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Buffy the Vampire Slayer  - Season 6
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Season 6
2001 | Horror
Once more with feeling (4 more)
Dark willow
Giles I like to test that theory
Yellow Crayon Speech
Two to go
Say your happy now once more with feeling
Love it or hate it once more with feeling is a master pieces and a setting for other TV shows to branch into musical episode. Whilst I love it let's face it only Amber Benson Antony Head and James Masters have great singing voices. Of course the other try there best but aren't the best singers in the world. However the episode is brilliant the idea is superburb and its so well executed that it doesn't matter. At a buffy convention whilst watching this episode a friend of mine yelled No as loud as she could when dawn sing does "anybody notice. Does anybody care" This has become a traditional. Every time the episode is played with friends or at conventions or when I won tickets to buffy slays 20 syfi 20 competion the friend who originally did this at hallowhedon 4 has now since passed it a great tribute, that alon make me give this season a 10/10.

Once more with feeling isn't the only great episode this series Tara death is again moving and the movement of Dark williow is superub of course the yellow crayon speech is so moving and heartfelt. I met Nick Brendon dressed as the yellow crayon was one of my favorite moment of my life.

Murphy (5 KP) Jul 20, 2017

Story-wise this was not the strongest season, and the episode with Spike sexually assaulting Buffy is more than enough to keep me from giving this a perfect score....but episodes such as "Once More With Feeling" are simply too strong to take much away.
OMWF was a game changer for television. There have been many who have tried to capture some of that magic (only Scrubs comes close).
Giles story throughout the season was great, Anya and Xander was heartbreaking.

...Like Clockwork by Queens Of The Stone Age
...Like Clockwork by Queens Of The Stone Age
2013 | Alternative
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'd been a fan of Queens of the Stone Age for a long, long time, from early on. I could have picked any of their records but …Like Clockwork is my favourite. It's just a true record, it's a representation of a man that's been in music for a fucking long time, close to as long as I've been alive for, and it's amazing for a man like him to be releasing records like this so late into his career, songs with such power like 'My God Is The Sun' which is a formidable rock song, and 'If I Had A Tail' which has the swagger the Rolling Stones wish they had. I just love that Josh Homme does whatever he wants and it's undeniably Queens. He's invented a sound from his own style. I'd always been a fan and I was waiting for this record for a long, long time, but it took things to a whole other level. I don't get excited over many records, but with this and [Nick Cave's] Skeleton Tree I had the same sort of feeling. Sometimes you worry about your favourite band releasing a new record because you just want it to be good, but this rewrote everything I thought about them, and everything I knew about life. That's what I love about them, and pretty much all of these bands. When a band is able to surprise you late in their career it's a wonderful thing."


Rachel Howser Roberts (96 KP) rated Crazy Rich Asians in Books

Jun 21, 2018 (Updated Jun 21, 2018)  
Crazy Rich Asians
Crazy Rich Asians
Kevin Kwan | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Modern Cinderella
Imagine if Cinderella lived today, she was a college professor, and she was already dating the Prince Charming of Singapore. That’s what Kwan’s debut novel reminded me of. Rachel Chu agrees to visit her boyfriend’s family in Singapore over the summer, only to slowly realize that they are crazy rich and live a lifestyle very different from how Rachel and Nick live in New York. I found the novel to be a fresh take on the Cinderella-type story. I also enjoyed learning how the crazy rich Asians of the title live.

I found the main character, Rachel, to be quite relatable. Despite the fact, that her mother immigrated from mainland China, Rachel is thoroughly American. She was thrown into this world of the crazy rich with no warning from her boyfriend. I liked that she behaved with dignity, even if she was often unaware of what was happening around her or how to act in a particular social situation.

The character of Nick, Rachel’s boyfriend, is not quite as fleshed out as Rachel’s. The reader sees him being generally a good guy (not participating in drugs and prostitutes brought in for a bachelor party), but I would have liked to see him realize and react to the way his family and family friends behave towards the woman he loves. It does not occur to him that they are treating her abhorrently until near the end of the novel.

