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A Love To Remember
A Love To Remember
Sarah Hadley Brook | 2018 | Erotica, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
so desperately wanted to hear from Sam!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Graham takes his dad to the cabin in the woods, because he cannot be on his own anymore. Ravaged by Alzheimer's, his father needs calm, and peace. But Graham can no longer look after his dad and work, so he hires an in-home nurse, Sam. Sam and Graham have met before, after a brief hook-up. Sam wants more, but Graham has to take a step back, and make Sam realise, what's slowly killing his father could very well kill him too.

It's only short, this one, some 85 pages, but Brook manages to get a lot in those 85 pages!

We get the intensity of that initial hook-up. We get all of Graham's fears for his dad. We get all of Graham's emotions trying to keep Sam at arms length, while fighting to pull him close. We get all of GRAHAM.

What we don't get is Sam. Any Sam, at all. And that's the only reason I'm giving it 4 stars, because it is single person point of view. Had Sam had a say, this could well have been a 5 star read, it really could!

It's not overly complicated, just two men falling in love while one tries really hard not to. There is no major breakup/make up, no nutty exes. It has some sexy time, and some emotional times, especially when Graham is fighting with himself to look after dad but having to admit that he really can't.

It really is a lovely, if short, read. Passed an hour, while watching the rain, on a Sunday afternoon.

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

Bai Ling recommended Red Corner (1997) in Movies (curated)

Red Corner (1997)
Red Corner (1997)
1997 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’d like to pick Red Corner, because Bai Ling’s in it. [Laughs] Actually, I choose it because out of all the movies that have Asian leading characters, it’s the first to have the most feminine — the most brilliant, modern, intelligent, female character ever in a Hollywood film that portrayed Asian characters. In all other films, it’s a mystery, romance, or kung fu; but here, I played a lawyer, a contemporary woman. And she has a romance with this sex symbol — Richard Gere. That combination is really rare on the silver screen, in Hollywood. I play a lawyer and I fall in love; I’m under a Communist government and helping a foreign man. There’s also a lot of unspoken love underneath. I would sacrifice my life for him. She gives on many, many levels; she’s not only tough and sexy, but there’s intelligence behind it, and a total giving of unconditional love for this man for whom she would die and do anything for. There’s a beauty to her giving up everything for a man whom she’s helping while she’s under danger and pressure from the government — choosing between a country’s love, and being in danger of being destroyed and never seeing this lover that she would do anything for. It’s extremely beautiful and romantic to my heart and my soul, and I have a fantastic and beautiful relationship with my co-star, Richard Gere. So that’s one of my favorite movies forever, because I’m so close to it. These two [characters] are giving their lives to each other, and that love must remain hidden on the surface of the court system; the modern world is harsh. I like that under the harshness there’s a romance, and that romance is so free and so true."

Sweet Temptation
Sweet Temptation
K.C. Lynn | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As I said with Fighting Temptation, basically, how in the ever loving hell have I NOT read this book before!? I absolutely went to jelly knees reading all about ‘Sexy Sawyer’ and his journey with ‘Cupcake’. I didn’t think I could love a character in the MOH series more than I did Jaxon…….but, oh how wrong I was!

Sawyer was witty, HOT AS HELL, and absolutely amazing with his love and devotion for Grace. Those two were absolutely perfect for each other. I loved how patiently persistent Sawyer was with ‘his Cupcake’. That’s exactly how my husband was with me and I could feel all of my own emotions resurfacing.

Grace’s sassiness was the absolute best mixture with Sawyer’s cocky attitude. Following Grace, learning all she went through, and all she lost, was absolutely heart breaking, but seeing her rise above it all, seeing her and Sawyer together, truly was badass in it’s own way and together they baked up as the perfect couple!

Lynn and her trademark angsty work stole my heart with book 1. With book 2, she has become my absolute second favorite author. The deep love these fierce and fearless men have for their witty, challenging women, are wonderfully chiseled into plot lines that have the feels. From start to finish, this book will have you twisted up inside with ALL THE FEELS. All of them. Every last one. But, in the end, you’ll be in love with Sawyer, Grace, and all the men, dying to read the next one. But, be warned…..Sawyer will set you on FIRE and make every part of your body blush in this 5 star read!

*I read this book from Kindle Unlimited and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

Merissa (11758 KP) rated Geleon (Fueled By Lust #9) in Books

Dec 17, 2018 (Updated Jun 8, 2023)  
Geleon (Fueled By Lust #9)
Geleon (Fueled By Lust #9)
Celeste Prater | 2016 | Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Geleon follows the rest of the Fueled by Lust series, in that it is smoking hot, with gorgeous, sexy, alpha males who are also some of the sweetest around, paired up with sassy females full of attitude! Jaelyn leads Geleon on a merry dance, but with Cato on his side (ye gods, I still love that male!!!!) she doesn't stand a chance! Geleon proves that he will do anything to prove to Jaelyn that he is just what she needs.

