
LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Freddy vs. Jason (2003) in Movies
Jul 16, 2019
The guiltiest of pleasures
It's always fun and when we get something like this.- two horror icons going toe to toe, but was Freddy vs. Jason ever destined to be a good film?
No. No it was not. Freddy vs. Jason is pretty damn terrible.
The human cast are hugely unlikable - but I imagine that's the point, as when the slaughter begins, it's easy to find yourself rooting for the killers.
The effects have aged pretty badly, but for all it's shortcomings, it's definitely the kind of movie I will always watch when it's on. Its fun enough to be enjoyable.
It's hard to imagine anyone but Robert Englund in the role of Freddy, so it's nice to see him once again in a more modern film before he was recast.
In terms of horror - it's not a particularly scary film, but its pretty gory - and the kills are pretty ludicrous.
Worth a watch just for what it is.
No. No it was not. Freddy vs. Jason is pretty damn terrible.
The human cast are hugely unlikable - but I imagine that's the point, as when the slaughter begins, it's easy to find yourself rooting for the killers.
The effects have aged pretty badly, but for all it's shortcomings, it's definitely the kind of movie I will always watch when it's on. Its fun enough to be enjoyable.
It's hard to imagine anyone but Robert Englund in the role of Freddy, so it's nice to see him once again in a more modern film before he was recast.
In terms of horror - it's not a particularly scary film, but its pretty gory - and the kills are pretty ludicrous.
Worth a watch just for what it is.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Galaxy of Terror (1981) in Movies
Oct 20, 2020
Listen, I enjoy a trashy Roger Corman horror effort as much as the next person, but Galaxy of Terror is a chore to get through.
These films are known for being cheap, but they usually have a sort of charm to them, that I just found lacking here. The main issue is that it's not very cohesive. Various aspects of the narrative are so unexplained and seemingly random, that it's ultimately super boring, and very easy to zone out. I mean, I watched it earlier today and I've already forgotten how it ended...
Even the usually reliable gore is mostly rubbish, with the exception of a couple of half decent practical effects.
The only aspects that I found positive was seeing Sid Haig, Robert Englund, and Grace Zabriskie in early roles and some of the synth music is fun but other than that, it's straight up bollocks.
A lot of films tried to ride the coat tails of Alien following it's release and Galaxy of Terror does nothing more than remind you that you could be watching that instead.
Final note - definitely in the running for Most Misleading Movie Poster Ever.
These films are known for being cheap, but they usually have a sort of charm to them, that I just found lacking here. The main issue is that it's not very cohesive. Various aspects of the narrative are so unexplained and seemingly random, that it's ultimately super boring, and very easy to zone out. I mean, I watched it earlier today and I've already forgotten how it ended...
Even the usually reliable gore is mostly rubbish, with the exception of a couple of half decent practical effects.
The only aspects that I found positive was seeing Sid Haig, Robert Englund, and Grace Zabriskie in early roles and some of the synth music is fun but other than that, it's straight up bollocks.
A lot of films tried to ride the coat tails of Alien following it's release and Galaxy of Terror does nothing more than remind you that you could be watching that instead.
Final note - definitely in the running for Most Misleading Movie Poster Ever.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare (1991) in Movies
Oct 21, 2021
And so here we are, at the 6th and final (in terms of the OG plot line) installament of A Nightmare on Elm Street and the series has finally nosedived into full cartoon territory, and do you know what? I don't hate it.
There are plenty of things about Freddy's Dead that are terrible, from the screenplay, to the characters, to the hammy acting, to the lack of signature gore, to one of the most laughable plot retcons I've ever should be a dumpster fire, but somehow, it's ludicrous enough to be pretty damn entertaining. It still has some imaginative sequences, even if some are a little over familiar. Freddy's transformation into his final form of being a quip-laden asshat is complete, and although I would rather scary Freddy any day of the week, he manages to make proceedings pretty fun, even if Robert Englund doesn't seem quite as committed as he once was.
