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An Inconvenient Beauty
An Inconvenient Beauty
Kristi Ann Hunter | 2017 | Romance
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great likable characters, slow plot halfway through the second half of the novel
This book would have made an excellent movie that I would watch several times over. You can picture the characters clearly in your head and play out the scenes as they’re really well descripted and well written. What surprised me the most while reading the book was how funny it was. It’s not a laugh out loud comedy per se, but there were scenes and encounters where you found yourself laughing out loud. I thought it was different. Not all regency romance novels are like this (most are lighthearted romances) so seeing some good funny scenes is nice and puts a different spin on things. (The lawn bowling incident haha!)

Isabella and Griffith were perfect together. They had the perfect chemistry, their intelligence was on par with each other and Isabella was exactly what Griffith needed. He was all about routine, and finding the answers to everything and being prepared. Isabella was exactly the opposite; she made him question his methods, and got him to realize not everything has an answer and sometimes just going with the flow helps brighten up life. The best part was although their romance didn’t start off as usual (love at first sight, etc) it was a gradual bond that lasted throughout the book.

What I didn’t really like was although the characters were great, and the comedy bits made the plot light and fun, it didn’t do much regarding the speed and pace of the plot. It dragged midway in the plot and it seemed to have slowed to a crawl and the change of pace changed considerably.

Aside from the slow pacing in the second half of the book, I enjoyed the characters. They were fun and likable, and the comedy provided some good light moments. Although this is part of a series, this book can be read as a stand alone as well.
The Last Place You Look
The Last Place You Look
Kristen Lepionka | 2017 | Crime
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
funny (2 more)
Roxane Weary is good at finding things. She always has been. So when she's hired by Brad Stockton's sister, Danielle, to find Brad's teenage girlfriend, Sarah, she doesn't think it will be a difficult case. Danielle is convinced she spotted Sarah at a gas station--despite the fact she disappeared fifteen years ago. Meanwhile, Brad is in jail--set to soon be executed--for the brutal murder of Sarah's parents the night Sarah disappeared; the prosecution also alleged that Brad killed Sarah as well. Brad did not put up much of a fight in his defense, but Danielle refuses to give up. Roxane quickly becomes caught up in Sarah's story and finds ties between her disappearance and other girls in the seemingly idyllic town of Belmont-- as well as connections to cases worked by her father, a police officer.

This is just a great book. It's easy to read and funny, albeit dark and sad at times. Roxane's dark, sarcastic humor is perfect. She gives off a Kinsey Millhone type vibe, if Kinsey was a functioning alcoholic with major Daddy issues. She's a complicated character (a complicated, real, female character - so refreshing!). She's bisexual (so wonderful to see reflected realistically in a novel). The other characters are well-formed and range from awful to sweet, but they support Roxane and the story perfectly.

As for the plot, it draws you immediately and keeps you constantly guessing, wondering what people know, who is telling the truth, and what's the actual story. I actually didn't figure this one out, so kudos to Lepionka. There are a few amazing "aha" moments that basically made me gasp. The town of Belmont is creepy and dark, and you'll find yourself completely wrapped up in its twisted, sad characters.

It looks like this is the first in a series, and I couldn't be happier; I can't wait to see where Roxane is headed next. Definitely recommend this one to mystery and thriller fans alike.
Delilah S. Dawson | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
STAR WARS (1 more)
Interesting framework
A fascinating look at the beginning of a villain
So far, all we've seen of Phasma was the enigmatic Storm Trooper Captain, in chrome armor, powering down the shields when forced to in The Force Awakens. We never even saw her face.

So in the novel, we learn Phasma's true origins. The story is told via a framework - a Resistance spy, Vi Moradi, is captured by Captain Cardinal, Phasma's chief rival within the First Order. He forces her to tell him all she knows about Phasma, which she does, because it's not info directly about The Resistance, and she's hoping to turn him to her side. Phasma's life began on a once thriving planet that had been decimated about 150 years before her birth by some force. (I don't want to reveal too many surprises, and this book is full of them!) One of her old tribemates told the entire story of Phasma's youth, rise to power in the tribe, and eventual escape from the planet to Moradi. It's a story of survival at all costs, and illustrates just how good Phasma is at it.

