book and give their honest opinion on how the story will unfold. They have known these young people most of their lives and have been in their position many years before.

I have been looking forward to reading this book or a long time. I will say that even though I read this book rather quickly it wasn't quite what I was expecting. I would have liked to seen more of a voice from "The Mothers". Other than that, this was an enjoyable read for me.

Nadia, Aubrey and Luke are all around the same age and live in Oceanside. Luke and Nadia date briefly the summer before she leaves for college. Then Luke suddenly cuts her out of his life like a bad habit. She takes a job working as the First Lady's assistant at Upper Room. There she meets Aubrey. Aubrey is quiet and shy, but is instantly drawn to Nadia. Both of them having lost their mothers, although in very different ways, have a connection that no one would have seen. The story follows the trio as they move through life and deal with their pasts in order to move forward with their futures.

This was a very good debut novel and I look forward to more books by Brit Bennett.
Murder Mystery (2019)
Murder Mystery (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Mystery
A Sandler-ized "Clue" Mystery, Mixed With Rom/Com
Murder Mystery is a 2019 comedy/mystery directed by Kyle Newacheck and written by James Vanderbilt. It was produced by Happy Madison Productions, Endgame Entertainment, Vinson Films, Denver & Delilah Films, Tower Hill Entertainment and Mythology Entertainment and distributed by Netflix. The film stars Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Luke Evans, Gemma Arterton, and Terrence Stamp.

New York police officer, Nick Spits (Adam Sandler) lies about booking a trip to Europe after their 15th anniversary dinner. His wife Audrey (Jennifer Aniston), a hairdresser, thinks they will never visit Europe as he promised at their wedding. Nick scrambles to put together a less than ideal vacation honeymoon when on the plane Audrey meets billionaire Charles Cavendish (Luke Evans) who invites them to join him on his family yacht. As they explore the yacht they meet several eccentric and unusual people who they learn have all gathered to celebrate the upcoming wedding of Charles' former fiancee and his elderly uncle Malcolm Quince (Terrence Stamp). After Quince announces that everyone invited have been cutoff from his money and only his new wife Suzi (Shiori Kutsuna) will receive his inheritance, the lights go out and he is killed with his own dagger before he can sign his new will. Now everyone is a suspect, in this murder mystery.

This movie was great, lots of laughs and had you guessing, who did it. I really enjoy watching mystery/thriller movies and trying to see if I can figure out who the killer is before the reveal and I like how this movie kept me guessing. Of course it doesn't take itself as serious as an actual murder mystery and also pokes fun of some of the cliches and tropes, I had a good time watching it. It reminded me both of the movie The Orient Express and Clue. I give this movie a 6/10.
Dracula Untold (2014)
Dracula Untold (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.0 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Untold, uninspired, and underwhelming take on a Dracula origin story, very much in the style of a comic book movie. Historians look away: Vlad Tepes is a client king of the Turks, who is forced to rebel against them and seeks out demonic, blood-sucking powers to help him defeat his opponents. (Charles Dance, playing his mentor in evil, is the best thing in the movie.)

Mildly diverting as an empty spectacle (gasp as Superdrac uses his FIST OF BATS power to squish the Turks!) but essentially useless: the film fails to engage with either the historical Vlad the Impaler or the iconic Dracula. Luke Evans fails to communicate any essential darkness lurking in his character, just coming across as a nice guy who makes a bad decision under pressure. If Dracula's not going to be a properly evil monster, what's the point of him? Good effects and reasonable art direction, but misses the point in every narrative sense.
Midway (2019)
Midway (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, History
I'm a bit conflicted about this film. I thought the actors were great, I was attached to them and their story and that made this film enjoyable and heart wrenching at the same time. I wasn't in love with the scope of the timeline, I feel like it was a lot to remember - not that you have to remember the dates, but part of you feels kind of guilty if you don't, or is that just me? The hard part about that though is that none of it feels unnecessary. I feel like you get a well-rounded look at how we got to that point and all the events that led up to it. Obviously you could include so much more but then we'd be talking about a 6-hour movie and that'd be ridiculous.

I loved this cast. Luke Evans, Nick Jonas, Woody Harrelson, Mandy Moore, Dennis Quaid, Darren Criss, everyone was phenomenal and they played their parts well. Do I think I'll ever watch this film again? Hmmm, probably not. But I'm glad I spent the time to watch it and learn a little bit more too. It's definitely a great story.
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
Gaston & Le Fou (0 more)
Emma Watson (2 more)
The Beast
Just watch the original animated version instead
The original animated version is one of my all time favourite films from when I was a kid, so this was always going to be a hard sell.