It's easy to dunk on Freddy's Dead and I completely understand why it's a lot of people's least favourite entry in the franchise, but it's so wonderfully bizarre, and as a result, I have a huge soft spot for it.
There are plenty of things about Freddy's Dead that are terrible, from the screenplay, to the characters, to the hammy acting, to the lack of signature gore, to one of the most laughable plot retcons I've ever should be a dumpster fire, but somehow, it's ludicrous enough to be pretty damn entertaining. It still has some imaginative sequences, even if some are a little over familiar. Freddy's transformation into his final form of being a quip-laden asshat is complete, and although I would rather scary Freddy any day of the week, he manages to make proceedings pretty fun, even if Robert Englund doesn't seem quite as committed as he once was.
It's easy to dunk on Freddy's Dead and I completely understand why it's a lot of people's least favourite entry in the franchise, but it's so wonderfully bizarre, and as a result, I have a huge soft spot for it.

Kevin Wilson (179 KP) rated The Last Showing (2014) in Movies
Jul 22, 2018
Robert Englund (3 more)
Interesting premise
Self-referential, Feels like a homage to Wes craven
Creepy moments
Manipulative, suspenseful and an iconic horror actor!
Why are there only 2 people going to the cinema? I understand it's midnight but surely there would be more. A cinema wouldn't stay open just for 2 people right?
Not believable but I understand this is a low budget movie with a small cast. I went into this with low expectations and I have to say it was better than I expected.
It has now cemented the fear of going to the cinema of a night time so the movie did a good job with that.
Robert Englumd is incredible as this manipulative psychotic creep. He is sinister yet he brings so much depth to the role that you feel some kind of understanding as to why he's doing this. The other male lead was not that likeable. He was outsmarted time and time again and the female lead had little screen time sadly.
Premise is simple about a guy sick of the current cheesy horror movies about now, gets fired so decides to makes his own horror movie. I would really call this a horror though, more a suspenseful thriller. It was interesting to see the story play out through so much manipulation and planning by the sinister Stuart.
Full of suspense throughout but could have had more, it kind of lose me towards the end but I must say the ending was very satisfying.
Not believable but I understand this is a low budget movie with a small cast. I went into this with low expectations and I have to say it was better than I expected.
It has now cemented the fear of going to the cinema of a night time so the movie did a good job with that.
Robert Englumd is incredible as this manipulative psychotic creep. He is sinister yet he brings so much depth to the role that you feel some kind of understanding as to why he's doing this. The other male lead was not that likeable. He was outsmarted time and time again and the female lead had little screen time sadly.
Premise is simple about a guy sick of the current cheesy horror movies about now, gets fired so decides to makes his own horror movie. I would really call this a horror though, more a suspenseful thriller. It was interesting to see the story play out through so much manipulation and planning by the sinister Stuart.
Full of suspense throughout but could have had more, it kind of lose me towards the end but I must say the ending was very satisfying.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Wishmaster (1997) in Movies
Sep 25, 2020
Robert Kurtzman, Wes Craven, and Greg Nicotero - a match made in heaven surely? Not quite it turns out, but almost. For all it's cheesiness and cheap jump scares, Wishmaster is still a load of fun, with some fantastic practical effects and a handful of big name horror cameos.
The effects are what stand out the most - there are some shitty CGI moments spread about but the majority of the gory moments are practical and rightly disgusting. A mere two minutes in, some poor fuckers skeleton becomes sentient and rips out from his body. It's glorious. Other than that, Wishmaster coasts along on the strength of its villain, The Djinn, played by Andrew Divoff. He's suitably creepy both in human form and in full make up, and gives the film a whole heap of credit, even if the way he pronounces stuff becomes a little grating after a while.
Having Wes Craven as a producer clearly pays off, as multiple horror stalwarts pop up throughout the runtime - Robert Englund, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder, Ted Raimi - some top tier cameos for sure. Even Angus Scrimm pops up to do a bit of narrating!
