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Darren (1599 KP) rated P2 (2007) in Movies

Jul 25, 2019  
P2 (2007)
P2 (2007)
2007 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
6.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: P2 starts as businesswoman Angela (Nichols) starts running late to her family’s Christmas party after her work party, gets trapped inside her work structure after her car fails to start, leaving her at the hands of security guard Thomas (Bentley).

As the night unfolds Thomas puts Angela through a string off tests, before she tries to figure out a way to escape this psychopath.


Thoughts on P2


Characters – Angela is a businesswoman that finds herself working late too often becoming more distant from her family, while not starting her own. When another late night finds her car breaking down and missing her taxi, she finds herself locked in the parking structure being chased down by the crazed security guard. Thomas is the security guard that has his own plan for Christmas, to keep Angela locked inside completing his twisted ideas.

Performances – A crazy Wes Bentley is always something we like to see, but even he doesn’t reach the levels we would like to see him get too. Rachel Nichols is fine in the leading role as the damsel in distress, trying to fight back.

Story – The story is very simple, crazed man prevents girl from escaping her parking lot only to want to get involved in a game to se how far he can push her. There isn’t much more to this story, we get glimpses into the idea that he is doing this to protect her against men that have done wrong, but otherwise, it is a cut and dry story with little in the way of twists along the way.

Crime/Horror – The crime comes from what Thomas does, which works for the film, the horror never reaches the levels he could do for where the film tries to go.

Settings – The film is set inside the parking lot which does make for a good setting with no escape once locked in.

Special Effects – The effects are used when needed, the film doesn’t rely on them, when it could easily do so.

Scene of the Movie – Merry Christmas Thomas.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – She would know how to drive a car.

Final Thoughts – This is a crime horror that grabs the basic ingredients and does nothing interesting with the story to make it a stand out.


Overall: Not worth the time it takes.

Louise (64 KP) rated You in Books

Jul 2, 2018  
Caroline Kepnes | 2014 | Crime, Mystery
8.0 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book is a great debut novel for Kepnes, I haven’t read a stalker book before and was intrigued, however in parts it felt a bit repetitive, I didn’t like any of the characters in the book and I was starting to get a little bored with the story. The book is written in such a way that it feels like Joe is actually talking about you….ha ha ha see what I did there!*hangs head* So it can be a very creepy book depending on how you read it.

Joe is a total psychopath! I didn’t like him at all, he stalks Beck to no-end, he has Facebook, twitter, email accounts and watching her every move. He is obsessed with Beck and is determined to be her boyfriend and nothing will get in his way.The thing that shocked me the most was that he didn’t believe he had issues and that he was actually protecting her from her friends and other men that looked her way.

Beck is so annoying I really didn’t like her, she was an attention seeking little cow-bag, she had her own issues but would flaunt around with no bra on and get dressed in front of her window that had no blinds or curtains. Flirt with pretty much anyone. And I know this is probably awful to say but she brought a lot of this on herself. She is such a user as well, she was stringing Joe along at times just for odd job duties and I was starting to feel sorry for him, but I had to remind myself that he was the one in the wrong and I shouldnt be feeling like this.

I felt the story went on a little too long and I was getting bored in places, it was sometimes just him constantly checking email updates and tweets to see if beck was thinking about him. It was a bit predictable as well, even though I haven’t read a stalker book I figured it out pretty early on.

This is a book that will make you step back and have a reality check, there could be someone stalking you but you just don’t know it. With all the social media and how easy it is for people to access the information is very scary.

This is an adult book and does contain explicit language and sexual scenes so it will not be for everyone or a younger audience.

Overall I rated this 3.5 stars out of 5.

Andrew Sinclair (25 KP) rated Demolition Man (1993) in Movies

Nov 25, 2019 (Updated Nov 25, 2019)  
Demolition Man (1993)
Demolition Man (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy, Drama
I've decided it will be fun to review this classic action-packed sci-fi thriller as I watch it. I've watched it many times before and I guess I'm feeling nostalgic.

