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ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Paper Place in Books

Oct 30, 2021  
The Paper Place
The Paper Place
Miranda Cowley Heller | 2021 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don’t think that any synopsis written by me could do justice to The Paper Palace. It couldn’t adequately describe the many layers to this frankly magnetic book (I mean this literally - I couldn’t put it down). Who knew that a book about a family’s summer home on Cape Cod could encompass so much more. A lot happens in the Paper Palace (the summer residence of Elle Bishop and her family), both in the past and present.

This is a book of childhood trauma, terrible parenting, young love, adultery, and a horrendous secret that both ties and separates Elle from her childhood friend and first love, Jonah.

I was completely absorbed in this story that spanned all of Elle’s life up to the present day, and even let us look into the life of her mother (not an ideal childhood, either). There is a deep-seated sadness to Elle’s character, and it’s not until later in the book that we learn the reasons why.

She has a deep love and affection for her children and her husband though, and there are some really touching, humorous moments between them. And this makes the decision she has to make at the end of the book, one of the most difficult in her life.

This will be high up in my favourite books of the year (Ok, this is becoming a sizeable list), and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend it.

Merissa (12394 KP) rated Allegiant in Books

May 31, 2023  
Veronica Roth | 2016 | Children
8.0 (41 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was a bit worried at the start of this book that it would just repeat the same arguments that Tris and Tobias had in Insurgent. I was wrong though, and the misunderstanding quickly cleared up and the story moved on into new and strange waters. Tris, Tobias, and others make their stand for what they think is right, whether it's in the way that you agree with or not. Everyone has an opinion, which is what makes this series so interesting!

Did I like the ending? No, not at all.

Did I sob the last half an hour of reading? Of course I did.

Do I understand it? Yes; like it or not, it makes sense for the world they live in.

So much has happened, I'm sure everyone felt tired! (Trying not to give anything away to the 1% who don't know how it ends!) There is strength, there is sadness, and there were loads of tears from me. A conclusion that ties everything up and yet leaves me wishing for a different ending, whilst appreciating the ending I got.

So glad that I finally read these books, and I would have no hesitation in recommending them to everyone!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 26, 2016
King Kong Lives (1986)
King Kong Lives (1986)
1986 | Action, Horror
4.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Nothing - That's what makes it so enjoyable (0 more)
All of it. But don't let that put you off. (0 more)
If Only King Kong Had Died
Contains spoilers, click to show
Just when you thought King Kong died when he was shot off the Empire State Building he is resurrected courtesy of open heart surgery conducted by Linda Hamilton. However, he is still going to die unless he receives a blood transfusion. Fortunately, Lady Kong is discovered in Borneo. Job done? Of course not. These films are terrible adverts for the human race as the sole reaction to discovering such beautiful beasts such as Mr and Mrs Kong is to try and kill them with a barrage of absolutely terrible special effects.

Only someone with a heart of ice would fail to be moved when Kong picks up the missus and carries her out of the holding facility a la An Officer and a Gentleman. I don't know why the producers didn't go for an outsize Marine Airman's formal attire and throw in the strains of Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes - only they will be able to tell you why they didn't.

This will be quite possibly the most enjoyable bad movie you will ever see. Ultimately, like with all the Kong movies it is tinged with sadness as we all know what happens to the big fella in the end - open heart surgery and blood transfusions not withstanding of course. Don't be surprised if you hear the patter of really massive feet at the end in what is an unintentionally hilarious yet genuinely uplifting finale.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine in Books

Jan 20, 2018 (Updated Jan 20, 2018)  
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Gail Honeyman | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (80 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clever, humorous and heartwarmingly sad
It’s very rare for me not to have a single criticism about a book, but Eleanor Oliphant has managed it. This book was nothing like I had expected, and it completely blew me away.

This book is full of sadness, yet also humour and wit. Eleanor is such an endearingly loveable character and reading about her life and her social ineptitude fills you with such empathy. She really connects with you as a reader, to the point where I almost forgot she wasn't real. Maybe it’s because she’s the same age as me, and the social interactions, loneliness and crushes are what everyone goes through in their lifetime, albeit usually at a younger age. I was almost in tears during parts of this book, and then completely thrown into fits of laughter, especially when the cat appears. The ending was part surprise, part predictable, but this book isn’t about the ending, it’s about Eleanor’s journey and it was such a delight to read. Such a heartwarming read and reminds me very much of The Rosie Project.

There’s a lot of fantastic quotes in this book, but there was one very early on that really stuck with me and I knew after reading that that it was going to be a good book;

“What could be more normal than pizza and wine?” - it might not mean much to others, but to me this is a statement that me and my best friend live by!
Everything, Everything
Everything, Everything
Nicola Yoon | 2015 | Children
8.3 (49 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book doesn't come out until September of 2015, but I was lucky enough to win an ARC at YA'll West in Santa Monica earlier this year.

