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    6.4 (68 Ratings) Rate It

    TV Show

    A group of ambitious misfits try to escape the harsh realities of high school by joining a glee...

Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
The Merc with the Mouth!
after 10 years and an abomination of a creation as only fox can do fans rejoiced as they FINALLY got the Deadpool movie they wanted.

Starring Ryan Reynolds as the foul mouthed, gun toting, wise cracking, fourth wall breaking merc with a mouth known as deadpool, follow him through this love story full of murder, torture, abandonment and more love as he chases down Ajax, a mutant with advance strength and reflexes who caused wades (deadpools) mutation and skin damaging in the process, so he can return home to the woman he loves (and his collection of WHAM! records)
Deadpool (2016)
Deadpool (2016)
2016 | Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
Ryan reynolds (3 more)
The real deadpool
Too short (1 more)
Not enough crossover
Can the real Wade Wilson please stand up!
After X-Men origins I was worried when this announced as Deadpool had already been muted by Fox. Although after seeing the test footage and reading an early draft of the script I couldn't have been more excited.

This film does a really good job of introducing the character without a straight up origin story. The film is very short but the fast pace keeps you engaged and the jokes keep coming from the first second to the last.

It's one of the best superhero movies outside the MCU and better than some that are in it.
Night Teeth (2021)
Night Teeth (2021)
2021 | Action, Crime, Drama
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I honestly wasn't expecting a whole lot from Night Teeth, so I was suitably surprised by just how tight and entertaining it turned out to be.
Jorge Lendeborg Jr. is a charming and likable protagonist and a hero that's easy to root for, as is Debby Ryan. The two of them have great chemistry and carry the bulk of the film well. Lucy Fry and Alfie Allen are convincing in the more villanous roles, and smaller appearances by the likes of Sydney Sweeney, Megan Fox, and Alexander Ludwig ensure that the overall cast is a strong one.
The pacing is snappy and never gets boring, and the narrative is one that handles its multiple threads nicely, and avoids bogging down the plot with too much lore building.
Another plus is how visually pleasing the whole thing is. Night Teeth is draped with striking colour, sticking out against its night time LA backdrop.

It's certainly not without it's flaws - some of the dialogue doesn't land well, and the CGI, although minimal, is glaringly shit in places, but it's not enough to tarnish an entertaining vampire flick, that's often funny, and easy on the eyes.