The film opens with a violent action scene with Stallone the hero pursuing his nemesis Wesley Snipes. It's tense stuff as they come face to face and stare each other down. It's literally an explosive beginning. Snipes manic laughter in that first scene gives you an idea of the kind of psychopath he is playing. After the destruction they have both caused they are both sentenced to be cryogenicly frozen for their crimes. That's a harsh punishment for an over-zealous cop but probably a fair one for a psychotic killer.

35 years later and America is a very different place. There is barely any crime but very little freedom. It is even illegal to swear. It's this philosophical debate that the film sheds light on which makes it both intriguing and funny. When the main characters, Snipes first then Stallone, find themselves in this supposed utopia their reactions are both humorous and volatile.

However one character played by Sandra Bullock actually appreciates Stallone's hardline old-fashioned ways as she has a fascination for the 20th Century. This creates an amusing and romantic interaction between them. Her inept attempts at 20th Century phrases adds to the comedy.

The scene where the police need instructions to arrest a violent criminal from a device which is like a modern day tablet makes me smile. And the line "We're police officers. We're not trained for this kind of violence!" makes me laugh out loud.

There is also a conspiracy story line. Snipes was released on purpose in order to hunt down rebels who resent the choice limiting laws. Meanwhile others unaware of this conspiracy release Stallone in order to capture Snipes. Then things really kick off!

The list of things that have been made illegal is laughable and this is brilliantly summed up with Stallone's line "Are you shitting me?!"

The films futuristic vision is entertaining and is also a good vehicle for humour as Stallone and Snipes are constantly taken aback by the technology. They both finally cross paths again in a museum where Snipes is stealing old weapons as of course weapons are illegal now. From this point on they continue their cat and mouse pursuit until the spectacular climax.

I love this film! It's over the top full-on fun which also manages to be philosophically thought-provoking. Definitely worth watching!
Death by the River
Death by the River
Alexandrea Weis, Lucas Astor | 2018 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
What the fuck did I read.

SERIOUSLY. What the fuck did I read. And why the fuck did I suffer for more pages than necessary?
<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2767" src=""; alt="" width="300" height="149" />

<h2><strong>Contrary to all the raving reviews and praise for this book, <i>Death by the River</i> is boring as fuck (at least at the beginning). If any death occurred at the river, it was yours truly from pure boredom. &#x1f634;</strong></h2>
Beau Deveraux is the catch of a lifetime on the outside with his good looks and reputation. But on the inside, he's a psychopath, becoming obsessed with his girlfriend Dawn's twin sister, Leslie. She wants no association with Beau and warns Dawn to do the same.

<h2><strong>Good god, there is so much repetition.&#x1f644;</strong></h2>
The book nails this fact into our heads repeatedly, chapter after the chapter, and it's one of the main reasons why I couldn't stand <i>Death by the River</i>. I get it - Beau is nice and chummy but secretly evil and Leslie sees right through the facade. Everyone else is a lamb, all nice and innocent to Beau's ways.
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3903" src=""; alt="" width="245" height="245" />

<h2><strong>Then there's pacing plus the repetition. &#x1f623;</strong></h2>
It was slowwwww. Maybe it's the writing style, but gosh, I made it to 52% and nothing really happened except:
~ Beau's obsession with Leslie
~ Leslie's uninterest in Beau
~ Everyone's awe of Beau
<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4110" src=""; alt="" width="300" height="128" />
And two sexual assaults with no death actually happening except for the death of the victim's reputation, which is expected, considering the book <i>is</i> about sexual assault.

But ultimately, <i>Death by the River</i> fell flatter than a green onion pancake for me.

Just a side note, but green onion pancakes are delicious. I think I insulted them greatly. Green onion pancakes do not deserve this comparison.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Because of you
Because of you
Dawn French | 2020 | Contemporary, Humor & Comedy, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel has multiple protagonists, and I think they all are equally important in this story. The most influential characters would be Julius and Anna, Hope and Minnie. My heart truly fell for Anna, her husband Julius is a self-centred psychopath and she was left on her own to deal with all the events that were happening to her. I simply do not justify Hope’s actions in this book in any way or format. She had no right to behave the way she did, it does not matter how she felt, jut there is no justification to her actions! Minnie is a true personality, as well as a teenager with all her moods and behaviour. I think this novel is very character-driven, allowing the reader to see the events from different perspectives.