I rather hope we see Captain Cardinal in The Last Jedi, as he grew on me even as he was interrogating Moradi. He goes from loyal First Order soldier with a grudge against Phasma to a conflicted man who's beginning to see how much he's been brainwashed. It's intriguing to read. The revelation that The First Order rewards the ruthless while overlooking those who play by its own rules also breaks him a little bit.

I really enjoyed this book, and I will definitely be picking up Bloodline and Princess of Alderaan, because I can never get enough Leia. If you're not a Star Wars fan, I'd definitely take a pass on this book, because it won't really mean anything. But as a fan, it's a fascinating look at the beginnings of a villain.

You can read all my reviews at
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Oliver Bowden | 2010 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Continuation of the story (2 more)
Remaining true to the video games
Remaining true to the franchise
The Story Continues
The second novel to be released in the series continues the story of Ezio Auditore, just as the game of the same title did. Ezio has concentrated his efforts to bring down the Borgia family and the Templar Order, and traveled to Rome in order to complete his work that he started some years ago. Now a Master Assassin, Ezio must recruit his own brotherhood of Assassin's if he is to defeat the Templar Order.

The story of Ezio, allows us an insight as to his character development, as he grows from a young man seeking revenge, to a Master Assassin, seeking to bring down the Templar Order for the fate of the world depends upon the succession of the Assassin's. Rome is yet another brilliant setting for the Assassin's Creed franchise to take place and Ezio is certainly one of the most interesting Assassin's to follow throughout the franchise.

With help yet again from his previous allies, including Leonardo Da Vinci, the story told here is one of mystery and excitement.

I'm not sure how many times I can praise Bowden for his work on this series. All I can say is that he does not fail to entertain and reveal a new experience to the world of Assassin's Creed. If you have read my previous reviews then you know how much I praise this man for his work on the series of Novels he has written for the fans. Each one delivers a new thrilling experience and each one stays true to the events of the video game as much as possible. Of course each person who plays the video game plays differently. These novels give more of a sense of what the Assassin's themselves would have truly done in the events that unfold.
Montpelier Parade
Montpelier Parade
Karl Geary | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sylvia Plath-esque
I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

Set in the not-so-distant-past in Dublin, Ireland lives Sonny, a schoolboy with not much hope of succeeding in life. Living on the poverty line, Sonny has no choice but to work at a butcher’s shop after school, and with his gambling father, a builder, at the weekend. On one such occasion, whilst working on a posh house on Montpelier Parade, Sonny meets the enigmatic Vera, whose beauty leaves him speechless. It only takes another encounter, and Sonny is infatuated with this elusive lady.

Montpelier Parade is a melancholy love story, describing the dangerous relationship between Sonny and Vera. Not only is it wrong for schoolchild and adult to have such an intimate connection, Sonny finds himself powerless to deal with Vera’s depression. Vera’s Sylvia Plath-esque demeanour results in events that go above and beyond what an adolescent boy ought to be dealing with – especially as he has his own problems, too.

Karl Geary has written this novel in the second person, placing the reader directly into Sonny’s position. “You say,” “She turned and looked at you.” – we, as the reader, become Sonny. This makes it easier to imagine the hardships he is facing at school, at home, and with Vera. We imagine ourselves in his position, thus making everything feel so real.

Montpelier Parade is not an easy book to read. Depression and suicide are very delicate topics to deal with. Combine that with underage sexual relationships with an adult, and you have got a particularly uncomfortable journey ahead. Then, to top it all off, the narrative is riddled with foul language.

