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Psycho (1960)
Psycho (1960)
1960 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Incredible cinematography (2 more)
Norman Bates is the ultimate villain
One of the first earl films to discuss mental illness
My favourite Hitchcock film
This Hitchcock film is astonishing for breaking boundaries. From being one of the first original horror movies, showing 'obscene' shower scenes, to discussing multiple personality disorder. From the first minute, the film is tense and the fact of what happens to the leading lady after 30 minutes is jaw-dropping. When Norman Bates is discovered, his final scene of becoming his mother is horrifying. One of the best Hitchcock films ever to have been made.
Marvel's Jessica Jones  - Season 1
Marvel's Jessica Jones - Season 1
2015 | Drama
Fantastic writing (2 more)
Brilliant acting
Krysten Ritter and David Tennant
Another brilliant Marvel TV series
Jessica Jones follows Daredevil as another Netflix original about a non-mainstream Marvel superhero. It also follows the same path that brings out the dark and gritty side of the Marvel universe. Not everything is black and white here, there's a lot of grey area and as a result the series poses a lot of questions you wouldn't get in the films.

Krysten Ritter is brilliant as Jones and is supported by a brilliant cast that includes David Tennant as the increasingly disturbing Kilgrave.
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
2017 | Fantasy, Musical, Romance
Contains spoilers, click to show
It was true to the animated classic that we all know and love!! There was a couple of added scenes and some things were altered for the sake of the live action shoot. My favorite added scene was the trip to where Belle was born, it added so much more to the story and the characters connection with each other. I also loved the development of the character Belle, the way we get more depth and background with her versus what we got in the original animated movie story. All in all I have to say was very impressed with the movie!!!
Sin City (2005)
Sin City (2005)
2005 | Action, Drama, Mystery
Amazing all star cast - Elijah Wood is surprisingly creepy (0 more)
Suspends belief (0 more)
Slick cinematography, dark tales
This film's graphic novel style cinematography is original, effective and beautiful to behold. The black and white effect with certain colours highlighted reminded me of looking at old style comics. The multiple stories that mesh together are all extremely dark, from serial murders to molestation and exploitation, it's Rated R for a very good reason. And while the Tarantino style gore can be surprisingly easy on the eye especially in black and white, it seemed extreme at times, filmed for the sake of being violent.
Tyranny: Bastard's Wound
Tyranny: Bastard's Wound
2017 | Role-Playing
Endearing new characters (1 more)
New quests centered on Verse, Barik, and Lantry Gameplay tweaks favoring non-violent solutions
If you didn't like Tyranny to begin with, Bastard's Wound won't change your opinion, as it's basically more of the same, not counting small gameplay tweaks (0 more)
Tyranny: Bastard's Wound builds upon the excellent world-building and writing of the main game to offer a compelling side-story filled with engaging characters and twists where players choices matter as much as ever before.
Critic- Francesco De Meo
Original Score: 7.7 out of 10

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Lori Forrest (0 KP) rated Netflix in Apps

Apr 21, 2018  
Entertainment, Lifestyle
8.7 (589 Ratings)
App Rating
Great originals! (0 more)
Netflix is, of course, a dominant force in entertainment. The original series and movies are awesome. It's great to be able to binge my favorite shows like Friends, and they are uploading shows as soon as they end on air quicker and quicker. The only real downfall is that they don't have agreements with several networks still, so a lot of shows that I love aren't available. I would love to completely cancel cable and every other subscription I have, but I can't until things like Modern Family and Food Network's best can be seen on Netflix.
The Twelve (The Passage #2)
The Twelve (The Passage #2)
Justin Cronin | 2012 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this book but not as much as the first one.
The TV show has just started on Fox in the UK so I thought it would be a good time to read book 2.
It was a little confusing as the original group of people in the first book have dispersed and I couldn’t keep up with who or where they were. There are also other characters which seem to be part human part viral.
Considering whether or not to read book 3 as the ending of this one makes me wonder where the story goes next.
A Map of the Dark
A Map of the Dark
Karen Ellis | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel had many layers which is often the case with stories featuring “damaged” investigators wanting to “make a difference”. It is not an original concept as it is seen more often than not; however, this book introduced us to an array of characters whose lives and backgrounds make the reader want to know more. To say that the lead investigator’s backstory was more distressing and disturbing than the crimes she is investigating would be an understatement. The detective work feels solid and the characters are believable. This was certainly a page turner with a surprise at the end which brings some satisfaction.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Lanny in Books

Apr 11, 2019  
Max Porter | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
A piece of literary beauty.
What can I say to describe a book that had me entranced from the first to the last page? It made me laugh, it had my holding my breath with anticipation, and it made me shove the book under my husbands and children’s noses to show them the meandering words of Dead Papa Toothwort as they crawled across the page. It’s just a glorious book!
I marvel at the mind of someone who can write something as original and beautiful as this - it’s poetry in prose form, and I loved reading every word.
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
Set Design, sound, visuals (0 more)
Almost everything (0 more)
Having waited 30+ years for this film I fell asleep upon first viewing as I was bored rigid.
 I am a huge fan of the original, however this was a gigantic disappointment, Gosling is as charismatic as a broken rubiks cube and Jared Leto was useless as a Tyrell wannabe who dials in a William Shatner style performance as he attempts to steal every scene he is in.
The cinematography and sound design are outstanding and that's where the good stuff ends.
 Let me make this quite clear, I do not like this overly long moving picture!