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Mary Rose
Mary Rose
Geoffrey Girard | 2018 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

I wasn’t sure what to think about this book when I first saw the synopsis, I couldn’t tell whether it was going to be a horror or something else. It turned out to be something else.

Going into this book I was impressed with the writing and the building of characters. Both elements really helped set the mysterious, brooding tone that this book portrays.

I began the book enjoying Simon’s character but eventually, like a lot of over-bearing husband characters, he got on my nerves. I understand the books whole thing was about protecting Mary Rose but the way he crawled around on all fours for her got really irritating. I understand this was done to add a layer to the story, however, I didn’t enjoy that aspect of it. I much prefer books that aren’t all loved up and mushy. I think my annoyance with the characters in this ruined a certain aspect of the book and made it less enjoyable for me overall.

I really liked the story for this one, however. A twenty year old mystery of how a young girl when missing on a mysterious and creepy Scottish island is definitely the sort of book I like. The tension and paranoia built throughout the story is superb and you’re really stuck wondering is Mary Rose dead? Is Mary Rose a portal to some sort of dark magic? Is the island really filled with paranormal things? It’s a great book that keeps you guessing all the way through.

This book does give all it secrets up at once, which normally isn’t my kind of mystery book, but it worked in this one. I know many people are disappointed by the ending but I thought it was equally shocking as it was poignant. Reading the afterthought bit about the original story of Mary Rose and Hitchcock’s ideas for a movie of it really helped me understand and appreciate how the novel ended.

I would recommend this novel for readers who have a slightly different taste in mysteries than me. If you like themes such as love and loss, then you will really get on with this one. I personally thought it was going to be more spooky and less emotional, but I still enjoyed the bulk of it.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley, Adaptive Books and Sunshine Sachs for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Descent
The third DLC pack for Call of Duty Black Ops 3: Descent has arrived for PC and Xbox One users and brings four news maps and a new zombie episode for fans.
Previously available earlier for the Playstation 4, the new map is the third of four planned DLC packs which will pave the way for the release of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare in November which itself will spawn four packs of DLC content itself.
The four new maps are as follows….

Set in a remote cryogenic lab this tech laden map is a great place for gamers who love to run and gun and have close quarter battles. I had a really good round of Kill Confirmed in this locale but beware, there are numerous areas for enemy players to hide and strike when you least expect them to.
A frozen Viking village is the setting for this map and it is an ideal setting for Domination and Hardpoint. The map is even filled with arrows in the woodwork and a nice jump that requires your attention to traverse. The action is intense but it does have more than a few camping spots which ruined it for me at times as Spawn Campers took advantage of this to shoot me before I could even move.


A futuristic arena setting which has quickly become a favorite as players must battle behind the scenes and on the main floor to survive. I had a few nice escort and Team Deathmatch rounds on this impressive setting.


This is a reimagined version of Raid from Black Ops II where a classic Roman themed villa is the setting for intense action. There are long courtyards and elevated windows which also makes this ideal for camping snipers who can really take the fun out of a game. However when played with a nice balance of player styles this is an action lovers dream.

Fans of the Zombie mode will love Gorod Krovi which sets the four players in an alternate Stalingrad. As if the Zombies were not bad enough, there are also robotic enemies and a Dragon for players to contend with.
While the set is not offering any new weapons or any drastic changes, it does offer new maps for players to enjoy and a top-notch Zombie mode which will help tide players over until the fourth pack and Infinite Warfare arrives.
A Long Way Down (2014)
A Long Way Down (2014)
2014 | International, Comedy, Drama
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: A Long Way Down starts on New Year’s Eve as disgraced TV celebrity Martin (Brosnan) is planning to kill himself only to get interrupted by the lonely Maureen (Collette), heartbroken Jess (Poots) and cancer stricken JJ (Paul) who are also using the same rooftop to plan their suicide.

All going against the suicide the four make a pact to not kill themselves until at least Valentine’s day and support each other through the six weeks once the tabloids want to make a story of why they were together. The four become good friends exposing their own secrets to why they want to escape their lives.


Thoughts on A Long Way Down


Characters/Performance – Martin is the disgraced TV talk show host, his small mistake has ruined his career, his family and even finding himself in jail. Now out of jail he wants to kill himself to get away from the headlines. Maureen is a single mother spending everyday looking after her disabled son, not getting any real free time. Jess is the daughter of politician whose sister vanished a few years before, she is a lost soul in the world turning to the drinks and drugs. JJ is an American musician who can’t find his place in the world.

