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Men in Black (1997)
Men in Black (1997)
1997 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
"Protecting the earth from the scum of the universe"

The second of the mid-to-late 90s of Will Smit's one-two rapid ascension to movie super stardom (following Independence Day), which sees him recruited by Tommy Lee Jones to join the Men in Black: a top-secret government organisation set up to monitor alien presence on earth.

While we're now up to four entries in the series as a whole following this summer's (2019) by-all-account-disappointing Men in Black: International, it's easy to forget just how well this movie still holds together, alongside some classic exchanges such as:

"Why the big secret? People are smart"
"A person is smart. People are dumb panicky dangerous animals and you know it"

"You do know Elvis is dead, right?"
"No, Elvis is not dead. He just went home"

Awix (3310 KP) rated Dark Star (1974) in Movies

May 31, 2018  
Dark Star (1974)
Dark Star (1974)
1974 | Comedy, Sci-Fi
Massively influential spoof of overly-solemn and pretentious 60s sci-fi movies looks like what it is - a student movie blown up to feature proportions. John Carpenter was known to comment that the world's greatest student movie would still only be a pretty unimpressive 'real' film and there is an element of truth in this, for Dark Star is often slightly primitive, especially in its visual effects.

But never mind that, just enjoy the way it deconstructs the likes of 2001 and their philosophical concerns - 'never mind all that intelligent life crap, just give me something I can blow up,' snaps the commander early on. Classical music is eschewed for a jaunty country tune, and so on.

Most significant is way the pristine interiors of other films' spacecraft are replaced by the squalid, utilitarian quarters of the Dark Star's crew - this is space bereft of novelty and glamour, it's just a boring and dangerous place to work. You can see the 'used universe' aesthetic of the late 70s SF boom and beyond being invented here. Plus this is the movie that directly led to Alien. Not the biggest or best SF movie of the 70s, but still one of the most significant in the history of the genre.

Andy K (10821 KP) May 31, 2018

Love this film!

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
An absolute joy from start to finish
Into the Spider-Verse is nothing short of excellent.

The animation style is beautiful, quirky, packed with colour, and doesn't let go of your attention until the credits have finished rolling.
The assembled voice cast are all great, and compliment the emotion and humour felt throughout.
The humour in question is flawless...every joke and humourous beat land perfectly. It's a funny movie, as well as carrying along a powerful message about growing up, and realising that you're not alone.

The storyline is pretty crazy, and as it deals with multiple dimensions, there's a chance to pull in some fun characters from the comic world, including Peni Parker, Spider-Ham, Spider Gwen, and Spider-Man Noir (hilarious btw). It's definitely out there, but it works very well.

Miles' universe, where the movie takes place, is a setting that allows the writers to take free reign, tinkering with classic villains we know and love, making this a Spider-Man movie worth seeing for fans old and new.

Possibly the best Spider-Man movie yet (maybe in a par with Far From Home).

End note - the post credit scene is just the best thing ever.
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Ryan Reynolds (2 more)
Hilarious Throughout
Energetic Score
Even Better Than A Chimichanga
Many thought that this movie would never get made, but I am very glad that it did. The movie serves as a long awaited origin story to Deadpool, that is fairly faithful to the comic book, at least more so than the previous iteration that we got of the character. Ryan Reynolds is fantastic in the Deadpool role, he truly was born to play the merc with a mouth in my opinion. Deadpool here is crass, funny, violent and energetic as well as being pretty faithful to comic book Deadpool, with the only thing missing from this version being the multiple voices in his head, but I am pretty sure that we will see that character trait develop in future Deadpool movies. The plot is pretty simple, we are introduced to Deadpool and shown how he got his powers after being diagnosed with incurable cancer via flashback. From there we basically follow him while he attempts to track down Ajax, or Francis, (the guy that turned him into Deadpool and made him deformed,) so that he can cure his skin and give him back his good looks. The one thing that was always going to either make or break this movie, was the humour. However they capture the meta humour perfectly here, which is an essential component of what makes up this character and is one of the main reasons why so many people love him. The movie is chock full of clever fourth wall breaks and pop culture references. The film was granted an R rating by the studio and the filmmakers take full advantage of that fact, with constant blood splatter and f-bombs being dropped left and right. The hip hop based score adds to the energetic tone of the movie and the action scenes are exciting throughout.

All of this results in setting up a Deadpool universe that is full of potential, we already know that we are getting a sequel, probably featuring Cable and possibly introducing the X force, plus I am very curious whether or not we will get to see Deadpool being integrated into the larger X Men universe, it would be really cool to see him interacting with Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine, since he is the butt of several jokes in the Deadpool movie.

Overall, whether you are a fan of the Deadpool comic or not, as long as you are into crass humour, over the top cartoon violence and R rated superhero movies, then there is no reason why you won’t love this movie. It is also the best Fox superhero movie that we have had and it is the best R rated superhero movie ever produced.
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
2022 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Technically well-made (1 more)
Plot (0 more)
What a disappointment.
Contains spoilers, click to show
Spoilers below!!!

I'll say this: Sam Raimi used to be one of my favorite directors, but with this movie he has officially turned me off the Marvel universe. It is nonsense.

