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The Cursed Kingdom
The Cursed Kingdom
Maya Daniels | 2019 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Cursed Kingdom by Maya Daniels
The Cursed Kingdom is a historical fantasy romance that will sweep you back to the days of Persia and Babylon. Full of outstanding descriptions, this story brings Alexander the Great to life, along with Bela obviously! In a deal made with Ishtar, Bela is bound to Babylon. However, when an army comes a'knocking, Bela's brother makes a mistake. This sets off a series of events that will change their lives forever.

I read this book in one sitting! It was so easy to keep on reading, with a smooth and flowing pace, and fantastic descriptions of people and places. With sexual tension, intrigue, betrayal, there was certainly enough here to keep me involved and engrossed.

I certainly have no hesitation in recommending either this story, or the author! The only thing I would say, is I wish I knew what happened to one of the characters at the end. Still, that's me being greedy!

Brilliant story ~ excellently told ~ highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Waking Up A Slide
Waking Up A Slide
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was really excited when I saw this book. I love romantic comedies and I had high hopes for this book. I was a bit disappointed.

Jason is a batchelor and has been for a while. He is a duty manager at the local hotel and is currently living with his two closest friends, Sean and Jim. When Jason receives a wedding invitation in the mail from his ex-girlfriend, Lila Holmes, his world goes into a tailspin thinking about the one that got away. His friends are on a quest to find him a plus one, while Jason is wallowing in the sorrow of knowing he would not be the one to marry Lila.

This book did not have very much romance in it and to me it wasn't really that funny. I didn't find myself laughing out loud or really connecting with the characters at all. On the positive side though, I didn't stop reading the book. I did want to know what was going to happen next and how Jason was going to actually face his ex when the time came. There were a ton of movie references in this book which really didn't add to the story. I will read another book by this author, though.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Tolkien (2019) in Movies

May 7, 2019 (Updated May 7, 2019)  
Tolkien (2019)
Tolkien (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama
Bio-pic of the pop culture colossus is badly hamstrung by the fact it can only allude to the great man's works (they don't even have the rights to the text of his gravestone), and also by the fact that all the stuff he is most famous for doing happened when he was a middle-aged professor sitting in his study for hours at a time.

So instead the script rustles up some sub-Dead Poets stuff about fine-young-chaps-together, and a somewhat trite romance, all the while suggesting that JRR couldn't look out of the window or turn on a light without being bombarded by visions of dragons and black riders and the rest of it. No wonder he wrote all those books; it must have been vital therapy for him. A few scenes do hint at the authentic, but also essentially un-cinematic Tolkien, the man who invented languages as a hobby and loved trees, and they do lift the film, but they also make you realise how bland most of this movie is. Nichola Hoult is good as Professor T and the film is well-mounted, but it still feels like a cash-in which is pushing its luck.

Film and stuff (30 KP) rated Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015) in Movies

May 15, 2019 (Updated May 15, 2019)  
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
2015 | Action, Sci-Fi
Set up for the future films (0 more)
Feels disjointed and has clear studio intervention issues. (0 more)
A great second Avengers outing
Starring: Robert Downey JR, Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Rennee, James Spader, Samuel L Jackson and Paul Bettany.

Directed by: Joss Whedon.

Plot - Tony Stark creates an AI that turns psychopathic and is determined to destroy the world. The Avengers must stop the AI known as Ultron.

With spectacular visuals and an amusing villain this is on the surface of things, exactly what you would want a sequel to the excellent Avengers Assemble to be. The way in which the Avengers are reintroduced is quit simply one of the coolest things I've seen for a while.
The issue is that it treads over a great deal of previous material and doesn't feel as original and fresh as the previous.
Surprisingly something that is handled brilliantly is the volume of characters that are in this. Something that many have tried and failed. Huge kudos for this Mr Whedon.
With a great deal more humour, a romance that feels slightly forced and amazing action sequences I would rate this marginally below Avengers Assemble. That being said, I enjoyed it immensely and would definitely recommend seeing it.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Killing Floor: (Jack Reacher 1) in Books

May 26, 2019 (Updated May 26, 2019)  
Killing Floor: (Jack Reacher 1)
Killing Floor: (Jack Reacher 1)
Lee Child | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.2 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Good solid action and mystery. Has a Hollywood summer action blockbuster feel
My first Jack Reacher read and I started with the first of this expansive series. I went into this book expecting it to be a bit too action heavy for my tastes but was pleasantly surprised that the mystery element was pretty gripping. Really enjoyed the main story.

This book introduces ex-military policeman Jack Reacher who is currently of no fixed abode travelling where his whims take him. When he passes through the small yet pristine town of Margrave, Georgia, he is promptly arrested for murder. As the out of town stranger he must convince the town of his innocence, the investigation leads to uncovering uncomfortable truths about this little town.

