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Awix (3310 KP) rated Mothra (1961) in Movies

Feb 11, 2018 (Updated Feb 11, 2018)  
Mothra (1961)
Mothra (1961)
1961 | Adventure, Fantasy
You're going to need some bigger mothballs
The film that sets the standard for rampaging-giant-mystic-butterfly pictures is one of the best Toho monster movies, clearly owing a debt to King Kong but adding a lovely veneer of charming Japanese weirdness to the recipe. Evil Rosilicans (i.e., Americans) gatecrash a Japanese expedition to a mysterious island and end up kidnapping the twin fairies in charge of the place and forcing them to appear in a stage musical (this film has some banging tunes, by the way). Disgruntled natives wake up Mothra, butterfly-god protector of the island, who promptly heads for Japan to express displeasure as only a 180 metre long larva can.

Much more of a fantasy movie than the rest of the Godzilla series (with which it is in continuity; Mothra and Godzilla have been fighting together and against each other for over fifty years), and also with an unambiguously sympathetic monster, this is probably a more technically adept and simply enjoyable film than any of its immediate predecessors from Toho. The story is vaultingly peculiar in some ways, but at least it has originality on its side. The attempt to disguise where Rosilica is really supposed to be falls flat as soon as we learn one of its major cities is called New Kirk, but you can't fault one of these movies for being just a little bit odd. Perhaps the lack of another monster for Mothra to fight at the end is a weakness in the story, but if so it is less obvious than is usually the case in this sort of film. An endearing and engaging piece of entertainment.

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Cargo (2017) in Movies

Jun 8, 2018 (Updated Oct 26, 2018)  
Cargo (2017)
Cargo (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
Martin Freeman's performance (0 more)
Characters make some dumb decisions (0 more)
A Different Take On A Tired Genre
Cargo is a recent zombie drama movie by Netflix. It stars Martin Freeman as a father who has been bitten by a zombie and has 48 hours to get his infant daughter to safety before the infection spreads through his body and he turns.

Honestly, the film itself wasn't what I was expecting from the trailer, it was much slower than I expected. I actually came very close to switching off during the movie's first act due to some of the inexplicably stupid decisions that the characters made, which led to them becoming infected. However, I stuck around as I like Martin Freeman and I love zombie movies.

While it was worth sticking around to see Martin Freeman give an incredible performance, (possibly the best of his career so far,) the film just didn't live up to the expectations that I had for it from it's trailer. There wasn't enough of a sense of urgency present in the movie. This is a man who knows that he is dying and must ensure his daughter is safe before he does, yet so much time is spent plodding about nonchalantly and going on pointless sidequests while the clock is ticking. The constantly depressing tone of the movie also becomes a slog after a while and in my opinion, the movie's payoff doesn't really justify the 100 minutes of bleak that we just sat through.

Overall, it's okay and Martin Freeman gives a fantastic performance, but there are better zombie movies out there and it's not something I would watch again.
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
Back to the Future Part II (1989)
1989 | Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Great cast yet again (3 more)
Funny and smart
A flying delorian!!!!!
Seeing what could have been
The greatest time travel movie of all time!
This is by far my favourite of the trilogy and that's saying something because the all the movies are fantastic.

Compared to the others though this has everything. They go everywhere. Past, present, future and alternate timelines which takes you on a fun journey.

The music is again fantastic and adds to every selcebe whether it's funny, suspenseful or just full of action.

There is a cast change with Jennifer but this ain't really distracting. Tbh I didn't even notice until later on and I'm aware of some drama behind the scenes with Crispin Glover which meant they had to use a stand in and nothing was noticeable. The actors were on top form playing different ages of themselves.

Their take on the future was an interesting 1 and nothing like what we actually have considering they went to the year 2015. Hoverboards, hologram jaws, flying cars and who would ever wear their trousers inside out haha and not an iPhone in sight. I found the past far more interesting as it's set during the first movie.

The story was great basically going into the whole thing about being seduced by the knowledge of the future to help yourself in the past. It's something we all want to do and given to the wrong person you can see how dark things can go.