I really needed this book. I needed something cute with only hints of sadness. This could easily be compared to The Fault in Our Stars, being about a sick girl and all, but it is so different. Instead of being centered around death, it is centered around life and what it means to really be alive.

Yes, there were some parts that almost made me cry, but it was so good!

The characters were very beautifully written, there were no instances where it felt like the author was looking down on the characters. They were very much respected. They grew a lot as well. In such a short book, they were able to grow so much! The plot was excellently executed as well. It went by at a great pace and didn't really have any dull points.

If you want to read a cute and quick book, pick this up! I recommend it to anyone who wants something relatively light to read after reading consecutive heavy books (by this I don't mean in the actual weight, but the emotional toll for reading it).

When it comes out, please buy this book. Tell everyone you know to buy this book and if they can't share your copy. This is Nicola Yoon's first novel and it is important to show her that her book was awesome and that everyone loved it!

Hazel (2934 KP) rated The Fear in Books

Mar 25, 2018  
The Fear
The Fear
C.L. Taylor | 2018 | Contemporary, Thriller
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent psychological thriller
Excellent from start to finish!

A topical and relevant storyline told in a very sensitive but authentic way. There are sections that I found difficult to read due to the subject matter but they were all necessary and although I don't have any experience in this area (thank goodness), it came across as being an accurate reflection on just how easy it can be for some despicable people to seek out, manipulate and take advantage of the most vulnerable children in our society.

There are characters that you'll love and characters that you'll love to hate but all believable; my personal favourite was Wendy which might seem a little strange given how she is introduced to us but give her time, she will definitely grow on you! The setting felt right for the story and I was pleased that it didn't take place in a city; it helped to add an even more sinister feel as it felt more "normal" somehow.

There are twists and turns that had me on edge and I went through all manner of emotions during the course of this book ... sadness, disgust, anger, frustration, anticipation ... that I didn't want to stop reading.

Overall, a disturbing and chilling read but thrilling and gripping and although the subject matter is distasteful and difficult to stomach at times, this book certainly isn't and I highly recommend it to any psychological thriller fans.

My thanks go to the publisher, Avon Books UK, via NetGalley, for my copy in return for an honest review.
The Silence of the Girls
The Silence of the Girls
Pat Barker | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A retelling from a different direction.
This isn't just a straightforward retelling of the Iliad. In fact it's not that at all. This is the story of Briseis (I even googled how to pronounce her name), the queen of one of Troy's neighbouring kingdoms. When her kingdom is sacked by Achilles, she is taken as a slave along with the women and girls who survive, whilst the remaining men and boys are killed. Briseis becomes Achilles concubine - a prize of a battle won.
The violence of war is so graphically described in this novel. Briseis, along with the other slave women, are supposed to care for these mens wounds and fulfil their every (sexual) wish - the very men who had murdered their husbands, fathers and sons.
I've never read a Greek myth from the point of view of the women - they were supposed to be silent. Their stories are forgotten, but Pat Barker brings them to life in this book. We hear their sadness, their worries, their opinions of their masters. I could almost smell the filth, smoke, food and sweat of the Greek camp (in reality, I would imagine that I'd walk in the other direction!).
I've always loved the Greek Myths: I read them as a child and a teenager, and I'm really enjoying the resurgence of these stories at the moment. This novel adds another dimension to these stories, which I really loved. I'd highly recommend this book.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Hamish Hamilton for my copy of this book.
The Legacy of of Pemberley is the 10th book in Rebecca Ann Collins' Pride & Prejudice sequel series. Each book is substantial, at around 300+ pages long, so this in itself if quite an achievement! The books span about 50 years from the conclusion of Austen's novel and as well as the characters we know and love, we have been introduced to whole generations of new and interesting characters. With such a large cast, it's all credit to Ms Collins that she seems to know at all times what she's doing and where she's going with them!

Of course, it's not all about the length of the series and the number of characters, but each book has been beautifully written and none of it ever seems tedious or repetitive. There is sadness as well as much happiness in the pages of these books and particularly in reading this last volume as you know there is no planned sequel! Some threads are wrapped up, but there is still the potential for more. That, after 10 books in this series, I still find myself hungry for more about these characters is a great testament to what Ms Collins has achieved. I'm sure if she does ever choose to come back to these characters there will be many ready to hang on her every word!

Pride & Prejudice has probably inspired more sequels and retellings than any other novel ever; some of them are good, some of them toe-curlingly awful and some pretty medicocre, but this series if definitely worth reading.