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Saw V (2008)
Saw V (2008)
2008 | Action, Horror
6.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Ok so another review for another Saw film (with 4 more to go), it would be easy to just write 'more of the same' but that's the good thing about the Saw movies, they give the viewers what they want, more games and more gore. but they also expand on the law and the characters.
The previous two films have focused on Amanda (The Pig) and an John (Jigsaw), Saw V concentrates on Mark Hoffman, the first copy cat killer and (I think) the first pig.
As with the previous few films, Saw V tells Marks tale in the present and via flashbacks and manages to weave Mark into the events we have seen in the other films. All the whilst we have another 'Game' being played out. However this time around the game is almost irrelevant where as the games in the other films normally end up being part of the ongoing story in Saw V it's just something else that is happening. The police don't even seem to know or find out about it being more interested in if there is a traitor and who it is.
Saw V does go back to it's roots whilst pushing the franchise forward, there are flashbacks to the previous films, showing how Mark was involved, all though they did seem to almost totally ignore Amanda. There is a small nod to the film 'Seven' which was an inspiration for the first film when Johns wife receives her inheritance.
The Biggest problem with Saw V is that the time line is getting too complicated to follow and seems to interfere with the events in Saw IV but that doesn't cause to many problems.
We never did get to find out what was in the box though, maybe in Saw VI.
Gotti (2018)
Gotti (2018)
2018 | Biography, Crime, Drama
I've learned that I must come to accept that we may never again see the quality of gangster films that Hollywood churned out during the 70's-90's. Gotti is another example of a poorly executed attempt to retell a story that deserves to be told, but misses the mark by about a million miles.

John Travolta can only be partially blamed for this failure. He was exactly what you would expect him to be if you have ever seen his acting ability. The story he was attempting to convey was the true criminal. Convoluted and disoriented from the start, it was never able to get on its feet, let alone take a step in a forward direction. I'm not sure there is any actor alive who could have made up for the deficiencies everywhere you look in this movie.

I've definitely seen much worse, even in this genre. But I had high hopes and they were abruptly shattered.

Kristin (149 KP) rated Bump in Books

Dec 7, 2018  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Holy s**t! This book *definitely* lives up to the "extreme horror" label on its cover. The Dills are sick and twisted, the mannequins scared the hell out of me, and it just gets better (or worse, depending on how you look at it) from there. From the very start, I was completely engrossed in the story and had to tear myself away from it to work, eat, or sleep (which didn't come easily after reading at night). I would definitely recommend this story to anyone who loves an awesome horror novel, although I'd caution that you'll wind up checking all your locks, under the bed, in the closets, etc. for many nights after you finish. I'm looking forward to the film version if it ever comes to light, but I'm sure I'll make it a daylight viewing.

Thanks for the scares, Mark, and I hope you continue for many years to come! =)

5 stars
Eliza and Her Monsters
Eliza and Her Monsters
Francesca Zappia | 2017 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
I don't know how to feel about this.

It was a little everywhere at the beginning and it took me about 100 pages to actually get the hang of it and start enjoying it.

I really did enjoy Eliza and Wallace at the beginning.

But towards the end i didn't really feel their connection anymore.

I was more concerned about Eliza and her anxiety and depression and holy shit did that hit me in the feels.

I think if this would have been one of the books that she would have done well had they just stayed friends and she worked on herself more than being in a relationship.

I would really love to see Monstrous Sea be a real thing . I would pay big bucks for that lol

I also want more on Max and Emma. They are my favorite side characters and they weren't even physically with Eliza.