The narrative was an absolute emotional roller-coaster for me. I was angry most of the times, because of Hope and Julius, I was sad, pity but proud of Anna and I was kind of excited for Minnie. This novel discusses a lot of important topics such as stillbirth, toxic marriages, teenage pregnancy, motherly love, loss, mental health issues, sacrifice, self esteem, and many many more. The plot is so full of events, that it is quite difficult not to spoil it. 🙂 One thing I understand, that this is Hate it or Love it kind of book, and I can see why it might happen. 🙂

The writing style of this novel is absolutely magnificent! It was my first novel by Dawn French, and I am impressed to the core. Her ability to develop the character is excellent. I have to warn the readers, that this novel is a very emotionally challenging read, it might trigger PTSD to people who had bad luck with pregnancies or any kind of loss of a child (death, kidnappings, murders, anything…), please proceed with caution. The chapters have a decent length, and this book had me gripped from the first chapter. Even though I was angry most of the time throughout this book, the ending left me weeping like a baby. It is beautifully and heartbreakingly concluded.

So, to conclude, the book that brought so much emotion and left me scarred can be nothing but BRILLIANT. The whole story has absorbed me with its injustice, character’s feelings and all the nuances of the plot. If you have a chance to listen to the audiobook, please do, the author is a brilliant storyteller, and her personality shines through in her narration of this novel.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated My Sister in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
My Sister
My Sister
Michelle Adams | 2020 | Thriller
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book drew me in from the first chapter. It was extremely mysterious and I could feel the suspense building up already. It was very hard to put this novel down.

The main character in this novel is Irini (love, love the name), a successful doctor with hip problems, which left her slightly limping. All her life she was running from her sister – Elle. Why? Because Elle is dangerous and unpredictable. I really loved the characters which were chosen for this book. I think they were very original, charismatic and supported each other very nicely. I really liked Irini and her life story, but it is very hard not to admire Elle, in some sort of weird way. Her character has charm, her personality is very strong, her actions, masterful manipulations because she is a psychopath. It was very interesting to read about this connection which Irini and Elle shared, they can’t be together but they need each other. You know it will destroy your life, but you still need it… All this was told while sharing Irini’s experiences from the past, which I found absolutely amusing and very intriguing to read.

The narrative of this novel is very gripping. Page after page, the author brought in a twist or unexpected turn, leaving me more and more interested in what will happen next. The whole plot was told from Irini’s perspective, and even though it was enough to make it an interesting read, I would have loved to read Elle’s perspective as well. I think it would have made this book even more interesting and would’ve answered more questions, and at least for me, it is always interesting to read what psychopaths think. Sometimes I got tired of this constant “Why did they give me away?” question. For me, in some places, it was quite repetitive and not always necessary.

The writing style of this novel is very creative and smartly thought through, leaving some cliffhangers, which are still bothering me a little. The chapters are a very decent length and it didn’t drag for me because the plot has sucked me in. I do not recommend it for young readers, as it contains some mild violence, drugs and alcohol. I am not fully satisfied with the ending of this book, even though it answered the main questions of this novel, it still has unresolved mysteries, which were left with hypothetical explanations.

So, to conclude, I would strongly recommend this dark and gripping thriller, filled with strange sisterly love, very strong and charismatic characters and very well thought through and intriguing plot, uncovering new secrets with every chapter. Enjoy

BookInspector (124 KP) rated Thirteen in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
Steve Cavanagh | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (15 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews on

The story is told from a dual perspective – Eddie’s and Kane’s. These two characters would be our protagonists. Eddie is a defence attorney, a man with a very messed up personal life, who keeps making very dangerous decisions, and that is what makes him so awesome. Eddie has his faults and is not perfect, but at the same time, he is so intriguing and incredibly smart! Kane is a genius psychopath, (Hannibal Lecter could be his inspiration &#x1f600; ), who can steal any identity he chooses. So, when you have these two amazingly developed personalities, the story can’t be boring. &#x1f600;