Geleon receives a shock of his own once Jaelyn's grandmother returns home, plus we find out if 'Ma' is really as senile as she was made out to be. I loved Ma and Eryx, their interaction was wonderful to read, and I really hope I don't have to wait too long for their story.

You see, right here, is the trouble with this series and Celeste Prater! No sooner have you started one book, than you get lost in the story and also find new characters to fall in love with and enjoy, which leads to you wanting the next book immediately!

As for this book, it is full of information that I can't wait to see where it goes or see how the history is intertwined with the present or the future. With action on both sides of the vortex, this is a star in the skies of Insedivertus! This series continues from strength to strength and I love it. Highly recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 8, 2016
Twice in a Blue Moon
Twice in a Blue Moon
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Tate first fell in love on a trip to London, where she met the mysterious Sam Brandis. They shared all their deepest secrets and dreams together every night in their hotel's garden. It was a whirlwind, beautiful romance. Sam was the only person that Tate told her biggest secret: she is the daughter of one of Hollywood's biggest film stars. But their brief love story ended abruptly when Sam betrayed Tate, revealing her secret and outing her to the world. Now, fourteen years later, Tate is a famous actress herself. She's on set on her biggest project to date. The last person she's expecting to see is Sam Brandis. But here he is. Now Tate is forced to confront what happened fourteen years ago--and how it has affected her all these years later.

"What would you do if you got a second chance with your first love?"

Well, I was totally caught up in this captivating romance. I'm a real sucker for Hollywood drama, so this was right up my alley. The daughter of a Hollywood star, who abandoned her and her Mom after a messy divorce? Said daughter grows up and decides to be a film star after being outed by her first love? I'm so in.

This Christina Lauren novel is told just from Tate's point of view, so we don't get some of the back-and-forth POV that we see in some of the duo's other books. There is more drama, less witty banter, than we might see in other books. But there's still plenty of the usual lies, longing, and misunderstandings. There are also lots of sexy moments and romantic interludes, too.

Tate is a fun character; I liked the divide between young Tate and Sam and then cutting to them fourteen years later. Honestly, older Tate is a little clueless at times. It takes her a while to catch on to things that seem pretty obvious to the rest of us. As usual, some things are rather predictable and other moments are a bit overblown, but it didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book. While Sam and Tate might not have had a constant humorous dialogue going, I liked the seriousness that the book brought to their relationship, as well as the funny moments it dropped in too. Tate's family, friends, and co-stars add a lighthearted touch, too.

Overall, this is a sweet, engaging romance. I loved the Hollywood aspect and the changing dynamic between Tate and Sam. 4 stars.
Choose Me (Banger Trilogy #1)
Choose Me (Banger Trilogy #1)
Donya Lynne | 2018 | Erotica, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Awesome 5 star read
This is book ONE in the Banger trilogy, which was previously released as 7 part books. I was going to buy them, all 7 books, once they were all out, but life got in the way and I totally forgot about getting. Until I saw they were being rebranded and rereleased as a trilogy. They were released on Jan 1st 2018 and I purchased all three in one.

And let me ya!! You NEED all three before you start!! Seriosuly, DO NOT attempt these books til you have all three (book one is currently free Jan 6th 2018)

Because this will GRAB you and not let you go! Took me about 90 minutes, to read all 233 pages and I did not move for those 90 minutes!

And you know what?? I did not notice, it did not even occur to me til I was over half way through about something about the way this book is written

First Person
Multi Point of View
Present Tense!

So there I was, merrily reading away, about Katherine and her hunt, about Greyson and his personal affliction and about them doing naughty unexpected things to each other and it hits me! Like a freaking sledgehammer to the face! It hit me that this book, that grabbed me so well, is written in the PRESENT FLIPPING TENSE! For me to get way past half way, for that penny to drop, just shows you how engaging I found Katherine and Greyson.

It is explicit, it's down and dirty. It makes no apologies for being so either! It is, in places, emotional. Not quite the bawl your eyes out, more the kind I wanna stab Katherine's ex's eye out with a blunt pencil, but I have a feeling the bawling is to come. Oh yes, I know its-a-coming!

I Love Ms Lynne's work, and this is an excellent addition to her library.

Off to read book 2, Covet Me now.