Example A: dreams are actually real events happening in alternate universes, so if you dream about showing up naked to work, a version of you really did that.

Example B: reading the book of evil allows a witch or sorcerer to "dream walk" and inhabit the body of an alternate version of themselves. It never explains how this works, but apparently you can "aim" your dream-self because Doctor Strange is able to intentionally dream walk into a dead body and use it. He can't move between universes, but somehow he can do this.

Example C: the city of Kamar-Taj is destroyed and everyone killed except for Wong and Strange. Yet in the last scene the city is full of warriors practicing. Where did they come from?

Example D: Cool cameos! Mr. Fantastic! Professor X! But they all die. Every single one.

Example E: Wanda's whole motivation is to go to a different universe to be with her kids. But why not go to a universe where Vision is still alive? Wouldn't that be her goal? NEVER EXPLAINED.

It doesn't stop there, but that's a good sampling of how nonsensical the plot is. Nothing is explained, nothing make sense, and rules are made up out of whole cloth. Doctor Strange as a zombie? Sure. How? We don't know.

I'll never watch this again and might not watch future Marvel movies, especially considering you have to watch WandaVision on Disney+ to fully understand this movie.

Lee (2222 KP) rated Avengers: Infinity War (2018) in Movies

May 1, 2018 (Updated May 1, 2018)  
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
A truly epic culmination of 10 years
10 years and it's all been leading to this. And so much has happened in this last decade too, both in the Marvel universe and outside of it, in every day life. I remember watching the very first Iron Man with my brother-in-law, who sadly passed away just a few years later. I remember watching many other Marvel movies with the biggest Marvel geek of them all, my youngest brother, who also tragically passed away before Age of Ultron was released. On-screen we've been gradually introduced to countless wonderful characters, each one continuing to expand and enrich the cinematic universe, and each movie touching upon the bigger battle yet to come. Infinity War is the culmination of everything. Expectation and excitement were through the roof for me, as they would be for any Marvel fan, but at the same time I was feeling pretty emotional about it all too. Avoiding reviews and spoilers was agonising, and I can't remember ever heading into a movie feeling the way I was when heading into Infinity War.

I'm not sure what to say, other than it doesn't disappoint. And if you've followed the Marvel movies and enjoy them in any way at all, you won't be disappointed either. Every character gets their moment to shine. Every scene draws you in, thrills you to the point where you just don't want it to stop, then cuts to another scene where that feeling kicks off again - yet another epic moment of threat, action and joy. Characters are spread so far around the universe that many don't even cross paths, yet they all share one common goal. It never gets boring, the lengthy run time flies by, and it all just works.

In Thanos we finally have a worthy villain. A villain with a purpose you can believe in, a villain that brings credible threat to the universe, and even humour at times. A villain you can even empathise with.

And Marvel also have the balls to pull off the most intense, dramatic, gut wrenchingly final act. One that leaves you traumatised yet wanting more. A truly epic achievement.
Venom (2018)
Venom (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
I guess you just can't polish a turd, no matter how windy it is... Venom (2018) #Review
The most puzzling thing about “Venom” is that if Sony was determined to make this film, this exact story, they already had a movie they could call it a sequel to without pissing away yet another of their Marvel IPs that look increasingly like hostages rather than assets. I’m talking about “Life”, and it would have provided a better foundation for the story than this clumsy and inept attempt which sees Sony's would-be Spider-Man-less Spider-Verse telling Universal’s Dark Universe to hold its beer....
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
Fantastic Beasts: Crimes of Grindelwald (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
Magic world of harry potter (2 more)
Visual effects
Just felt a bit like a prequel rather than the next step in the fantastic beasts universe (0 more)
If you're also a huge harry potter fan like me you will literally be on the edge of your seat and gasp every time you make a connection with facts from the deathly hallows book.

I absolutely loved it. However, i felt like they dragged the story too much in the 2nd movie and filled time with silly things just to keep it long.

Would love to have a debate with people on the ending if anyone's up for it.
 The Curse of La Llorona (2019)
The Curse of La Llorona (2019)
2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Jump scares. (0 more)
Major plot holes. (0 more)
A few jumps scares but an inconsistent tale.
Probably one of the better films in the Conjuring universe. Some of the others kinda bored me, but this one kept my interest until the end. Frustrating that so many of these movies are so similar. The genre seems to have been done to death. This one had some decent jump scares. but a few of the details among the lore of the title deity and getting rid of her were very obviously filled with holes. Very inconsistent writing. Still a decent movie for a cheap scare on a Friday night.
Forbidden Games (Jeux interdits) (1952)
Forbidden Games (Jeux interdits) (1952)
1952 | International, Classics, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"In my top three love stories. Narciso Yepes’s legendary score gives this juvenile romance its fame and contributes to its magic, but the movie is an entity of perfection. The artistic direction is meticulous and inspired; there’s a vanguard oneiric look to the film. Brigitte Fossey delivers an endearing and incredibly mature performance, and looks the epitome of femininity despite her—gulp—six years of age. Great opening sequence depicting the 1940s French exodus from Nazi occupation. Genuine and sensible study of youthful mores; creative representation of the children’s universe. Stunning grace and poetry. Heartbreaking departure scene. I love that film. It makes me want to be a pretentious critic."
