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Top Gun (1986)
Top Gun (1986)
1986 | Action, Drama
"I feel the need. The need... for speed!"

"This is what in call a target rich environment"

"Son, your ego is writing cheques your body can't cash"

1980s action classic (that I was all of 7 when it was released) starring a then up and coming (and young!) Tom Cruise as Maverick, the hotshot pilot who gets a shot at Top Gun: the military training school for the top 1% of naval pilots.

This has a great cast (Michael Ironside, Val Kilmer, Kelly McGillis, Tom Cruise himself) alongside some great aerial battles, but does drag in bits.
Highlander 2: The Quickening (1991)
Highlander 2: The Quickening (1991)
1991 | Action, Sci-Fi
Which part of 'there can be only one' did the film-makers not get? Baffling sequel doesn't bother with an actual plot, settles for a succession of disjointed ideas and set pieces; barely makes sense on its own terms, is utterly incoherent if you consider the backstory established by the original movie.

Sean Connery chewing the scenery gives the film a certain appeal to lovers of ham acting; same is true of Michael Ironside. Christopher Lambert is still quite painful to listen to. Quite how the Highlander series managed to continue on for umpty-tump more sequels and TV episodes is a mystery: it is notable that this movie was quietly forgotten about and never mentioned again.

David McK (3207 KP) rated Total Recall (1990) in Movies

Jun 21, 2019 (Updated Sep 16, 2019)  
Total Recall (1990)
Total Recall (1990)
1990 | Action, Sci-Fi
Forget the rather pointless Colin Farrell-starring 2012 remake, this is the original (and best) of the 2 movies to share the name, itself based on the Philip K Dick short story 'We Can Remember It for You Wholesale' - it bears little in common with that story, however, other than the idea of false memory implants!

Starring a pre-T2 Arnold Schwarzenegger alongside Sharon Stone and Michael Ironside, the main plot of this is actually open to interpretation: are these events actually happening, or is Arnie's character of Douglas Quaid dreaming them? Every thing that happens after he visits Rekall is left deliberately open to interpretation, even down to the film ending with a white out instead of a black out ...
Starship Troopers (1997)
Starship Troopers (1997)
1997 | Action, Sci-Fi
Do you know what? Starship Troopers is a 5 star film and there's nothing anyone can say to convince me otherwise.
It's 90s sci-fi at its absolute best.

It has a great cast - Casper Van Dien, Denise Richards, Michael Ironside, Clancy Brown, Dina Meyer, Neil Patrick-Harris, Jake Busey - none of them feel replaceable.
It has special effects that genuinely still.homd up over 20 years later, and also a fuck tonne of genuinely horrific practical effects - some of the violence in Starship Troopers is next level, in true Paul Verhoeven style.
It has a corny yet airtight script, it's suitably cheesy when it wants to be, and wonderfully satirical throughout.
It's also got a top tier score courtesy of Basil Poledouris.

I saw this film when I was in my early teens, a few years after it released and it has always stuck with me since. Starship Troopers is perfection, fight me.
Scanners (1981)
Scanners (1981)
1981 | Horror, Sci-Fi
I'm Gonna Suck Your Brain Dry
Scanners- is anethor excellent film directed by Cronenberg. I love his style which is sci-fi mixed with horror. With disturbing, gory effects.

The plot: Scanners are men and women born with incredible telepathic and telekinetic powers. There are many who exercise the benefits of their special gifts in a safe and judicious manner. However, there is a group of renegade scanners who plan to create a race that will rule the world.

In the film, "scanners" are people with unusual telepathic and telekinetic powers. ConSec, a purveyor of weaponry and security systems, searches out scanners to use them for its own purposes. The film's plot concerns the attempt by Darryl Revok (Ironside), a renegade scanner, to wage a war against ConSec. Another scanner, Cameron Vale (Lack), is dispatched by ConSec to stop Revok.

Writer and director David Cronenberg has called Scanners one of his most difficult films to make, citing an incomplete script when the shooting schedule commenced, as well as a lack of constructed sets.

The iconic head explosion scene was the product of trial and error, eventually settling on a plaster skull and a gelatin exterior packed with "latex scraps, some wax, and just bits and bobs and a lot of stringy stuff that we figured would fly through the air a little better" as well as "leftover burgers." When other explosive techniques failed to give the desired effect, special effects supervisor Gary Zeller told the crew to roll cameras and get inside the trucks with doors and windows closed; he then lay down behind the dummy and shot it in the back of the head with a shotgun.

Michael Ironside is a excellent job as the villian.

Its a excellent sci-fi body horror film.
Starship Troopers (1997)
Starship Troopers (1997)
1997 | Action, Sci-Fi
Not so much an adaptation of Heinlein's novel as a parody of it, Verhoeven's SF spectacular works equally well as storming action movie and outrageous black satire. Johnny Rico (Van Dien) joins the army for the wrong reasons, finds himself rising through the ranks as Earth provokes a war with the invertebrate Arachnids and finds itself facing a much more dangerous opponent than expected.

Verhoeven displays his usual uncanny ability to turn a movie on a dime - one second this is a deliberately cheesy deadpan comedy about growing up in a fascist utopia, the next it's delivering a genuinely thrilling action sequence that pushes the boundaries of CGI. Much, much smarter than it initially appears - even the decision to cast good-looking but essentially wooden young people (e.g. Denise Richards) in the lead roles seems calculated to make a point. Michael Ironside is genuinely good as the grizzled old soldier; another belting score from Basil Poledouris. Also weirdly prescient of the way the US and its media reacted after 9/11. Thoroughly enjoyable on many levels.