5 full and sexy stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Snowed In: Dane and Heath
Snowed In: Dane and Heath
Rafe Jadison | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dane needed a say!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Dane is a good boss, until he makes Heath stay late and they get caught in a snow storm of epic proportions. But after a few beers and some secrets, Dane and Heath find they have more in common that they thought, and neither can deny it any longer.

CUTE!! My first thoughts on finishing this book was, needs to go on the "too stinking cute" shelf!

It's rather sweet, with a little bit of sexy time, some secrets exposed, not overly emotional, but enough emotion comes across in the right places. All the descriptions of the weather, what's happening outside, when the car nearly crashes into the tree, they all came across beautifully, and I reacted verbally to some parts. I don't usually, when reading, but do when listening. But when the car went skidding?? I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Phew, when it stopped!

Only Heath has a say, though, and I think that's why I gave it 4 stars and not 5. Even for such a short book, some 48 pages, if Dane had had a say, if we had gotten into his mind, I think this might have been a 5 star read. Dane has a lot to say here, and not all of it is voiced.

I have one teeny tiny comment about the editing though. In one particular place, Dane's is transposed for Heath's name. I carried on reading, not really noticing UNTIL something happen that DANE did to HEATH, which had happened where the names got mixed up. Just a comment, is all.

Really REALLY cute read, and the first I have read of this author. I'd like to read more, something longer with more bite, a bit more in depth.

4 solid stars (but really only cos Dane doesn't have his say)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
My Pulse (Town of Broward #1)
My Pulse (Town of Broward #1)
Hanna Dale | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really does creep up on ya!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

You know what? I really REALLY enjoyed this book! You'll laugh at me though, cos its first person, present tense AND multi point of view!

If you follow my reviews, you'll know that this, for ME, is the worst way for a book to be written and I have dumped many a book when realising it is written this way. I am, however, so very glad I did NIT dump this one!

So, I went to look to see what else I have read by Ms Dale, and lookit! This is the first book by this author name and I was extremely impressed!

I love the family legend of how each and every one of them would know who their other half was instantly, much like you get with the mates thing in shifter books, but there are no shifters in this book. A witch is mentioned, when Owen is telling Tristan about the legend, and the family legend itself borderes on paranormal, but thats all.

I loved that who was causing problems for Tristan wasn't obvious, and there were a lot of red herrings thrown about!

I loved Stella, Tristan's daughter, and how Owen took to her immediately, with the help of his dog, Huck and that Owen had that MINE moment for Stella as well as Tristan.

It's deeply emotional in places, hilarious in others. Dark and very deadly in places, and super sexy in others. Owen's family are a lot of fun, but Tristan's are . . not so much. I loved the hints that pop up to maybe future books in this series, and I hope I picked those clues up correctly. Be fun, I think, but I sense some of them might be way WAY more emotional than Tristan's!

Can't quite stretch to 5 stars, but a good solid, GREAT . .

4 star read!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Tokyo Heat (Nights #3)
Tokyo Heat (Nights #3)
A.M. Salinger | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
another scorching hot one!!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book three in the series, and you really SHOULD read book one, One Night, first. This is a continuation of Gabe and Cam's story. And it's a 5 star read! Book two, The Escort ain't too shabby either!

A year ago, Cam and Gabe decided one night would never be enough. Then Gabe says those three little words and Cam's world implodes, and he runs.

I loved One Night, made a new shelf for it and everything. But, while still a great, sexy read, I found this one lacking in the emotions i expected with someone running when told I love you.

Oh! Don't get me wrong, these guys still burn high, and hot and long. I just didn't feel connected to Cam as much as I did to Gabe. Because we get Gabe dealing, or rather NOT dealing with the fact that Cam ran, but we don't get much of Cam after he runs, you know??

BUT OH.MY.GOD! When Cam pulls his head out of his ass and gets his act together and finally realises what that pain in his chest is?? That it's what he's feeling for Gabe?? He redeems himself in spectacular fashion! **that fanning again, girls!**

I saw something going on between the two guys who own the company Gabe works for. I wonder what's going on there and whether they will get a story?? It's not book 4 or 5, cos I have those all lined up ready to go, but I HOPE they get a story!

Ah, you know what?? Stuff it! I wrote 4 stars at the top of the page because of that not connecting to Cam thing. But now I'm typing it up, I think that's just CAM, you know?? He doesn't want you to know what he feels for Gabe, what he's dealing with while they are apart. He wants GABE to know, just how deeply he loves him. He DOES love Gabe, he just never thought he could love anyone.

So! Upgrading to...

5 even more scorching stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**