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Lights Out (2016)
Lights Out (2016)
2016 | Horror
Could have been so much better
When I first saw the original short film it scared the crap out of me, the whole idea of what is in the dark that we just can't see is such a base fear for most people and the short film played on it so well.

Just like the short film Lights Out played on this fear so well but due to an uninteresting plot and frankly unmemorable characters, they really lost what made the short film so good.

Scott Tostik (389 KP) Oct 8, 2017

I agree with you 100 percent. This movie had the most amazing marketing campaign that any film could ask for, a scary as fuck short film that seriously messed with your head.
But when brought to full length feature it didn't really deliver. It dropped the proverbial ball so to speak and left me wondering what I just spent 90 minutes watching.
Normally I am a huge Theresa Palmer fan too. She was awesome in Warm Bodies. But for as good as she usually is, she looked kind of lost in this role.
This movie could've been so amazing had it stayed independent in my opinion.


BobbiesDustyPages (1259 KP) Oct 8, 2017

I feel like they suffered from what a lot of horror movies do now a days they simply try to add too much plot and engage emotions that frankly don't really need to be engaged when watching a horror movies, some times the simple route of a boogieman killing people is all we need I don't need some angst ridden backstory. Plain and simple scare the shit out of me and we're good.

6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've read Walton's columns at with much appreciation, and realized with some ebarrassment that I haven't actually read any of her fiction. I tried this story as a starter.

It is extremely well written, but so chilling that I'm almost scared away from her novels! Fortunately, many of the comments on the story site do point out that her best-known novels aren't as dark as this piece. That's a relief, as I don't think I could stay away from such a marvelous author.
Broken Dolls
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a dark disturbing read that I was glued to from the beginning, two broken souls that come together and don't fix each other more sooth and adhere themselves as a coping mechanism, don't know if I would call this love more a connecting of brokenness. Mia is a tragic, scared, vulnerable figure and Brian sees a kindred spirit in her, an extension of himself, protecting Mia eases his own demons and with a matching set of scars Brian puts himself in the role of Mia's protector. I never thought I would see Brian in any redeemable light but I do, don't get me wrong the man is still wired wrong a complete sadist but with mia he becomes so much more as well. A very dark thought provoking read loved it.
Gretel & Hansel (2020)
Gretel & Hansel (2020)
2020 | Fantasy, Horror, Thriller
Twisted Fairy Tale
Gretel & Hansel - is a decent movie, it has good scaries, good suspense, good thrills, good psychological espects and thats pretty much it. I mean the story is decent, but it could of been better.

The plot: When their mother descends into madness, siblings Gretel and Hansel must fend for themselves in the dark and unforgiving woods. Hungry and scared, they fortuitously stumble upon a bounty of food left outside an isolated home. Invited inside by the seemingly friendly owner, the children soon suspect that her generous but mysterious behaviour is part of a sinister plan to do them harm.

Sophia Liillis was good, the source matteral was decent. I just wish this movie was better.
Tricks (Tricks, #1)
Tricks (Tricks, #1)
Ellen Hopkins | 2009 | Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't think I've ever read a book with so many different perspectives, so that alone was definitely new to me. Each story was heart-wrenching. Reading how easy it was for these teenagers to fall into the dark pit of sex and drugs the way they did scares me, makes me scared for our children (MY child). There is evil in every corner of the world and Tricks shows not only how much evil there is, but how easily a person can be persuaded to turn toward the depraved acts these children were forced into. My heart bled for all the characters that were affected.

John Cusack recommended The Shining (1980) in Movies (curated)

The Shining (1980)
The Shining (1980)
1980 | Horror

"Well The Shining I thought a lot about, because we did Stephen King’s 1408, which was another movie set in a hotel room, and the madness of that. But I think just seeing it in theaters, you know — I think it’s when you saw it. My mom was from Boston, so we used to go to Nantucket, and it was the summer and I remember I snuck away in the afternoon to go see it, at around 4 or 6 o’clock or something, and when I came back out it was dark and I had to walk down this dark street alone. And I remember being really, I mean really scared coming out of that theater; like, I did not want to leave the street lights to walk home. The other experience I remember was I saw Apocalypse Now in the theaters and I remember coming out of that and I almost couldn’t speak. Stunned."


Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a post

Jan 1, 2019  
Ok, who has seen The Strangers 2: Prey at Night? The first one was very unsettling and scared me to death. I don't always need a happy ending. Have you ever seen the Dutch version of The Vanishing? So different than the Americanized one.

I'm trying to decide if I want to watch Strangers 2.

Pros: I like Christina Hendricks.
It looks creepy.
Strangers still haunts me and makes me check under beds and in closets before going to sleep.

Cons: It's a sequel. It is as good, nearly as good, or better than the first?
It takes place in a trailer park?
Christina Hendricks screams a lot. Does it get annoying?
The lighting seems darker than the first movie and I don't want it to be so dark that I can only hear and not see the action on the screen. Is it too dark to follow well?

Sarah (7799 KP) Jan 1, 2019

I liked the first one too for the same reasons but sadly the sequel didn’t live up to expectations. It’s not creepy, just bloody and gory. I didn’t think it was too dark & I don’t think Christina Hendricks was annoying. This is my review:


Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) Jan 1, 2019

Thanks, Sarah. I appreciate your opinion on this. I'll put it on my movie to watch (eventually) list instead of my gotta see it list.

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Han & Chewie's first meeting (7 more)
Don Glover as Lando
Ehrenreich as Han
Suotamo as Chewbacca
Woody as Beckett
The Kessel Run
The "HOLY SH*T!" cameo
The train robbery scene
Movie is very dark. And I mean dark, like "Put on the lights!" dark (1 more)
Music not as good as other Star Wars movies
Almost perfect Star Wars movie
I think people didn't like The Last Jedi & so, they didn't even want to give this a chance. Well, they're missing out, because Solo was awesome! As you can tell from my positives, I thought the actors were perfect for their roles. We get all of Solo's back story here. The first meeting of Han & Chewbacca. The meeting of Han & Lando. The "introduction" of the Millennium Falcon. The infamous Kessel Run, as well as the spice mines. Now I know why C-3PO was scared to be sent there.

The action scenes in this film are some of the best I've seen in a Star Wars movie. somewhat Maybe my favorite was the train robbery scene. It was intense! And the Falcon really takes a pounding in this one.

Like all prequels, there is the problem where we know nothing is going to happen to the main characters, since we know they live long enough to have been in the later films. But somehow, it doesn't matter with this film. I still felt suspense as Chewbacca hung on for dear life. If I have one problem, it's that the movie was very dark & I found it hard to see what was going on in some scenes. The focus was somewhat soft too. Not sure if that was the theater's problem though. I will definitely have to buy this when it comes out on Blu-ray.

If you haven't seen it yet, give yourselves a treat and see it when you can. Very fun!

Georgina (8 KP) rated It (2017) in Movies

Sep 17, 2017  
It (2017)
It (2017)
2017 | Drama, Horror
7.9 (355 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Good jump scares. (1 more)
Did sleep with the light on.
A little cartooney. (0 more)
Does it live up to the hype?
After two years eagerly anticipating the release of this film, (I am a clown hater, but love to be scared) I took myself off to the cinema on opening night (of course) I admit, that in the dark theatre, pennywise' cartooney giggle, was scary, so much so, everybody in the cinema watched me instead of the film! I may be very unpopular with the next didn't live up to the original, and certainly not the book. It was too over-hyped, too Hollywood, and too glossy. If this was a free standing, one of a kind film, I'd have enjoyed it for what it was, but it was not good enough to replace the Tim curry clown I saw when I was 12, and still makes me cry at clown masks on Halloween.
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
1991 | Horror, Thriller

"The final one is The Silence of the Lambs. I love dark movies, and I love thrillers. I don’t like horror movies because I get too scared. [laughs] I draw the line at thrillers; I like to think while I’m afraid. Obviously, great characters in that movie. The shots last for like a million years. Anthony Hopkins never blinks. Again, you just see the throughline; Jodie Foster’s character is obviously strong in that she’s dealing with this serial killer and she’s keeping up with everybody and her boss at the FBI. At the same time, she’s so vulnerable. It’s her vulnerability that enables her to have this connection with this psychopath. It’s a brilliant performance, and I just love that movie. It’s so good."