And of course, it is not! The narrative is very well paced, creating optical illusions and mind games in every chapter. It has plenty of twists, turns and unexpected findings, and the plot absolutely absorbed me. I love when authors include murderers and their thoughts in the thrillers, Kane’s actions and thoughts gave so much depth and intrigue to this book, and it was an absolute joy to read it. I really enjoyed Eddie’s smart moves while solving this case, but he was pretty lucky to get all the information delivered to him, without the help, I don’t think he could’ve succeeded as much. I really liked, that Steve Cavanagh utilized his knowledge of courts and jury in this book, there were plenty of new things I learned, and I am very grateful for that.

I loved the writing style of this book, it is easy and understandable, and this book can easily be read as stand alone. The characters used from the past are well explained and didn’t leave me confused. The chapters are pretty short, and due to constant change between the characters, the pages just fly by. I do have to throw in a disclaimer that there are plenty of blood, graphic murders, and other gross things described in this book, so before reading, make sure you can stomach that. &#x1f600; I really enjoyed the ending and all the surprises it brought, I think it rounded up the story very nicely.

So, to conclude, Steve Cavanagh definitely knows what he is doing when it comes to writing. He is a master of crime novels, and even though this book was my first encounter with this author’s work, it definitely will not be the last. He chose perfect characters for this book, and the plot kept me guessing and always intrigued. I thoroughly enjoyed this court thriller, and it is an absolute must-read. I do hope you will like it as much as I did. Enjoy &#x1f642;
Love You to Death
Love You to Death
Shannon K. Butcher | 2009 | Crime, Romance
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Love you to Death by Shannon K. Butcher
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Rating: 2.5/5
Summary (from back of book):
It's been days since reporter Elise McBride has heard from her sister, Ashley. She's convinced Ashley has met with some kind of foul play, especially when she learns that bodies of other missing women have surfaced in and around Chicago--all victims of a brutal serial killer. Convinced her sister is still alive, Elise vows to risk everything to save her...
The last thing ex-cop Trent Brady needs is more blood on his hands. Yet when he catches Elise breaking into her sister's house, full of reckless determination and fear, he knows she needs his help. But just as desire ignites between them, a twisted madman sets his sights on Elise. Hell-bent on possessing her for himself, this psychopath won't rest until he has his perfect woman.
It’s hard for me to say where I sit for this book. There were some aspects of it that I liked (how do you spell Hottie? T-R-E-N-T.) and some that I didn’t (a lot of content.)
The plot wasn’t as mysterious as it could have been. I knew what the criminal was doing because when I read from his perspective, he told me. Also even at the end, there are some un-answered questions. They should have come up in the book and they didn’t.
This wasn’t a book that I was addicted to. I could only get through a few chapters at a time before having to put it down. The writing wasn’t anything special and the characters were just characters. They were realistic but not enough to make me really care about them. My favorite character was John, the ex-cop who was Trent’s partner. He just had so much character and personality. I think I would have enjoyed a book with him as the main character. Ashley and Elsie? Not so much.
On the good side, I liked the change in Elsie. In the beginning of the book she didn’t believe in true love, and laughed at the idea of marriage. She said it just didn’t work. She learned that that wasn’t true. I also liked that Trent was a marriage-minded man (There aren’t enough of those out there). But of course that didn’t stop their physical or sexual relationship any.
If you look at my sidebar at my rating system, you’ll see that this rating was the only one I could come up with. It wasn’t really worth reading, but I liked it enough to finish it.
Content: My opinion on the content is mentioned thought the review.
Recommendation: Ages 18+
Stonehearst Asylum (2015)
Stonehearst Asylum (2015)
2015 | Mystery
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
In the late 19th century in England, medicine was by today’s standards primitive and at times barbaric. The nature of psychiatric care of the times was even more frightening as maladies that today are treated with medication often resulted in a lifetime of confinement in an Asylum where all manner of treatments which today would be considered torture were used.

In the new thriller “Stonehearst Asylum” a young doctor named Edward Newgate (Jim Sturgess), travels to a remote asylum on Christmas Eve to being a practical study following his time at Oxford.