Performance wise, I feel all four of the main actors give brilliant performances, Paul and Poots both show that this could be one of their best of their careers in film, while Brosnan and Collette must have theirs put on their underrated performances of their careers.

Story – The story shows the struggles everyday people can have with depression, it shows that you can get support from people you didn’t even know. I think this film tackles the issues of depression on a brilliant level, and shows just how you can find light in the strangest places.

Settings – The settings are used to show just how different the location these four have come from, it shows just how important finding help outside your comfort zone can be.

Final Thoughts – This is a film I didn’t expect too much from and I can say I truly enjoyed the film, the characters all feel real, their problems feel real and most importantly the answers to the problems didn’t cure everything they helped them realizes how important they are.


Overall: This is a very underrated film I feel people should be seeing.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Beautiful Boy (2018) in Movies

Jun 22, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
Beautiful Boy (2018)
Beautiful Boy (2018)
2018 | Drama
I have no doubt that everything in this film was done for a reason, I'm just not sure that those things should have been allowed to make it into the final cut. The major problem for me was the constant chopping and changing of scenes. It was difficult to keep track. At least with other films recently we've been helped by the aging process of the characters, no such luck here.

I'm becoming more and more impressed with Steve Carell's dramatic acting. In a film that lots of people seemed to cry through the only moments that really moved me were performed by Carell. I liked the analytical side of his character and his focus on research, the moment where he reaches his turning point led to some particularly strong pieces for him.

Reading trivia about Timothée Chalamet in this it seems like we have a budding Christian Bale on our hands. He lost a lot of weight for the role and had consultants to ensure his acting as a drug addict was realistic. That was disappointing to read because I didn't find him to be particularly good in this role. That's causing me problems because I'm wondering why everyone is raving about him. I can't see it. While some of his moments are very realistic for the most part it feels like someone who's just acting a role... I know that sounds stupid but I know what I mean.

There are a lot of peripheral characters that come and go, they feel surplus to requirement. The girlfriend and scenes where Nic is with his mother seem wedged in. Had their scenes been taken out and they'd just left the mother's involvement at phone calls with the father then I think we'd have been left with a film that was more like we'd been promised of a father and son's journey. These extra characters just felt misleading.

People were deeply moved by this, more than a few people, myself included, in the showing were not. It suffered from length and some meandering story that I feel ultimately ruined something with a lot of potential.

What you should do

I feel like it's my duty to say that I'm in a minority when it comes to my feelings about this film. I wouldn't recommend it... but plenty of other people would.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I would love the picture that Karen was working on in her workshop.
Stranger Things - Season 3
Stranger Things - Season 3
2019 | Horror, Thriller
Almost perfect
I toyed between giving this an 8 or 9, and in the end I’ve decided to be generous although I’m still not entirely sure. I was worried I’d hate this series as I’ve heard some say it’s not great, but I actually enjoyed this much more than series 2 and possibly even slightly more than the first series.

My first negative is the story. The whole Russian thing is a little bit ridiculous and far fetched (even for this show), which is a shame as the rest of the plot is intriguing and really rather good. The horror and gore aspects of this are brilliant. I thought this was by far the scariest of the seasons as the Mind Flayer is truly terrifying and beyond creepy. The mixture of retro references, humour and horror works so well and makes it really enjoyable to watch. All of the characters shine, even the new ones like Robin or new-ish ones like Erica, are well developed and fit in well with the rest of the originals. I of course still have a soft spot for Hopper who is just marvellous yet again in this, often rather sinister and darkly hilarious. And the pairing yet again of Steve and Dustin is such fun. The childhood romance thing is a little bit cheesy and sickly sweet, but fortunately bearable for the most part as it takes a backseat to the rest of the action.

My biggest issue with this show, other than the over the top and strangely stupid Russians, and the reason why I was debating giving it a lower score, is the ending. Or rather the end credits scene that ruined everything. The actual ending to this show is one of the most emotional things I’ve seen in a long time in a tv show, and I’m not ashamed to admit I was virtually in tears at the ending. It was such a heartwarming and fitting way to end the show, and really quite lovely in a sad way. It was a great way to round off a show and finish the entire series on a massive high without the need to make another season. However, the end credits scene is pure ‘sequel baiting’ and whilst Netflix haven’t officially confirmed, it already sounds like season 4 is in the making. And I can’t even begin to describe how angry I am at this, why do they insist on ruining a perfectly good ending?! I really wish they hadn’t done this. But this aside, I enjoyed this series quite a lot.

Andy K (10821 KP) Aug 10, 2019

I need to start watching this!

