
Dave Mustaine recommended Unleashed in the East by Judas Priest in Music (curated)

Fred (860 KP) rated The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy in Books
Mar 7, 2018
Let's just get it out of the way. This is my favorite book of all time. I've read it 8 times & will probably read it many more times, before my time is due. The book is smart, witty & genius. The characters are funny, quirky & silly. The story follows Arthur Dent, a human from Earth, which was just destroyed to make way for an intergalactic highway. He & his friend Ford, who unknown to Arthur, up to this point, is an alien. They hitch-hike aboard a Vogon ship at the last second before the Earth is destroyed. They are then kicked off the ship & wind up on the Heart of Gold, another ship which has an improbability drive. With this drive, the possibilities are endless. And from there, it just gets better. My favorite character is Marvin, the depressed robot. His negativity of everything & unenthusiastic way mirrors my own views on many things. But some of the best parts in the book are of the book within the book, The Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, which is sort of a Galactic Encyclopedia. Except it says DON'T PANIC in large letters on the cover. Entries on poetry & even the creation of the universe are hilarious. And Earth's entry "Mostly Harmless". Anyway, highly recommended. READ IT!

Tim McGuire (301 KP) rated It's a Disaster (2013) in Movies
Mar 3, 2020
Time to meet the family!!
386. It's a Disaster. You know that point in a relationship when you get to meet your significant others friends? Well this it what is happening to David Cross' character Glen. His special lady friend is introducing him to 3 other couples for Sunday brunch, and judging by the first person he meets, kinda just looks him up and down and dismisses him pretty much outright. And it's all downhill from there, especially once brunch begins and there's a knock on the door from the neighbor, who at first is quite shocked they are having a get together without him, they try to explain it is a couples' brunch, then they casually ask him about the hazmat suit he's wearing. Ohhh yea, couple of dirty bombs were dropped downtown, the world as we know it is coming to an end. So, what to do... Well at least they don't seem like the type of people to panic, instead, with possibly only a few hours left to live, everybody kind of opens up, some get freakier than others, but they're all in it together!! Really funny movie, besides Cross bunch of good people in it, definitely worth a watch! Filmbufftim on FB

Booksnthreads (19 KP) rated Salt to the Sea in Books
Jun 4, 2018
So, I’ve just finished reading all three novels nominated for the YA category of the California Young Reader Medal. The first two I read kind of left me feeling “meh,” so I was all set to be unimpressed with this one as well. I’m so delighted to tell you that I was wrong.
The story is told from the perspectives of four different characters, and I loved how Sepetys begins the narrative by telling of the same opening event from each character’s view point. After that, things unfold a little slowly, but it is completely worth it as you approach the climax…by that time, I was completely invested in each of the characters and was absolutely riveted to what was happening to them.
I’m also terribly impressed that Sepetys tackles telling a story from the “wrong” side (Germans during WWII), painting the characters not as the accepted “evil” caricatures but as real human beings caught up in a horrific war. In doing so, she sheds light on a human tragedy that so few of us know anything about (myself included) because it happened to the Germans as they were losing the war.
I will warn potential readers that the end of this novel does get rather graphic and emotionally wrenching, as you would expect in a novel about war and death. Although writing for a young adult audience, Sepetys does not gloss over the terror, panic, and trauma of the events.
The story is told from the perspectives of four different characters, and I loved how Sepetys begins the narrative by telling of the same opening event from each character’s view point. After that, things unfold a little slowly, but it is completely worth it as you approach the climax…by that time, I was completely invested in each of the characters and was absolutely riveted to what was happening to them.
I’m also terribly impressed that Sepetys tackles telling a story from the “wrong” side (Germans during WWII), painting the characters not as the accepted “evil” caricatures but as real human beings caught up in a horrific war. In doing so, she sheds light on a human tragedy that so few of us know anything about (myself included) because it happened to the Germans as they were losing the war.
I will warn potential readers that the end of this novel does get rather graphic and emotionally wrenching, as you would expect in a novel about war and death. Although writing for a young adult audience, Sepetys does not gloss over the terror, panic, and trauma of the events.
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Phil Leader (619 KP) rated Primordial (A Liberator Universe Novelette) in Books
Nov 25, 2019
The first Liberator novel is a riot of noise, violence and fun, the summer blockbuster of the science fiction novel. This shorter story from the same universe shows a very different side, every bit as taut, dark and unsettling as Liberator is freewheeling, brash and stirring.
A vessel headed out to a distant star system comes across an ancient artifact in uncharted deep space together with an old damaged and apparently lifeless spaceship of unknown design. Despite misgivings the lure of salvage is too much for the crew to ignore. But they soon discover that although the ship may be derelict there is an entity there that has been waiting patiently for a long long time for visitors. For fresh meat.
Told from the point of view of XO Koby Solomon this is a terrific slice of science fiction horror, very much in the mould of something like Alien. Bailey plays the disorientation and claustrophobia of the derelict alien vessel for everything it is worth as well as the panic and paranoia of the salvage crew. Like the best horror stories it's never clear to the reader exactly what is going to happen next or where they - or the crew - ought to be looking: into the darkness ahead or over their shoulders?
There's really nothing to fault here. The change in pace from Liberator shows the breadth of imagination and story telling from Bailey (and his Liberator co-author Darren Bullock) will ensure that readers will want to keep reading.
A vessel headed out to a distant star system comes across an ancient artifact in uncharted deep space together with an old damaged and apparently lifeless spaceship of unknown design. Despite misgivings the lure of salvage is too much for the crew to ignore. But they soon discover that although the ship may be derelict there is an entity there that has been waiting patiently for a long long time for visitors. For fresh meat.
Told from the point of view of XO Koby Solomon this is a terrific slice of science fiction horror, very much in the mould of something like Alien. Bailey plays the disorientation and claustrophobia of the derelict alien vessel for everything it is worth as well as the panic and paranoia of the salvage crew. Like the best horror stories it's never clear to the reader exactly what is going to happen next or where they - or the crew - ought to be looking: into the darkness ahead or over their shoulders?
There's really nothing to fault here. The change in pace from Liberator shows the breadth of imagination and story telling from Bailey (and his Liberator co-author Darren Bullock) will ensure that readers will want to keep reading.