Everything else is a little lackluster. The premise is ok, but full of holes, and the ending feels like a bit of a cop out, and lead actress Tammy Lauren just seems like she's in the wrong film for the most part.
Wishmaster unfortunately never manages to excel above it's ridiculous opening scene, and is pretty mediocre overall, but it still has a lot to offer to horror fans, and I can't help but enjoy it.
The effects are what stand out the most - there are some shitty CGI moments spread about but the majority of the gory moments are practical and rightly disgusting. A mere two minutes in, some poor fuckers skeleton becomes sentient and rips out from his body. It's glorious. Other than that, Wishmaster coasts along on the strength of its villain, The Djinn, played by Andrew Divoff. He's suitably creepy both in human form and in full make up, and gives the film a whole heap of credit, even if the way he pronounces stuff becomes a little grating after a while.
Having Wes Craven as a producer clearly pays off, as multiple horror stalwarts pop up throughout the runtime - Robert Englund, Tony Todd, Kane Hodder, Ted Raimi - some top tier cameos for sure. Even Angus Scrimm pops up to do a bit of narrating!
Everything else is a little lackluster. The premise is ok, but full of holes, and the ending feels like a bit of a cop out, and lead actress Tammy Lauren just seems like she's in the wrong film for the most part.
Wishmaster unfortunately never manages to excel above it's ridiculous opening scene, and is pretty mediocre overall, but it still has a lot to offer to horror fans, and I can't help but enjoy it.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) rated A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) in Movies
Sep 5, 2017
Most of the cast (1 more)
Jackie Earl Haley
Reimaging folk, not remake
I know I'm probably going to catch heat for this from self proclaimed horror movie God's. But, I enjoyed this movie.
With a few exceptions. ROONEY MARA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN DOING IN THIS FILM!!!! Her dry and unimpressive portrayal of Nancy, a role made iconic by Heather Langenkamp, nearly destroyed this movie for me.
But along came Jackie Earl Haley. An amazing character actor who attacked the role of Freddy Krueger and honestly made him dark, destructive and truly demonic again. While he may not be Robert Englund, Haley made Freddy scary again. No more with the cracking jokes, no more fun. Just rage, destruction and murder.
And that's what you want in an iconic horror character.
Who cares if he's not 6ft 4.
Who cares if he's not funny.
That's the point of a reimagining.
Platinum Dunes did it well with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. As far as I'm concerned they did it fairly well with Friday the 13th.
And IMHO, they did it well with this movie.
Everything needs an update to evolve these days. And that includes even the most iconic horror movie characters.
With a few exceptions. ROONEY MARA WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EVEN DOING IN THIS FILM!!!! Her dry and unimpressive portrayal of Nancy, a role made iconic by Heather Langenkamp, nearly destroyed this movie for me.
But along came Jackie Earl Haley. An amazing character actor who attacked the role of Freddy Krueger and honestly made him dark, destructive and truly demonic again. While he may not be Robert Englund, Haley made Freddy scary again. No more with the cracking jokes, no more fun. Just rage, destruction and murder.
And that's what you want in an iconic horror character.
Who cares if he's not 6ft 4.
Who cares if he's not funny.
That's the point of a reimagining.
Platinum Dunes did it well with Texas Chainsaw Massacre. As far as I'm concerned they did it fairly well with Friday the 13th.
And IMHO, they did it well with this movie.
Everything needs an update to evolve these days. And that includes even the most iconic horror movie characters.

