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Tracy Letts recommended The Bank Dick (1940) in Movies (curated)

The Bank Dick (1940)
The Bank Dick (1940)
1940 | Classics, Comedy
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I wish young actors and actresses were better versed in the work of Fields, Chaplin, Keaton, Lloyd, the Marx Brothers, Laurel and Hardy, and even lower-brow comics like the Three Stooges, Abbott and Costello, Jerry Lewis. Actors can partly cultivate a sense of humor from observing and mimicking our forebears. W. C. Fields makes me laugh more than any other film actor. His performances seem effortless, as if Fields is just doing Fields, but he deserves more credit than that. He constructed and honed his character over a twenty-year stage career. That character, known in The Bank Dick as Egbert Sousé, is the cinematic progenitor of a comic archetype: the lazy, drunken misanthrope. Fields wasn’t the innovator that Chaplin or Keaton was, of course, and in fact, his movies are not great. They’re flimsy vehicles for his routines. But I’ve also come to believe that’s part of the joke. “Can you believe they made a whole movie about this guy?” The Bank Dick also features several great comic character actors, such as Franklin Pangborn, Grady Sutton (as Og Oggilby), and Shemp Howard. I wanted to put Contempt on my list but Godard never put Shemp in a movie, know what I’m saying?"

Yummy (2019)
Yummy (2019)
2019 | Horror
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
First of all, this is marketed as a horror comedy, which is arguably misleading. Bar a couple of throw away gags near the start (and an obligatory dismembered penis), Yummy plays things pretty straight, as it violently hurtles towards it's bleak (as fuck) conclusion.

The lack of laughs isn't a bad thing by any means. There are plenty of zombie comedies already out there (granted, there are plenty of zombie movies in general to choose from) but as this particular sub genre refuses to die, the serious entries may as well be half decent, which Yummy certainly is.
It's has some great set pieces, some nice camera work, and a good cast.
Maaike Neuville and Bart Hollanders are a likable lead duo, and give us a pair of sympathetic characters to root for, and are a huge asset to this movie.

For zombie fans, have no fear, it doesn't take long for the shit to hit the fan, and the gore comes thick and fast when things start tumbling downhill. The practical effects are fantastic, the CGI effects are painfully average, but overall it gets the job done.

Yummy is a genuinely solid entry into the vast Zombie Horror catalogue. It's bloody, it's morbid, and it's hectic, which is good enough for me.
SAS: Red Notice (2021)
SAS: Red Notice (2021)
2021 | Action
The *potential* of the cast (0 more)
The script is dire: awful dialogue (1 more)
A truly wasted cast
Psycho vs Psycho: but poorly delivered
Oh my word, SAS: Red Notice is disappointing.

A really interesting cast, and the opportunity to do a mix of "Die Hard", "Daylight" and the finale of "Mission Impossible". And a novel take of 'good psychopath' vs 'bad psychopath'. But it's just so poorly delivered.

True that some of the McNab-guided action scenes feel refreshingly authentic. But the script is clunkingly bad (a discussion with a French girl on top of the train... #shudder) and there are story segues that shock (in a bad way): at one point our hero (Sam Huegen - most recently very good as Paul Newman in "For Olivia") walks out of a French vineyard into a winter wonderland with 6 inches of snow! Did I miss the wardrobe???!

After "Twist" this is yet another dire Sky Original movie, this time with a wasted cast. In particular, BAFTA Rising Star Noel Clarke needs to start making better film choices before getting a reputation for being in duffers.

(For the full graphical review, please check out One Mann's Movies here - ).

Jon Savage recommended It (1927) in Movies (curated)

It (1927)
It (1927)
1927 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"We didn't watch many films in preparation for Teenage because licensing features is incredibly expensive. Also because there weren't that many specifically about youth culture as something different from adult culture. On the other hand there were some significant films that were about the problems of youth that were taken up by the youth audience. One of them is It starring Clara Bow, the original 'It Girl'. Clara Bow is the most amazing screen presence, a huge silent star. She was fantastically sexy but also very alluring. One of those people that just lights up the screen when she's on it. A lot of people thought It was rather scandalous and tried to ban it. In the film she's a working girl but beautiful and cheeky, who marries a rich guy, so it's a classic Hollywood fantasy fulfilment role, one of the first times it was done. There was a whole moral panic about the movie and Clara Bow, so it was very popular amongst kids. There are earlier teenage films like Flaming Youth from 1923, but we don't know if a print still exists, we tried to find one and couldn't. There's a whole phase of college movies from the twenties and they've all disappeared."


Amy Adams recommended Vertigo (1958) in Movies (curated)

Vertigo (1958)
Vertigo (1958)
1958 | Drama, Mystery

"I love Alfred Hitchcock, but that was the first one that I saw. I saw it in humanities class in high school. We broke it down and had to write all these articles about it, and it stayed with me for a lot of reasons? in exploring all of the imagery that Alfred Hitchcock uses, and just the tone of the film. I always was a Jimmy Stewart fan — my fiancé is kind of very Jimmy Stewart. [laughs] He’s like the every man. I really loved him. And then of course the Hitchcock blonde; a lot of it had to do with the females in the films, so it’s no surprise that I became an actress. I was obsessed with Kim Novak; I would pull my hair back and try to tweeze my eyebrows so I could be a Hitchcock blonde. I loved it. And that was the first time I’d ever explored film intellectually, in that class, because before then I was, you know, I just went to the movies — things would move me and I wasn’t sure why. To get to sit down with my teacher and break a film down intellectually was a discovery for me. It’s still one of my favorites. It speaks to me very strongly."

