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Pretend... (Oxley College #2)
Pretend... (Oxley College #2)
Stacey Nash | 2015 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I will admit to being slightly confused when I started this, as I haven't read book 1 but I know that Olivia and Logan are together, and I have read book 3, in which Hex and Jordan get together. For some reason, I assumed that this would follow on after Hex and Jordan, but you know what they say about assuming 😉

Once I sorted it out in my head what was going on, I settled in to enjoy the ride. You see, I don't usually do contemporary, but somehow Stacey Nash manages to grab and hold my attention every time. This seriously impresses me and I love the easy flow of her work. Nothing seems forced about it, the characters, the situations, none of it.

The characters themselves - Dane and Savvy - they are old friends who have drifted (or been pushed) apart. Savvy is hiding a whole lot of stuff away, and doesn't like anyone getting too close. She has her persona that she is happy with people knowing. Therefore, she doesn't like getting too close to Dane. He knows her too well, has affected her for too long and can see her too clearly. Although he is a player, I loved how he was with Savvy. And once he set his sights on her, he stopped being a player (which is always good).

With heartache and sorrow, lies and deception, Pretend... is a wonderfully gripping story that will take you back to Oxley College and yet still leave you wanting more. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 18, 2016
EXSILIUM (Roma Nova Thriller #11)
EXSILIUM (Roma Nova Thriller #11)
Alison Morton | 2024 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
EXSILIUM is part of the Roma Nova series. I have read Inceptio but none of the others. I don't feel this impacted my enjoyment of the story or the characters.

Told in three separate parts by Maelia, Lucius, and Galla, this was a brilliant insight into how Rome could have been at the time when the old Gods were disappearing and the new Christos was taking over. I think the only thing that confused me was Maelia's story. The majority of it was incredibly well-written, but in the blurb, it says about him being a pagan traitor. It took me a while to understand that his backing the wrong emperor was also a fight between the two religions.

Full of hard times and sorrow, it is a story also full of hope, of working together to make things better - or at least, most of them did! The characters, whether you like them or not, are all relatable, especially considering the circumstances of their exile.

I found the epilogue to be perfect, giving me an update on all the characters I'd grown to love, while also jumping to the future to mention Inceptio. That was a surprise for me and made me want to read that story again, with the knowledge gained from this story.

A smooth pace and a full and well-rounded story and characters. Alison Merton is an author I never have a problem reading. Definitely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 14, 2024
Father Figures (2018)
Father Figures (2018)
2018 | Comedy
Expectations, all of us have them and occasionally our expectations live up to exactly as we assume they will; other times, we are wrong. The movie Father Figures, a comedy film directed by Lawrence Sher and written by Justin Malen is not only about two brothers searching for their biological father, but the journey and the expectations that go along with the journey.

Peter Reynolds (Ed Helms) is a man who is disenchanted with his life. He’s a doctor who’s still struggling with his divorce from three years ago, and the prospects of connecting with a son who wants nothing to do with him. His fraternal twin brother Kyle, on the other hand, has the picture-perfect life. Wealthy for being nothing more than a surf bum on the beach and being at the right place at the right time; with a new baby on the way with his long-term (6 month) relationship.

An unlikely event opens Peter’s eyes to the life he has known; a life where the father he believed to be his died of colon cancer, which dictated his career and life choices. The event exposed the lies that their mother had told them and the man they believed to be their father all along, never was.

The realization sends the two brothers on a mission to discover who their real father is, and also discover a bit about themselves along the way. Their journey of discovery will take them from Florida to Massachusetts, and several places in-between. All of this, with of hopes of unraveling the mystery of who their real father is and what role, if any, he could fill in their existing lives.

Ed Helms, portrays his character brilliantly. A man who is kind, good-hearted and responsible. The one who even with all his good intentions, never feels like he is able to get ahead. Owen Wilson plays what I feel is one of his best roles to date, as the ying to Ed Helms yang, the happy-go-lucky, never have a care in the world character. The two have a chemistry on the screen that draws you into their personal struggles with lots of laughter along the way.

The cast of “fathers”, are all brilliantly portrayed, whether it’s Terry Bradshaw portraying himself; J. K. Simons, as the lovable “jerk”; and the always talented Christopher Walken as the family veterinarian Dr. Walter Tinkler. Glenn Close does an absolutely amazing performance as the brother’s mother Helen Baxter.

There are plenty of laughs to be had through the movie, but it’s the amount of heart that the movie shows that really drew me in. As I spoke in the beginning, about expectations, I myself had expectations that the movie would be just another slap-stick comedy, with the characters getting into one hilarious situation after another. While this certainly did happen (it is still a comedy after-all), none of the bits seemed outrageous or done for the sake of shock value. As with most movies that fall into this genre, there are scenes which some may feel provided nothing to the story, and were there simply for adolescent humor or to justify the R rating, but none of these detracted from the film as a whole. I didn’t expect to come out of this movie not only quoting some of the very memorable lines, but also reflecting on where their journey began and where it ended.

