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How to Walk Away
How to Walk Away
Katherine Center | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
READ THIS BOOK. That is all.

OK just kidding. That's not all. But really. There is not one bad thing I can say about this book. It's honest, it's painful, it's funny, it's refreshing. I sailed through it and I didn't want it to end. It's one of those uplifting stories that is disguised as a story of pain, and heartbreak. But did I mention it's funny too!?

Margaret seems to have it all. The job, the boyfriend, the apartment, the fiancé.... a super bright future of loads of money, the crazy hot guy to wake up next to, and endless white picket fences. And then everything changes.
Most of her story takes place in some pretty gut-wrenching hospital situations. Her fiancé may not be as great as she thought, the bright future may not be as bright anymore, and her family has some pretty serious skeletons that are about to rock her world.

And then there's Ian {{swoon!}} - who doesn't want a brooding, rock hard, gorgeous man with a Scottish accent in their life? Yes, please! Ian is gruff and salty, and pushes Margaret to extremes that make her hate him but thankful for him all at the same time... who is this guy?! And what is his story?!

It's almost a journey of Margaret becoming Maggie. The so-called picture-perfect life she had all buttoned-up, just may have been buttoned too tight, and a major life-changing event could show a side of her she never imagined possible.

I adored this book. It's so inspiring and the end was not the typical end I imagined it would be. It was refreshing, and honest, and brutal at times, but a definite new favorite. I'm adding this to my top 5 of 2018. Great story, and highly recommend!
Carpenter Road
Carpenter Road
N.M. Brown | 2019
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first met Leighton Jones in Carpenter Road, N.M. Brown’s second book featuring this character. I have not read the previous story, The Girl on the Bus, but believe me you don’t need to for this one to make sense, as this easily reads as a standalone and is still a very good read.

When by chance Leighton comes across a prostitute kicking up a fuss about her stolen coat that had some money in, and discovers the girl who was seen last seen wearing it has now gone missing, Jones a traffic cop, decides to take it upon himself to investigate if the two are connected.

So what did I think? Detective Jones is such a caring, lovable character, I instantly found myself drawn to him.

Rochelle, the prostitute, is an unlikely sidekick who gets roped into Leighton’s investigations, and she’s also a fantastic character. I was so invested in her part of the story and the danger she’d been inadvertently thrown into. I too, hoped she’d eventually get out of the prostitution racket to achieve her goals and turn her life around, just how she had wished for.

N.M. Brown’s writing really grabbed my attention from the first page, and kept me up all night reading. I especially liked hearing from the serial killer’s point of view. He was so creepy, it really added a new dimension to the story and kept me hooked throughout.

The ending was a bit of a shock. I honestly, didn’t expect to feel a little choked up by a Bloodhound crime book! But there, I said it, N.M. Brown really took me by surprise with that twist!

This is an unputdownable, well-written crime novel that’s distinctive, compelling and memorable!
Murder Knocks Twice
Murder Knocks Twice
Susanna Calkins | 2019 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bringing 1929 Chicago to Life
Gina Ricci is thrilled when she lands a job at The Third Door, one of many speakeasies in 1929 Chicago. Her friend, Lulu, already works there, and she has promised the tips are good. Since Gina needs to support herself and her sick father, the promised money is very welcome, and the glitch, glamour, and possibility of meeting some celebrities captivates Gina. As Gina settles into her new job, she starts to hear that her predecessor was murdered, but no one seems willing to talk about it. Besides, it happened away from The Third Door, so surely the murder was unrelated to the job Gina has now, right? Gina has just convinced herself of that when she witnesses a murder. Is she safe in her new job? Can she figure out what is really happening?

Since I love history, especially US history, I’m always looking for promising sounding new historical mysteries to add to my to be read list. This one does a great job of bringing the era and location to life as we get plenty of discussions about life during the time, including celebrities of the day. However, this detail took away from the mystery. The murder I teased takes place a third of the way into the book, and that does make the plot move forward a little faster, but still, we could have used some more clues and red herrings. The climax does explain everything, but it feels very rushed. The characters are a little thin as well, although I did feel we got to know Gina and a couple others well. In you are interested in the time or location, I definitely recommend you pick up the book. Hopefully, with some things now established, the next in the series will be stronger.
Ready Player One (2018)
Ready Player One (2018)
2018 | Sci-Fi
Lots of, "Hey, I know that!" moments (0 more)
Lots of, "Hey, I know that moments (0 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
"Ready Player One" is a good, almost great, popcorn flick. There are visual jokes throughout the film, references to every 80s pop culture item you can think of, and characters that are likeable.

The vast majority of the film is animated, which is obvious given the subject matter. The animation, however, doesn't allow the actors to deliver nuanced performances. Everything in the film is turned up to 11. There's no breaks, no subtle moments. It's full throttle, pedal to the metal, all the way through.