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (2012) in Movies
Mar 22, 2022
Lake Placid 4 is straight up wild. It starts with Yancy Butler asking a crocodile if "they really wanna do this" before fighting it. That's where we're at. There's a bit where a group of people see a huge crocodile coming for them so they jump in a 4x4 and drive insanely fast away from it, looking back to make sure they're getting away. I though to myself "why are they looking, there's no way a crocodile is keeping up with them, stupid ass" but no, the crocodile is galloping like a fucking horse at the same speed behind them. There's another part where a dude gets torn apart by baby crocodiles like a school of piranhas or some shit. None of it makes sense but fuck it, who even cares. The CGI somehow manages to be better and worse than the last one. Robert Englund is chewing up the scenery whenever he's on screen. I feel like I'm going mad because I have low key enjoyed all of the trash sequels so far.
Some people say that Citizen Kane is the biggest masterpiece of cinema ever put out there. I argue that it's Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (even though there are two more to go *chefs kiss*)
Some people say that Citizen Kane is the biggest masterpiece of cinema ever put out there. I argue that it's Lake Placid: The Final Chapter (even though there are two more to go *chefs kiss*)

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Urban Legend (1998) in Movies
Aug 15, 2018 (Updated Apr 22, 2021)
Plot (1 more)
I remember this film about the time of the scream movies and i know what u did last summer and liking it alot especally the plot centering a killer who was using urban legends to commit murders plenty of cameos and red herrings to keep u guessing who the killer is.
Thought tonight i would update my review since the last time. tonight I've been rewatching the film as part of the four disc blu ray boxset which includes both sequels which I will get round to reviewing next week.
On two the film I remember seeing the film when it first came and I really liked it it ticked all the boxes came out in the nineties after the success of both scream and I know what u did last summer there are enough red herrings including Robert Englund who would obviously be the killer but isn't and there's a plot twist which I didn't see at first but I won't give it away here. But why give the rating a nine thats where we move unto disc two thanks to 88 films they have put together 2 and half hour documentary reuniting both cast and crew to talk about there memories of the making of the film. Good film then still is today
Thought tonight i would update my review since the last time. tonight I've been rewatching the film as part of the four disc blu ray boxset which includes both sequels which I will get round to reviewing next week.
On two the film I remember seeing the film when it first came and I really liked it it ticked all the boxes came out in the nineties after the success of both scream and I know what u did last summer there are enough red herrings including Robert Englund who would obviously be the killer but isn't and there's a plot twist which I didn't see at first but I won't give it away here. But why give the rating a nine thats where we move unto disc two thanks to 88 films they have put together 2 and half hour documentary reuniting both cast and crew to talk about there memories of the making of the film. Good film then still is today

Gareth von Kallenbach (980 KP) rated A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) in Movies
Aug 8, 2019
Back in the 80’s, razor-fingered Freddy Krueger (Robert Englund) became an iconic figure of horror and mainstream pop culture with the film “A Nightmare on Elm Street”. Thanks to great special effects, macabre humor, and the charismatic Freddy, audience flocked to theaters and launched a highly successful series that spanned several films. Eventually the series ran its course, but the title character remained a mainstay of horror fans everywhere. Last seen in “Freddy Vs. Jason”, the terror of teenagers’ dreams has returned in a new take on the film from the Platinum Dunes production team, the same team behind the successful relaunch of the “Friday the 13th Series”.
The new film stars Jackie Earl Haley as the title character, and once again he is dispatching the teens of Elm Street in all manner of bizzare and grisly fashions in their dreams. Soon the town is full of dead teens and their insomniac peers anxious for an answer to the madman. Their parents are no help as they are quick to downplay any questions about Freddy and quickly disregard any concerns raised by their kids, even when the body count continues to rise. As their numbers dwindle, a group of friends starts to uncover the reason behind the unresloved deaths and band together to solve the mystery of Freddy Krueger and survive.
Freddy is only able to menace the teens in their sleep, so they take all manner of precautions in an attempt to stay awake and plot a defense, but sleep is something one can only postpone, never fully avoid, which means Freddy is always lurking, just waiting for his chance to strike.