 A comparison with wealth and poverty, life and death, and love, Montpelier Parade will attract many readers. Sadly, the story was a bit too crude for myself to enjoy. That said, I can understand why many will enjoy it, or even relate to it, however be aware, it is quite a serious, dark story.
We are All Made of Molecules
We are All Made of Molecules
Susin Nielsen | 2016 | Children
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contrasting Characters
We Are All Made of Molecules is a heart-rending contemporary young adult novel by the Canadian author, Susin Nielsen. Stewart is a gifted thirteen-year-old who lost his mother to cancer two years ago. Now his father has found a new love and they are moving in with her and her fourteen-year old daughter, Ashley. Stewart is excited at the prospect of having a sister, however Ashley is his polar opposite and is horrified at the idea.

The narrative is shared between Stewart and Ashley, providing two points of view to the story. Stewart, who is most likely somewhere on the Autism spectrum, provides a fairly factual account of the story – moving to a new house, starting a new school etc. Ashley, on the other hand, is a stuck up, drama queen, therefore her side of the story is based upon her feelings – which also reveals how unintelligent she is.

Stewart and Ashley’s relationship is rather strained, with Stewart regularly being called a “midget-egghead-freakazoid” no matter how nice he tries to be. As the story develops, so do both of their characters. Stewart learns how to speak up for himself and Ashley eventually becomes less of a brat.

Ashley gives lots of the characters horrible names that are often hurtful and inaccurate, but although she is embarrassed about the nature of her parents’ divorce – her father is gay – she is shocked about some of the names she hears homosexuals called. We Are All Made of Molecules deals with homophobia in a truthful manner. Nielsen does not try to hide the fact that some people can be cruel and hurtful, but she also shows that although people can be different, there is no reason to treat them badly.

Stewart is a loveable character that makes the book pleasant to read, however Ashley is annoying and makes the story less enjoyable. It is, nevertheless, a humourous yet beautiful story that many teenage readers will enjoy.

LucyB (47 KP) rated Red Sister in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
Red Sister
Red Sister
Mark Lawrence | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Brilliant protagonist, nice overall concept (0 more)
At times, it didn't quite grab me (0 more)
Novel idea, plus a fabulous main character
Killer nuns, hidden powers and secrets aplenty - a fascinating read.

If ever there was a book which I'm not quite sure what to make of, it's this one. I saw all the rave reviews on Goodreads for it, and whilst I think they are well-deserved (the guy can write!), I'm not sure I actually loved this book as much as everyone else. Enjoyed? Yes. Respected? Hugely. But something didn't quite resonate with me on a personal level.

However, as far as storylines go, this book's got it going on. Nona, a tiny, angry-looking girl, finds herself rescued from a hanging and taken to a nunnery, where she learns the fine arts of how to be a bad-ass. So far, so perfect. Indeed, Nona is very much the strength of this story. Fierce, reserved, downright ruthless at times - she's a compelling protagonist, and one you cannot help wanting to know more about. The supporting cast are likewise strong - the untrustworthy Clera, the faithful Hessa, rich-girl Ara - they were all beautifully realised.

There were moments in the book were I was hooked. I needed to know what was going to happen (love that feeling!) and raced through the pages, hungry to find out more. But then, there were sections where I felt my interest wane, though wasn't quite sure why. It ebbed and flowed for me, and that was why I personally found it a little difficult to totally commit to. It's also why it took me a little longer to read.

