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45 Years (2015)
45 Years (2015)
2015 | Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 45 Years starts as we meet the Mercer’s, Kate (Rampling) Geoff (Courtenay) a married couple preparing for their 45th wedding anniversary, Kate does most of the planning and does extra caring for Geoff because of his memory starting to go. They are respected through the whole town with most of the people looking forward to the party.

When Geoff starts remembering the story of a woman he met before Kate, it puts Kate’s feelings in a frenzy and she wants to learn where she really stands in his life after all these years.


Thoughts on 45 Years


Characters – Kate is the former teacher (I think) who has been married for 45 years in what she believed was a perfect marriage, until she learns about a woman before they met, she goes through the questions of just where she stands in his life, even after all these years. Geoff is her husband, his memory isn’t what it used to be and it is his memory of his former love that puts the story on the rocks. Everyone else we meet are people from the town, friends who have known them for years.

Performances – Charlotte Rampling got an Oscar nomination for this role, you can see why she is fantastic as we see how she must try to hold in her emotions through the struggle. Tom Courtenay is also fantastic as the elderly man that can’t keep everything together like he once did. The rest of the cast doesn’t get too much screen time which is fine because it is our couple story.

Story – The story follows a couple of soon to be 45 years preparing for their anniversary, only for a moment to throw the years or marriage out the window through the eyes of one of the couple. We only follow the week leading up to the event which is great because we know how happy their marriage was before the events. It shows how one moment could change how everything seems which is reality many people would have in life and it also shows how important love can be for a couple even if at times things could be questioned.

Romance – The romance in this film shows just what the two would have been through with the years of marriage, how they must learn to stay loyal to each other no matter what.

Settings – The film keeps us in the singular town setting, it gives the film an authentic feeling of just where the couple have been for years and never look out of place here.

Scene of the Movie – The party.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It is never fully explained is Geoff is just getting old or ill with his memory issues.

Final Thoughts – This is one of those dramas you can see why it got the Oscars attention, but it won’t be something for the casual film fans to be going to watch and it does show how a real long-term relationship goes.
Still Star-Crossed
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Once upon a time I read <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> for English.

It was awful and boring, and I hated it with a passion. I don't know why, but <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> just didn't clash well with me.

<em>Still Star-Crossed</em> isn't exactly like Shakespeare's <em>Romeo and Juliet</em> - definitely not a retelling, though I would read a retelling of the cheese any day over rereading the original. <em>Still Star-Crossed</em> is like <strong>an unwritten sequel - the aftermath of what happens in Shakespeare's Verona after the tragic ending of Romeo and Juliet</strong>. The Capulets and Montagues are in a truce of sorts, but despite the public image, a tension remains between the two families and they're back to their feuds within weeks in the dark of the night. Hoping to diminish the feud altogether, the prince of Verona - Escalus - selects Benvolio (Montague) to marry Rosaline (Capulet).

<strong>Benvolio and Rosaline are an interesting pair to put together</strong> - they're complete opposites of their cousins. Both of them would probably prefer marriage to a literal snake than a forced marriage to each other, and in the hopes to break off the marriage, the two of them try to ease the heavy tensions lurking over the city.

But Benvolio and Rosaline are <strong>so much more entertaining to read about</strong>.
<h3 style="text-align: center;"><b>THE BETROTHAL: A NUTSHELL</b></h3>
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Escalus:</b> In order to bring peace to the two families and to Verona, I have decided the Montagues and Capulets will be united through marriage.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Rosaline:</b> DUDE. PEACE? I slapped that Montague not too long ago.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Benvolio:</b> About an hour ago, in fact.
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Rosaline:</b> That's five minutes of knowing each other. Imagine a lifetime!
<p style="text-align: left;"><b>Benvolio:</b> A complete life of misery.
<p style="text-align: center;"><i>Pause.</i>
<b>Benvolio: </b>Then again, I guess my misery is yours to command, Your Grace.</blockquote>
They're not hopelessly romantic like their cousins with cheese lined around them! In fact, Benvolio and Rosaline hate being around each other. They only tromp around Verona’s streets behind their families’ backs in the hopes to figure out who is behind trying to start up the feud between their families once more. At the exact same time, Rosaline starts becoming more distant from her sister Livia, and in a way, <strong><em>Still Star-Crossed</em> becomes a tale of a sisterly feud as well</strong>.

I think the only problem I really had with <em>Still Star-Crossed</em> is wanting to slap Escalus upside the head a few times for being figuratively blind. (Also, this is becoming a TV show. SOON. YES PLEASE.)

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
The Book of Two Ways
The Book of Two Ways
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
An interesting premise whose story is somewhat lost in the (many) details
When Dawn Edelstein survives a horrifying plane crash, it causes her to rethink her life and her marriage. She sees two paths she could have taken: her current one, married to her scientist husband, Brian, and mother to their daughter, Meret. In this life, she is a death doula, helping her clients at the end of their lives. She and Brian are also struggling, dealing with the unhappiness and infidelity in their marriage. In the other path, she's back in Egypt, picking up on a life she could have led, if her mother had not fallen ill when she was in graduate school: working as an Egyptologist and uncovering artifacts with Wyatt, an archaeologist, and the first love of her life. As the two paths unfold, Dawn's various choices and long-buried secrets do as well.