To me, with the hype going around this, it missed its mark for me ( I didn't really feel the relationship aspect of it) But that aside i loved the concept, the art and looking forward to reading more from this author.
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017)
2017 | Action, Comedy
100% worth the watch
And this movie deserved every point

I loved the first Kingsman, it has brought a new style to the spy gadget movies, most of the characters are amazing, some not so much, but still enjoyable

Right, so, the movie carries on from the first film, I'd say about a year or so has past, Eggsy 'Taron Edgerton' is a full member of 'The Kingsman' and has taken over the roll of his mentor, Harry (Colin Firth), and even taken harry's codename 'Galahad' , he is living with his girlfriend and moving forward with his life, when all of a sudden the Kingsman's headquarters were attack and destroyed.
With the world being held hostage by 'The Golden Circule' led by Poppy (Julian Moore), who is head of a drug cartel, and with a scheme to add poision into all her drugs and will only give the cure to the infected people of the world is if all the worlds leader comply with her demands,

So Eggsy and Merlin (Mark Strong) have to jump the pond to ask for help from there American cusins, 'The Statesmen', who is led by Champ 'Jeff Bridges', there cover is an organisation posing as a Bourbon whiskey distillery in Kentucky, and together they have to try and stop Poppy (Jillian Moore) from completing her evil schemes

I have to say this movie is realllllly good, the fight sequences are amazing, and the music fits the film perfectly, Taron Edgertons screen presents is just top class, and working off Colin Firth and Mark Strong, just an amazing cast, with a sneaky addition to the cast from a well known person ?, which was surprisingly nicely done, there are a few little changes I would have made, but still as a whole still amazing

If you like the Kingsman, you will absolutely love the Kingsman: The Golden Circule, I recommend you looking for the next showing and watching it now......why are you still reading this GO!
The Rooster Bar
The Rooster Bar
John Grisham | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Timely plot topics (0 more)
Slow-moving (1 more)
Not interesting
Not one of Grisham's best
Mark, Todd, and Zola all had big aspirations when they signed up for Foggy Bottom law school. They also dreamed of the big paychecks that would follow after graduation. Those paychecks would help pay off the student loans required to attend Foggy Bottom--a less than well-respected for-profit law school that has left each of the trio with an average of $200K in debt. Even worse, Foggy Bottom is such a terrible school that they are receiving a mediocre education from sub-par professors; they may not even pass the bar exam. And if they do, they have little chance of gaining one of the coveted, well-paying law positions that can pay off those loans. So when one of their close friends, Gordy, alerts them that their school is owned by a shady financial operative who also has ties to a bank that profits off their loans, they are outraged. When tragedy besets the group, Mark, Todd, and Zola decide to take matters into their own hands, no matter what it takes. Even if that means quitting school a few months shy of graduation...

Oh man, I wanted to like this one, but it just didn't work for me. It took me eleven days to read--unheard of for basically any book, let alone a Grisham, and I practically had to force myself to finish it. It seemed like a really good premise: the novel combines the timely issues of student loan debt and immigration, but nothing meshes together well.

I never warmed to the protagonists. It's really hard to like or empathize with Mark, Todd, or even Zola, who is dealing with her family being deported. What's being done to the three law students is certainly not great, but their response just never seemed fully justified to me. I could not root for them like I could a Darby Shaw, a Gray Grantham, a Reggie Love. It's a shame, because the bad guy is fairly despicable, but we don't get enough development on either side to feel fully invested. As for our trio, for instance, they basically blow a huge case for someone and never do anything to make amends--nor ever really seem to show any real remorse. How is that any better than the people they are going up against?

Without anyone to really root for or a plot to quickly move forward, this one just dragged on. For me, it was slow-moving and not-interesting. Definitely a letdown. 2.5 stars.

Hazel (2934 KP) rated One Eye Open in Books

Jul 12, 2020  
One Eye Open
One Eye Open
Paul Finch | 2020 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have made it no secret that I am a fan of Paul Finch ... how could you not be with characters from his previous books like DS Mark "Heck" Heckenburg and PC Lucy Clayborn? Well here we have another memorable character ... DS Lynda Hagan.

This is a stand-alone book which follows the investigation into a seemingly straight forward car crash involving an ex-Formula 1 driver (Wade) and his wife Harriet (Harri) but it is anything but and we are soon taken on a non-stop ride full of action, suspense and intrigue involving gangs, grasses/snitches and one relentless and determined copper.

