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Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon | 2015 | Children
8.3 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
I loved this, in fairness I did know about the big spoiler at the end so that definitely shaped my view of the book but it definitely didn't in anyway diminish my enjoyment of it, if anything it heightened it.
Also I am in love with Olly, literally that boy is a dream, he cares about his family so much, he always puts maddy's needs before his own he's a hige ginormous nerd and he's literally just the nicest boy where do I find my own Olly Bright I beg of you.
High Key Recommend
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
1980 | Fantasy, Sci-Fi

"That hits home for my sci-fi nerd self side of myself. I love the first one, A New Hope — that’s where it all started. But, Empire was just so awesome. I always remember watching Empire and being like, “Man, this movie is awesome from top to bottom.” So many good battles between Luke and Vader. Luke getting his arm chopped off — it’s a cold blooded movie. Return of the Jedi is awesome too. But, without Empire Strikes Back, I don’t know if Jedi would’ve even been a thing. So much Billy Dee Williams, too."


Smashbomb (4687 KP) created a post in Friends of Smashbomb

Oct 26, 2021 (Updated Nov 9, 2021)  
Beardy Jim

We are excited to announce our latest Publishing Partner: 'Beardy Jim' run by Smashbomber @BeardyJim

You can visit the blog here:

'Beardy Jim' is a great Gaming and Movie Blog reviewing a great range of everything! If you're a fellow Game or Movie nerd - you're sure to find something to read on this mega blog! Definitely recommended to anyone dedicated to gaming or cinema!

Social links:
Smashbomb: @BeardyJim

BeardyJim (611 KP) Oct 26, 2021

Thank you very much for the warm welcome! 😁


Smashbomb (4687 KP) created a post in Friends of Smashbomb

Dec 10, 2021  
We are excited to announce our latest Publishing Partner: 'Blazing Minds' run by Smashbomber @Blazing Minds

You can visit the blog here:

'Blazing Minds' is a great Movie Blog reviewing a great range of everything! If you're a fellow Movie nerd - you're sure to find something to read on this mega-blog! Definitely recommended to anyone dedicated to the cinema!

Social links:
Smashbomb: @Blazing Minds
Doctor Who: In the Blood
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meh. Overlong, unneeded travelogue with the Doctor and Donna globetrotting all over the Earth... WITHOUT the TARDIS. Flying commercial airliners, just to have a plane crash scene, commuting by rail just to have a train crash scene. The main plot about evil aliens hiding within social media and feeding off negative emotions of posters (i.e. Nerd Rage) is topical, but doesn't fit Doctor Who. Not a particularly well told tale either, when I finally got to the climax it was more of a relief than a satisfactory ending. Was not impressed with this one at all.
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
I went into this excited and yet terrified. What if they destroyed a classic in this attempt to retell one of my favorite stories? I walked out of it thrilled. The special effects were completely on point (was definitely worried about some of those scenes), and the inclusion of a touch more background into Belle's life and even the Beast's life added so much to the film.

And Emma Watson...thank God she actually enjoys reading so much in real life or it'd be sort of tragic to think of how many rolls she gets where she's an avid book nerd. :-)
The Atlantis Grail - Qualify
The Atlantis Grail - Qualify
Vera Nazarian | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I urge you to read this book
As an avid book reader I like to sign up to things where you can get free books and this was one of them. To say I was hooked from the beginning would be a small understatement.

It is rich in detail and has diverse characters who inspire both love and fierce hate from the reader. There is definitely a win for the underdog and the nerd in me rejoiced.

It is a series of books which I still being written and I urge you to give it a go.