"For someone who makes a living through death, I haven't given a lot of thought to my own."

I love Jodi Picoult and her books, and I count many of them among my favorites. I was intrigued by this story, but overall, this book wasn't for me. I always appreciate when an author does their research for a book, but there was so very much Egypt (from Dawn) and various scientific concepts (via Brian) in this book. Some will really enjoy this and if these were topics I was more interested in, I probably would have too. But I read this book while was I was working endless days, and I just wanted to lose myself in a story and not read pages upon pages about ancient Egypt or so much scientific theory about multiverses. It was a lot.

When the novel focused on the characters, I was more in. Dawn is an intriguing protagonist--she's not always going to make choices that the rest of us might agree with. She takes a long hard long at her life--her regrets, her past love, her marriage, and more. I don't want to give too much away, but the various paths concept is an interesting one, for sure. I enjoyed both of them--especially Dawn's work as a death doula in her Boston life and then her relationship with Wyatt (who seemed very enigmatic--I could see why she was drawn to him) in Egypt.

No matter what, Picoult does what she does best--give us a fascinating look at love, marriage, and loss. She makes us think and question what we might do in Dawn's position. There are some twists and surprises thrown in along the way. I skimmed some of the Egypt stuff (I'm sorry!) and might have forgiven it all together, except then she gave me an up-in-the-air ending. After all that reading and reading! Sigh. No resolution endings seem to be a theme lately. And not one I'm a fan of, either. So, with that, a 3-star read for me. But I'll read Picoult's next book eagerly, as always.
Wither (The Chemical Garden, #1)
7.3 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
The world that Lauren DeStefano builds in this book combines several dystopian concepts - genetic engineering and reproduction, a virus of epic proportions, anarchy and survival of the fittest. 70 years ago mankind finds a way to make "perfect" babies, and then their babies suffer the consequences - death at 25 for men and 20 for women - with no cure on the horizon. Prostitution, polygamy, human experimentation, wide-scale murder, the prevalence of orphanages, and a country divided on whether mankind is worth saving are all issues in the plot. Plus, all of this takes place after a world war has destroyed all but North America - or so the history goes.
The main character, Rhine Ellery, is forced into a polygamous marriage at the age of 16 to the rich Linden, age 21, along with the flighty 14-year-old Cecily and ex-prostitute, 18-year-old Jenna. Rhine's main goal is escape, but each girl in the marriage has her own motivations and goals. I found their relationships with one another far more interesting than each one's relationship with Linden. Poor Linden lives under the illusions that his aging father feeds him while suffering from the loss of his first love, Rose. While Rhine makes part of her goal to avoid consummating the marriage with Linden, her sister wives have other ideas, but ironically, jealousy among the wives is not the green-eyed monster that I think many would expect. While Cecily is typically self-absorbed and high maintenance, she still wants her sister-wives to bear children, and even Jenna, who hates Linden from the first day, sees no hypocrisy in sharing a bed with him. I also admired Rhine for her extreme patience and endurance with Cecily's immature and naive behavior, though I don't think I would have chosen denial over full disclosure to both Cecily and Linden.
Rhine's secret relationship seems to find it's power in free-formed friendship, without any expectations or requirements. Simply put, Rhine wants her freedom, and she will find it in any form she can grasp. Except for Rhine's memories, almost the entire book takes place on the grounds of Linden's mansion, so I am anxious to see what will happen in the next book in the series, Fever.
The Painter's Daughter
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
When Sophie is betrayed by the man she loves, she is forced to choose between living a respectable life and living for love. Will she be able to find love and acceptance on the path she has chosen?

Sophie Dupont is not only the daughter of a painter, but an accomplished artist herself. Although, she does not see the value in her work. When Wesley Overtree sweeps in and captures Sophie's love, she is sure he will marry her. But when he leaves her in a dire predicament, she has no one to turn to. Captain Stephen Overtree has become accustomed to picking up the pieces after his brother, but will he be able to rescue Sophie? With Wesley gone, and no promise of return or marriage, Sophie accepts Captain Overtree's proposal of marriage, in name only. Although her heart longs for his brother, she is grateful for the opportunity to save her reputation and give her child a fresh start in life. Will a marriage that is based on convenience ever have a chance at true love? Or will fate intervene and prevent the chance for love to bloom at all?

I have to be completely honest, it took me quite awhile to get into this book. All of the other books that I have read by Julie Klassen have sucked me right in and I devoured them like candy. But once I got about half way through The Painter's Daughter I was really beginning to enjoy it! There is a lot (and I mean A LOT) of tension throughout the story. Sophie being married to one Overtree, but in love with another for example. I found myself holding my breath through more than one scene. There are many supporting characters that I found to be quite entertaining and endearing. The message of sin, repentance and redemption is very clear within the pages of this book. It is a good reminder to live life to the fullest, but to be careful of the path we choose. We will have to live with the consequences, whatever the choices we choose. Overall this was a very good book, not my favorite by Julie Klassen (that would be The Secret of Pembrooke Park), but still an excellent story.

I received a free digital copy of The Painter's Daughter from Bethany House Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.