Told from Lynda's perspective in the present and Wade's timeline from the weeks leading up to the crash, with a great plot and a break-neck pace with twists and breath-holding moments, this is a great crime thriller. I wonder if there are going to more books featuring DS Hagan, I would quite like to get to know her a bit more because I think we only scratched the surface in this and I think there is more to her than meets the eye! If so, I will be the first in the queue.

Thank you to Orion Publishing Group via NetGalley for my advance copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Spying on the South: An Odyssey Across the American Divide
Spying on the South: An Odyssey Across the American Divide
Tony Horwitz | 2019 | History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Like many people I was stunned and saddened when the world lost Tony Horwitz. I had met Tony and his wife, Geraldine Brooks, at several book functions over the years, and I marveled at his comingling of journalism and storytelling, as he traveled the world in search of knowledge. I was introduced to Horwitz, as many were, with Confederates in the Attic. In this, unfortunately his last book, Horwitz travels the south again as he traces the footsteps of Frederick Law Olmsted, who would find fame and fortune as a landscape architect, with perhaps his crowning glory being Central Park in New York. Horwitz travels throughout the south and talks to people from all walks of life in an effort to figure out what has changed in America, or if it’s always been so divided. And if there is a pathway forward to forge a national consensus on anything. Like Bill Bryson has done in his travels, and Mark Twain did well over a century before, Horwitz has not simply written a book chronicling his journey, he has opened the heart of America, its majesty and its darkness for all to see. We all will miss Tony Horwitz and what he has brought to our collective conscience. If you’ve never read him, this would be an ideal place to start."

Black Widow Vol. 1: S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Most Wanted: Volume 1
Black Widow Vol. 1: S.H.I.E.L.D.'S Most Wanted: Volume 1
Mark Waid, Chris Samnee | 2016 | Comics & Graphic Novels
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Man, I so wanted to be bowled over this one! But, in the end? Not so much!

Let's see.. Natasha Romanoff is still BW? Check! Mark Waid is writing? Check! Chris Samnee is handling the art? And, check! Seriously, sounds like a recipe for "Win!", but I didn't think so. And, I am know I am in the minority (along w/hating "emo" Robert Pattison-as-Batman), but that is what makes GoodReads so great: freedom to express your opinion on books read!

I quite liked Samnee's art! I thought his (in my opinion) very Steve McQueen/1970s "spy flick"-influenced style worked PERFECT for this! I know he worked on DD (w/Waid), but I did not check it out as I <i>like</i> DAREDEVIL, but I don't <i>love</i> it! Going forward, I can't wait too more work coming Chris' way!

Now, Waid's writing? It never gelled for me! I normally gravitate towards his scripting, but for I dunno. The writing overall felt "off" and at times, the flashbacks didn't always fit as seemlessly as they should have! Even his dialogue for Natasha just didn't "Wow!" me in any way!

At the end of the day, I don't there is much else I can say that hasn't already been said! It seems like mostly everyone liked/loved, while I didn't! That said, read it, and make up your own opinion! Just like I did...!
All She Wrote (Holmes &amp; Moriarity, #2)
All She Wrote (Holmes & Moriarity, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
4.5 stars.

I enjoyed this one more than the first, though I think that can be put down to the progression in the relationship between Kit and J.X.
At the start my warm and fuzzies over how the last one ended quickly dissolved as this started with them decided to take a break. I was like WTF?! And then Kit was off across the country to go and see his mentor after her fall down some icy stairs meaning she couldn&#039;t run her Writer&#039;s Workshop. Of course, it wasn&#039;t as straight forward as that and we were thrown into yet another murder mystery.
I have to say I was kinda disheartened when J.X. wasn&#039;t in the first third (or so)&nbsp;of the story as I really liked him and Kit as a couple but he reappeared and the warm and fuzzies returned. The progression of their relationship in this one was so sweet. J.X. is willing to anything to keep Kit in his life and I find that lovely.
As for the murder mystery, I was once again stumped until the 90% mark when someone wasn&#039;t quite upset enough and it clicked (about the same time as Kit figured it out, too).
I love Josh Lanyon books like this and can&#039;t wait to read more from him! I also can&#039;t wait for the next Holmes and Moriarity book!