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Bakeries and Buffoonery (Magical Mystery Book Club #4)
Bakeries and Buffoonery (Magical Mystery Book Club #4)
Elizabeth Pantley | 2023 | Mystery, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent Reviewer for Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

The snapdragon inn is the setting of a cozy mystery book club with a difference they get transported into the stories to find out whodunit!

This time they are trying to find out who hates cake so much, in the town of Frosting that they have caused chaos, mayhem, and murder. Can they do it before the next murder happens?

This is such a delightful series they really are a pleasure to read. Elizabeth does such an amazing job at pulling you into the story as if you are one of the characters and I must say I am rather fond of all the characters, I'm sad we've lost one but happy for her circumstances and hope we do find out how she gets on.

Although this is a series I personally think you could read it as a stand-alone, but it's much more fun reading the series as you get to find out more about everyone.

I highly recommend and give 5/5

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **


* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *
Of Hoaxes and Homicide
Of Hoaxes and Homicide
Anastasia Hastings | 2024 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dear Miss Hermion, Will You Join a Cult?
It’s been a few months since we last checked in on half-sisters Violet and Sephora Manville, and they are finding themselves a bit bored after the excitement of solving their first murder. That changes when Violet’s alter ego, advice columnist Miss Hermione, receives a letter from a distraught mother whose daughter has run off and joined a cult. When Violet starts to investigate, she realizes that she knows someone in the group. Violet goes undercover in the cult right before a murder happens. Can she figure out what is going on?

I enjoyed the first, and this was another good entry. We get the story most from Violet’s first-person point of view, but we occasionally transfer to Sephora’s. These breaks are always obvious, and they are also used to good effect to advance the story. The plot could have used a bit more, but there are still some good twists, and I was engaged the entire time. Part of that is because of the characters, who I enjoyed. I also liked seeing both Violet and Sephora not only grow, but grow their relationship as well. If you are looking for a fun historical mystery, you’ll be glad you picked this one up.
Love and Death Among the Cheetahs
Love and Death Among the Cheetahs
Rhys Bowen | 2019 | Mystery
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honeymoon Safari with Murder
Lady Georgiana and Darcy have finally wed, and Darcy has a surprise – an extended honeymoon in Kenya. Georgie is excited to get to see local wildlife, but once they arrive, she quickly learns that Darcy is hoping to get some information on a notorious jewel thief that is rumored to be making an appearance in the country soon. The couple are quick to settle into the British colony in the country, but they begin to realize that not everyone is as friendly as they first appear. Then a murder interrupts their trip. Can they figure out what is happening?

Those who are fans of Darcy (like me), will be pleased with his presence in this book. As is befitting a honeymoon, he and Georgie are true partners in figuring out what is happening around them. Not that he steals the show from Georgie, who still figures out just about everything along the way. We do get the usual slow start, which allows us a little time to hear from most of the series regulars before heading down to Kenya. And let me say their trip made me very happy for how travel has advanced since the 1930’s. Even when we arrive in Kenya, it takes a bit of time for the murder to take place, but once it does, the mystery is well worth the wait with some great secrets that Georgie and Darcy must bring to light. I did have a hard time keeping all of the British colonists straight, but that never got in the way of following the mystery. My bigger complaint is an event that takes place in the middle of the book that seems force to have Darcy and Georgie where they are needed for the plot. I appreciated how the book worked in the world politics of the time without feeling out of place in the series. And I also appreciated the ability to be an arm chair traveler since I can’t take a vacation this year, although it really made me want to go on a safari of my own.
The Thursday Murder Club
The Thursday Murder Club
Richard Osman | 2020 | Crime, Mystery
8.2 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
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I am so happy I am able to be part of the instagram tour for The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman. Thank you to the amazing team at Penguin Random House and Viking, for sending me an ARC copy of this book.


We follow Elizabeth, Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim, who all meet up on Thursdays and solve mysteries. But when a murder happens in their environment, they cannot stay idle. Having their own tricks up their sleeves, they uncover evidence and keep getting closer to solving the mystery. But one mystery leads to another, and another, and before they know it, they are tangled in a mystery where everyone is a suspect and no one can be trusted. 

<b><i>My Thoughts:</i></b>

Their personalities, especially the ability to be brutally honest and not care what they say or do is what kept me giggling throughout. Their resilience and perseverance, and the ability to trick people as well as be a nuisance was so refreshing to read, because it was so real, and I have seen it before. 

I used to work in a care home with people that were suffering from dementia, and I am glad that there is a book like this one, that realistically describes how the elderly spend their free time and how mischievous they can be. 

Sometimes they help the police, and sometimes they hide things and manipulate so much that I just couldn’t believe the audacity (which was funny on its own). But I think what I loved the most was how much fun they have while they are doing what they want to do - solve mysteries. And they are very good at it! 

<b><i>“In life, you have to count the good days. You have to tuck them in your pocket and carry them around with you.”</i></b>

As a foreigner, I thought I wouldn’t understand the British humor.

But I suppose living with a British partner and working in the UK does help a lot. Damn, I’ve been here too long :D Although, there was one part that I did not get, and my partner had to assist me with. 