The pacing of the novel was quick. Each chapter is from a different point of view, quickly switching from one experience to another. Although the book focused on relationships, and I’m more of a Sci-Fi or suspense girl, I found myself unable to put the book down. I read it in a day.

I honestly picked up this book, because many of my friends are excited about the upcoming movie. After reading the book, I’m excited to see it, too. But as with any movie, I would recommend reading the book first.

Most of all, the book made me want to visit Asia again! I’ve been to Mainland China and Taiwan, but never Singapore. The crazy rich people did not sound pleasant to be around, but I would love to experience the culture. I would love to visit the food stalls Rachel visits as soon as she lands in Singapore.
Midway (2019)
Midway (2019)
2019 | Action, Drama, History
I'm a bit conflicted about this film. I thought the actors were great, I was attached to them and their story and that made this film enjoyable and heart wrenching at the same time. I wasn't in love with the scope of the timeline, I feel like it was a lot to remember - not that you have to remember the dates, but part of you feels kind of guilty if you don't, or is that just me? The hard part about that though is that none of it feels unnecessary. I feel like you get a well-rounded look at how we got to that point and all the events that led up to it. Obviously you could include so much more but then we'd be talking about a 6-hour movie and that'd be ridiculous.

I loved this cast. Luke Evans, Nick Jonas, Woody Harrelson, Mandy Moore, Dennis Quaid, Darren Criss, everyone was phenomenal and they played their parts well. Do I think I'll ever watch this film again? Hmmm, probably not. But I'm glad I spent the time to watch it and learn a little bit more too. It's definitely a great story.

Paige (277 KP) rated Shaun of the Dead (2004) in Movies

Dec 7, 2018 (Updated Dec 7, 2018)  
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Horror
Casting (Simon Pegg and Nick Frost). (3 more)
Prosthetic Makeup.
Emotional Investment.
Shaun of the Dead (2004).
'Take car. Go to Mum's. Kill Phil. Grab Liz. Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?'

Shaun of the Dead is a 'slice of fried gold,' with consistent irony throughout that contributes towards the comedic content, uncommon throughout differentiating zombie movies. 'Next time I see him, he's dead,' is an ironic quote from Shaun of the Dead (2004) that is also foreshadowing.

Progressing from this, the casting for Shaun of the Dead (2004) was exceptional. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost have done alternative movies together, encompassing Hot Fuzz and The World's End. Their undeniable friendship contributes significantly towards their ability to collectively produce fantastic movie's, all of which have no fault.

Furthermore, the prosthetic makeup is also an imperative aspect to confer when deliberating the positive aspects of Shaun of the Dead (2004). When taking into consideration that this film was released in 2004, the prosthetic makeup was beyond expectation, with multiple scenes that are hard to watch attributable to the gore.

Comparable to this, an alternative aspect to confer when deliberating the positive aspects of Shaun of the Dead would be the emotional investment in each character. Shaun of the Dead (2004) makes evident an imperative moral; to not take those you love for granted. One of many subtle morals throughout Shaun of the Dead (2004), which subsequently contribute towards the emotional investment in each character, to be understood upon watching the movie.

To conclude, Shaun of the Dead (2004) is a contributor towards the extensive amount of zombie movies released. However, it is an innovative, unique zombie movie, integrating comedic content and irony, whilst maintaining the high quality of prosthetic makeup and emotional investment you would expect from a movie depicting the prospective end of the world.
Compelling and heart wrenching, Tricia Goyer tells the story of the orchestra of Mauthausen. This orchestra, composed of famous Jewish musicians, was forced to play for their lives in the concentration camp.

We see the war through many different views in Night Song. Evie, a young Viennese woman who is involved with the resistance and witnesses the liberation of Mauthausen. Nick, an American medic who is in love with Evie and will travel to the ends of the earth to find her. Otto, an SS Soldier whose thirst for power and riches overwhelms him. Finally, Jakub, a young Jewish prisoner whose magnificent talent brings hope and joy to those he is around.

