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Chloe (778 KP) rated Truth Seekers in TV

Nov 26, 2020  
Truth Seekers
Truth Seekers
2020 | Comedy
Spooky (4 more)
Nick Frost
Simon Pegg
Gets weird (0 more)
Not quite what I thought
I'm not sure this was exactly what I thought it was going to be. I expected a lot more humour when seeing the cast but I felt it was quite serious with a deep underlying story. The stories were quite good, I particularly liked he Portland Hotel episode. I felt towards the end it got quite silly and the solution seemed very clipped.
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
Shaun of the Dead (2004)
2004 | Comedy, Horror
I rewatched this film the other night, and I honestly had forgotten how funny this was. It's a great horror comedy, and it still makes me laugh. It's definitely my favorite zombie movie. Edgar Wright's direction completely works, and it's an impressive first movie. I also love Simon Pegg in this movie, but I think I love him in every film.
I think I send gifs from this movie all of the time to my friends to express my feelings.
The Boys - Season 1
The Boys - Season 1
2019 | Adventure, Comedy
This show is a great contrast to the current superhero movie mania. The Seven, a superhero group headquartered in NYC, are essentially corrupt, and mostly horrible people.
The cast was great, and I hadn't really heard of any of the actors, aside from Karl Urban, Jack Quaid, and Simon Pegg.
Eight episodes were sufficient enough for me, it did drag a little in the beginning for me. But, that cliffhanger was NOT COOL. Thank god they're already filming season 2!
Truth Seekers
Truth Seekers
2020 | Comedy
Truth Seekers is a slow burn, each episode is a self contained sub plot leading into the next episode and a plotline that leads through he show which. All the episodes are linked to the last one as the events of the series come to a head. There isn't much comedy which is a bit surprising for a Nick Frost/Simon Pegg show but the stories are good and the over arching plot is revealed in a but intriguing way

Kevin Phillipson (9955 KP) rated The Boys in TV

Oct 17, 2019  
The Boys
The Boys
2019 | Action, Crime, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
Karl urban (2 more)
Elizabeth shue
Jack quaid
Halfway through season one loving it so far gonna stick to the end of the season where it goes. Karl urban is fantastic as Billy the butcher he's brilliant in everything he does same goes for the rest of the cast even Simon pegg as hugies dad . Anyway I like the plot what if the justice League or the avengers were total theres a word but it's too rude but u will get my meaning hope there's a second season
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
The occasional funny bit. (0 more)
The story (2 more)
The horror isn't horrific
The comedy isn't funy
I expected more from this cast
Not sure where to go with this, I don't like starting a a film and not finishing it, so I kept going with it, and by the time that it kicked into gear near the end, I found I had lost all interest and was doing a other things while watching it... Not caring who lived and who died....

I expected good things from a cast that included Michael Sheen, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Margot Robbie... However I was massively disappointed, apart from the very occasional funny bit, the humour didn't work and wasn't funny and the horror until near the end was almost non existent...

I was trying to think of some positive things to say but all I could come up with was that the setting the school was in was beautiful and looked amazing, with doesn't really help with summing up the film...

Die hard Simon Pegg/Nick Frost fans will probably like it, but, I think it's a film that you won't miss anything if you don't bother with it.
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
Slaughterhouse Rulez (2018)
2018 | Comedy, Horror
Gore (0 more)
The 'comedy' and creature effects (0 more)
Slaughterhouse Doesn't Rule!
This really pains me to write this as I LOVE Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. Ever since Spaced and Big Train I've loved everything they've done...until now. This black comedy has no laughs! The attempted 'comedy' in this is 'theyre posh' and have funny voices. It really does fall flat at every turn. The characters don't really develop and the creature designs are terrible. It would get a 3/10 but I gave it an extra mark for some good gore but all in all this is a shame and such a massive waste of Pegg, Frost and the (normally) excellent Michael Sheen who again is used for laughs by having a posh voice! Such a shame...I need to go watch Shaun of the Dead to get the bad taste out of my mouth.
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Stephen (210 KP) Mar 3, 2019

Lol, that’s an excellent way of putting it. And these companies complained when people were illegally downloading these type of films - don’t release crap films in the first place then!


Madbatdan82 (341 KP) Mar 3, 2019

Couldn't have put it better myself!