Overall a fantastic, fun, charming movie which can easily be recommended and easily one of my favourite movies of all time.
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure
Great comedy (3 more)
Relatable villain
John Hughes-esque movie disguised as a superhero movie and I dig it
Lots and lots of references
Not exactly a good or bad thing but I honestly think it makes too many references to the MCU (0 more)
Best spider Man movie
Contains spoilers, click to show
While Tobey maguire will always be my spider man, Tom Holland is the second best (at Least he's better than Andrew Garfield) and Micheal Keaton is an awesome villain. The cast of side characters are hilarious and the jokes are on point. And the two side characters that stand out to me are Ned and Zendaya's character Michelle which later to be revealed that her nickname is MJ (do I smell an upcoming romance that they'll probably explore more in Far From Home?) Also there's no mention of Mary Jane or Gwen Stacy for those who haven't watched this movie and don't care about spoilers are wondering

Also there are tons of references to the spider Man mythology so make sure your following along.

If I had to pick one negative although not a bad thing its just it tries too much to tie in to the MCU although the stuff with reusing elements of the MCU weapons is kinda cool although Luke cage beat them to that plotline and let me make it clear referencing the universe isn't a bad thing because they bring stuff up that'll be important later on in either the upcoming sequels or the next avengers movies but when they do it constantly it just kinda distracts me but if u love the marvel movies like I do then u won't have a problem.

365Flicks (235 KP) rated I Love My Mum (2018) in Movies

Oct 31, 2019 (Updated Oct 31, 2019)  
I Love My Mum (2018)
I Love My Mum (2018)
2018 | Comedy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I feel this could be an instant cult favourite.
Prepare yourself Film Fans, for what could be the best British road trip comedy you will have seen in a long time. A bold statement I know however this Low budget Brit comedy punches way above its weight in almost every aspect and lands an absolute knockout for its viewers.

Often movies like this can just seem like a series of randomly put together scenarios and yes this movie could easily run the risk of being overly silly but I felt like through some spot-on casting, a great script and masterful directing on the part of Alberto Sciamma this movie expertly avoids becoming one of those movies.

Tommy French as Ron is somewhat of a revelation, I will hold my hands up and say that I personally don't think I have seen this actor before and didn't really expect too much but boy did he impress me, the comedic delivery of a lot of his dialogue is superb and I found him completely believable as a sort of fish out of water put upon son who has just about had enough but would still do just about anything for his mum... Including an epic Karaoke jam. Of course French does have a superb Co-star to bounce off in Kierston Wareing who just nails this role, absolutely nails it. At first I was a little put off by the character but 8-10 minutes into the movie I fell in love with Olga and that love only grew. French and Wareing are a match made in heaven.
Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
Freddy vs. Jason (2003)
2003 | Horror
6.4 (22 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good to see this finally happen after so many years in delvopment. (0 more)
Not enough of Freddy vs. Jason (2 more)
No Kane Hodder as Jason.
Freddy gets 1 kill in the film and Jason gets the rest.
Happy Halloween
Freddy vs. Jason- is one of those movies that are debated for many years. Is it good, is it bad, is it stupid it, is it so bad its good or is it so good its bad. Well actually its all. Let me explain Freddy vs. Jason came out around the time were horror movies were not that great. Freddy vs. Jason pinned two iconic horror charcters and had them fight each other while predictable teenagers are just their, stick in the middle ready to get killes ny either Freedy or Jason. Non of them I really care about. So just want to see Freddy vs. Jason. So when do you see Freddy vs. Jason at the 45 min mark, thats right you have to wait 45 mins to see round 1 of Freddy vs. Jason and than ends after like in 3-5 mins. Than have to wait for the last 15 mins of the movie to see round 2- the final round of Freddy vs. Jason and that last around 5-10mins. So in total for a 90 minute movie called Freddy vs. Jason you have 8-15 mins of Freddy vs. Jason.

Overall this movie is decent, it has good kills, it has two iconic charcters fighting each other and a good halloween movie to watch.

Happy Halloween to all and a good night.
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
Victor Frankenstein (2015)
2015 | Drama
Victor Frankenstein is basically a prequel to Mary Shelly’s book, Frankenstein, where we get to meet Igor and a younger Frankenstein as they get to meet each other.

We start off with our story teller, Igor played by Daniel Radcliffe, and how he came to be rescued by our movies namesake, Victor Frankenstein played by James McAvoy. The movie begins showing the trials Igor went through, growing up, as the lowest sideshow freak who just happened to learn how to read and become a self-taught medic for the circus that keeps him. Victor came to the circus to find more animal parts to make his homunculus, which he is building out of various animal parts he has been able to procure from zoos, as his prototype for his ultimate endeavor, making a human and bring it back to life.
Igor and Frankenstein are brought together when Igor’s paramour Lorelei falls from her trapeze and they both run to help her. Victor is about to give up and let her die when the Igor’s genius shows through and is able to save her with his quick thinking and knowledge of the human anatomy. Victor’s shrew perception bring him to offer Igor a new life and to escape from the circus.
I give Victor Frankenstein 4 out of 5 stars only due to the fact that being a prequel to the novel and not the many movies about Frankenstein and his Monster will confuse many. If you go in expecting an action movie instead of a film done in the noir horror genre in the styles before the 1950’s, you will be disappointed.