Now, there are some very cute character bits that are blown away by the bombast, not the least of which is the film's villain uses a Superman avatar in the Oasis, and I'm pretty sure it's the Injustice Superman, which is fitting. Yes, we've all seen the Iron Giant in the previews, as well as the cars in the race sequence.

The most surprising inclusion in the movie, the best filmed and the most impressive story-wise, is the sequence involving the retrieval of the second key. It's pitch perfect and the film should have done more like that and less Where's Waldo. Speaking of, I didn't see Waldo, but I'm sure he's in the film.

Spielberg did as Spielberg does when he wants to make enough money to finance another serious film. He made a popcorn flick. Ready Player One should please audiences and in a year without Marvel's juggernaut would have been the geek culture film of the season.

Instead, it's playing second fiddle to Black Panther, Infinity War, and, to me, Incredibles 2. Still, it's great fun and as long as you're part of geek culture, you'll enjoy it. And then tear it to pieces on the Internet because that's what we do.
Flatliners (2017)
Flatliners (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
The original! (0 more)
The casting (1 more)
Keifer Sutherland
An Unnecessary Remake
I feel cheated. I've watched the original so many times, and wish I'd just watched it again. This was a completely unnecessary remake of what many consider to be a classic film (does it count as a classic from 1990?).

I can kind of "get" the idea of a remake or a "reboot", given the progress in technology and medical science in the space of almost 30 years, so to bring a more contemporary feel for a modern audience would make sense to some extent. Instead, a film that was really thought provoking was turned into something that felt like, in parts, Final Destination.

A couple of lines tied the new version to the old, as well as Keifer Sutherland - one of the original cast of medical students - plays the part of a "House"-type doctor teaching the "Flatliners" in the new version.

The casting wasn't ideal - for instance, James Norton's American accent is kind of concerning. If he was a must-have for the film, couldn't his part have been as an international student?! Nina Dobrev played Elena from The Vampire Diaries in a lab coat. Similarly, the characters were a bit flat and one-dimensional. For instance, Ray used to be a firefighter. Great, where are we going with that? Oh, right, it never gets mentioned again!

Strangely, a lot of the film feels very rushed, with no real development of the stories of the individual characters or of how they go about the actual flatlining itself, while simultaneously feeling like very little of note actually happens.

Honestly, although the original is going to feel a little dated now, watch that instead of this. I feel like I want my money back - and we watched it on TV...
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985)
Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning (1985)
1985 | Horror
Tommy Jarvis has grown up, but killing a psychopath at twelve years old really takes a toll on your psyche. Tommy is enrolled in a mental institution in hopes of moving past the events in the last film. The same day he arrives, a fellow inmate is killed by somebody else enrolled in the institution and things only seem to get worse from there. Tommy is haunted by the image of Jason and sees him behind every corner, but when the inmates start disappearing Tommy realizes that his worst fear may have finally become a reality.

This might be my least favorite film in the franchise. I loathe the ending. I mean, they couldn't even get Jason Voorhees for a Friday the 13th film? Are you kidding me? That's beyond weak. Then, on top of all that, they make "Jason" be Roy the ambulance attendant. I'll admit that the "twist" is kind of interesting, but by the time that rolled around I had pretty much already lost interest. Let's pretend Jason was in the film and everything but the ending was the same. It'd still be pretty lame.

The kills are rather mediocre, at best. Ethel and Junior are two of the most annoying characters to ever be featured in a horror film. Both of them give Franklin from Texas Chainsaw Massacre a run for his money for most annoying douchebag in a horror film. Most of the kids in the halfway house are just a-holes and you can't wait for them to die. I can understand going in a new direction for the franchise and I admire the writers and director for having the balls to do something like that, but it wound up falling flat especially when it's sandwiched between two of the greatest films in the franchise.
Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End
Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire's End
Chuck Wendig | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Final part of [a:Chuck Wendig|17152|Chuck Wendig|]'s Aftermath trilogy of novel (starting with [b:Aftermath|25131600|Aftermath (Star Wars Aftermath, #1)|Chuck Wendig||44828548] and continuing with [b:Aftermath: Life Debt|26895161|Aftermath Life Debt (Star Wars Aftermath, #2)|Chuck Wendig||47250982] before finishing with this) that kicked off Disney's 'new' Extended Universe Star Wars novels, this also fixes many of the problem with the earlier entries - [b:Aftermath|25131600|Aftermath (Star Wars Aftermath, #1)|Chuck Wendig||44828548], in particular, just did not do it for me.

[b:Aftermath: Life Debt|26895161|Aftermath Life Debt (Star Wars Aftermath, #2)|Chuck Wendig||47250982] was better, but not brilliant: this, I felt, was better again.

