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Neon's Nerd Nexus (360 KP) rated Bad Boys for Life (2020) in Movies

Jan 18, 2020 (Updated Jan 18, 2020)  
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
Bad Boys for Life (2020)
2020 | Action, Comedy, Crime
Fly Together Die Together
Bad Boys For Life doesnt suck. That sentence alone could be the review many of you were hoping for right there but its actually true and as a matter of fact I think this is also my favourite out of the 3 movies. A decision was made to pass this movie over to a diffrent director (watch out for a brilliant cameo almost giving blessing this) and while personally I love Micheal Bays explosive syle of directing every now and then for the franchise this was a great move. For Life is not only a tighter more mature outing but it also shows the franchise has evolved, learnt and adapted with the times something most sequels fail to acomplish. Ill start with the action this time it certainly feels tighter, better shot and grittier going for more of a John Wick approach which without a doubt leads to some very impressive visual flare, lovely cinematography, great choreograph and some fabulously unique and stylish camera angles too. Theres no quick cuts either (thank god) but there is however one scene that had green screen so bad I wondered why its inclusion was necessary at all. Its uber violent too with some scenes being shockingly grizzly to watch but these combine with villians which feel so evil/methodical really adds a lot of urgency, fear, threat and tension to the story making the film feel way more adult the previous outings. Story wise things are layed out nicely too however it does take a strange turn in the third act which I feel doesnt quite work or fit a character we know and love. Chemistry between Will Smith and Martin Lawrence is as flawless as ever and while the jokes may not be laugh out loud funny watching them bicker/fight is still so entertaining and Infact theres actually some really great acting too from both the Bad Boys too. As we are introduced to new members of the team we also see how times have changed, how roles have been reversed and how a gung-ho approach to situations just isnt viable anymore as it causes to much collateral damage and ends in to many casualties. Seeing Marcus and Mike forced to change thier approach, grow up and realise they are getting old works really well and helps keep the film feeling unpredictable too. While not groundbreaking I had a bloody good time with Bad Boys 3 and feel with this new aproach Id be happy to see the franchise continue on for a bit longer. Its a fast, violent, stylish, thrilling, funny and above all a highly enjoyable 'one last ride'.