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Emma Watson recommended The Handmaid's Tale in Books (curated)

The Handmaid's Tale
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (112 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid’s Tale over thirty years ago now, but it is a book that has never stopped fascinating readers because it articulates so vividly what it feels like for a woman to lose power over her own body. Like George Orwell’s 1984 (a novel that Atwood was inspired by) its title alone summons up a whole set of ideas, even for those who haven’t read it…Atwood has called it ‘speculative fiction’, but also says that all the practises described in the novel are ‘drawn from the historical record’ – i.e. are things that have actually taken place in the past. Could any of Atwood’s speculations take place again, or are some of them taking place already? Are the women in the book powerless in their oppression or could they be doing more to fight it?"

Alias Grace
Alias Grace
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This classic novel of Margaret Atwood is now a televised mini-series, but I really had to read the book before I start watching it. This fascinating historical fiction novel is a psychological profile based on the true story of Grace Marks, the woman convicted of a double homicide in 1843. Read more in my review here.
Hag-Seed: The Tempest Retold
Hag-Seed: The Tempest Retold
Margaret Atwood | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genius Atwood reinvents Shakespeare
As a fan of Margaret Atwood I was looking forward to this book but it exceeded my expectations.

Having performed The Tempest as a child, it was an incredibly innovative approach to tell a completely modern story but using an old Shakespearean plot, while describing the play itself. Not only did it highlight Atwood's ingenuity, it also showed how relevant Shakespeare continues to be. The revenge itself was brilliant and extremely fulfilling - as well completely unexpected.

Be prepared for long expanations into The Tempest - it might be boring for those who aren't a fan. It definitely felt like studying it all over again but with a fresh perspective.
The Testaments (The Handmaid's Tale #2)
The Testaments (The Handmaid's Tale #2)
Margaret Atwood | 2019 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really enjoyed reading The Testaments. Margaret Atwood wrote it in the same style as The Handmaid's Tale, as it was the long-awaited sequel, however, it really had a unique voice. While it followed the general idea of what happened during The Handmaid's Tale, it was a story of other women voicing their stories 15 years later. If you are on the fence about whether or not to spend the time reading The Testaments, yes, take the time. It's a 415 page book, but it's a very smooth read that definitely makes it seem shorter. I loved finally being able to read Margaret Atwood's expansion on this story.
Angel Catbird, Volume 1
Angel Catbird, Volume 1
Margaret Atwood, Johnnie Christmas | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is what happens when a vanity project goes wildly offtrack. (0 more)
This is an unfortunate disappointment for me. I haven't read much of Atwood, but I'm familiar with her and her significance as an author so I was more than intrigued by the idea of a graphic novel written by her. Well, imagine my disappointment in what she gave us: from her rather self-serving foreword, where in the first paragraph she reminds us that she is “an award-winning nice literary old lady” and then goes on to great lengths about her lifelong interest in comics, to the flat story that is nothing but one overused superhero trope and bad pun after another, to the lackluster art (sorry, but Johnnie Christmas' art just didn't save this enough for me), to the interjected facts about the number of cat and bird deaths in Canada, the US, and the UK that occur each year, I was shocked that this got published. I would assume that had anyone other that Margaret Atwood presented this project, it would have been shot down. This is nothing to me but a vanity project and one that I just can't see myself continuing. The only reason I can't give it 1 star is because it is Margaret Atwood, after all, and it seems sacrilegious to do so.
The Handmaid's Tale  - Season 1
The Handmaid's Tale - Season 1
2017 | Drama
Fantastic adaptation of a great book (2 more)
Increasing parallels to current socio-political powers in the western world
Doesn't lose itself or its quality in the adaptation
Buckle up
One of the most intense and emotional TV shows I have watched, we managed to split it across two days just to get to the end but I reccommend pacing yourself as the content can be very confronting(as it intends to be). Fantastic social commentary once again by Margaret Atwood- a literary legend across genres and entertainment mediums.

Hypeshooter (3 KP) created a post

Jul 12, 2017  
Just finished devouring ep 2/S2 of 'True Blood'. Took me long enough to sink my fangs into it. (Pun fully intended).

Now off to bed for some not so light reading.
I am currently absorbed in 'The Handmaid's Tale' by Margaret Atwood. Powerful, disturbing, compelling and utterly heart wrenching.

I finished watching the tv series last week which is absolutely brilliant.
A must watch for those interested in dystopian and New World Order themes.
Definitely influened by George Orwell's classic 'Big Brother' totalitarian novel, '1984'.
The Penelopiad
The Penelopiad
Margaret Atwood | 2005 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tongue and cheek feminist outlook of Greek mythology
This is pretty hilarious. Once again, the master of feminist prose Margaret Atwood has created a modern day version of Penelope from the Greek mythology of Odysseus in which she is no longer alive. She's rather outspoken, feisty and sly attempting to live with her brutish husband while on Earth. At the same time, her hatred for Helen of Troy has seeped into her afterlife as well. I love the ending talking about liposuction and heels. A fun read.
Morning in the Burned House
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Though I really cannot remember the last time I read a book of poetry, when I spotted this library discard by the well-respected Canadian author, Margaret Atwood, I could not resist. I was hooked with the first poem, as I felt that these words could have echoed from my own thoughts -- a feeling that continued with many more poems in this book. I also loved that she did not feel the need to make her poems rhyme or follow any specific rhythm. I believe the technical term is free verse. At any rate, it was much more freeing to read than the typical poetry I remember from my school days. I find myself also growing in respect for the author, as I think it is rather courageous to publish a book of poetry, even for an established author like Margaret Atwood. Poetry somehow feels more raw and closer to the heart of the author than a lengthy work of fiction. Though I have jotted down bits of poetry in private moments, I would not dare share most of it with anyone. Some of my favorites are "A Sad Child", "Red Fox", and "Helen of Try Does Counter Dancing", but I found something to like in every poem. I highly recommend this very enjoyable read, even if poetry is not your cup of tea.
The Handmaid's Tale  - Season 1
The Handmaid's Tale - Season 1
2017 | Drama
Phenomenally good adaptation
It's worth remembering, every time you're tempted to think "this could never happen", that Margaret Atwood didn't include anything in her book that hadn't already happened somewhere in the world. So yes, it can and did happen somewhere, and could and may happen again if we don't learn the lessons of history.

The book has been superbly dramatised and features a strong cast who bring the story to its full, horrific life. There are few things I would ever characterise as a must-watch, but this is definitely one of them. Either the series or the book should be compulsory texts for 16 year olds.