All three novels are set during the period between the end of 'Return of the Jedi' and the start of 'The Force Awakens', taking in many of the key characters from the original films and furhter expanding their universe and personalities - in particular, Mon Mothma has a larger role to play in this than ever before.

The trilogy also introduces a new set of characters, and even manages to make the Battle Droids from the prequel trilogy seem dangerous once more.

For my money, however (and I hate to say this), it's still not a patch on [a:Timothy Zahn|12479|Timothy Zahn|]'s [b:Heir to the Empire|216443|Heir to the Empire (Star Wars The Thrawn Trilogy #1)|Timothy Zahn||1133995] trilogy (sorry).

Darren (64 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 27, 2019  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Everything (0 more)
Nothing but it has to be pure greatness to be a ten. (0 more)
People misunderstand this film.
Watching Joker, I knew that this would not be your average DC film. Knowing this, I think this is why i enjoyed it and i can understand why a lot of people didn't. Arthur Fleck is isolated and bullied by society, He has dreams of being a comedian except,He's not very funny. Arthur takes jobs to earn money and also cares for his mum. Arthur is already a man on the edge, He takes pills every day to suppress a personality disorder. The further we go into the film the further, we feel Arthur's Pain. He does not fit in anywhere. Arthur just wants to be accepted and to make people happy through comedy. When a social service program receives funding cuts which stops him from having his medication. Arthur finds out a shattering piece of news, which, in his fragile state of mind, tips him over the edge.

I can't really say anymore with spoilers and i don't want to spoil the film for anyone who has not yet seen it. For me personally, I went in with the mindset of watching Joker as a film about a mentally ill and unstable man rejected by society. That's why i enjoyed it. If you go in expecting Batman to pop up then , My friends, You will be seriously disappointed.

All i can say is, it's a slow burner of a film and that is for good reason so we fully understand the trauma of being Arthur. I've no doubt if nominated Joaquin Phoenix will win all awards given out in awards season. His performance is that brilliant. Is he the best Joker though? ....We'll leave that up for debate.
Risky Biscuits
Risky Biscuits
Mary Lee Ashford | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sugar Will Need to Take Some Risks to Solve This Mystery
“Sugar” Calloway and her business partner Dixie Spicer have taken on a new cookbook client, the St. Ignatius Crack of Dawn Breakfast Club. The group is famous for their all you can eat biscuits and gravy breakfasts, and they want their cookbook to raise money to refurbish the park where they hold their breakfasts. Alma is the de facto head of the group, and she is also a neighbor and friend of Greer, Sugar’s landlady, in the retirement community where Greer now lives. One day, Alma goes missing only for the police to report that she died under mysterious circumstances. This throws the cookbook project into chaos, but Greer is very concerned about what happened to her friend. Can Sugar uncover a few clues while making sure the cookbook makes it to print on time?

Reading this book, I realize I have completely fallen in love with the setting. St. Ignatius seems like a charming small town that I would love to visit (between murders, of course), and the author’s descriptions of Iowa make it sound beautiful. The book takes a little time to focus before the plot really starts to get going. As I figured, those early wanderings did come into play as the story wound to its logical conclusion. I thought I knew where things were going early on, but it turned out I was wrong. The characters in this series are all strong and just as charming as the setting. And there’s the food. While reading, I was drooling at the descriptions of food, so I was happy for the four recipes we find at the end. This book will leave you hungry for delicious food and another trip to this charming small town.
A Serious Man (2009)
A Serious Man (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Old Movie Revisited: A Serious Man. A friend just asked me what I was watching, I said A Serious Man, a Coen Brothers movie. The reply, I hate them... I freaking love them. Who else can tell the tale of a man and his life totally unraveling and still be able to laugh at it, like the Coen Bros. Oh well... The movie tells the tale of Larry Gopnik, and like I said, his life is falling apart. It all starts one day as he's sitting in his office, a college psychics teacher, and a student tries to bribe him for a passing grade, goes home, his neighbor is going over property lines with a lawnmower and making things look shitty, his brother is living with them because someone has a gambling problem, his daughter is stealing money from his wallet to save up for a nose job, and his son owes 20 bucks to the fat drug dealer up the street. And of course right before dinner, his wife lets him know she wants a quickie divorce so she can be with a another man, a good friend of the family. And thats the first 20 minutes. For the rest of the flick, it seems Larry just wants to make everyone happy tho his own life is going insanely out of control, all while staying within the confines of his religion. And thanks to the Coen brothers the Jewish faith looks totally insane (Being fair, all religion to me is insane) It really was an awesome movie, pulls you in with a great story and great acting, Michael Stuhlbarg, not exactly a household name, was excellent as Larry!! And right before the credits roll. It kicks you in the balls one last time, its great!