What follows is a fairly by-the-numbers horror film that is sadly is lacking much suspense and horror. I was a big fan of the series and I found myself wanting to watch the original Wes Craven classic rather than what was unfolding on the screen. Haley does a great job as Krueger, blending menace with gallows humor, but Englund left a very large Fedora and razor gloves to fill and Haley comes up lacking. I also missed the elaborate effects that defined the series, greatly underwhelmed by this film’s attempts. The gore, suspense, and thrills were restrained compared to the previous films.
This is not to say this is a bad film, but the generic cast headed by Thomas Dekker gives us very little to root for and left me wanting more. Here is hoping that the next offering gives fans more of what made the series so popular and less of the formulaic predictability that has become so common in horror.
The new film stars Jackie Earl Haley as the title character, and once again he is dispatching the teens of Elm Street in all manner of bizzare and grisly fashions in their dreams. Soon the town is full of dead teens and their insomniac peers anxious for an answer to the madman. Their parents are no help as they are quick to downplay any questions about Freddy and quickly disregard any concerns raised by their kids, even when the body count continues to rise. As their numbers dwindle, a group of friends starts to uncover the reason behind the unresloved deaths and band together to solve the mystery of Freddy Krueger and survive.
Freddy is only able to menace the teens in their sleep, so they take all manner of precautions in an attempt to stay awake and plot a defense, but sleep is something one can only postpone, never fully avoid, which means Freddy is always lurking, just waiting for his chance to strike.
What follows is a fairly by-the-numbers horror film that is sadly is lacking much suspense and horror. I was a big fan of the series and I found myself wanting to watch the original Wes Craven classic rather than what was unfolding on the screen. Haley does a great job as Krueger, blending menace with gallows humor, but Englund left a very large Fedora and razor gloves to fill and Haley comes up lacking. I also missed the elaborate effects that defined the series, greatly underwhelmed by this film’s attempts. The gore, suspense, and thrills were restrained compared to the previous films.
This is not to say this is a bad film, but the generic cast headed by Thomas Dekker gives us very little to root for and left me wanting more. Here is hoping that the next offering gives fans more of what made the series so popular and less of the formulaic predictability that has become so common in horror.

Kim Pook (101 KP) rated Choose Or Die (2022) in Movies
Jun 3, 2022
A mother and son are arguing in the kitchen. The father overhears them and decides to stay in his man cave where he starts to play a computer game. This game turns sinister, it asks him repeatedly "his tongue, her ears or die". He eventually chooses after being forced, his tongue and when he goes to the kitchen he finds his wife holding a knife and his sons tongue is missing..........
Fast forward to 3 months later, a computer programmer and his friend find a copy of a game called curs<r (the game played at the start of the movie) which offers a huge cash prize if won. They agree to meet up in a coffee shop to play the game.
When the guy is a no-show kayla decides to play the game by herself, quickly learning the type of game this is as it forces her to choose or die, each choice with real life consequences. After playing, kayla destroys the games tape, but it is soon evident that no matter what she does she must complete the game or risk dying.
The movie had an interesting concept but it was just too bizarre and it got stranger the more the movie went on, to the point where I lost interest fairly quickly, though I did like the little nods to the 80s such as the 80s style music and 8 bit video games, but sadly not these or even Robert Englund could save this movie.
Fast forward to 3 months later, a computer programmer and his friend find a copy of a game called curs<r (the game played at the start of the movie) which offers a huge cash prize if won. They agree to meet up in a coffee shop to play the game.
When the guy is a no-show kayla decides to play the game by herself, quickly learning the type of game this is as it forces her to choose or die, each choice with real life consequences. After playing, kayla destroys the games tape, but it is soon evident that no matter what she does she must complete the game or risk dying.
The movie had an interesting concept but it was just too bizarre and it got stranger the more the movie went on, to the point where I lost interest fairly quickly, though I did like the little nods to the 80s such as the 80s style music and 8 bit video games, but sadly not these or even Robert Englund could save this movie.