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House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
House of 1000 Corpses (2003)
2003 | Horror
Has there ever been another movie that more profoundly screams "Halloween" than this one? If there is, I have yet to see it. A front-to-back phantasmagoria of blood, ick, and some of the all-time greatest horror movie imagery you'll ever see: what can only be described as a carnival of pure filth sprawled out in the form of a feature length Rob Zombie music video - the increasing amounts of bonkers gore, the unforgettable and outright euphoric production design, the horror-ready cast all grotesquely dolled up, the sheer headstrong devotion to being as revolting as can be all interspliced with film-grained smut footage, diagnostic seething Zombie tunes, and 50s/60s primetime television spookiness. Every frame just oozes old school shock and terror, a clear love letter to the sweaty stuck pig that was the 70s horror film meets a neon-soaked greasy stage provocation. Plus it's funny as hell, too. It's so eager to bash its brains up against the wall to please, the copious amounts of passion and work that went into this is always apparent on the screen - quite possibly the most self-assured and satisfying debut since the previous year's 𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘪𝘹𝘵𝘩 𝘚𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦. A tremendous time inside and out that could only be possible by a seasoned visual + audible horror maestro and forever one of my go-to movies for the October season.
Johnny Frank Garrett's Last Word (2016)
Johnny Frank Garrett's Last Word (2016)
2016 | Horror
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Disappointing even though it's based on a terrifying true story
I was looking forward to watch this film given that the story of Johnny Frank Garrett is on par with the real life mysteries of Amityville and The Omen. However, the film completely missed the point and went straight to a Rob Zombie type horror film.

Garrett was executed in reality in 1992 following the rape and murder of a nun. On what many believe shoddy evidence, he was found guilty despite proclaiming his innocence throughout. His last words were chillingly prophetic as much of what he said allegedly came true.

Many of those involved in the case including jury members met mysterious deaths as well as their family members post-execution. And this is where this filmmaker came in. Instead of exploring the connections and insanity of the deaths itself, he turns Garrett into a demon-like character which makes the whole film a bit of a joke. What a disappointment.
Halloween II (2009)
Halloween II (2009)
2009 | Horror
Haters gotta hate, but I liked it
After another successful "reboot", Rob Zombie tries his hand at a sequel to his version of Michael Myers.

Haunted by the death of his mother, Michael doesn't know what to do with himself other than continue his murderous rampage in pursuit of his sister, Laurie Strode.

Dr. Loomis has capitalized on his Michael encounters in penning a tell-all book which reveals all the "gory" details.

Yeah this movie is extremely violent at times and sometimes goes in various directions, but why all the negative reviews. IMDb has many, many of them. There are certainly lots of crappier horror movies out there. Maybe because expectations were high after the remake and this one went too far off the proven trail.

I was entertained mostly because I have watched all 10 Halloween movies over the last two weeks and this one I could honestly say I didn't know where it was going.

The Village (The Spread #2)
The Village (The Spread #2)
Iain Rob Wright | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following on from "The Hill", the first in this series and one which I do think you need to have read in order to get the full picture of just what the heck has gone on, this is another great book from Iain Rob Wright.

Here we have the survivors from "The Hill" making their way to "The Village" in the hope of safety and salvation. What they get is quite the opposite.

Iain creates brilliant characters each with their own interesting back story and all with their part to play. He also creates suspense, tension and the unexpected - one thing I have learned with Iain's books is not to get too comfortable with any of the characters no matter how big or small ... no one is safe!

This is an interesting take on the zombie theme and one which I am looking forward to seeing where it goes with subsequent books - I'm here for the ride and I know it's going to be bumpy!