My Own Private Idaho (1991)
My Own Private Idaho (1991)
1991 | International, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Even before I started acting, this was a very important film to me. Obviously I was really drawn to the performances and characters, but the whole film just kept bringing it back. Gus has changed his style somewhat beginning with Gerry and all this Bela Tarr and Chantal Akerman influence, which I love too. But back then it was really about collage. Idaho actually started as three different projects – three scripts – through Orson Welles‘ Chimes at Midnight, which was a distillation of Shakespeare, and this other story about street kids in Portland, and then something else about a kid finding his parents in Italy. And then this whole narcoleptic thing that was influenced by George Eliot. He’s got all that just in the script, and then there’s the way it’s shot – he had two DPs, plus time-lapse for the cloud sequences and 8mm for the dream sequences. I love all of Gus’ movies. I think Drugstore Cowboy is a hilarious movie. I love how he can take a situation like that and make it funny. I think Matt Dillon gives one of the best comedic performances in that movie. Gus is taking a very personal approach in the film – from the look of Bob Yeoman‘s cinematography to the way Gus captures Portland on screen."

Ashes and Diamonds (1958)
Ashes and Diamonds (1958)
1958 | Drama, Romance, War
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I saw Ashes and Diamonds for the first time in 1961. And even back then, during that period when we expected to be astonished at the movies, when things were happening all over the world, it shocked me. It had to do with the look, both immediate and haunted, like a nightmare that won’t stop unfolding; the sense of maddening insanity and absurdity, the tragedy of political infighting on the brink of peace and coming of age during wartime; and the beauty of the lead actor, Zbigniew Cybulski. The film has the power of a hallucination: I can close my eyes and certain images will flash back to me with the force they had when I saw them for the first time over fifty years ago. I’ve crossed paths with Andrzej Wajda a few times over the years, and I’ve always been in awe of his energy and his unflinching vision. I saw him again a couple of years ago, a little frailer but still as burning with energy as he’d been back in the ’90s, and he was preparing to make another film, now just completed, about Lech Walesa (the final installment of the trilogy that began with Man of Marble and Man of Iron). He’s a model to all filmmakers."


Josh Sadfie recommended Close-Up (1990) in Movies (curated)

Close-Up (1990)
Close-Up (1990)
1990 | Biography, Crime, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Close Up by Abbas Kiarostami. The way that that film blends fiction and reality, it is a north star for me. He made a movie about a contemporary Iranian filmmaker named Mohsen Makhmalbaf, and he read an article in the paper about a person who went around pretending to be this filmmaker in order to scam a family out of money and resources. And he went and cast the guy who was going around pretending to be Makhmalbaf, and he cast the real family that he scammed. And he recreated each scenario as if it was a script. He used real life as a script, and you’re watching the real players re-enact something that happened recently in their life, and the result is magical. The result is something that only film can give you. It makes you question your own self. It makes you question, what is a personality? It makes you question empathy. Because you start to actually see that this guy is actually a great actor, the main guy. And then you have one of the most complicated moments in all movies, when Makhmalbaf himself picks up the guy from the prison and rides on a motorcycle through Tehran. Masterpiece"


Rowan Atkinson recommended Being There (1979) in Movies (curated)

Being There (1979)
Being There (1979)
1979 | Comedy, Drama

"Peter Sellers movies, I would have to have in on him. I’m tempted by Being There. Again, one of his more serious things, but a beautifully attenuated performance I thought he did in that. I haven’t seen the movie for a long time. I’m always nervous about saying, “Oh, that was a brilliant movie,” if you haven’t seen them for 15 years or 20 years, because you may go back to them now and think, “Oh, ah, well actually, it’s not great.” Or at least, “It’s got those great bits that I remember, but there’s a lot of stuff in between that is very unimpressive.” But I seem to remember the only thing that really spoiled it — and it was very much the fashion at the time — was the sort of bloopers edit over the end credits. And I thought that movie in particular did not suit and did not need shots of Peter Sellers cracking up. But obviously the producers or the distributors said, “Look, it’s a Peter Sellers movie and it hasn’t got a lot of laughs in it. Can we just stick something silly in the end?” And that is what they did, and it didn’t completely ruin the film, but it came very, very close, in my opinion."


Allan Arkush recommended If.... (1968) in Movies (curated)

If.... (1968)
If.... (1968)
1968 | Drama
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I was at NYU film school when I first saw If…. The second time was the very next day, when I brought friends and classmates to share this extraordinary movie experience. I have always harbored fantasies of blowing up my high school, but until If…. I never realized that I was not the only one. Obviously If…. was a huge influence on Rock ’n’ Roll High School. In the mid-1980s, I wrote an article about high school movies for American Film magazine in which I opined that If…. was the greatest of them all. A month later, I received a lovely letter from Lindsay Anderson, my hero (I also love O Lucky Man!). We corresponded for several years, finally meeting at the Telluride Film Festival. He called me “a movie brat typical of my generation” for preferring The Searchers to She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. (I treasure his criticism.) Wrapped in a scarf, Malcolm McDowell is as riveting and charismatic as ever in his screen debut. I showed the movie to my teenage daughters, who only know Malcolm as Linderman on Heroes, and it impressed a whole new generation of rebellious teens. If….’s DVD extras, especially “O Lucky Malcolm,” really capture the spirit of the man and the movie."
