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Anna Calvi recommended Grace by Jeff Buckley in Music (curated)

Grace by Jeff Buckley
Grace by Jeff Buckley
1994 | Alternative, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.7 (7 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard it when I was 17 or 18 and it really changed my view of what music could be in that there’s so much beauty in Jeff Buckley’s voice. Also, the guitar on that record is the biggest guitar influence that I’ve ever had. Jeff Buckley uses his voice in this very free way and it can go wherever he wants it to: that’s something that I've intentionally and subconsciously very much taken on myself as a singer. His voice can be so subtle, quiet and soft and then it becomes this roaring kind of force and, again, that’s something that completely inspired me as a singer. He’s very much about that play between his voice and his guitar but they both feel like they’re partners and the essence of who he is—I feel inspired by that as a musician myself. I always try and have a play between the guitar and the voice, to make them speak the same language and tell the story of myself. I remember writing Jeff Buckley lyrics all over my bag I took to college. I like the way you would take on lyrics and feel that they were expressing a part of you, so you'd always feel proud to have them on your schoolbag as if you wrote them yourself. That’s a really cute thing about being a teenager and looking a very particular way. Teenagers react to music because they’re always looking for a way to identify themselves."


ClareR (5603 KP) rated The List in Books

Aug 23, 2023  
The List
The List
Yomi Adegoke | 2023 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I can’t help but think that this is an important book about something that shouldn’t play such a major part in our lives. How someone’s life can be destroyed by hearsay, a trial without a jury, is beyond me. On the other hand, some of the men on “The List” are already well-known for their actions. They’ve just managed to wheedle their ways out of taking any responsibility for their actions.

When Ola opens the file on Twitter, she doesn’t expect to see her fiancés name on the list, but there he is. Someone has accused him of sexual harassment and assault at a Christmas party, and he’s on the same list as men who have been accused of far worse.

Interesting points are raised in this:
The duality of social media - it can raise you up and pull you down equally as quickly;
Everyone can have their say: free speech is important after all. But what if that opinion isn’t an honest one?
People’s anonymity gives the freedom to say whatever you like, and if you have a score to settle, what better way of doing it is there?

It’s a shame that the main characters Ola and Michael never actually seemed to talk to one another about what was going on. But perhaps this is the future that social media gives us: people are more interested in what they read about their prospective partners online, rather than getting to know them.

This was a sobering and a VERY frustrating read at times! That said, I did enjoy it.
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest (not necessarily positive) review.

I'll start by saying it seems a little odd to say I "liked" this book, considering the content contained within. However, it's very well written, and I felt not only educated on PTSD and other war-related issues but also on the different warring areas themselves. I can honestly admit that I didn't know a lot of the background for many of the locations described in these pages, and I felt the author did a wonderful job at giving information to those like me who might not be fully aware of what was happening, while also keeping it geared more toward the work he and his partners were doing for the victims/refugees/etc.

I have a Psychology degree, but this is written in such a way that anyone from any walk of life could pick it up and read from cover to cover without being confused or having to do any additional research to figure out certain thing. It's a powerful piece about places and situations that we, as Americans, may not be entirely knowledgeable about, and I commend the author for writing about his experiences over these past 20 years. It could not have been easy to experience these things, as it's difficult to even read some of them, and I can only imagine what it was like to speak with these people firsthand and hear their stories day in and day out.

5 stars, and a very educational read for those both in and out of the Psychology/Social Work professions.
A Hamiton Christmas (HIS #9)
A Hamiton Christmas (HIS #9)
Sheila Kell | 2018 | Contemporary
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
a very fitting end!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book direct from the author, and I thank Ms Kell for that.

This book takes place a year after His Fantasy, Brad's story, and is like a catch up on what all the brothers and their wives have been up to. And they are been doing a LOT of baby making! So it was great to catch up with everyone, all in one place.