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated 31 (2016) in Movies

Feb 3, 2018 (Updated Feb 3, 2018)  
31 (2016)
31 (2016)
2016 | Horror
Richard Brake (2 more)
Some interesting dialogue
Cliffhanger ending
Blood, guts and profanity... my 3 favorite things
I am and always will be a horror movie fan. And a Rob Zombie fan as well. While most in the horror community dispose the man, and do their best to ignore his reimagining of John Carpenter's beloved Halloween. I get his vision. I understand his process.
In 31, Zombie goes out of his way to remind us all of why he is here in this genre and why he should be here to stay.
The script penned for this flick is nothing short of dreadful, but in a good horror film That's what you want. His dialogue is full of pull no punches vulgarity that would make anyone blush. And his pattern of killing off his stars is brutal to say the least.
Capped with an amazing performance by Richard Brake, who from the beginnng of movie, let's you know that he "ain't no fucking clown!!!".
His ability to capture the true disgustingness that lives in every single one of us, that fire that burns in your body when someone cuts you off when your driving to work. Or bumps into you while walking by. That feeling that says, "Fuck, I'd love to kill that person,"... well he lets the beast out in this film.
He turns 5 mild mannered hippie carnies into vicious animalistic slashers. Killing at first out of that need for survival. Then killing because they had to do it. And finally killing because they were starting to enjoy it.
Zombie does what he does, sets them up to be knocked down as only he can. Chuck I'm some great one liners and awesome profanity filled dialogue, sprinkle it with some over the top kickass blood filled deaths and an acting performance by Richard Brake that I can't help but praise and you have a recipe for a disturbing good time. As Doomhead suggests in the opening sequence of 31. In hell everyone loves popcorn.
3 From Hell (2019)
3 From Hell (2019)
2019 | Horror
Sid Haig (0 more)
Some things are better left alone.
Contains spoilers, click to show
I'm gonna go on record and say this first...
The movie business lost one of the greatest talents it had ever seen when Sid Haig passed away. I just wanted to say thank you to him for, not only the horror nemories, but for all the amazing characters he played over the past 60 years. Now, let the final curtain close on a phenomenal career.
Okay, now that thats over, lets review this shit show.
Rob fucking Zombie... Have I got a bone to pick with you.
Have you ever heard the saying "he went to the well too many times,"?
Such as the case woth this final installment of the Firefly films.
There was no chemisty between Bill Moseley and Richard Brake... Maybe a little... It flashed through here and there, but it never came to pass.
Sherri Moon Zombie floats along as a calmer more....medicated Baby. But she just doesnt seem to be in to it like she was previously.
Before people get on me about Zombie, I am a fan. I love his music, movies and artwork. I have always been oneof his biggest supporters. When he "destroyed" Halloween. I was there, sticking up for him until my ears bled. When people said Lords of Salem was a shitty art house movie... I was there... Holding my banner high saying "Everyone makes an art flick once in a while... Hell, Argento made a career of it. When 31 came a long... I painted my face white and punched myself til i bled out my nose and mouth... Metaphorically of course... Im not certifiable...
My point is I have stuck up for R0b Zombie for most of his directing and writing lifetime... But I can no longer do so.
This movie fell a part not too long after it started. From Otis walking the ramps of courthouses and jails spouting off lime Manson... Too Baby appearing to be more off her rocker than usual, reminding me of Aileen Wournos...
Seeing Captain Spaulding for the brief few minutes made the film worth it for me. Listening to Baby and Otis talk about him in the 2nd act nearly brought the waterfalls from the eyes... But i refrained.
Here we have a movie that could've been something special had it been made 10 years ago.
I am saddened not only by the passing of Mr. Haig, but that this movie was a let down... It had its moments of over the top gore and killer dialogue. And it has a scene that will forever be engrained in my brain. But I just can't give it apassing grade.
Never fear Mr. Zombie, I still have your back... Abd I always will. But this time I'm standing in front of you... Telling you, honestly, I didn't like it.
Army of the Dead (2021)
Army of the Dead (2021)
2021 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
6.8 (21 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Took To Long To Get To The Fun Part
I love me a good Zombie flick. I also love me a good Heist flick. So…when I heard that Zack Snyder (JUSTICE LEAGUE) was making a “Zombie/Heist Flick”, I thought “what’s not to like”?

Turns out…plenty.