It was well paced and action sequences weren't too over the top hard to follow affairs. Ok you need to suspend some belief to get along with the plot. I usually struggle to let maddening coincidences go but this book didn't seem to tick me off too much so they must of been done fairly well. Eye-roll at the romance line but again not overdone.

All in all this was a great holiday read, fast paced page turning fun. I will visit with Mr Reacher again
With Winter's First Frost
With Winter's First Frost
Kelly Irvin | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The story is set on two families. Though it mostly on two senior citizens and this it really good. I have not read many stories about seniors in the Amish. This is one really well written story. They are in their 70's and it about romance with them.

The author show both points of view for both senior citizens. Will they find love and second chances? Laura seems ready to join her last husband. But God seems to have other plans. Zachariah seems a little bitter and grouchy after his wife passes away. He is also dealing with a disease. What will happen when his family get involved in what he can and cannot do?

The author jumps into different topics like Parkinson. There are others things as well. It the way she she shows you how some of the Amish deal with different diseases and mistakes of the young. There so much going on that you will be surprised at how it all comes together.

There seems to be several different plots going on though out the book. The main plot is about Laura and Zachariah. There is also both families. What will happen and will Gods will be done.
A Bride in the Bargain
A Bride in the Bargain
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I couldn’t’ help but fall in love with this one. With Gist, it’s hit or miss with me, and this one definitely hit. I love nothing than a good historical romance, and this is definitely a favorite.

I first fell in love with the characters. Determined and hardworking, Joe and Anna both have their own plans and try to use each other to accomplish them. However, Anna’s plans contradict Joe’s and they are thrown into quite.

I then fell in love with the world Gist conveyed through her talented writing. She has a way of taking you back into that time and making you part of that world.

Normally, I would find the plot interesting all, but Gist had me interested. I think it was because I was so caught up in Joe, Anna, and their problems that I forgot to be bored with a plot that normally wouldn’t do anything for me. Instead, I found myself rooting for Anna and Joe not only as a couple but as people.

Gist always has to through a wrench into things to make them interesting. I could have kicked her for it this novel, but the fact that she gave me an ending I was happy with made it for it. Maybe.
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review

The third in the series has more of suspense feel to it than the others, I have to say it didn’t work for me. I don’t really do suspense even when it’s paired with romance, so I found myself enjoying this novel less than the first two. I did enjoy how much love these characters had for animals. As someone who loves all animals (I am that person who won’t step on a spider!), it warmed my heart to see their devotion.

The bottomline is that, despite not enjoying the mystery/suspense aspect, it was an enjoyable read. The characters are easy to like and their actions make more sense than those of characters in the previous installment. This was one of those novels where I enjoyed reading about the journey rather than reading towards the goal.

It’s also much easier to pick up on the language after read a few of these novels. If you are not used to European, particularly British, terms, then it could throw you off. The author makes sure these don’t actually interfere with the story, however.

_ Arec
<a href="">Rainy Thursdays</a>
I really wanted to love this book. I really did. As a Malory novel, I was so sure that it would be just as amazing as the others I have read. In fact, when my grandmother gave it to me, I couldn’t wait to read it and bypassed a pile of books I had lined up to read.

Disappointment always leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

While the novel still held Lindsey’s easy straightforward style, lovable characters, and hilarious dialogue, it lacks the magic that I experienced with the others. I think this is because the lead female protagonist, Amy, annoyed me beyond reason. I don’t think I have ever read a novel where the lead female was so obnoxious that I almost threw the book.

I give Amy props for being determined, but it reaches a certain point where I just believed her pathetic, to be honest. If she annoyed the hell out of me, I can’t imagine how Warren felt. It annoys me just as much that apparently sex can make people fall in love. Sorry romance novels, it doesn’t work that way.

However, I found myself laughing with this novel more than I did the others.
Ascension (Cherchez Wolf Pack, #1)
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I have read Lauren Dane before but this was my first venture into her fantasy romance. I enjoyed what I read from her previously. But maybe that’s because they have all been novellas/shorts, or the purpose of them was dirty delicious sex. This was definitely not one of her better ones. Unless you are reading it for sex.

The short version: the plotline is an old tired one that is literally a dime a dozen. I felt that Dane used it just to have a plotline at all to further her characters relationship. Her characters weren’t very original either. This would have all been more acceptable had I felt the author tried but I genuinely felt that this story and these characters were created purely to have a sexual relationship. I will concede, however, that the erotica aspect is pretty well written. There are some non-hetero scenes as well as...sharing? So if you want something more vanilla in the romantic department, you should pass this up.

If you can get past the ridiculous aspects and poor writing in terms of plot and characters, you may enjoy the erotica. You’ve been warned though.