Morgan Spurlock recommended Scanners (1981) in Movies (curated)

Scanners (1981)
Scanners (1981)
1981 | Horror, Sci-Fi

"My fifth film — it’s the movie that literally got me wanting to make movies to begin with — is the David Cronenberg film Scanners. When I was a kid, I was a little weird kid, and I loved horror films, I loved gore films. When Michael Ironside made that guy’s head explode in that movie, I was like, “Whatever this is, I want to do this!” I was ten, eleven years old, and my parents would take me to see these. Like, I saw The Exorcist in movie theaters; I saw The Evil Dead in a movie theater. I went to see all this crazy, freaky s*** that you would never take a little kid to see today. But I saw Jaws in a movie theater. Like, I wanted to see all these scary movies, and my parents were like, “Absolutely. Let’s go.” And so here I was, as a teenager, learning how to make my own blood, and my own scars and wounds. I wanted to be Rick Baker or Tom Savini. When I was a kid, that’s who I looked up to. When I saw An American Werewolf in London, it was phenomenal, to see all those makeup special effects they were doing. And then when I went to high school and learned you could actually go to college to study film and learn how to make movies, I was like, “I’m in. That’s exactly what I want to do.”"

Top Gun (1986)
Top Gun (1986)
1986 | Action, Drama
Karaoke scenes (5 more)
Insisting on a shower
Taking me to bed before you lose me forever
Having goose talk to you....
Val Kilmer is awesome, despite not wanting to even be in it, had to for contractual reasons... it's one of his all time best.
The "Danger Zone" soundtrack
A Modern Classic, and Tom Cruise's best work.
this is an 80's classic, a movies movie. Cinema perfection. It embodies a time with no excuses, and really delivers on every level. want to know how quotable this movie is: The real Top Gun School imposes a five dollar fine to anyone in the staff that quotes the movie.

Val Kilmer is amazing: When the guys, as students, were first being spoken to by Charlie in the hanger, Maverick explains that he gave "the bird" to a MiG. She asks how he saw the MiG up close, and he says he was flying inverted. Right then, Ice coughs "bullshit" and the guys laughed. The "bullshit" line was ad libbed by Val Kilmer, and everyone's reactions are genuine.

Also a little known fat.No one had ever "buzzed the tower" at Miramar before. The Navy pilots, who were flying the scenes for the film, drew straws to see who would get to do it. It went to Lieutenant Commander Lloyd "Bozo" Abel. Michael Ironside just happened to be at the hangar that day, and the plane flew low enough to where he could actually see into the cockpit as it flew by. He said it was one of the most spectacular things he'd ever seen.

  As is this movie good sir... as is this movie....

Also here is an awesome alternate movie poster for your enjoyment. I hope it holds you over until Top Gun 2 comes out.
Total Recall (1990)
Total Recall (1990)
1990 | Action, Sci-Fi
Just Great Sci-Fi
Total Recall is pure 90's action at its best. Cool fight scenes and gun battles are littered throughout, but never forced or never at the sacrifice of pacing. It definitely made up for some of my smaller gripes like having a lame villain. Seriously, Richter (Michael Ironside) was about as terrifying as my obese beagle. And what was up with the cheesy girl fight? Just not needed.

As a whole, though, Total Recall succeeds in a number of ways, some expected, some surprising. The film centers around Arnold Schwarzenegger's character Douglas Quaid who is bored with his life and needs an escape. After visiting a place called Recall where your dreams become reality, Quaid becomes mixed up in the center of a crazy mystery where he is a secret agent.

The film provides a solid mystery that keeps you entertained. The puzzle unravels in layers as you figure out a little bit more with every minute that passes. I appreciated the nice twists that kept things interesting. Director Paul Verhoeven wasn't just satisfied with getting by with swanky visuals and a big budget action star. The story's substance ultimately makes it better than what it could have been.

The twists and turns of the story are set against the backdrop of a creative future world. I liked the small touches like the lady changing her nail color with the touch of a pen and the bland driving robots. One of my favorite scenes, both in this movie and in film period, involves Quaid outsmarting the bad guys with a number of holograms. It was a cool trick that had I been watching in a theater in 1990: Mind blown.

Fun film that hits you with more substance than your run-of-the-mill action-sci-fi flick. I give Total Recall an 83. The film's quality made me hate the 2012 version even more.
Starship Troopers (1997)
Starship Troopers (1997)
1997 | Action, Sci-Fi
It is a great film and in the category of action Sci-Fi one of the best.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Starship Troopers is a great Science Fiction movie. It is based on a book by Robert A. Heinlein. In the future, mankind is exploring the universe and encroach upon the territory of alien bugs and war begins. The insects are only responding to a threat of their territory and are trying to fight off the invaders. The clever use of insects as the aliens makes this film stand apart from other space movies.

The cast is great. It is made up of great actors, many of who at the time were relatively unknown including Casper Van Dien, Dina Meyer, Jake Busey and Denise Richards, mixed with established stars like Clancy Brown, Neil Patrick Harris and Michael Ironside, taking minor roles. The star of the movie is hard to choose between Dina Meyer, Casper Van Dien (both of who suffered injuries while making this, Casper broke a rib and Dina suffered a concussion) and the bugs! However I am going to have to say the bugs are the stars. The use of real and CGI in this film is great. The bugs are a formidable foe and a very creative one. They are numerous and relentless. Cleverly the use of different species of bugs makes for some great surprises.

The battles are epic and bloody. This is not a film for the squeamish, every battle is like a futuristic opening scene to Saving Private Ryan. People die in horrific ways, bodies and limbs are ripped apart and even main characters don't always survive, something I always appreciate in a film as it keeps the viewer guessing.

But it is not all about war, there is a good amount of comedy and even romance in this movie. It is a great film and in the category of action Sci-Fi one of the best.