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Throne of Glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J. Maas | 2012 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (91 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (5 more)
Fantastical Creatures
Sarcasm and Humor
Character Development
Female Lead
Romantic Involvement (0 more)
Breaking through the glass roof more like!
Contains spoilers, click to show
I went into reading this book with the expectation that it would be like any typical 'heroine' book where the man actually ends up saving the woman. HELLS was I wrong!
A book with a sarcastic, badass Heroine who doesn't need any man to help her ... Yes I am into it!
This book follows the journey of Celaena Sardothien, a teenage assassin (and when I say teenage I mean 18 Years Old) who has been imprisoned and to then becoming the tyrannical King's 'Champion'. From meeting the Crown-Prince to the Captain of the Royal Guard all the way to the horrific King we meet a variety of different characters. Each of these characters bring different traits, difficulties and challenges to Celaena who must over come them all to survive!
Watching Celaena grow from wanting to only trust herself to ending up trusting in the Princess, Prince and Captain of the Guard is heart-wrenching as you go through the motions of this. The way Sarah J. Maas puts across her character's is truly fascinating.
If you are looking for a book that has humor, sarcasm and sass and so much adventure and fighting - this is the book for you!!

Now I would have done 10 however, SPOILERS - I felt the romantic relationship (if you can call it that) between Celaena and the Prince was not needed in this book and was only placed in to appease some of the readers who wanted romance. I felt that this book honestly didn't need that detail, Celaena is baddass enough without having a man yanking on her arm all the time. Without that little detail I would have given this a ten out of ten.

But even with the romance it does not take away from the general plot of the first book and I cannot wait to start reading the rest of the series to see where Celaena's journey goes being the King's Champion and what mysteries are left to be uncovered from her past and now the future!
Assassin's Heart
Assassin's Heart
Sarah Ahiers | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's Gotta be good with Assassin's in it :)
Contains spoilers, click to show
***Spoilers ahead you’ve been warned***

The world building is really well done with different Families pitted against each other and each one wanting to rise up in the ranks to gain more influence and power. There’s elements of fantasy, as it also involves deities and Gods (each city has their own patron deity). Lea has Safraella for example, who happens to be the Goddess of her city and protects her followers from the ghosts that frequent outside during the night. I loved this concept as it kept the world interesting and played a large role in Lea’s character.

Speaking of Lea. I really enjoyed her as a character. She’s fiercely loyal, headstrong, and her skills are on point. She’s a survivor and once she sets her goals, she does it. Despite all she goes through, she continues to keep going. I love her devotion to Safraella. It may seem fanatical to some but it’s what kept her advancing into her plot for revenge. (Also, she wouldn’t have the drive to go find Les and Marcello)

Although I rather liked Lea and Val together but well he just had to go ahead and do that thing didn’t he but well, Family before family right? Les and Lea were all right. Not the ideal chemistry that I thought she had with Val, but it’s still sweet nevertheless. I can’t say I enjoyed reading the romance in the book though. It felt awkward and out of the place (do we really have time for this when revenge is priority??) and I didn’t care too much for reading about that. I preferred the plotting and surprises that were in store for Lea with the Da Vias.

Aside from the awkward moments of romance, the plot itself was great. It’s got good amounts of action and drama to keep the reading going, and the excellent world building really helps in this case. I especially liked the encounter with Lea and the Goddess Safraella herself. The last third part of the book closed nicely (bwahaha! Revenge was sweet!!!!)

I’m looking forward to the second book, I’d like to know what happens next considering what Lea chose to do.
Fake It Till You Break It
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
From the moment I read the synopsis, I wanted to read Fake It Till You Break It by Jenn P. Nguyen. Fake dating that might backfire on the characters in the end? That sounded like pure fun (for the reader, probably not the characters), and Nguyen delivered. Some people may think the book is predictable and full of clichés, which can definitely be the case depending on reading preferences (and mood).

But if anyone is looking for a light and funny young adult contemporary romance to read, Fake It Till You Break It is the perfect new release from Swoon Reads. Knowing each other since childhood, Mia and Jake have constantly been in each other’s presence thanks to their mothers being friends. From dentist visits to brunch and even vacation, they’ve done practically everything together growing up.

But now that they’re old enough to be in romantic relationships, their moms think the two of them will be perfect (and bonus: they can continue hanging out together if everything goes well). Tiring? Mia and Jake seem to think so. To get their moms off their backs about being the perfect couple, the two devise a plan: pretend to date, then break it off bad enough that they’ll be out of each other’s lives forever. So much for their moms trying to get them together, right?

Spoiler: Joke’s on Mia and Jake.

Mia and Jake were cute together and I loved their individual viewpoints throughout the book as they evolved from “we hate each other” to “maybe we don’t hate each other.” Their voices were easily distinguishable and not confusing between chapters while adding to the story overall. Both of their moms were so much fun to read despite the irritation Mia and Jake felt with the constant pushing for them to be together.