A pet project of Sndyer’s that has been stuck in “development hell” in Hollywood for almost 2 decades, ARMY OF THE DEAD tells the tale of a group of mercenaries that look to rob $200 million from a vault under the casinos of Las Vegas - one small problem…Las Vegas has been walled off as a way to contain a zombie plague.

My first warning that this was not going to a pleasant experience is that this film has a 2 1/2 hour run time. That certainly seems bloated for a Zombie film and the first 1 1/2 of this flick certainly proves this out as Snyder - ham handedly - seeks to flesh out each of the characters in long, boring exposition scenes that didn’t really add anything to the tension or action. Well…it did add something…restless boredom.

But…I gotta admit, once the group of mercenaries make their way to the vault in Las Vegas, the last hour of the film was pretty darn fun.

Dave Bautista (Drax in the GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY films) leads the group of mercenaries and Ella Purnell (Emma in MISS PEREGRINE…) is his estranged daughter. I won’t bore you with the details of why these 2 are estranged…but they are and Bautista insists that his daughter NOT come along on this mission. So you know what happens next…yep, she comes along and I was rooting for her to get killed almost from the start. Neither of these 2 characters work and since they are central to the story they are really at the root of the problems with the first 1 1/2 hours of this film.

The rest of the ensemble, however, are a lot of fun and bring that “B Monster Movie” vibe to the proceedings and they look like they are having alot of fun. Tig Notero, Ana de La Reguera, Omari Hardwick and Theo Rossi are an enjoyable lot and know EXACTLY what type of film they are in.

But the standouts of the ensemble are the always great Garret Dillahunt (John Dorie in FEAR THE WALKING DEAD) who brings his usual “A” game to the proceedings. As does Nora Arnezeder (SAFE HOUSE) as “The Coyote” a survivor who has been in Las Vegas before and - especially - Matthias Schweighofer (RESISTANCE) who steals every scene he is in playing the German safecracker.

I would have loved it if Snyder would have cut the Bautista and daughter scenes (and characters) and just had this ensemble go after the loot - it would have been a much better - and shorter - film.

But…if you can last through the long, boring first 1 1/2 hours, the last hour is “good enough” Zombie action with an interesting “twist” on the genre that I will have to give Snyder credit for.

If you do all this, you’ll have a passably decent enough entertaining time.

Letter Grade: B-

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(OfMarquis)
Halloween (2007)
Halloween (2007)
2007 | Horror
The original Halloween is such a goddam incredible movie, that anytime the franchise has tried to stray too far from its roots, the wheels just come off. The psychic stuff in Halloween 5 just didn't work. The cult stuff in Halloween 6 just didn't work. The found footage stuff in Resurrection just didn't work. This time around, it's a remake of the original, directed by Rob Zombie. His particular brand of hateful characters and nasty dialogue can be effective in other corners of horror, but when applied to the Halloween template, you guessed it, it just doesn't work.
It has its moments - Malcolm McDowell is great as Dr Loomis, and the towering behemoth of a Michael Myers we get her is genuinely fucking terrifying. There's also a fine selection of genre icons here and there - Dee Wallace, Brad Dourif, Clint Howard, Ken Foree, Sybil Danning, Bill Moseley, Sid Haig, Danny Trejo, Danielle Harris - it's an impressive roster for sure.
All of this isn't enough to lift this remake above all of its problems however.
None of the characters are particularly likable, and it's off pacing make for a bloated experience, an issue that's further exacerbated by the more widely available Directors Cut, which further pans out its runtime with an horrifically unnecessary rape scene.
I can appreciate the decision to explore the origins of Michael, but the end results are very mixed. When the familiar stuff kicks off halfway through, it's actually kind of boring. It manages to ape the original at every turn, whilst simultaneously feeling disrespectful with it's token RZ tropes.

All in all, Halloween is a remake that I wouldn't take issue with, but the decision to put Zombie in the driver's seat results in a movie that doesn't feel like it belongs anywhere. An inferior re-tread in every aspect, that leaves a bitter after taste.