The story begins in December 1941, Evie and her family must return to Vienna due to the German occupation. The following 3 1/2 years are a combination of sorrow, pain and loss for all of our characters. But where Nick, Evie, and eventually Jakub, find their strength in the Lord, Otto finds his through the "Ancients", the mystical power supposedly behind Hitler's reign. Otto is never satisfied, he always wants more. Our other characters have to sacrifice so much, yet they know that the Lord is leading them and taking care of them. In the end we discover that the wealth and power of this world can not compare with a personal relationship with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

It took me a little longer to read this book, only because it was so emotional for me that I had to put it down and take a break. Tricia Goyer does a beautiful job of depicting the horrors and sorrows of the camps and all those who were affected by it, without being gory. It made my heart ache for those who lived and died in this hell. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys World War II fiction. You will not be disappointed!
Fighting with My Family (2019)
Fighting with My Family (2019)
2019 | Biography, Comedy, Drama
Based on a true story, great group of supporting actors and actresses, good dialogue (0 more)
The Weight of Dreams And Expectations - 8/10
Fighting With My Family is a 2019 biographical sports comedy/drama based on a documentary, The Wrestlers: Fighting With My Family. The documentary was directed by Max Fisher and is about WWE wrestler Paige's career. Written and directed by Stephen Merchant, including executive producer Dwayne Johnson, the film also stars Florence Pugh, Nick Frost, Lena Heady and Vince Vaughn.

In 2000 Norwich, England inseparable siblings Zak (Jack Lowden) and Saraya Knight (Florence Pugh) are encouraged by their parents, Rick (Nick Frost) and Julia (Lena Heady) to wrestle in their family run wrestling promotion. Nervous about her first match, they change the opponent to her brother and the experience she has winning, cements her love of wrestling. Years later, their parents continue to manage and run the family wrestling promotion with both siblings helping to wrestle and train prospective wrestlers. Struggling financially their last hope rides on both children getting signed when they are invited to a WWE tryout. The outcome is bittersweet however when only Saraya is chosen. She is now given a "Once In A Lifetime" opportunity but must leave everyone she knows behind as she goes on this journey alone.

 This movie was fantastic! Not just a great wrestling movie but a great movie, period. An emotional roller coaster. The cast was awesome and their camaraderie and chemistry really showed on screen. The writers did a great job keeping dialogue realistic and a plot like life; with its ups and downs. I really didn't think this movie would be that emotional, but it touches on so many themes. It's really a movie for everyone not just wrestling fans. It makes you really feel for the characters and has a way of pulling on your heartstrings in a way few movies do. I almost scored it a point higher but I give this movie an 8/10.
The Book of Trespass: Crossing the Lines That Divide Us
The Book of Trespass: Crossing the Lines That Divide Us
Nick Hayes | 2020 | History & Politics, Natural World
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Book of Trespass is a non-fiction book that looks at how the land and waterways in England used to belong to everyone as Common Land, and afternoon various acts of Parliament, they were enclosed and sold to the highest bidder. People who were able to previously eke out a living on shared, common land, found themselves without income, food, a place to live, and forced to work for the family that now owned what had been everyone’s.

Fast forward a few centuries, the few rich people still own the majority of the land in the UK, and seem to guard it jealously. There’s no way that they can use all that land, but they won’t share it. In fact, the law backs them up - if you trespass, you could be prosecuted.

Nick Hayes has written a book where he charts the history of how land has changed ownership from the many to the few, the links to colonisation and the slave trade, those who have fought to keep us and our world safe and he stages his own rebellions throughout the book. He takes us over the fences and walls to look at the land we wouldn’t otherwise see (and the descriptions are beautiful, you can feel the love he has for the countryside). He shows us that this is not a communist ideal, as some would think. In countries such as Sweden, Norway and closer to home, Scotland, there is a culture of space for all. Maybe if we could all use this land, we would learn how to best look after it.