Fake It Till You Break is such a cute and pure romance, and I highly encourage giving Nguyen’s book a chance if you enjoy the fake dating trope and good banter, and you want a light read for the summer.

<a href="">This review is originally posted on The Arts STL</a>

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Kaden (The Hawks #0) in Books

Mar 15, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
Kaden (The Hawks #0)
Kaden (The Hawks #0)
Jennie Lynn Roberts | 2022 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
KADEN is the prequel novella to The Hawks series in which you learn where the Mabin and Tarasque people come from. As the author's note says, it is also a "sexy fantasy romance with plenty of adventure, a courageous heroine, and a brooding hero." I ask you -- does it get better than that?

Kaden has kept his secret for years, knowing it is not safe for him to share. He has grown up alongside Ava and his beast loves her. Fearing for her safety if he reveals his secret, Kaden does the big, strong, silent hero thing of making a decision for her, instead of speaking with her. Now, I do understand his reasons, but I still shook my head! Kaden doesn't realise that Ava has her secrets to keep though. Secrets that aren't hers to tell. But it helps with her understanding in immeasurable ways.

I was warned by the story itself that it is a novella but that didn't help. This is a JLR book for crying out loud. I ALWAYS need more!!! It gave me everything I didn't know I wanted and more besides. It gave me a backstory to the events that lead to Tristan and co. It showed me what it was like for the last dragon. It gave me a mother's dying wish.

This is a free novella you can get by signing up for the newsletter. The question I'm asking is why wouldn't you? If you like fantasy romance, then I highly suggest you get yourself some snacks, prepare a flask of whatever your favourite beverage is so you don't have to move and get comfortable. Start with this novella and then treat yourself to Tristan and the other Hawks. You won't regret it, I promise!

A cracker of a prequel and absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 15, 2022
Dangerous Boy
Dangerous Boy
Mandy Hubbard | 2017 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Filled with cliches, but a quick read
I would call this a guilty pleasure book. Why? Because it’s not the most greatest read out there but you read it anyway because something about it just draws you to continue reading. Whether it be characters, or the cheesy plot albeit ridiculous as it may be.

This is supposed to be a modern day retelling of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. I see some similarities although the way it’s explained (the soul thing) is a bit of a stretch. At least with Jekyll/Hyde he had something concrete and explanatory (eg; the serum that gets him to change personalities).

The book itself is filled with oodles of cliches so it’s not for everyone. It may induce eye rolls and may have some readers frustrated and quit reading altogether. Why did I keep reading? It’s a very simple plot and there’s not much when it comes to twists and turns, there’s a bit of a creepy and chilly factor which was actually pretty well done and I stuck with it. Despite the plot being as it is, the writing was pretty good and I enjoyed it.

A couple of things however. I’m not sure what Madison really had to do with the story. She’s just your average mean girl but doesn’t really add to the plot (except for being a previous romance. Woopie) so to me, this was just unnecessary filler moments in the novel.

Harper isn’t really that likable and there were moments where she goes off the deep end into the realm of stupidity. I do admit though, she’s got good chemistry with Logan and the writing that conveys their feelings towards each other is well done. Logan seems to be a great boyfriend if it wasn’t for that fatal flaw. Harper does tend to have some annoying qualities to herself - being a forgiving doormat for one, and lacking common sense in particular stages of the story (seriously? You’re going to break into a house and you say: “hello?” can we say first one to die in a horror movie here?)

Although this book has quite a few flaws, I couldn’t help but enjoy reading it. It’s a very quick read and it’s like you’re watching a B movie but you enjoyed it despite the many cliches and things you normally wouldn’t watch. There’s just something about it that makes you want to continue reading it. I’m not going to recommend this one, but if you’re up for a quick read to get back into the reading groove, why not?
Dancing on Broken Glass
Ka Hancock | 2012
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think this is the best book I've read in a really long time.

Let's start with a critical analysis and break down the text: First, the writing was really good. Like, Dianne Dixon good, or JK Rowling good. It was filled with flowing and descriptive prose and beautiful metaphors. I could probably write a ten-page paper on some of the literary themes in this novel. It wasn't just fiction for the sake of the story: There was so much beauty about the meaning of life and love and commitment and… well, I'll let you read it.

The pacing was excellent. The very first sentence caught me by the hair and dragged me the whole way through the book. I read most of it in one setting, stopping only to readjust the pillow behind my back.

Now for the really important stuff:

The characters in Dancing on Broken Glass were so epic that I truly didn't want this book to end. They were so wonderful, but so terribly and humanly flawed, just like real people are, that I feel like if I saw Mickey or Lily on the street, I'd recognize them right away.

And boy did I relate to some of these characters!

The ending was just superb. It was heartbreaking, but I knew it was destined from the moment I started reading. It was so perfect and fulfilling that it was worth all the emotional turmoil the rest of the novel put me through.