He is greeted upon his arrival by Silas Lamb (Ben Kingsley, who is eager to size up the new assistant upon his arrival.

Newgate is fascinated by the patients especially one named Eliza (Kate Beckinsale), who shows a grace and range of talents not normally associated with those who have been committed. It is explained that all of those assigned to Stonehearts are from the upper class of society and as such, their maladies have made them outcasts from polite society.

Edward begins to have concerns when he is told by Eliza that he must leave immediately and not return and despite her warnings, he remains and soon makes a startling discovery.

It is learned that a patient named Salt (Michael Caine) is actually the man in charge of the facility and that Lamb is a dangerous psychopath who has imprisoned or killed the asylum staff and has replaced them with his fellow inmates.

Trapped in a world gone mad, Edward must strive to do his duty as a physician to care for those in need, while trying to walk the line between the madness of Lamb and his fellow inmates.

The film is a well-cast and exciting thriller that keeps you entertained without resorting to the standard scares and tricks of other suspense films.

The characters have a complexity and compassion to them as you will find yourself engrossed by the various characters and their situations.

Director Brad Anderson is no stranger to suspense and he has crafted a captivating take that is rich with the visuals of the era yet remaining a character based drama it its core.

The film is based on a short story by Edgar Allen Poe and Mel Gibson is one of the Producers attached to the film which helps underscore how they were able to assemble such a strong cast to the film despite the lack of a major studio to finance or distribute the film.

The film does have some moments that at times make you wonder why some characters did not take more obvious courses of action but yet the film works in spite of this.

In the end the haunting setting and subject matter mesh well with the characters to create a thrilling and entertaining drama that is one of the more enjoyable surprises of the year.
Repo Men (2010)
Repo Men (2010)
2010 | Action, Sci-Fi
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
What does it mean to be both alive and dead?

Based on the novel “The Repossession Mambo” by Eric Garcia, Repo Men is a dark sci-fi action film from director Miguel Sapochnik. It is an oddly sadistic film that begins as a fantastic black comedy/drama, loses its way in the second act with well-shot but mindless action and predictable plot elements, yet still finds its way back before the credits roll.
Remy and Jake, played by Jude Law and Forest Whitaker, are both Repo Men for The Union, an alarming combination of loan shark and artificial organ manufacturer. Those unfortunate patients that fall too far behind on their payments have their artificial parts removed and reclaimed, often accompanied by grisly special effects. Through an accident at a routine repossession, Remy ends up needing a new heart. In the process of trying to pay for it, he realizes that he can no longer find the moral ambivalence necessary to take the life of a stranger in order to earn the money to save his own. This film is definitely not for the squeamish, and many scenes were not unlike watching a surgery in progress.

This film will certainly attract more than a nod from those clamoring for universal healthcare in the United States, as well as those railing against corporate greed at the expense of human life. The Union is everything we love to hate in a corporation. Nothing, from duping emotionally compromised patients, to putting profits above all else, to even killing people, is out of bounds for this corporation. It’s uncommon to see corporate evil of this magnitude in a film, and with Liev Schreiber manning the helm, this evil is personified and delivered with such panache that he becomes an enjoyable caricature to watch.

This movie would be nothing without Remy’s path from classic amoral psychopath to redeemed soul, but the journey at times becomes muddy and obscure. Law plays the part somewhat stiffly, but still manages to shine in his interactions with Whitaker and Schreiber. Whitaker, however, is fantastic as Remy’s uncompromisingly unsympathetic partner Jake, who holds on tightly to what he knows and believes, however unprincipled. By the film’s end, Whitaker’s performance as the frustrated partner becomes even more impressive when compared to Law’s movement from perpetrator to victim to agent of retribution.

For years, Remy had no moral compunction against repossessing organs, nearly always from those who will die without them. But when his heart is removed, he suddenly empathizes with the victims of his profession. An odd paradox: that becoming less human can impart more humanity. Remy is both more genuinely alive after receiving his artificial heart, and more certain he will be dead when he can no longer pay. This is the crux of the film, and on this basis a clever story is told about the intersection of making a living, being alive, and the entanglements they create.