It's a bit different that the other HIS books, in that the story is told from Jesse's ten year old daughter, Reagan and her Poppy, Blake Hamilton's points of view. Reading such polar opposites was amusing at times: Reagan is determined to follow in her father's footsteps, even if she has to go against him to do it, and Blake is still a little in the dog house as far as I'm concerned! Oh, he redeemed himself in His Family, but maybe not as much as I thought he had!

There is a lot of love here, with every member of the Hamilton clan, their partners and babies all here along with a new member of the family that is introduced here. Reagan and her new cousin are a well matched pair and they pull their sleuthing off extremely well!

It was so lovely to catch up with everyone, it's always sad to say goodbye and this was a great little catch up, a little time after the main books ended.

Very well done, Ms Kell, I'm just not a great fan of holiday stories!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Big Sick (2017)
The Big Sick (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
One of those products that feels fresh and generic in about an equal ratio, but this just *soars* off of the chemistry of its cast. Zoe Kazan and Kumail Nanjiani are wonderful, simply wonderful together here; Ray Romano and Holly Hunter are faultless; and Kumail's family + stand-up partners are as well cast as can be even if the latter add nothing more than mostly tired jokes that don't land to the story. I admit this is still pretty scattershot, but for me that's part of what makes it so interesting? If anything is subversive here it's two things: 1. the way this flips the typical romcom on its head by taking on multiple different styles of execution as it goes along (the mostly unfunny but charming as hell opening romance, the anxious but amiable [and more funny] first meetings with the parents, the harrowing confrontation of grief, and the confusing [for the characters] but unfortunately rather rushed through ending resolutions) and 2. Kumail playing himself during a real life tumultuous period in his life. Even though dozens of liberties were taken to make this more palatable for a studio romance, the broad side of things remains rooted in truth even down to supporting scenes - and seeing Kumail as himself act out those real life events and formulate them into a positive story add a whole new level of emotional heft. Plus he's just a rock-solid comedic force in general and he handles the sad scenes nearly just as well. Even if there are still some tropes in this, the base story still feels rather nuanced. Very flawed but so nice, so wholesome.
She's the One Who Thinks Too Much is the first book in the War Stories of the Seven Troublesome Sisters series and we are introduced to a family of nine - two parents and seven sisters (obviously).

Ryalgar is the eldest of the seven and has helped her father on their farm until she becomes a Prince's 'girlfriend' and later mistress. The situation is so that he has to get married for political reasons and both him and his wife-to-be keep their current partners too. Of course, this will change but this is how it is for now. Add into that the threat of a Mongol invasion and you get an intricately woven story that gives great descriptions of both the time and (imaginary) place with the plans and defences they have to work with.

This fantasy is about the sisters and the situations they find themselves in. The romance takes a definite second place. The world-building is excellent, providing a clear insight into how the characters fit into the world. Each sister is brought into the story carefully and methodically whilst still leaving plenty to come in their own books.

The ending did feel quite abrupt even though I knew this would be an ongoing story. I look forward to it continuing in Coral's book and have no hesitation in recommending this for all who enjoy a historical fantasy.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
A Dangerous Man
A Dangerous Man
Robert Crais | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
“We Know Your Secret.”
Joe Pike’s trip to the bank for a routine deposit ends when he witnesses two men try to kidnap his teller, Isabel Roland. Joe being Joe, he jumps into action and rescues her. However, when the kidnappers are released from jail, they are both murdered. Was kidnapping Isabel a crime of opportunity, or was she a target? Is she safe? Why would someone target her?

Those familiar with the series will notice a similar set up to a previous entry, but that’s where the similarity ends. This book takes off in some unexpected places, and author Robert Crais uses multiple viewpoints well to hook us as events unfold. This is a thriller that kept me glued the entire time. While we don’t learn much new about PI partners Elvis Cole or Joe Pike, it is wonderful to spend time with them and see them in action again. Most of the new characters are wonderful and fully developed, but a few very minor characters are very annoying. Likewise, I don’t find John Chen, a recurring character in the series, that funny. I’m sure the characters who annoy me are supposed to be comic relief, but I just don’t get it. While the book certainly has more language and violence than the cozies I normally read, I didn’t feel it was excessive here. Elvis and Joe have a huge following, and I’m sure there many fans will be thrilled with this book. Pick it up and hang on because it is going to be a very wild ride you won’t want to put down.
Druids Storm ( Alice Skye 2)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
22 of 220
Druids Storm ( Alice Skye 2)
By Taylor Aston White

A betrayed witch. A fractured past. A dark secret.

