Tarot Readers
3 members Orb
A group for those, beginner and experienced, to share their passion for readings tarot.
divination spiritual spirituality tarot meditation intuition
Advance Readers Copy Group
1 member Orb
Can post and talk about ARCs, upcoming books, ARCs for Trade and Authors can post their upcoming...
1 member Orb
YouTube Creepy pastas. For anyone who loves creepy pastas like Mr Nightmare, Be Busta, Let's read,...

Middle School English Teachers
2 members Orb
A place for teachers to share ideas for everything from content and instruction (read aloud texts,...
education middle school YA lit teaching

Historical Fiction
5 members Orb
A group for everyone who loves historical fiction. Whether it’s all you read/watch or if it’s...
Historical fiction books films

The Smashbomb Book Club
97 members Orb
Welcome! Once a month we will pick a book that we can all read and discuss together! Please let me...

182 members Orb
For anything and everything to do with books and reading. Rave about your latest read or wax lyrical...
Books reading literature fiction non-fiction

A Smashbomb Christmas
41 members Orb
Hello Everyone, I am organizing a Christmas book exchange. If you would like to participate please...
Book Exchange Christmas