My Dark Vanessa
My Dark Vanessa
Kate Elizabeth Russell | 2020 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.6 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
As soon as I started reading My Dark Vanessa, I questioned why I had chosen to read it. It’s a subject that I’d usually not even attempt to read as I find it too upsetting, but I’d heard such good things about it, and I was curious. And boy am I glad I read it. It’s an uncomfortable read though.

An insecure, lonely 15 year old is groomed by her much older teacher, Jacob Strane, and she is led to believe that it’s all on her own terms. She is in control. There are parts of this book that really distressed me, and I had to put the book down. However, I really felt for the main character, Vanessa. Even as a 35 year old woman, her life is still dictated by her relationship with Strane. These scenes where she is older, in a boring job, living in a tiny apartment and drinking too much, really made me see how Strane had ruined her life. She refuses to see it, however. Even when she is seeing a counsellor about the death of her father, she still sees no link between her feelings for Strane and how he affected her life before the death of her father. And when former female students blow the whistle on his abuse, Vanessa refuses to get involved. Strane tells her they’re lying, that they’re fantasists - and she believes him. He continues to control her for years after their sexual relationship ends.

I think the way that the narrative swapped between present day and the past, showing us how the ‘relationship’ developed, made it all the more stark. Everyone, including the reader, can see the abuse. Everyone except Vanessa. I don’t know what the laws about the age of consent are like in the USA, but I’m pretty certain that if he’d been found out in the UK, he would never have taught again. But of course I could be wrong.

For me, the end was a relief. I was glad I’d made it through - it was traumatic for me as a reader.

I’ve given this 5 stars, but I wouldn’t qualify this 5/5 with an “I loved it!” like I often do with my top marked books. I do think that this is an important book though, and to be perfectly honest, it’s beautifully written.

Many thanks to HarperCollins 4th Estate and NetGalley for my copy of this book to read and review.
Possum Problems (The Magic Magnifying Glass #2)
Possum Problems (The Magic Magnifying Glass #2)
Wendy Ann Mattox | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The second book in this series of Magic Magnifying Glass is called “Possum Problems.” It seems like we met Perry, and he is a little possum. He seems to have got lost and decided to jump into Fins’ backpack.

What adventures will Fin and Perry get into along with Elliott? There seems to be a baseball mystery for Fin to solve along with two other puzzles. This book reminds me of my experience with a possum for the first time. I met my first ever possum through an incident in my backroom when I checked on my cats. I found him in a wastebasket; it is beyond me how it got in the backroom or the wastebasket. My first words when I told my mom about this strange creature; I called it “Big Fat Rat” though it was not a rat. Though that is what it looked like to me. To this day, we get a laugh out of me calling my first experience with a possum a Big Fat Rat. He ended up back outside once mom came home, and we got it outside on the porch.

I was not scared of the thing. I was more startled and wondering what and how it got into the house. Not so much that it was scary, so this book teaches you what a possum is, and we get an adventure with one. We finally meet Mr. Mole as well. Now snakes are not a favorite of mine, But will Bart learn to be kind or not? Snakes do like mice, I believe. So we meet a snake for the first time in this book. Will Martin’s baseball mystery get solved.

Children will learn about nature and animals in nature. We also see how having friends and asking for help is good. Will James leans to lean on God’s trust. What does the new bible verse mean that shows up on the magnifying glass lens? What trouble will Fin and Perry find when looking for Perry’s family? Does Martin seem to think that a possum might have ruined this baseball? Did he or not. Children will enjoy reading a clean read and learning about wildlife animals. Animal facts are an excellent way to learn about through a book, and children will love them.

I can’t wait to see what the next adventure Fin and his friend Elliott
get up to and what other friends Fin meets along the way.
My Sister&#039;s Bones
My Sister's Bones
Nuala Ellwood | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel started creating tension from the first pages, and it kept the intrigue going all the way till the very last page. This book contains tree parts. The first one is the story from Kate’s point of view. She is a successful Journalist, who came to her birth place after her mother’s death. The second part is the story told from Sally’s point of view. Sally is Kate’s younger sister, who is chronic alcoholic. She feels like a black sheep of the family, the “never good enough” daughter. The third part will remain a secret; I don’t like to spoil the pleasure. I love when Author gives voices to more than one character, I really enjoyed reading the story from different point of view and it made the book and the characters way more interesting and indulging. The characters which author chose are really intriguing and interesting. All of them suffering from some mental problems and are disturbed. Kate disturbed by her childhood and constant trips to war zones, and Sally by her inner demons. I think the characters were well rounded and exciting to read about.