Father Figures is much more than a simple comedy, and it’s far more than simply a “who’s your daddy” adventure. It’s a movie about self-discovery and more importantly, the journey to get you there. The folks at Warner Bros. Pictures should be commended on not only the casting of the roles, but for producing a story they can be proud of.
Pisces (Zodiac Twin Flame #1)
Pisces (Zodiac Twin Flame #1)
Rachel Medhurst | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pisces (Zodiac Twin Flame #1) by Rachel Medhurst
Pisces is the first book in a twelve book series called Zodiac Twin Flame. We start with Pisces as the first book, even though it is the twelfth astrological sign in the zodiac. Pisces has six brothers and five sisters, all named for the zodiac sign they were born under. None of them are related by blood, but have grown up as siblings. They are have a 'higher purpose' - to find their Twin Flame and overcome the obstacles placed before them by an opposing faction. Each of the signs has a special gift they can use if need be, but they need to make sure that no one else sees them use it.

Pisces' father always knew she would be first to find her twin flame, but no reason is given. They were all told that when they met their Twin Flame, they would know it. However, Pisces seems to be in a lot of confusion about just who her Twin Flame is. Not only that, but they spend more time running away from each other, and saying they can only be friends, than they do actually getting to know each other. Also, as we see with the mother and father, just getting with the Twin Flame isn't enough, and they will continue to be tested throughout their lives.

I quite enjoyed this book, although the constant running was starting to get on my nerves. There were no grammatical errors that I noticed, but some of the storyline seemed either forced or superfluous to requirements. That being said, this is the first book in the series, and a lot of world building and groundwork needs to be laid to set the scene. A good introduction to the series that leaves me wanting to know more about the others.

* Verified Purchase ~ August 2017 *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great Horror Elements, Plot needs more
The horror aspects of this book was really good. It was creepy enough to give you the heebie jeebies and anything to do with strange looking paintings and children always make things more creepier than they should be. (The Shining, anyone?)

I can’t really say I like Daniel as a character. He had it coming to him. It was an awful cruel thing he did and he deserved every last bit of it. None of the characters really stood out here since Daniel was really the center of the plot, but wow Karina. You’re just some kind of special aren’t you? She played on Daniel’s sympathy until he realized she’s completely bat crazy and well, you walked into that one didn’t you? This is what happens when you want the cake and the cherry on top. Just don’t do it. However tempting that is.

Plot wise, it’s pretty entertaining and good stuff for a horror book. It does come off as reading a horror movie in print which is pretty good and frankly, if this ever was a movie, I’d probably watch it and enjoy it better. The ending was great and is everything you would expect in a horror movie or book. There’s mystery elements into the book which does not affect the story that much and adds more intrigue.

Although the horror elements were good, the execution of the story could be better. I thought certain aspects of the plot were just there for convenience. There could have been more to the Mabel plot arc. It was just planted there with no real explanation except it was given about 2-3 pages but no real contribution. I wish there was more to it. It would have helped, and could have made the story much better.

Despite some of the shortcomings of the book, it was an enjoyable read. It was creepy enough to give you the chills and the ending was what you would expect in this genre. Recommended to horror lovers!
Hale and Gemini (The Alder Tales #3)
Hale and Gemini (The Alder Tales #3)
R.S. McCoy | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hale and Gemini (The Alder Tales #3) by R.S. McCoy
Hale and Gemini is the fairytale retelling of Hansel and Gretel, written in R.S. McCoy's inimitable style. It is the third book in The Alder Tales series, and although I would say you don't 'have' to have read those to understand the story, you will benefit immensely from reading books one and two, plus you get the added bonus of reading fantastic stories.

What to say about this one? My first thought was "poor Hale". He got put through the wringer in the previous book, and you can't even be annoyed with Raene for doing so. He makes the decision to leave Clan land and travel to Pyrona, in the hope of reuniting with his sister, Blossom, not realising that her story has moved her on from there. Gemini follows him for her own reasons, and through arguments and disagreements, these two become friends with the possibility of more.

I LOVE THIS SERIES! Every story is different, and yes it's a retelling, but no it's not 'usual'. This world is unique (as far as I am aware), with characters that are simply amazing. Each section has people that you will loathe and love, sometimes both! The world-building is second to none, and the political scheming constantly has me amazed.

It was with a smile on my face that I read about Kaide and Blossom! Seriously, I NEED these two to be happy! Parson and Raene continue to delight, and then we have Hale and Gemini.

Fair Warning - this book ends on one helluva cliffhanger. It should be against the law! ;) A fantastic read that updates you on past pairings, gives full attention to the new story, whilst leaving you wanting more. I definitely can't wait for book 4! Highly recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
By What We Love (A New Start, #3)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eloise has almost everything she ever dreamed of. A great job that pays well, a family that loves her, and a man who loves her unconditionally. None of these things came without hard work. Eloise grew up without her mother and then raised and put through school her younger brother and sister.

Mostes and Eloise have been together for years. Now, Eloise has the most amazing opportunity with her job and she wants nothing more than for Moses and her sister, Lori, to join her on the journey. Even though Lori and Moses love Eloise, they may not be ready to move to the other side of the world with her. Will Eloise be able to choose her family over her work? Which is really more important to her?