Jake Lacy recommended Boogie Nights (1997) in Movies (curated)

Boogie Nights (1997)
Boogie Nights (1997)
1997 | Comedy, Drama

"Anytime somebody’s like, “You want to watch Boogie Nights?” No problem. Carve out the afternoon. I’m ready to go. Again, story, performances, direction, music, era, subject matter — it all works for me on that one. Both as just a simple audience member who wants to check out of life and have a nice time, and also as someone who works in this industry and appreciates as an objective viewer the craftsmanship of that film. I mean, “It’s my big dick and I want to f— now, Jack?” How do you write something better better than that? [laughing] I’m constantly quoting that to friends. But there’s this thing that a friend of mine just showed me on the DVD that’s called the “John C. Reilly Files,” or “Reilly Files.” It’s basically scenes that were not used in the final edit, but are John C. Reilly-based scenes. They are incredible. It’s so cool. So many of them are — maybe my friend who showed it to me, maybe he’s lying — but so many of them are cut scenes during the recording sessions. Things like that, where he’s the ultimate wing man. You know what I mean? He’s repping so hard for Dirk in the recording studio. It’s a bench marker. I would be interested to see what other films came out in 1997. Like what really holds up. Like, Magnolia still holds up for me. Punch Drunk Love still holds up for me. PT Anderson — those movies. I went back and watched There Will be Blood maybe three or four months ago. Just riveting. Those movies don’t get old for me. There’s so much to digest in them."

Shakespeare in Love (1998)
Shakespeare in Love (1998)
1998 | Comedy, History, Romance

"Shakespeare in Love is my next one. It holds up so great. I’ve seen it about 15 times. All these movies are movies that I watch a bunch, and that’s my ultimate test is can I watch them over and over. Shakespeare in Love totally holds up. It is a phenomenal metaphor for Hollywood. That’s what I love about it. It’s probably the best movie about Hollywood ever made, even though it’s not about Hollywood because it’s about writing and financiers and actors, and it just rings so true. And it’s also a movie that I don’t think… I can’t speak for you [to Wernick], but I could never have written it because it very much feels of its time, and I think that’s a particular voice. Marc Norman and Tom Stoppard did it, and it’s just a particular voice that would be incredibly hard to ape, I think. It has probably my favorite shot of all time about love, where it’s just a push in on Joseph Fiennes as he’s looking at Gwyneth Paltrow. It’s a push in on both of them, and just the look on his face and her as the object of his love; it gets me every time. Then, of course, it’s got all that Shakespeare weaved in — Romeo and Juliet, actual lines from the play. There’s a segment right in the middle of the movie where they just do Romeo and Juliet for a montage for about five minutes straight, and it’s showing all these different things, but the words are all Shakespeare, and I love it. I just love it."


RZA recommended American Gangster (2007) in Movies (curated)

American Gangster (2007)
American Gangster (2007)
2007 | Drama

"And the last movie I want to recommend is a movie that I’m a part of and it’s called American Gangster. I started to say Man with the Iron Fists. [laughs] Man with the Iron Fists because of the power of dreams, to show that a kid who watched movies and loved movies could one day grow and work with his favorite actors, and bring a movie to life. But that’d be number six, alright? Number five would be American Gangster, because not only is it a film that I’m a part of, but the reason I’m so invested into this movie is because Hollywood invested over $100 million into a black man’s story. This doesn’t happen a lot. It’s a story that captured a time in Harlem when drugs were rampant, music was growing, this whole culture was building up. And even though it shows a negative black man, it still showed the same thing The Godfather showed: the power of family. He did it for family. And it also showed the genius of the black criminal mind when it comes to being an entrepreneur and branding. He had a brand. And being a guy that started a brand like Wu-Tang Clan, when I heard how he made his brand Blue Magic and how he tried to protect his brand, and how he had to fight against others who were infringing upon his brand, it really resonated with me. Denzel Washington gave a great performance, Russell Crowe did as well, and that was a big breakout role for me as well, that movie."