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Otway93 (580 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Assassin's Creed: Origins in Video Games
May 17, 2020
Fighting (4 more)
Choice of weapons
Less limited climbing
Choice of horse/camel...and chariot.
Skill tree
Story (2 more)
Story length
Amount of side missions
One of the most fun to play, shame about the story.
For starters, a lot of thing change in this game. The fighting style takes a little bit of getting used to if you play it straight after Syndicate. It quickly gets easier though, so don't panic!
As for the weapons, the choice of weapons is huge compared to previous games. Available on this game, and regularly picked up, you have:
- Regular swords.
- Curved swords.
- Spears.
- Sceptres.
- Battle axes.
- Giant hammers.
- Dual Wield swords.
- Bows (with flaming arrows, controllable arrows, poison arrows etc.
- And of course the classic sleep darts and smoke bombs which kill instantly when you get powerful enough (as this game you level up!)
In this game, you start with a basic camel as well, which you can keep, but collect others as well, including faster, rarer camels, as well as horses and chariots (which honestly are quite infuriating in tighter areas like towns and villages).
Climbing is also greatly improved, as you are less limited. You can climb any realistically climbable surface including any almost any cliff faces, buildings etc.
As seen in Syndicate, for better or worse there is levelling up and a skill tree. Leveling up isn't too bad, but to complete the skill tree it took me until about level 53 (two levels below max), and every other point giving activity. So the tree is a bit excessive, but has some pretty fun abilities, such as animal taming (lions, crocodiles etc.).
Now with the negatives. Unfortunately I have to start with the main story, which felt incredibly short and unimaginative. The whole story is a revenge story.
Though there are more main assassinations (possibly 13?), most if these are condense into one or two slightly longer than usual missions. So it does shorten the game significantly. S
This is made up for by the seemingly unending side missions. These side missions can be interesting, but for the most part they aren't. Each mission is either a rescue mission, an escort mission, an assassination mission, or a bit of all three. Mostly they are rescue and escort missions.
As for the DLC, I would probably not bother. "The Hidden Ones", which I have just completed, is easily forgettable, to the point I already can't remember what the point of it was. And "The Curse of the Pharaohs", which I have no progressed far in, is already showing desperation and dipping into the supernatural again, including various egyptian legends, which honestly aren't that interesting.
Where the previous games have focused a lot on history, this one touches on well-known egyptian history, but mainly focuses on it's own disappointing story.
As for the weapons, the choice of weapons is huge compared to previous games. Available on this game, and regularly picked up, you have:
- Regular swords.
- Curved swords.
- Spears.
- Sceptres.
- Battle axes.
- Giant hammers.
- Dual Wield swords.
- Bows (with flaming arrows, controllable arrows, poison arrows etc.
- And of course the classic sleep darts and smoke bombs which kill instantly when you get powerful enough (as this game you level up!)
In this game, you start with a basic camel as well, which you can keep, but collect others as well, including faster, rarer camels, as well as horses and chariots (which honestly are quite infuriating in tighter areas like towns and villages).
Climbing is also greatly improved, as you are less limited. You can climb any realistically climbable surface including any almost any cliff faces, buildings etc.
As seen in Syndicate, for better or worse there is levelling up and a skill tree. Leveling up isn't too bad, but to complete the skill tree it took me until about level 53 (two levels below max), and every other point giving activity. So the tree is a bit excessive, but has some pretty fun abilities, such as animal taming (lions, crocodiles etc.).
Now with the negatives. Unfortunately I have to start with the main story, which felt incredibly short and unimaginative. The whole story is a revenge story.
Though there are more main assassinations (possibly 13?), most if these are condense into one or two slightly longer than usual missions. So it does shorten the game significantly. S
This is made up for by the seemingly unending side missions. These side missions can be interesting, but for the most part they aren't. Each mission is either a rescue mission, an escort mission, an assassination mission, or a bit of all three. Mostly they are rescue and escort missions.
As for the DLC, I would probably not bother. "The Hidden Ones", which I have just completed, is easily forgettable, to the point I already can't remember what the point of it was. And "The Curse of the Pharaohs", which I have no progressed far in, is already showing desperation and dipping into the supernatural again, including various egyptian legends, which honestly aren't that interesting.
Where the previous games have focused a lot on history, this one touches on well-known egyptian history, but mainly focuses on it's own disappointing story.