But, make no mistake - I'm glad I persevered. I like the prevalence of strong female characters (hurrah - note to other authors - more of this, please!), and the world-building was superb. I'll be looking forward to the next one.
Holding the Fort
Holding the Fort
Regina Jennings | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The plot was normally what you would expect in this type of novel. What I really loved about this book was the comedy throughout. I wasn’t really expecting some laughs. It made the book stand out and an enjoyable read. The romance within was also nicely done. There were moments where it tore you up inside but at the same time makes you squeal for joy because you were cheering Daniel and Louisa on. But the ending! Oh my the ending got me all girly and squealing. I’d have to say it was one of the most beautiful endings I have read so far.
But my oh my the romance in this book was excellent! The things Daniel does was enough to make you swoon. The chemistry he had with Louisa was also very well done and although there were a few frustrating moments were Louisa could just tell Daniel outright what the truth was, I guess it had to be dragged out to make the story complete (albeit not necessary. You sort of knew what was going to happen once Daniel found out the whole story.)
Louisa is also very likable and her willingness to change paths is admirable and fun to read. I was hoping for two hellions for her to deal with (which the two girls were at first) but Louisa didn’t have to do much to get them to like her (which proves how likable and fun going she was.)
As a non Christian reader, there are moments of the book where it gets preachy but it’s to be expected and one can gloss over those parts. It’s not extremely central to the book if you’re there to just read for the romance and the characters.
I’m looking forward to reading the next few books and I hope they cover the rest of the characters at the fort. I’d love to know more about their stories and hope they find the same happiness Daniel and Louisa did. :)
The Queen of the Night
The Queen of the Night
Alexander Chee | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'm not really sure what to say about Alexander Chee's novel The Queen of the Night other than it is magnificent. A sprawling, epic tale that put me in mind of Arthur Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha, we follow Paris Opera sensation Lilliet Berne as she recounts her life from her humble beginnings as an orphaned American child, who tried to make her way to Europe to the only family she new of after the death of her family and ended up being swept up by one circumstance after another into the spectacle that was the Second French Empire. We follow her life from her time with a traveling circus, to becoming a prostitute in one of Paris' more prestigious whorehouses, to her time as a dresser for Empress Eugénie de Montijo at the Tuileries, until she finally makes her debut at the French Opera. Through this tale, she is trying to discover who might know of her secrets, as each time she took on a new role, she also cast off her old life and name and reinvented herself at each turn, trying to finally free herself from her own past and come into the life that she wants for herself.

Chee seems to have thoroughly researched his setting for Lillet's journey, and his writing is strong and precise. Lilliet's life is quite an adventure, but it never seems to be dull, and I never felt like I was wishing that her tale would hurry along. I listened to the audio version, and Lisa Flanagan's narration is spot on; she truly became the voice of Lilliet for me. The only thing that I added to my own listening of the book that I think could possibly benefit other readers is that I listened to selections of the operas and other musical pieces that are mentioned in the book, to add that next level of enjoyment to the story.

Chee is an extraordinary storyteller and I'll definitely be reading more by him in the future.
The Empire's Ghost
The Empire's Ghost
Isabelle Steiger | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good worldbuilding (1 more)
Well-rounded characters
Too many points of view (0 more)
An alright debut novel
So I’ve had pretty good luck with debut novels, overall. This one was good – not what I’d called spectacular, like those three, but good. If the sequel was out now, I’d read it. Knowing my reading habits, I probably won’t, because by the time the sequel does come out, I’ll have forgotten too much of this first book. (I strongly dislike only reading the first book in a series and then having to wait.)

What I really liked was how the author painted every character. Even the would-be Emperor, who is probably the closest to evil any character is in this book, was interesting and had clear motivations that made sense. I wouldn’t even call him evil, just ambitious. His assassin shows a different side in part of the book that also removes him from the “evil” category. I’m impressed that Steiger manager to set up several factions at odds with each other without making any of them evil. Wrong, perhaps, misguided perhaps, but not evil. Which is unusual in high fantasy.

What I disliked was there was a point in the middle where I had to set aside the book for real life – and I almost never picked it up again. Three days later, I finally did, but to me, that means I wasn’t invested in the characters or the story. I could have moved on to a different book, and I almost did. I liked most of the characters – but without liking any of them enough to truly care what happened. I also wish the pacing was a little faster, but that’s a victim of too many viewpoints, I think.

So I could go either way on this book. It was well-written but a little slow and didn’t just GRAB me the way some books do.

See all my reviews at