The plot was amazingly thought through and overflowing with suspense. I couldn’t put it down, it captivated me and I needed to know more. I loved that the chapters were not long; it made it quick and pleasurable for me to read it. The writing style used in this novel was not difficult and very easy to read. I really loved how every part of the book was concluded with a sentence, which actually used to take my breath away with disbelief and wish to know more. This book has everything, it is fast paced, it has lots of twists and turns and it thickens with every chapter. This book covers so many great universal themes: how alcoholism destroys families and life of children in such families, what does journalist feels during and after trips to war torn countries, how it affects their personal life seeing so many ruined lives and death of innocent people, how people react while suffering domestic violence. There are so many great and very important themes in this book. I am amazed how author rounded all them up and fitted so many of them in this beautiful creation. The ending of the book was really unexpected and I was so confused after reading it. To be honest, all I have for this book is praise, it is an amazing book and it is a Must Read. Can’t wait for the movie because there definitely will be one.
Judy (2019)
Judy (2019)
2019 | Biography, Drama, Musical
If I am a legend, then why am I so lonely?
Judy is a fabulous and dazzling look into the finally years of an all time greats life and while it maybe paint by numbers at times Judy takes the surprisingly darker and more depressing route that many other biopics dont dare to. I was gobsmacked to find after that renee zellweger played judy garland as at no stage of the movie could you tell at all. Never been a real fan of Zellweger but here she really has surpassed herself and you literally would be forgiven for believing she was the actual Judy Garland at times, an award wining performance for sure. Judy's pain/struggles are plain to see here and the way Renee manages to portray the sheer depression behind those eyes as well as the switching on of 'the act' when she steps out onto stage to perform are both saddening and admirable (the way the camera shows her eyes change really is impressive). Its clear as a person she just longs to be loved, to belong/find happiness and to live a happy life with her children who adore her and bring her joy and completeness. Seemingly forced into showbusiness at a young age she never had a real chance to discover who she really is and what she enjoys and everyone she gets close to uses her as a puppet adding to the weight on her mind. Yet somewhere in all the sadness I find it so inspirational that she still found the strength and drive to put on a confident happy face and deliver powerful performances. Maybe deep down in a way being loved by the audience was her only glimpse of feeling true real love from someone when away from her children. Cinematography really impressed me as well giving a warm glamorous look when on stage with colours and lights that simply boom off the screen and then a cold, isolated and lonely feel when off stage really giving the movie a unique and immersive atmosphere. Costumes and sets also stun and dazzle as does the music which is filmed so well you feel at times you are sat in the room. Some dialog annoyed me near the beginning and two characters ruined the tone/felt forced but other than that I really did enjoyed this movie dare I say it more than I did Rocketman and Bohemian Rhapsody. A tragic/sad story that is well worth seeing
Secrets of Southern Girls
Secrets of Southern Girls
Haley Harrigan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ten years ago, Julie Portland accidentally killed her best friend, Reba. Even worse, no one else knows. Consumed by guilt, Julie has long left her small Mississippi hometown behind, but she can't escape the memories. They have already ruined her marriage, and they threaten to take over her life. So when Reba's long-ago high school boyfriend shows up, claiming Reba left behind a diary, Julie reluctantly returns home with him to help search. Once there, however, she's caught up in a swirl of memories and secrets.

Oh, <i>I have mixed feelings about this one. </i>The novel switches POV and time periods in an effort to set up suspense. Our main character is Julie, but we hear from others as well, and the author includes snippets from Reba's diary. Bits and pieces of the story unfold slowly, with portions coming from the past and then others as the characters think back and remember. For the most part, this does work; you become almost frustrated, waiting and wondering what on earth happened back then. Reba's diary entries don't always seem to be in the voice of a seventeen-year-old teen, though, and some of the plot (both current and past) just seems odd. Plus, we also get bits and pieces of more recent parts of Julie's life and those really just distract from the real story.

I think the hardest thing for me was that while I really didn't have a major problem with the novel, I just wasn't incredibly connected to it, either. I liked Julie well enough, but I wasn't really invested in her, or really, Reba's story. I was curious about what happened to her, but I didn't particularly care, and there's a big difference there. In the end, I felt like there was a build up for... not much. I found the story intriguing and suspenseful, but somewhat disappointing. I kept waiting for some big shocker, or reveal, but it never happened. The ending felt a little cliche, and I was just sort of frustrated by the end.

So, overall, this isn't a bad book. In fact, it's often quite intriguing and can be a real page-turner at times. Unfortunately, I was bogged down by its uninteresting characters and a plot that I found to be a bit of a letdown. I'd go with 2.5 - 3 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 06/06/2017.

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