Sadly it lived up to my very low expectations, they've really messed this up. One major problem is the casting. Emma Watson is just not right for Belle, I've said this from the second she was cast & I'm afraid she hasn't proven me wrong. Even some of the other fantastic actors like Ian McKellen and Emma Thompson seem strangely out of place as the voices. The second major issue is the CGI. The beast looks ridiculous (and what's with his voice?!) and the household appliances just don't translate over well into CGI. The only saving graces for this film were the fact that it gave you a sense of nostalgia for the original (something it seemed to rely on) and the only decent casting was Luke Evans and Josh Gad as Gaston and Le Fou. They're the only ones that seemed to be having fun and are the only thing I enjoyed, and it's them alone that deserve the very few stars I've given this.

Lee (2222 KP) Jul 27, 2017

Another one I totally agree with you on! I was beginning to think I was the only one that hated this! I didn't mind the beast, until he started trying to be friendly - I nearly burst out laughing when he 'smiled', it just looked so ridiculous. My 11 year old daughter enjoyed it, so I put it all down to me just being a middle aged grump, but this is definitely not as good as the animated version.


Sarah (7798 KP) rated Ma (2019) in Movies

Apr 18, 2020  
Ma (2019)
Ma (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
The trailer for this made it out to be a rather tense and creepy horror, however I'm afraid to say that it really falls short.

Octavia Spencer is the best thing about this film. She really knows how to play a creepy stalker type woman well - she's definitely got those crazy eyes! The rest of the cast are decent but sadly underused - Luke Evans is wasted and there's a blink and you'll miss it appearance from Alison Janney. The younger cast are surprisingly alright but are let down by the film in general.

The main problem with this film is it's severely lacking in creeps and horror until the last 20 minutes or so. You spend well over an hour waiting for what you'd expected all along. The film is bearable enough that you don't get bored, you just notice that not very much happens and then it's all over in one go. The finale is good but is also rather predictable and has some very bizarre and nonsensical actions from Ma herself. There's also a very small number of deaths in this which is rather odd considering it's been classed as a horror.

Overall this was watchable but ultimately disappointing and quite forgettable.
The Raven (2012)
The Raven (2012)
2012 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
6.2 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In this dark thriller, Edgar Allan Poe (John Cusack) is forced to assist a young detective to track down a mad serial killer when it becomes obvious that the inspiration for the murders are Poe’s own literary works.

This fictionalized account of the last days of Edgar Allan Poe’s life begins with the brutal murder of a mother and daughter. Inspector Emmett Fields (Luke Evans) finds something oddly familiar about the crime scene and his research leads him to a story written by Poe. A struggling writer on his way to becoming the local drunkard, Poe is brought in for questioning just as another murder is discovered, again one that mirrors one of the author’s grisly stories.

Because it’s his stories that the murderer’s recreating, Poe becomes Field’s reluctant assistant in hunting down the serial killer. But when it appears Poe’s fiancee (Alice Eve) may become the murderer’s next victim, the stakes become even greater, and now it’s the murderer who’s inspiring the writer and inventor of the detective story genre to do some of his best sleuthing work.

While the cat-and-mouse element of the movie kept me in suspense, the movie itself was void of the dark drama one would expect of a movie about Edgar Allen Poe, even a fictionalized account. Even with the detailed attention to the look of 19th century Baltimore, it wasn’t enough to help Cusack’s lightweight portrayal of Poe. Many times I wondered if Evans would have been better cast as the grim, moody writer.

What I actually appreciated most about the movie was the lyrical dialogue, the clever, poetic word usage of yesteryear. Although, there were some minor slips that made me wonder if the scriptwriter or actor forgot which century they were in. I did not have high expectations for this movie, so it truly did not disappoint. With a 111 minute runtime, “The Raven” has just enough mystery to keep one guessing, however it felt a bit rushed at the end. Up against more lively competition this weekend, this may be one to save for a DVD rental.
Dracula Untold (2014)
Dracula Untold (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.0 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The latest Dracula movie attempts to honor an ancient story while adding some new spice and bringing the usual graphics flair we’ve come to expect from Hollywood, but falls short.

Dracula Untold, as the name implies, is an origin story for the pop culture father-of-all-vampires. Luke Evans bears the mantle of Prince Vlad Tepes of the Dracula Clan. (Not Count, but Prince.) What about the King, you ask? Well, they didn’t cover this, but there is no King.