The added bonus were the pictures (woodcuts) - bold and beautiful.

I’m already trying to think of people who would appreciate this book as a gift. It’s definitely a book to share.

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole and Nick Hayes for making this book available for us to read!

Beckie Shelton (40 KP) rated The One in Books

Oct 31, 2017 (Updated Oct 31, 2017)  
The One
The One
John Marrs | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is what I love about reviewing books, it takes you out of your comfort zone and you get to experience author's that perhaps might never cross your radar and what a shame that would be as, The One by John Marrs was one of those gems that I may have passed by, an utterly brilliant captivating phycological thriller which kept me entranced till the final pages.

How to adequately convey this story and do it justice, as it truly is a unique concept. I have read an abundance of fiction over the years and the subject expressed in The One, A Gene that matches you with another individual romantically, a soul mate. is truly a unique idea.

In The One, we have what seems like five different stories all wrapped up in a shared Tale, Five Love matches all separate but also intertwined in a bigger picture. The unique writing style of John Marrs makes this very addictive reading, each chapter focusing on a gene match playing in an enthralling loop that makes you want to keep reading.

We have,
Mandy & Richard
Christopher & Amy
Jade & Kevin
Nick & Sally
Ellie & Tim

Finding the love of your life, the other half of you may seem an amazing and wonderous thing. But in reality, the obstacles this can throw at you if you think on this logically are truly shocking, What if your match is married or old, dead or disabled. He or she could be a criminal when you ponder deeper on this matter all sorts of shockingly crazy scenarios spring to mind.The one explores these situations giving us an insight into what could happen when we ask the question WHAT IF?

In conclusion, this book is a breathtaking phycological thriller that keeps you gripped throughout. I've tried to convey a sense of what The one gives you without giving too much away as this is one of those stories you really need to go in blind to truly appreciate the sheer brilliance of its storyline. Love doesn't always run smoothly, in fact in this tale don't expect the ordinary it abounds with twists and turns that keep you guessing throughout.

I Received a free copy of this e-book from NetGalley in return for a review and this is my own honest opinion.

Beckie Shelton (40 KP) rated The One in Books

Feb 8, 2018  
The One
The One
John Marrs | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is what I love about reviewing books, it takes you out of your comfort zone and you get to experience author's that perhaps might never cross your radar and what a shame that would be as, The One by John Marrs was one of those gems that I may have passed by, an utterly brilliant captivating phycological thriller which kept me entranced till the final pages.

How to adequately convey this story and do it justice, as it truly is a unique concept. I have read an abundance of fiction over the years and the subject expressed in The One, A Gene that matches you with another individual romantically, a soul mate. is truly a unique idea.

In The One, we have what seems like five different stories all wrapped up in a shared Tale, Five Love matches all separate but also intertwined in a bigger picture. The unique writing style of John Marrs makes this very addictive reading, each chapter focusing on a gene match playing in an enthralling loop that makes you want to keep reading.

we have,

Mandy & Richard
Christopher & Amy
Jade & Kevin
Nick & Sally
Ellie & Tim

Finding the love of your life, the other half of you may seem an amazing and wonderous thing. But in reality, the obstacles this can throw at you if you think on this logically are truly shocking, What if your match is married or old, dead or disabled. He or she could be a criminal when you ponder deeper on this matter all sorts of shockingly crazy scenarios spring to mind.The one explores these situations giving us an insight into what could happen when we ask the question WHAT IF?

In conclusion, this book is a breathtaking phycological thriller that keeps you gripped throughout. I've tried to convey a sense of what The one gives you without giving too much away as this is one of those stories you really need to go in blind to truly appreciate the sheer brilliance of its storyline. Love doesn't always run smoothly, in fact in this tale don't expect the ordinary it abounds with twists and turns that keep you guessing throughout.

I Received a free copy of this e-book from NetGalley in return for a review and this is my own honest opinion.