I didn’t understand the meaning of “What forty-six kilos was in real money". And when explained, let me tell you, I was not impressed. :D

<b><i>“People without a sense of humour will never forgive you for being funny.”</i></b>

On the subject of mystery, because in the end, this is a mystery novel, it does deliver. There are multiple mysteries, shall I say multi-layered, and some of the mysteries did keep me wondering until the end. Some of them, I did guess quite early in the book. I kept thinking that all the mysteries would somehow end up connected, and they do, but not in the way I expect - that’s all I will say, without revealing too much.

<b><i>I loved the The Thursday Murder Club.</i></b>

It made me giggle, it made me wonder and try to solve the multi-layer mystery, it made me sad and surprised. It got all the emotions out of me, and I loved it! I would definitely recommend this book! 

<b><i>“Tony is not a believer in luck, he’s a believer in hard work. If you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail.”</i></b>
The Disappointing Mr. Whicher...or is it the Wandering Ms. Summerscale? No, I've got it! The Bloated Book of Everything Victorian!

I was looking forward to reading, what I thought was, a true crime book with a bit of a look into Mr. Whicher's professional life too. What I got instead was four, possibly more, books in a 304 page book. These four parts consist of the murder of Saville Kent, Mr. Jonathan Whicher himself, an analysis of detective fiction (especially Poe, Dickens, and Collins), the origin of words and phrases in the detection field, many murder/crime stories of the day, other oddly inserted facts and history, etc., etc.

Now, Ms. Summerscale is a fine writer (and researcher for that matter), but it seems as if she wrote for herself instead of us, the readers. While her odd bits and pieces of history are interesting (usually), they are not essential to the plot (or what I thought was the main story), and I found myself glazing quite a bit. Whenever she rhapsodized poetic about Poe, Dickens or any of the other writers of the early detection mystery, it had the overall feel of a research paper and usually didn't have much to do with the murder in the least. The author wandered off way too many times to her own fancy and whenever she went back to the supposed case, it felt as if she had forgotten that she was supposed to be writing about the murder. This left the plotting of the book oddly pieced together and me discombobulated. Where was the editor? Out to lunch? Or did the author disregard what the editor(s) advised her to do? Who knows, but all this extraneous information was just filler and added nothing to the book. I cannot believe this actually won anything. Another quibble was that she also had a bit of a problem with her 'sensationalistic' chapter endings; they just didn't go (or flow) with the whole book.

My biggest problem with the whole book is there isn't much on the murder, which you would think there would be by the cover, synopsis, praise, and marketing. Only a little speculation is spared on a few other suspects; no why might they have done it, how the family may have felt - I wish there had been more focused on the murder and less on everything else. That's why I picked up the book, I wanted to know about the crime and consequences, not on the way of Victorian life or how it influenced writers, there are other books for that (which are listed in the notes and select bibliography in the back I might add). Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the subject content, but the overall construction of the book with all the un-necessary passages left me dissatisfied and grumpy.
Westobou Gold
Westobou Gold
Hawk MacKinney | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
It got Adventures (2 more)
It a Thriller as well
It a mystery and murder as well
Are you looking for an adventurous, thriller fun mystery book?
Are you looking for an adventurous, thriller fun mystery book? Well, Westobou Gold has just about all of it and more. I was brought into the book though an Indian tribe leader. There more to this story and to all the murders. What are Pervis and his crew up to other than underage porn?
The story is about a man named Craige and his love. Will Craige solve the mysteries of the murders that he is brought in by a former member named Bailey? What could Bailey want or his bosses?
We see what Pervis and his crew and Mort Raymond deal with. Pervis is part of the action mostly. If you want to know who comes out a winner, then you need to read the book. I do suggest that children do not read this book without their parent's consent. There are murders involved and some sex tape scenes. I would say this is a book for children ages 15 and up. This is my opinion.

There is crime throughout the book. What can an Indian Queen be an at of with all this and the murders? Hawk MacKinney gives you an exciting and thriller book. You will want to follow Craige and see if he makes it out or who the top dog. Pervis seem to want Craige Instagram out of the picture. What could they be trying to hide?
A Kill for the Poet (Chaser on the Rocks #2)
A Kill for the Poet (Chaser on the Rocks #2)
Simon Maltman | 2017 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Burdening your detective characters with personal problems has a long tradition. Alcoholism, messy relationships and lack of respect for authority are common. But Maltman delivers a cut about all of these with Brian Caskey, a fiction author with mental health issues which mean he really shouldn't be getting out of his depth.

Yet that is what happens when a mysterious surveillance job turns into something far more sinister and despite himself Caskey can't help but try to unravel the mystery. Like picking at a scab this is something he feels compelled to do but it's really only going to make things worse. The main story is woven through with Caskey composing his latest novel featuring his 1940s detective Billy Chapman investigating a murder.

Despite the complexities Maltman creates for himself in both his main character and the book within a book, both plots work well together. The Billy Chapman sections serve to break up the main story, like sorbet between a twelve course meal. Caskey, despite his problems, is an engaging character and very believable even when the plot he gets caught up in veers towards being wilfully obscure. There is an obvious comparison to Bateman's Mystery Man, another Nothern Irish detective with mental issues. But where Mystery Man is often a tragic and self-defeating character, Caskey is nothing like that and embraces his flaws.

Above all this stands up as a good solid detective story (indeed two of them). Maltman has a flair for producing interesting and very readable books and this is no exception