Luke Evans is one of my favorite actors in Hollywood right now, and he does this role justice. The rest of the cast contributed solid performances as well, as best they could with sub par script, and poor direction. Charles Dance was a particular pleasure to witness.

This film is Gary Shore’s directorial debut, and it’s easy to see the marks of a neophyte director. Had it been in the hands of someone more experienced, it would have been a juggernaut of a Fall film. Even so, he did pretty well enough, all things considered. According to his work history, Shore was an electrician until 1998, then disappeared until 2014. This is his second film so far this year.

Dracula Untold opens with the story of Vlad the Impaler, as told by his son. Vlad was shipped off to the Turks to become a trained and conditioned weapon. He earned his title by impaling an entire village for the Turkish army. Vlad was a deadly force on the battlefield, but they eventually allowed him to go home, where he could start a family and rule Transylvania. It is painfully obvious that the usual blood-thirsty character was meant to become a hero for this new tale.

The Turks return to take more boys, like they did him, but he refuses. This draws the Turks’ ire, and they demand retribution for the insult and insubordination. Desperate, he seeks out a monster in the mountains who was the REAL first vampire — a man who made a deal with a demon.

Vlad is granted temporary powers, paying a heavy price in the process. After this, the story really ramps up.

This film left me feeling as if something was missing. I attribute this to missing explanations, plot holes (like the lack of King), and several other missteps. Normally, I can look past plot holes. A strong enough movie will keep me from noticing them until I’m rethinking it later. In this case, they were too distracting. The music was unimpressive and not at all memorable. The one liners were forced and distracting, instead of powerful and emotional.

This movie is worth seeing if you’re a fan of vampires in general or Dracula in particular. That said, I wouldn’t advise high expectations. Great aspects were abundant, but there were just as many failings. If you feel compelled to see it, wait until you can see it at home, and save the money.

Logan Eccles (135 KP) rated Ma (2019) in Movies

Oct 1, 2020 (Updated Oct 2, 2020)  
Ma (2019)
Ma (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Creepy & Uncomftable but I cant look away
First and foremost since this is a movie with teens in it and teens are going to want to watch this I speak to the cool lenient parents now, there are strong sexual themes in this movie and brief male nudity, so if your not cool with your teens seeing nudity and scenes suggesting sexual activity don't let them watch this movie. If you still want to be cool and let them watch it, watch it with them please and be alert during Ma's flashbacks and any time actor Luke Evans 'aka' Gaston is on screen, especially if he's tied to a bed, and you should be good. Other than all of that this is a good story. Ma or Sueann is an odd unique villain in the horror/thriller/suspense movie genre. The most appealing thing to me about this movie is how raw and intimate it feels. No big budget. Not too many big stars. Just a good ol' story told in a well-written way, and performed well also. The plot is weird and interesting and plants you in your seat with your eyes glued to the seat wanting to see what twisted thing Ma does in seeking out her revenge. I do recommend this for the strong story but I do wish there wasn't any unnecessary nudity and did nothing for the story in my opinion, but still go watch it.

LeftSideCut (3778 KP) rated Ma (2019) in Movies

May 14, 2020  
Ma (2019)
Ma (2019)
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Ma is a relatively predictable and a would-be run of the mill horror thriller, if it wasn't for the mostly decent cast, and well realised slow build up.

Ma revolves around a group of teens inadvertently befriending a lonely older woman whilst trying to buy alcohol. The woman's sweet nature leads to her letting the teens and their friends use the basement of her house for police-free partying, and she becomes something a mother figure to them, nicknaming her 'Ma'. Things start to go a little awry when Ma becomes possessive, and a much more sinister plot unravels.

The film doesn't go full blown horror until the final act, meaning that the main chunk of runtime is a fairly slow burning thriller. It's paced pretty well for the most part, drip feeding details and hints that Ma is quite clearly unwell. It's also features flashbacks here and there, going some way to explain why she is the way she is. It's actually quite sad at times, and definitely plays the sympathy card on occasion. This wouldn't have worked nearly as well as it did without Octavia Spencer. She's the obvious highlight of the film and her friendly demeanor makes her character all the more unsettling.
The teenage characters are actually surprisingly likable as well. They're not particular fleshed out too much, and lack substance, but usually they're exclusively hateable in these kind of films.
Add in Juliette Lewis, Missy Pyles, and Luke Evans, and the cast is pretty solid.

I guess the main problem with Ma, is that's it's nothing special. It's painfully predictable at times - there's a lot of typical people-doing-obviously-dumb-shit-in-a-horror-film going on, and it's in your face enough to impact the overall movie.
It's still worth a watch though, even if it's just for Octavia Spencer.