On that note, it wasn't one of those books that are so hard to read that you can only take it in small doses or that it makes you cry, or extremely emotional readers can't handle it. Nor did it have any offensive language or sex scenes (okay there was some mention of sex, but it wasn't explicit in any way). In fact, it was one of the least offensive novels I've read in a very long time. We're talking years.

The romance was better than anything I've read in any teen novel. The relationships were true and realistic to the core. The flawed characters were just as real to me as I am to myself. The message of hope and grief and dedication and sacrifice will stay with me forever. I hope I never forget this story.

Dancing on Broken Glass was an absolutely beautiful novel. Ka Hancock is going on my Author Watch, and this novel is staying on my "re-read" bookshelf. I recommend it to absolutely anyone willing to hear a really good story.
Hard To Let Go (Haven&#039;s Cove #1)
Hard To Let Go (Haven's Cove #1)
Jaclyn Quinn | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jumping straight in, cos this is gonna be hard to write, so bare with me, okay??

Freaking LOVED this book! And if THIS class of writing is what a first time author can produce, I so very much want to be on the end of the next book!

Because, let me tell ya, there I was, merrily plodding along, reading away, thinking 4 stars, balancing across between 4 and 5, back to 4. Great book, extremely well written from both Owen and Brody's point of view.
Some sexy parts, some emotional parts, even a few funny ones, with Owen's female family members. A good book, just not quite hitting THAT spot yet, you know??

And then it hits, FULL in the face, just why Brody is back in town. I mean, I READ why he was there, I KNEW why he was there, but for some reason it didn't really sink in, you know?? Am I making sense?? Probably not, but I read the words, and then shit got real. And I was faced with a sledgehammer upside the head and I sobbed my bloody socks off. Because I've been there, where Brody was, that dark place, waiting, waiting. You know what's coming, there ain't nothing you can do to stop that freight train, but Lord you wish you could. Just one more day, one more hug. Just one MORE, you know? And its been 11 years, ELEVEN years since I had to sit through that and still, here I am, sobbing while writing this.

I've read two, very different, emotionally heavy books that connected to me on a very personal level. I had two very fluffy romance books before them, and stoopid me wrote the fluffy reviews before tackling these two heavier ones. So I've spent most of this afternoon in tears!

So, when you've read a book that you CANNOT fault, a book that grabs your heart, chews it up, and spits it out again, a book that does that to its characters too. A book that is FLAWLESS in its delivery, its flow. A book that lays out, very nicely, thank you very much, a view of the second book: a window into what's to come, and please Lord let me get the chance to read it, because Gabe and Nate have a story to tell that I really wanna read.

A book such as that can only get.....

5 full stars! Outstanding debut novel from Ms Quinn!
Imperfect Chemistry (Imperfect, #1)
Mary Frame | 2014
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>Imperfect Chemistry</i> might be one of those few New Adult romance novels that I actually really enjoyed...</b>

In the first of Mary Frame's <i>Imperfect</i> series, Lucy London has to come up with an experiment testing how emotions work as a pathogen – a nearly impossible feat since she never had a normal childhood in the first place. She's an absolute genius – in college since thirteen and has a doctorate at twenty or twenty-one.

From the very beginning, <b>Lucy is introduced to us as someone who sounds like a textbook and speaks in tones that are formal.</b> The whole <a title="Out of the Cave by Cotton E. Davis" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">textbook aspect doesn't backfire</a> here – it's pretty much expected from someone who's been in college for awhile. In the process of trying to come up with a hypothesis for her experiment, Lucy tries to become as normal as possible. I personally thought <b>Lucy is absolutely adorable in her attempts to become "normal."</b> She has a desire to run away around those who cry because she has no clue what to do and the whole "solve heartbreak with PJs and ice cream" experience she has with Taylor Swift quotes mixed in with her usual technicalities.

She's <b>very much like David in <i><a title="The Sorcerer's Apprentice" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">The Sorcerer's Apprentice</a></i></b> – they're both socially awkward, and Lucy definitely has her <b>moments in the book where her extremely awkward side comes out.</b> Lucy just has other moments where <b>her attempt to become normal is cute, hilarious, and funny</b> – it's just a lot of fun reading how she becomes more social, experiences emotions, and makes some friends at her university instead of wallowing away in loneliness.

<b>The romance in <i>Imperfect Chemistry</i> went hand in hand with the overall plot of the story</b> – Lucy's experiment isn't exactly on love, but <b>Frame factors in the romance nicely.</b> Jensen and Lucy certainly don't banter or have a <a title="Read Sophia's Confessions of a Queen B* review" href=""; target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">very entertaining relationship like Alexis and Brett do</a>, but they have an <b>in-depth relationship rather than the whole "finally notice each other and think the other is hot, have sex, live happily ever after" or the whole emotional baggage consisting of running away from the past.</b>

I think it's just Lucy in general – she's simply too adorable for words.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>