Charlene Carr writes about relatable characters. Any career driven woman could sympathize with Eloise. Maybe she is a bit more extreme than some, but she is still in a position a lot of women find themselves in, having to choose between their career and their family.

Eloise tends to make her decisions before consulting the rest of her family. Asking for forgiveness later. She has been this way for so long, she just assumes that they are going to go along with her. I personally, have never been one to put my work over my family. That is just me, but recently going from being a stay at home mom to a working mom, I can see how sometimes that sacrifice must be made. Charlene Carr does a great job of drawing you into the story and you can see yourself in the main characters shoes. You put yourself in the story.

This book is about discovering what exactly is most important. Hopefully we will come to that realization before it is too late and we lose out on those things we love the most.

**I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review**
The Beach Club
The Beach Club
Elin Hilderbrand | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Mac Peterson has been the manager for the Nantucket Beach Club and hotel for the past 12 years. When he was 18 years old, he stepped off the ferry and right into Bill Elliott the owner and was given a job that wasn't initially meant for him. But he made the best of his situation and now here he is at a crossroads in his life. He is now 30 years old, he has his family farm in Iowa that he needs to make a decision on, he's been dating Maribelle for 6 years and she's ready for the next step, and he has to decide if the Beach Club is really where he is supposed to be. Filled with guest problems along with personal turmoil from all of the employees, this summer is bound to be one none of them will forget.

Elin Hilderbrand is a new author to me. Over the past year, I have started to read her books and really enjoy the stories. It makes me want to visit Nantucket for sure. This book really resonated with me though because of the few references to the area I live in now.

This is a very interesting story about one season at the Nantucket Beach Club and Hotel. A staple in the community for years. Most people who enjoy the hotel come back every year and look forward to Mac being there when they arrive and helping them throughout their entire stay. Mac isn't sure who he would be without the Beach Club. When his girlfriend of 6 years give him an ultimatum, Mac isn't sure how to take it or what he's going to do. With advice and issues around every corner, he finally figures out exactly what it is he is going to do.

The story ends leaving you wondering what exactly is going to happen next for Mac and what kind of adventures he will have in the following summers at the Beach Club. If he indeed intends to stay there.

Whatchareadin (174 KP) rated Hit Count in Books

May 10, 2018  
Hit Count
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lloyd liked to hit hard and he taught his brother, Arlo, everything he knows.

Arlo makes the junior varsity football team his freshman year which is almost unheard of. Since Lloyd had taught Arlo everything, Arlo is good at hitting hard. A sophomore on the JV team, Dinos befriends Arlo and teaches him about conditioning. Football is more than just hard hitting, you have to be able to last the whole game. Arlo's dad was a proud papa. Lloyd, was jealous that he didn't make is as far as Arlo had. And Arlo's mom, was not into the game at all. She was so fearful of head injuries that she kept "The File" that had every bit of information that had anything to do with traumatic brain injury. None of this kept Arlo from playing and becoming "Starlo". He excelled at the sport throughout his high school career. He treated his body like a temple and always stayed in top physical condition. But is all of this enough to avoid the effects of the "Hit Count"?

I love football. My family and I watch our favorite team every Sunday, Monday, or Thursday, or whatever day they are playing during the season. I'm not a big fan of high school football, but I have attended a few games as a student. I have always had a fear of my child playing a sport like football where being slammed around is part of the objective. While they have made many strides in improving the equipment used, it's hard to avoid concussions when you are constantly hit.

I liked this book more than I thought I would. From other reviews, I thought it was going to be more oafish. This is a good YA novel that I would recommend to high school boys.

**I received this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**
The Happening (2008)
The Happening (2008)
2008 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Back in 2009, when I first saw this, I wrote a review on Flixter which read "Simple question: What the hell was Happening???? More to the point… What was the point???? This movie was so diabolically pointless, self-serving and self-indulgent that words could never do it justice. Such a fall from grace from the man who brought us The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable…"

In many ways, that sums this film up perfectly. On a second viewing, an almost three years later, I feel that I have just a little more to say, but none of which is particularly good, except for the fact that I have increased my original one star/candle review to three out the maximum of ten! Shyamalan was a rising talent and now he has fallen far from grace, especially after the flop that was The Last Airbender. In this film he managed, whether by some misguided design or just by poor direction, to get some of the most amateurish performances out his cast imaginable.

I mean, I know that I'm hardly Mark Wahlberg's greatest advocate but he's still miles better than this, as is his counterpart, Zooey Deschanel, who both put in embarrassingly poor performances, but not just bad, but something that I would expect to see in a church hall! This was amateur all the way, with the only saving grace being the otherwise precise Shyamalan direction. But that's not to say that it wasn't boring or that he was directing a pointless narrative. The concept was slightly interesting but handled in such a ridiculously cack-handed and misjudged manner that I doubt anyone would dare suggest this idea again, let alone finance of film it.

I won't give away the "Twist", if you would call it that, but it is original, I grant you that, but interesting enough to support a movie? No way. Nor was anything else about this film.