Just two months after her abduction, Alice Skye is ready to get back to her job as a Paladin Agent, tracking and detaining Breed by any means necessary. Even though bones have healed and bites have scarred, she’s no closer to the truth, and the one man who knows is nowhere to be seen.

Riley Storm has his own problems being heir to the Storm empire and a Guardian of the Order. So he keeps his distance from the unpredictable Alice Skye. Until he’s forced back into her life, whether she wants him to be or not.

As a vampire genocide shocks the city, Alice partners as the new liaison with the local authorities, the job an exciting opportunity that would help bridge the relationship between Breed and Norms for good. But Alice can’t help but feel there’s more to the dark murders, that maybe there's something bigger behind the lies and deceit.

Can Alice trust her instincts and stop the poison before more lives are taken?

Or will she be distracted as her life unravels once again?

I loved this second book. I like that she’s solving crimes and dealing with her magic and finding out who she is without a whole load of relationship drama, reminds me of the early Anita Blake novels. I think the characters are brilliant bad and good it was so much better than book 1 and I love it’s set in London.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This is the second book in the series, and it picks up right where the first left off. The upcoming battle between the Dobrians and the Sondians is getting closer and closer, along with the intersection of our galaxy with Andromeda. Jesca, Ezra, and Nate are gearing themselves up for everything, and things are starting to heat up, both in the outside world and between the linked partners. As Jesca and Nate work together, side by side, their feelings intensify, but are they the result of their manufactured link, or are they the real deal? And what about Xander, where does he fall with all this, in Jesca's life as well as the fight to save the world? You'll have to read it to find out!

I really enjoyed this story, and I thought it was a great continuation of the first book. We see more of Jesca and Nate and their growing relationship, from both points of view, but learn their doubts about their attraction and feelings for one another. We get more information about the fight between the two sides, what's going on with Sam and Corinna, and follow along with Xander in his quest to find out just who he is. The different points of view were a great idea, especially between Jesca, Nate, and Xander. It was interesting to see what each was thinking about the other and their upcoming mission to stop the Sondians. We also get more information from Balthazar's POV, which I thought really helped to further the plot and bring the whole issue together.

All-in-all, if you've read Piercing the Fold, you definitely need to read this one, and if you haven't, why not?? I'm already anxious for Book 3, especially after that ending! =)

5 stars
So Isy Suttie is the Comedian who plays Dobby in the peep show alongside David Mitchell and Robert Webb, Which is a pretty popular show. Before appearing as Dobby, Isy has been a live stand up, comedy musician and writer.

This book is Isy in her thirties trying to live like a twenty something year old and not grow up and become responsible, whilst her friends around her are settling down into relationships and starting a family. She goes through a list of her partners and why they wasn't the 'actual one'. There is also a lot of Isy reminiscing about the old days, when she started up as a stand up and how difficult it can be.

The book was very easy to read, humorous as expected and a lot of rambling. There were on slight occasions when I did get a bit bored and put this book down and then came back to it. This woman though get's herself into some really crazy situations and I would think that some of it may not be believable until I met someone exactly like this and understand that some people are clumsy and bad shit just happens to them all the time.

The funniest moment for me was when she went skiing with friends and practically rolled down (Laughing as remembering) and when she went down the slopes on a table....drunk obviously. Who on earth would use parcel tape to hold their breasts up in a dress? Crazy but very funny lady.

I found this book to be very nostalgic, as Isy was reminiscing her younger days with, Mix-tapes, New Kids on the Block, Take That, Crystal Maze and more

I recommend to anyone that is a fan of Isy Suttie, comedy or even just Dobby.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.