Stranger Things - Season 2
TV Season Watch
The unexpected hit of 2016 returns for second dose of Eighties-infused sci-fi/horror. Will young...

Stranger Things - Season 1
TV Season Watch
In the small town of Hawkins, Indiana in 1983, a young boy named Will Byers goes missing. As his...
Science fiction child actors television supernatural monsters

Bridge of Spies (2015)
Movie Watch
During the Cold War, the Soviet Union captures U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers after shooting down...

Stranger Things
TV Show Watch
This thrilling Netflix-original drama stars award-winning actress Winona Ryder as Joyce Byers, who...

The Legend of Hallowaiian (2018)
Movie Watch
It is Hallowaiian on the Big Island of Hawaii, so excitement and mischief are in the air. Three...

Stranger Things - Season 3
TV Season Watch
In the summer of 1985 in Hawkins, the new Starcourt Mall has become the focal point of the town,...

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Snoopy and Charlie Brown: The Peanuts Movie (2016) in Movies
Nov 18, 2019
The Plot: Life always seems complicated for good ol' Charlie Brown (Noah Schnapp), the boy who always tries his best against seemingly impossible odds. When the Little Red-Haired Girl moves into his neighborhood, Charlie Brown develops a crush on her. Meanwhile, his best friend Snoopy embarks on an epic adventure in a fantasy world. As a World War I flying ace, the lovable beagle pursues his nemesis, the Red Baron, while also trying to win the heart of a beautiful poodle named Fifi (Kristin Chenoweth.
Good old Charlie Brown and Snoopy vs. The Red Baron.
It made me cry, which doesnt happen often when i watch movies. So that is a plus.
Its funny, adventurious, has a message, phemomemal and a classic.
A must watch film.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Hubie Halloween (2020) in Movies
Oct 9, 2020
It's pretty much follows the formula of what's come before - Adam Sandler portrays a loser that falls over a lot and talks in a silly voice, there's some sort of heart-warming redemption plot that results in him not being a loser and getting the girl. It's ball achingly predictable, but is wrapped up in a very Halloween-y package, so that's nice I guess.
The main issue is that I just didn't laugh. There are a few amusing lines here and there (June Squibb wearing vulgar novelty t-shirts is always a good shour) but most of the humour falls flat. Adam Sandler talking in a silly voice has never been funny, and you can't change my mind.
The supporting cast is a fairly impressive collection of names - Steve Buschemi, Julie Bowen, Ray Liotta, Maya Rudolph, Noah Schnapp from Stranger Things, Tim Meadows, Michael Chiklis, Ben Stiller, goddam Shaquille O'Neal (legit probably the best part of the whole movie) - even Kenan Thompson of Kenan & Kel fame. And of course Kevin James, this being a Sandler film and all....
There's not much really to say. The mystery aspect of the plot doesn't really feel intriguing at any part, and it's honestly just another run of the mill Adam Sandler comedy. Relatively entertaing as a seasonal watch, and I'm sure kids will love it, but ultimately, pretty damn average.